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Comparative Analysis of the Morphology and Materials Properties of Pinniped VibrissaeGinter, Carly C. 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Vibrissae (whiskers) are important components of the mammalian tactile sensory system, and primarily function as detectors of environmental vibrotactile cues. Pinnipeds possess the largest and most highly innervated vibrissae among mammals and their vibrissae demonstrate a diversity of shapes and likely mechanical properties. These two characteristics are important for vibrotactile sensory perception.
Vibrissae of most phocid seals exhibit a beaded morphology with repeated sequences of crests and troughs along their length. I comparatively characterized differences in vibrissae morphologies among phocid species with a beaded profile, phocid species with a smooth profile, and otariids with a smooth profile using traditional and geometric morphometric methods to test the hypothesis that vibrissal morphologies are species-specific manipulations of a common pattern. The traditional and geometric morphometric datasets were subsequently combined by mathematically scaling each to true rank, followed by a single eigendecomposition. Quadratic discriminant function analysis demonstrated that 79.3, 97.8 and 100% of individuals could be correctly classified to taxon based on vibrissal shape variables in the traditional, geometric and combined morphometric analyses, respectively. At least three separate morphologies were identified since phocids with beaded vibrissae, phocids with smooth vibrissae, and otariids each occupied distinct morphospace in the geometric morphometric and combined data analyses.
Another important characteristic that influences the transduction of vibrotactile information to the mechanoreceptors in the follicle-sinus complex is the materials properties of the vibrissae. Vibrissae were modeled as cantilever beams and flexural stiffness (EI) was measured to test the hypotheses that the shape of beaded vibrissae reduces flexural stiffness and that vibrissae are anisotropic (orientations differ in EI). Species were significantly different and smooth vibrissae were generally stiffer than beaded vibrissae. Beaded vibrissae decrease vibrations in flow, which, combined with lower flexural stiffness values, may enhance detection of small changes in flow from swimming prey. The anterior plane of the vibrissae is likely the most biologically significant in tracking hydrodynamic trails but had lower flexural stiffness values than the dorsoventral orientation. There is likely a complex interaction between shape and mechanical properties in pinniped vibrissae but the ecological and functional implications are currently unknown.
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Structural Behaviour of Lapped Cold-Formed Steel Z-Shaped Purlin Connections with Vertical Slotted HolesLiu, Jingnan January 2014 (has links)
Lapped joints of cold-formed steel (CFS) Z-shaped purlins are extensively used in metal building roof systems. The research that has been carried out so far for these lapped connections is primarily focused on connections with round holes. However, the lapped connections with vertical slotted holes are extensively used in current construction practice to simplify the erection of continuous Z-shaped roof purlins. There is no design guideline or recommendation available for CFS Z-purlin lapped connections with vertical slotted holes.
Presented in this paper are the results of an experimental study and analysis of the structural behaviour of lapped CFS Z-shaped purlin connections with vertical slotted holes. 42 flexural tests were performed on lapped CFS Z-shaped purlins with vertical slotted connections with different lap lengths, purlin depths, thicknesses and spans. The flexural strength and deflection of each specimen were measured. The characteristics of moment resistance and flexure stiffness of the lapped purlins were computed. The test results show that the lapped purlins with vertical slotted holes may be more flexible than the lapped purlins with round holes or continuous purlins without lapped joint. Thus, the slotted connections may need greater lap lengths to achieve full stiffness of continuous purlins. The results also indicate that the characteristics of moment resistance and flexural stiffness in the slotted connections are dependent on the ratio of lap length to purlin depth, the ratio of lap length to purlin thickness, the ratio of purlin depth to purlin thickness, and the ratio of lap length to span. Based on the results, design recommendations for evaluating the moment resistance and flexural stiffness of lapped slotted connections were proposed.
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Emprego de espécies de baixa densidade na reabilitação de vigas de madeira / Use of low density species in the rehabilitation of timber beamsBalanco, Giovana Gobatto 21 February 2018 (has links)
A madeira foi largamente utilizada em edificações no período colonial brasileiro por sua abundância em variadas espécies e a facilidade de obtenção e adaptação aos fins previstos. Muitos destes imóveis ainda existem e abrangem a maior parte do patrimônio histórico e cultural de nossas cidades. Devido à degradação causada pelo tempo e a falta de manutenção adequada destes elementos estruturais, as edificações estão expostas ao risco de colapso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi sugerir um método de reabilitação parcial de vigas estruturais de madeira, pois se notou um problema recorrente nestes elementos em construções antigas pelo fato de acumularem umidade, serem alvos de patologias principalmente na parte superior. Para reabilitação empregamos madeiras de baixa densidade pela facilidade de compra desse material, baixo custo e principalmente por aderir muito bem a tratamento preservativo com CCB, o que garante que a estrutura estará protegida de novos ataques. Além das madeiras de baixa densidade tratadas, parafusos auto atarraxantes foram escolhidos para fazer a união entre as madeiras. Para os ensaios de flexão estática de 3 pontos foram adotados 4 diferentes tipos de parafusos variando o diâmetro e comprimento além disso, o número de parafusos inseridos nos corpos de prova também variou. Este estudo contém a análise de relação entre a quantidade de parafusos auto atarraxantes (que fazem a união das peças) e o produto de rigidez de peças mistas compostas de madeira referência (que simula a viga em estado de degradação) e madeira tratada (substituindo a porção degradada). Para a madeira referencia adotou-se Eucalipto (classe C30 de resistência) e Roxinho (classe C60) e, para madeira tratada adotou-se Pinus e Caxeta (de baixa densidade, ambas da classe C20). Análises estatísticas foram utilizadas para interpretação dos resultados obtidos em laboratório. Estas análises apontaram o crescimento do produto de rigidez das vigas mistas conforme a inserção de parafusos e a partir dai foi possível expressar em formulas a correlação dos dados. Utilizou-se o teste de Tukey para apontar o melhor tratamento para cada tipo de viga mista (Pinus e Eucalipto, Roxinho e Caxeta) além do melhor parafuso a se utilizar. / Wood was widely used in buildings in the Brazilian colonial period because of it is abundant in varied species and the ease of obtaining and adapting to intended purposes. Many of these properties still exist and cover most of historical and cultural heritage of Brazilian cities. Due to the degradation caused by the weather and lack of adequate maintenance of these structural elements, buildings are exposed to risk of collapse. The objective of this work was to suggest a method of partial rehabilitation of structural timber beams, since a recurrent problem was observed in these elements in old constructions due to accumulation of humidity, being targets of pathologies mainly in their upper part. For rehabilitation we use low density wood because of ease to purchasing this material, low cost and mainly for adhering very well to condom treatment with CCB, which ensures that the structure will be protected from further attacks. In addition to the treated low density woods, self-tapping screws were chosen to make union between woods. For tests, 4 different types of screws were used, varying diameter and length, and number of screws inserted in the specimens also varied. This study contains an analysis of relationship between the number of self-tapping screws (which make the joining of pieces) and the rigidity product of composite pieces of reference wood (which simulates beam in degraded state) and treated wood (replacing degraded portion). Eucalyptus (class C30 of resistance) and Roxinho (class C60) were used for reference wood, and Pinus and Caxeta (low density, both of class C20) were used for treated wood. Statistical analyzes were used to interpret results obtained in laboratory. These analyzes indicated growth of product of flexural stiffness according to insertion of screws and from this it was possible to express in formulas a correlation of data. Tukey test was used to indicate the best treatment for each type of mixed beam (Pinus and Eucalyptus, Roxinho and Caxeta) as well as the best screw to be used.
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Comportamento de elementos pré-moldados de concreto com ligações semi-rígidas. / Behaviour of concrete precast elements with semi-rigid connections.Souza, Abner Soares de 01 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-01 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The behaviour of reinforced concrete precast beams is strongly influenced by the flexural
stiffness of its beam-column connections, wherein there is interdependence between the nonlinearity
of the moment-curvature relationship along the beam and the non-linearity of the
moment-rotation relationship of the beam-column connections. In most of the existing
researches on semi-rigid connections in precast structures, the main focus lays on the
characterization of the flexural stiffness by performing experimental tests on isolated models
of beam-column connections instead of tests on sub-frames, comprising beam and
connections. In this research an experimental procedure was developed, wherein different
theoretical equations based on the fixity factor of the connections were combined, allowing
the integration between the stiffness of the reinforced concrete beam with the flexural
stiffness of the beam-column connections. Therefore, by using this procedure it was possible
to evaluate the semi-rigid behaviour of the beam-column connection, highlighting the
possibility of carrying out just one test for the precast beam with its connections. The analyses
of the experimental results indicate that the studied connection was capable of absorbing
around 53% of the elastic beam-end moment at the ULS, compared with the situation of a full
restrained connector, implying the increase of 170% of the positive mid-span moment of the
beam. This level of semi-rigid behaviour for the beam-column connection can affect the
global stability of skeletal precast concrete structures with more than five storeys in height.
For this reason, the present research shows the need for further studies with the purpose of
enhancing the analysis and the design of precast concrete structures for multi-storey buildings. / O comportamento das vigas pré-moldadas de concreto armado é fortemente influenciado pela
rigidez à flexão das ligações viga-pilar, existe uma interdependência entre a não linearidade
da relação momento-curvatura ao longo da viga pré-moldada com a não linearidade da relação
momento-rotação nas ligações viga-pilar. A maioria das investigações experimentais
existentes sobre ligações semi-rígidas em estruturas pré-moldadas, tanto na literatura nacional
quanto internacional, têm enfatizado seus estudos na caracterização da rigidez à flexão de
maneira isolada, não realizando ensaios do comportamento conjunto das vigas pré-moldadas
com as suas ligações. Desenvolve-se nesta pesquisa um procedimento experimental onde se
procurou integrar diversos equacionamentos teóricos com base no fator de restrição aos giros
na ligação, os quais permitiram integrar parâmetros de rigidez da ligação e da viga. Desta
forma, com base nos resultados experimentais em um único ensaio de um modelo de viga
com ligações viga-pilar, foi possível se estimar o engastamento parcial nas ligações viga-pilar.
A partir dos resultados experimentais, a ligação viga-pilar foi capaz de absorver cerca de 53%
dos momentos elásticos na extremidade da viga, havendo assim um acréscimo de 170% no
momento positivo no centro da viga para a situação de projeto no ELU. Este engastamento
parcial pode afetar sensivelmente a estabilidade global de estruturas pré-moldadas com mais
de 5 pavimentos. Por esta razão, o presente estudo aponta para a necessidade de mais
pesquisas nesta área, com o objetivo de possibilitar projetos mais adequados e seguros de
estruturas pré-moldadas em esqueleto para múltiplos pavimentos.
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Estudo da continuidade em ligações laje-viga-pilar em estruturas pré-moldadas de concretoKataoka, Marcela Novischi 26 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-26 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The present research deals with the study of continuity in slab-beam-column connections in precast concrete structures, wherein an experimental investigation about the contribution of longitudinal reinforced bars, passing on the side of the column in the top of the slab, on the connector flexural stiffness. For this study, a beam-to-column connection was selected, comprising concrete corbel with dowel bars and continuity reinforced bars passing trough the column and fulfilling of grout in the interface of the connection. Two tests were carried out for the characterization of the moment-rotation relationship of two different connection prototypes, one with 100% of the continuity reinforced bars passing trough the column and another with 50% trough the column and 50% in the laterals. The experimental results indicate that bars passing on both sides of the column enhanced the moment-rotation relationship for the second prototype, being even more significant for the serviceability stage. However, rotations at the beginning of plasticization of the moment-rotation curve were close for the two prototypes. The results indicate that the transverse reinforcement between the slab and the beam was capable of mobilizing the external longitudinal bars at the same time of the internal longitudinal bars, passing through the column. Additionally, this reinforcement arrangement provided an increase of the cracking control within the connection zone at the end of the beam / No presente trabalho foi estuda a continuidade em ligações laje-viga-pilar em estruturas pré-moldadas de concreto com a realização de uma investigação experimental quanto à contribuição da parcela de armadura passante nas laterais do pilar na capa da laje, tanto para a rigidez à flexão quanto para o controle da fissuração. Para objeto de estudo, selecionou-se uma ligação viga-pilar com consolo de concreto e chumbador, com armadura de continuidade passante no pilar por meio de bainhas lisas preenchidas com graute. Foram realizados ensaios para a caracterização das ligações com dois modelos experimentais, sendo um com 100% da armadura de continuidade passando dentro do pilar e o segundo com 50% dentro do pilar e 50% nas laterais. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que as barras laterais ao pilar contribuíram para aumento da rigidez à flexão, principalmente para a fase de serviço, inferior à carga de projeto. Entretanto, as rotações relativas ao início da plastificação da relação momento-rotação foram próximas para os dois modelos. Acredita-se que o detalhamento empregado para armadura de costura entre a viga e a laje permitiu que as armaduras longitudinais dentro e fora do pilar fossem mobilizadas de forma conjunta, tanto na fase de serviço quanto para a fase de projeto, promovendo um controle efetivo da fissuração na região da ligação
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Closed-form Solutions For Rotating And Non-rotating Beams : An Inverse Problem ApproachSarkar, Korak 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Rotating Euler-Bernoulli beams and non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams are widely used to model important engineering structures. Hence the vibration analyses of these beams are an important problem from a structural dynamics point of view. The governing differential equations of both these type of beams do not yield any simple closed form solutions, hence we look for the inverse problem approach in determining the beam property variations given certain solutions.
Firstly, we look for a rotating beam, with pinned-free boundary conditions, whose eigenpair (frequency and mode-shape) is same as that of a uniform non-rotating beam for a particular mode. It is seen that for any given mode, there exists a flexural stiffness function (FSF) for which the ith mode eigenpair of a rotating beam with uniform mass distribution, is identical to that of a corresponding non-rotating beam with same length and mass distribution. Inserting these derived FSF's in a finite element code for a rotating pinned-free beam, the frequencies and mode shapes of a non-rotating pinned-free beam are obtained. For the first mode, a physically realistic equivalent rotating beam is possible, but for higher modes, the FSF has internal singularities. Strategies for addressing these singularities in the FSF for finite element analysis are provided. The proposed functions can be used as test functions for rotating beam codes and also for targeted destiffening of rotating beams.
Secondly, we study the free vibration of rotating Euler-Bernoulli beams, under cantilever boundary condition. For certain polynomial variations of the mass per unit length and the flexural stiffness, there exists a fundamental closed form solution to the fourth order governing differential equation. It is found that there are an infinite number of rotating beams, with various mass per unit length variations and flexural stiffness distributions, which share the same fundamental frequency and mode shape. The derived flexural stiffness polynomial functions are used as test functions for rotating beam numerical codes. They are also used to design rotating cantilever beams which may be required to vibrate with a particular frequency.
Thirdly, we study the free vibration of non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams, under fixed-fixed and fixed-hinged boundary conditions. For certain polynomial variations of the material mass density, elastic modulus and shear modulus, there exists a fundamental closed form solution to the coupled second order governing differential equations. It is found that there are an infinite number of non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams, with various material mass density, elastic modulus and shear modulus distributions, which share the same fundamental frequency and mode shape. They can be used to design non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams which may be required for certain engineering applications.
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Comportamento de vigas protendidas pré-moldadas com ligações semi-rígidas.Catoia, Bruna 28 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The behaviour of prestressed precast beams is directly affected by the rotational stiffness of
the end connections. Although the prestressed beam presents a linear behaviour in service,
the effective behaviour of the precast beam depends on the interaction of the beam with the
behaviour of its connections. The majority of the experimental investigations on semi-rigid
connections in precast concrete structures are focused on the testing of isolated models of
connections aiming to the characterization of their moment-rotation relationships. However,
the effective behaviour of precast beams with semi-rigid connections can only be determined
through tests of precast subframes, wherein the interaction of the beam with its connections
can be evaluated. The present research presents a development of an experimental procedure
for testing of precast subframes with semi-rigid connections, which integrates analytical
equations, allowing estimate the partial restrained moment at the beam-column connections.
Using this approach, this research presents the results of an experimental investigation. With
the experimental inquiry of the prestressed beam behavior together with the beam-column
connections of extremity, through physical tests, was possible esteem the partial restrained in
the beam-column connections, despite in exploratory character. Were testing two models,
being one compose for a prestressed beam with semi-rigid connections, and the other
compose for a simply supported prestressed beam With the analyses of the experimental results for the studied models, the effective restrained of the connections, in other words, the capacity of restriction to the rotation of beam-column connections of extremity in the U.L.S,
was esteem as being a value between 60% and 70%, presenting, thus, a good performance.
Although these results are restricted to the negative moments, it gives credit that these
connections possess one high potential for application in porches, because the detail used in
the interface between the beam and the column made possible a bigger capacity of restriction
to the rotation of the connection / O comportamento das vigas pré-moldadas de concreto protendido é diretamente afetado pela
relação momento-rotação do apoio. Dessa forma, embora a viga protendida apresente um
comportamento linear, o comportamento conjunto viga e ligações, é determinado pela não
linearidade das ligações. Os estudos experimentais existentes sobre o comportamento das
ligações semi-rígidas em estruturas pré-moldadas têm se restringido a caracterização da
rigidez à flexão de maneira isolada, devido principalmente à falta de uma metodologia
experimental que integre parâmetros teóricos de controle, como o fator de restrição à rotação
αR e o procedimento Beam-line. Na presente pesquisa, desenvolveu-se um procedimento
experimental, através do qual foi possível integrar diversos equacionamentos teóricos, que
levam em consideração diferentes parâmetros para a análise dos resultados. Com a
investigação experimental do comportamento conjunto de uma viga pré-moldada de concreto
protendido e de suas ligações viga-pilar de extremidade, a partir de ensaios físicos de dois
modelos, foi possível estimar o engastamento parcial nas ligações viga-pilar. Foram
ensaiados dois modelos, sendo um composto por uma viga protendida com ligações semirígidas,
e o outro composto por uma viga protendida bi-apoiada, ainda que em caráter
exploratório Com base nas análises dos resultados experimentais obtidos para os modelos
estudados, o engastamento parcial efetivo da ligação, ou seja, a capacidade de restrição à
rotação da ligação viga-pilar de extremidade, no Estado Limite Último, foi estimada como
sendo um valor entre 60% e 70%, apresentando, assim, um bom desempenho. Embora tais
resultados sejam restritos aos momentos negativos, acredita-se que essa ligação possui um
elevado potencial para aplicação em pórticos, na medida em que o detalhe utilizado na
interface entre a viga e o pilar possibilitou uma maior capacidade de restrição ao giro da ligação
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