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Investigation of the Flowfield Surrounding Small Photodriven Flapping WingsBani Younes, Ahmad Hani 19 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimental System Effects on Interfacial Shape and Included Volume in Bubble Growth StudiesWickizer, Gabriel Benjamin 25 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Mechanical Effects of Flow on CO2 Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel PipelinesLi, Wei 21 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimental Heat Transfer, pressure drop, and Flow Visualization of R-134a in Vertical Mini/Micro TubesOwhaib, Wahib January 2007 (has links)
For the application of minichannel heat exchangers, it is necessary to have accurate design tools for predicting heat transfer and pressure drop. Until recently, this type of heat exchangers was not well studied, and in the scientific literature there were large discrepancies between results reported by different investigators. The present thesis aims to add to the knowledge of the fundamentals of single- and two-phase flow heat transfer and pressure drop in narrow channels, thereby aiding in the development of this new, interesting technology with the possibility of decreasing the size of electronics through better cooling, and of increasing the energy efficiency of thermal processes and thermodynamic cycles through enhanced heat transfer. A comprehensive experimental single-phase flow and saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop study has been carried out on vertical stainless steel tubes with inner diameters of 1.700, 1.224 and 0.826 mm, using R-134a as the test fluid. The heat transfer and pressure drop results were compared both to conventional correlations developed for larger diameter channels and to correlations developed specifically for microscale geometries. Contrary to many previous investigations, this study has shown that the test data agree well with single-phase heat transfer and friction factor correlations known to be accurate for larger channels, thus expanding their ranges to cover mini/microchannel geometries. The main part of the study concerns saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop. Tests with the same stainless steel tubes showed that the heat transfer is strongly dependent on heat flux, but only weakly dependent on mass flux and vapor fraction (up to the location of dryout). This behavior is usually taken to indicate a dominant influence of nucleate boiling, and indicates that the boiling mechanism is strongly related to that in nucleate boiling. The test data for boiling heat transfer was compared to several correlations from the literature, both for macro- and mini-channels. A new correlation for saturated flow boiling heat transfer of refrigerant R-134a correlation was obtained based on the present experimental data. This correlation predicts the presented data with a mean absolute deviation of 8%. The frictional pressure drop results were compared to both macro- and mini channel correlations available from the literature. The correlation suggested by Qu and Mudawar (2003) gave the best prediction to the frictional two-phase pressure drop within the studied ranges. A unique visualization study of saturated flow boiling characteristics in a vertical 1.332 mm inner diameter quartz tube, coated with a transparent heater has also been conducted. The complete evaporation process in a heated circular mini-channel has been studied visually in detail using high speed CCD camera. The study revealed the developments of the flow patterns and the behavior from bubble nucleation to the dry out of the liquid film. The bubble departure frequency, diameter, growth rate, and velocity were determined by analyzing the images. Finally, a flow pattern map for boiling flow in microchannels has been developed based on the test data. / QC 20100812
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Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Flow Development over Circular Cylinders with Stepwise Discontinuities in DiameterMorton, Christopher R 26 August 2010 (has links)
Flow past circular cylinders with stepwise discontinuities in diameter was investigated experimentally and numerically for the diameter ratio D/d = 2 and three Reynolds numbers, Re = 150, 300, and 1050. The investigation was focused on the vortex shedding phenomena occurring in the wake of the cylinders.
In the first series of experimental and numerical studies, the flow development past a single step cylinder was investigated. The single step cylinder model is comprised of a small diameter cylinder (d) attached coaxially to a large diameter cylinder (D). The results show that three distinct spanwise vortex cells form in the step cylinder wake: a single vortex shedding cell in the wake of the small cylinder (the S-cell) and two vortex shedding cells in the wake of the large cylinder, one in the region downstream of the step (the N-cell) and the other away from the step (the L-cell). Due to the differences in vortex shedding frequencies between the three cells, complex vortex connections occur in two vortex-interaction regions located between the adjacent cells. The region at the boundary between the S-cell and the N-cell is relatively narrow and its spanwise extent does not fluctuate significantly. In this region, vortex dislocations manifested as half-loop connections between two S-cell vortices of opposite sign. In contrast, the region at the boundary between the N-cell and the L-cell exhibits a transient behavior, with large scale vortex dislocations causing cyclic variation in the extent of N-cell vortices. For Re = 300 and 1050, small scale streamwise vortices forming in the wake complicate the vortex dynamics within the adjacent S-cell and L-cell. There is no significant Reynolds number effect on the average spanwise extent of the vortex cells and the two transition regions between neighboring cells. Finally, formation of N-cell vortices is linked to downwash fluctuations near the step.
The flow development past a dual step cylinder was studied experimentally for Re = 1050. The dual step cylinder model is comprised of a small diameter cylinder (d) and a large diameter cylinder (D) mounted at the mid-span of the small cylinder. The experiments were completed for a range of large cylinder aspect ratios 0.2 ≤ L/D ≤ 17. The flow development is highly dependent on the aspect ratio of the large cylinder, L/D. The results identify four distinct flow regimes: (i) for L/D = 17, three vortex shedding cells form in the wake of the large cylinder, one central cell and two cells of lower frequency extending over about 4.5D from the large cylinder ends, (ii) for 7 < L/D ≤ 14, a single vortex shedding cell forms in the wake of the large cylinder, whose shedding frequency decreases with decreasing L/D, (iii) for 2 ≤ L/D ≤ 7, vortex shedding in the wake of the large cylinder is highly three-dimensional, with vortices deforming in the near wake, (iv) for 0.2 ≤ L/D ≤ 1, only small cylinder vortices are shed in the wake and can form vortex connections across the wake of the large cylinder.
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Example-based Rendering of Textural PhenomenaKwatra, Vivek 19 July 2005 (has links)
This thesis explores synthesis by example as a paradigm for rendering real-world phenomena. In particular, phenomena that can be visually described as texture are considered. We exploit, for synthesis, the self-repeating nature of the visual elements constituting these texture exemplars. Techniques for unconstrained as well as constrained/controllable synthesis of both image and video textures are presented.
For unconstrained synthesis, we present two robust techniques that can perform spatio-temporal extension, editing, and merging of image as well as video textures. In one of these techniques, large patches of input texture are automatically aligned and seamless stitched with each other to generate realistic looking images and videos. The second technique is based on iterative optimization of a global energy function that measures the quality of the synthesized texture with respect to the given input exemplar.
We also present a technique for controllable texture synthesis. In particular, it allows for generation of motion-controlled texture animations that follow a specified flow field. Animations synthesized in this fashion maintain the structural properties like local shape, size, and orientation of the input texture even as they move according to the specified flow. We cast this problem into an optimization framework that tries to simultaneously satisfy the two (potentially competing) objectives of similarity to the input texture and consistency with the flow field. This optimization is a simple extension of the approach used for unconstrained texture synthesis.
A general framework for example-based synthesis and rendering is also presented. This framework provides a design space for constructing example-based rendering algorithms. The goal of such algorithms would be to use texture exemplars to render animations for which certain behavioral characteristics need to be controlled. Our motion-controlled texture synthesis technique is an instantiation of this framework where the characteristic being controlled is motion represented as a flow field.
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Analysis of Binary Fluid Heat and Mass Transfer in Ammonia-Water AbsorptionBohra, Lalit Kumar 24 July 2007 (has links)
An investigation of binary fluid heat and mass transfer in ammonia-water absorption was conducted. Experiments were conducted on a horizontal-tube falling-film absorber consisting of four columns of six 9.5 mm (3/8 in) nominal OD, 0.292 m (11.5 in) long tubes, installed in an absorption heat pump. Measurements were recorded at both system and local levels within the absorber for a wide range of operating conditions (nominally, desorber solution outlet concentrations of 5 - 40% for three nominal absorber pressures of 150, 345 and 500 kPa, for solution flow rates of 0.019 - 0.034 kg/s.). Local measurements were supplemented by high-speed, high-resolution visualization of the flow over the tube banks. Using the measurements and observations from videos, heat and mass transfer rates, heat and vapor mass transfer coefficients for each test condition were determined at the component and local levels.
For the range of experiments conducted, the overall film heat transfer coefficient varied from 923 to 2857 W/m<sup>2</sup>-K while the vapor and liquid mass transfer coefficients varied from 0.0026 to 0.25 m/s and from 5.51×10<sup>-6</sup> to 3.31×10<sup>-5</sup> m/s, respectively. Local measurements and insights from the video frames were used to obtain the contributions of falling-film and droplet modes to the total absorption rates. The local heat transfer coefficients varied from 78 to 6116 W/m<sup>2</sup>-K, while the local vapor and liquid mass transfer coefficients varied from -0.04 to 2.8 m/s and from -3.59×10<sup>-5</sup> (indicating local desorption in some cases) to 8.96×10<sup>-5</sup> m/s, respectively. The heat transfer coefficient was found to increase with solution Reynolds number, while the mass transfer coefficient was found to be primarily determined by the vapor and solution properties. Based on the observed trends, correlations were developed to predict heat and mass transfer coefficients valid for the range of experimental conditions tested. These correlations can be used to design horizontal tube falling-film absorbers for ammonia-water absorption systems.
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Dynamics Of Early Stages Of Transition In A Laminar Separation BubbleSuhas, Diwan Sourabh 02 1900 (has links)
This is an experimental and theoretical study of a laminar separation bubble and the associated transition dynamics in its early stages. The separation of a laminar boundary layer from a solid surface is prevalent in very many flow situations such as over gas turbine blades (especially in the low-pressure turbine stage) and the wings of micro-aero-vehicles (MAVs) that operate at fairly low Reynolds numbers. Flow separation occurs in such cases due to the presence of an adverse pressure gradient. The separated shear layer becomes unstable due to the presence of an inflection point and presumably transitions to turbulence rapidly. Eventually, there is reattachment back to the solid surface further downstream, if conditions are right. The region enclosed by the shear layer is called a laminar separation bubble and has been a subject of many studies in the past.
The present experiments have been conducted in a closed-circuit wind tunnel. A separation bubble was obtained on the upper surface of a flat plate by appropriately contouring the top wall of the tunnel. Four different techniques were used for qualitative and quantitative study viz. surface flow visualisation, smoke flow visualisation, surface pressure measurements and hotwire anemometry. Response of the bubble to both natural as well as artificial (impulsive excitation) disturbance environment has been studied.
Linear stability analyses (both Orr-Sommerfeld and Rayleigh calculations), in the spatial framework, have been performed for the mean velocity profiles starting from an attached adverse pressure gradient boundary layer all the way up to the front portion of the separation bubble region (i.e. up to the end of the dead-air region where linear evolution of disturbances could be expected). The measured velocity profiles (both attached and separated) were fitted with analytical model profiles for doing stability calculations.
A separation bubble consists of aspects of both wall-bounded and wall-free shear layers and therefore both viscous and inviscid mechanisms are expected to be at play. Most of the studies in the literature point to the inviscid instability associated with the shear layer to be the main mechanism. The main aim of the present work is to understand the exact origin of the primary instability mechanism responsible for the amplification of disturbances. We argue that at least up to the front portion of the bubble, the instability mechanism is due to the inflectional mode associated with the mean velocity profile. However, the seeds of this inviscid inflectional instability could be traced back to the attached boundary layer upstream of separation. In other words, the inviscid inflectional instability of the separated shear layer should be logically seen as an extension of the instability of the upstream attached adverse-pressure-gradient boundary layer. This modifies the traditional view that pegs the origin of the instability in a separation bubble to the free shear layer outside the bubble with its associated Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism. Our contention is that only when the separated shear layer has moved considerably away from the wall (and this happens near the maximum height of the mean bubble) that a description by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability paradigm with its associated scaling principles could become relevant. We also propose a new scaling for the most amplified frequency for a wall-bounded shear layer in terms of the inflection point height and the vorticity thickness, and show its universality.
Next, we theoretically investigate the role played by the re-circulating region of the separation bubble in the linear instability regime. In the re-circulating region near the wall, associated with the so-called wall mode, the production of disturbance kinetic energy is found to be negative. This is a very interesting observation which has been cursorily noted in earlier studies. Here we show that the near-wall negative production region exerts a stabilising influence on the downstream travelling disturbances. A theoretical support for such a mechanism to exist close to the wall is presented. It is shown that the stabilising wall-proximity effect is not a peripheral aspect but has a significant effect on the overall stability especially for the waves close to the upper neutral branch. We demonstrate the appropriateness of inviscid analysis for the stability of the separated flow velocity profile away from the wall, by comparing the numerical solutions of Rayleigh and Orr-Sommerfeld equations. Following this, the analytical consequences of the Rayleigh equation such as the inflection point criterion and the Fjortoft criterion are derived for the wall-bounded inflectional velocity profiles. Furthermore, we also discuss the relevance of the negative production region towards flow control and management for the wall-bounded flows.
It appears fruitful to divide the separation bubble region into two parts with respect to the nature of disturbance dynamics: one outside the mean dividing streamline (which behaves as an amplifier) and the other inside the bubble corresponding to the re-circulating region (having oscillator type characteristics). To explore the oscillator-like behaviour of the bubble further, we have carried out spatio-temporal stability analysis of the reversed flow velocity profiles and determined the conditions for the onset of absolute instability. We contend that the presence of the negative production region for the upstream travelling waves has a restraining effect arresting the tendency of the flow (both wall-free and wall-bounded) to become absolutely unstable and thereby requiring a particular threshold of the backflow velocity to be crossed for its realisation. Moreover, the delay in the onset of absolute instability for a wall-bounded profile as compared to a free shear layer is attributed to a certain ‘negative-drag’ effect of the wall on the overall flow which increases the group velocities for the wall-bounded flows.
A related theme in the literature regarding the dynamics of laminar separation bubbles is the so-called ‘bursting’ of the bubble wherein there is a sudden increase in the length and height of the bubble as some critical conditions are reached. Bubbles before bursting are termed as ‘short’ bubbles and those after bursting as ‘long’ bubbles. In this work, we provide a criterion to predict bursting which is a refinement over the existing criteria. The proposed criterion takes into account not just the length of the bubble but also the maximum height and it is shown to be more universal in differentiating short bubbles from the long ones, as compared to the other criteria. We also present a hypothesis regarding the sequence of events leading to bubble bursting by relating its onset to the instability of the re-circulating region. For this we observe that as the amount of backflow velocity is increased for a reversed flow velocity profile, the inflection point moves inside the mean dividing streamline and this happens before the onset of absolute instability. This causes a vorticity maximum to develop inside the re-circulating region which could lead to the instability of the closed streamlines with respect to two-dimensional cylindrical disturbances. The actual bursting process may be expected to involve non-linear interactions of the disturbances and the long bubble could be a nonlinearly saturated state of the instability of the re-circulating region.
In order to explore the three-dimensionality associated with the bubble, extensive surface flow visualisation experiments have been performed. The surface streamline pattern is obtained for the entire span of the plate for three different freestream velocities. The patterns have been interpreted using topological ideas and various critical points have been identified. It is shown that the arrangement of critical points satisfies the ‘index theorem’ which is a topological necessity and the streamline patterns are ‘structurally stable’. An interesting observation from these patterns is the presence of three-dimensionality upstream of the separation line close to the wall even though the oncoming flow is nominally two-dimensional. Using the critical point theory, we propose a hypothesis which could be used to construct a semi-empirical model wherein the critical points are assigned with a quantity called ‘strength’ for determining the extent of upstream influence of a given separation line.
Finally, we derive a necessary condition for the existence of inviscid spatial instability in plane parallel flows. It states that for spatial instability the curvature of the velocity profile should be positive in some region of the profile. This includes Rayleigh’s inflection point theorem (which was proposed and proved by Rayleigh for temporal instability) as a special case. It thus provides a rigorous basis for applying the inflection point criterion to the flows in the framework of spatial stability theory (which we have used extensively in the present thesis). Moreover, the condition derived here is more general as it also includes velocity profiles with the curvature positive everywhere which are excluded by Rayleigh’s theorem in the temporal framework. An example of such a profile is presented (Couette-Poiseuille flow with adverse pressure gradient) and it is shown that this flow is an exceptional case which is temporally stable but spatially unstable. Eigenvalue calculations as well as energy considerations suggest that the mechanism governing instability of this flow is inviscid and non-inflectional in character. This is a new result which could have important implications in understanding the instability dynamics of parallel flows.
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Flow Over A Circular Cylinder With A Flexible Splitter PlateShukla, Sanjay Kumar 05 1900 (has links)
Previous work on rigid splitter plates in the wake of a bluff body has shown that the primary vortex shedding can be suppressed for sufficiently long splitter plates. In the present work, we study the problem of a flexible splitter plate in the wake of a circular cylinder. In this case, the splitter plate can deform due to the fluid forces acting on it, and hence the communication between the two sides of the wake is not totally disrupted like in the rigid splitter plate case. In particular, we study two kinds of flexible splitter plates. In the first case, the splitter plate is rigid but is flexibly mounted (hinged) to the cylinder, while in the second case, the entire splitter plate is flexible. We are interested in both the dynamics of the splitter plate, if they do vibrate at all, and in the wake dynamics downstream of the flexible splitter plates. The main parameters in the problem are the splitter plate length (L) to cylinder diameter (D) ratio, the relative mass of the plate, the Reynolds number, and the stiffness and internal damping associated with the flexible plate. In our study, we investigate this problem in the limit where the stiffness and internal damping of the plate are negligible and hence are not parameters of interest.
For the hinged-rigid splitter plate case, experiments show that the splitter plate oscillations increase with Reynolds numbers at low values of Re, and are found to reach a saturation amplitude level at higher Re. This type of saturation amplitude level that appears to continue indefinitely with Re, appears to be related to the fact that there is no structural restoring force in this case, and has been seen previously for elastically-mounted cylinders with no restoring force. In the present case, the saturation tip amplitude level can be up to 0.45D,where D is the cylinder diameter. For this hinged-rigid splitter plate case, it is found that the splitter plate length to cylinder diameter (L/D) ratio is crucial in determining the character and magnitude of the oscillations. For small splitter plate lengths (L/D ≤ 3.0), the oscillations appear to be nearly periodic with tip amplitudes of about 0.45D nearly independent of L/D. The non-dimensional oscillation frequencies (fD/U ) on the other hand are found to continuously vary with L/D from fD/U ≈ 0.2at L/D =1 to fD/U ≈ 0.1 at L/D = 3. As the splitter plate length is further increased beyond L/D ≥ 4.0, the character of the splitter plate oscillations suddenly changes. The oscillations become aperiodic with much smaller amplitudes. In this long splitter plate regime, the spectra of the oscillations become broadband, and are reminiscent of the change in character of the wake oscillations seen in the earlier fixed-rigid splitter plate case for L/D ≥ 5.0. It appears that the vortex shedding is nearly inhibited for L/D ≥ 4.0 in the present case. This is also supported by measurements of the wake vorticity field from Particle-Image Velocimetry (PIV). The phase-averaged PIV vorticity fields show that the strength of the shed vortices decreases rapidly as the splitter plate length increases. For longer splitter plates, L/D ≥ 4.0, the plate oscillations are no longer periodic, and hence it appears that the wake vortices are not synchronized with the splitter plate motions.
For the entirely-flexible splitter plate case, the splitter plate deformations appear to be in the form of a travelling wave. In this case, the tip amplitudes are significantly larger of the order of 1.1D, and the non-dimensional oscillation frequency (fD/U )is close to 0.2, approximately the same as the Strouhal number for the bare cylinder. In sharp contrast to the hinged-rigid splitter plate case, the non-dimensional amplitude and frequency appear to be nearly independent of the normalized splitter plate length (L/D)even up to L/D =7.0. PIV measurements of the wake vorticity field indicates that there appears to be a nearly continuous sheet of vorticity on both sides of the flexible splitter plate, and the vortex sheet sheds and forms distinct vortices only at the trailing edge of the plate. The strength of these shed vortices appears to be close to that of the bare cylinder at similar Re. The results appear to suggest that in this entirely-flexible case, the vortices form at the same frequency and are of the same strength as in the bare cylinder case, but their formation is just pushed further downstream. This would suggest that in this case, the base suction and drag could be lower than the bare cylinder. Further, the formation of vortices further downstream of the body could imply that this type of flexible splitter plate could be useful to suppress vortex-induced vibrations (VIV).
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Investigations On Film Cooling At Hypersonic Mach Number Using Forward Facing Injection From Micro-Jet ArraySriram, R 01 August 2008 (has links)
A body in a hypersonic flow field will experience very high heating especially during re-entry. Conventionally this problem is tackled to some extent by the use of large angle
blunt cones. At the cost of increased drag, the heat transfer rate is lower over most parts of the blunt body, except in a region around the stagnation point. Thus even with blunt cones, management of heat transfer rates and drag on bodies at hypersonic speeds
continues to be an interesting research area. Various thermal protection systems have
been proposed in the past, like heat sink cooling, ablation cooling and aerospikes. The
ablative cooling system becomes extremely costly when reusability is the major concern.
Also the shape change due to ablation can lead to issues with the vehicle control. The
aerospikes themselves may become hot and ablate at hypersonic speeds. Hence an
alternate form of cooling system is necessary for hypersonic flows, which is more
feasible, cost effective and efficient than the conventional cooling systems.
Injection of a mass of cold fluid into the boundary layer through the surface is one
of the potential cooling techniques in the hypersonic flight corridors. These kinds of
thermal protection systems are called mass transfer cooling systems. The injection of the mass may be through discrete slots or through a porous media. When the coolant is
injected through a porous media over the entire surface, the coolant comes out as a
continuous mass. Such a cooling system is also referred as “transpiration cooling
system”. When the fluid is injected through discrete slots, the system is called as “film
cooling system”. In either case, the coolant absorbs the incoming heat through its rise in
enthalpy and thus modifies the boundary layer characteristics in such a way that the heat flow rate to the surface is less. Injection of a forward facing jet (opposite to the freestream direction) from the stagnation point of a blunt body can be used for mitigating both the aerodynamic drag and heat transfer rates at hypersonic Mach numbers. If the jet has enough momentum it can push the bow shock forward, resulting in reduced drag. This will also reduce heat transfer rate over most part of the body except around the jet re-attachment region. A reattachment shock impinging on the blunt body invariably increases the local heat flux. At lower momentum fluxes the forward facing jet cannot push the bow shock ahead of the blunt body and spreads easily over the boundary layer, resulting in reduced heat transfer rates. While the film cooling performance improves with mass flow rate of the jet, higher momentum flow rates can lead to a stronger reattachment leading to higher heat transfer rate at the reattachment zone. If we are able to reduce the momentum flux of the coolant for the same mass flow rate, the gas coming out can easily spread over the boundary layer and it is possible to improve the film cooling performance.
In all the reported literature, the mass flow rate and the momentum flux are not
varied independently. This means, if the mass flow rate is increased, there is a
corresponding increase in the momentum flux. This is because the injection (from a
particular orifice and for a particular coolant gas) is controlled only by the total pressure of injection and free stream conditions. The present investigation is mainly aimed at demonstrating the effect of reduction in momentum of the coolant (injected opposing a hypersonic freestream from the stagnation point of a blunt cone), keeping the mass flow rate the same, on the film cooling performance. This is achieved by splitting a single jet into a number of smaller jets of same injection area (for same injection total pressure and same free stream conditions). To the best of our knowledge there is no report on the use
of forward facing micro-jet array for film cooling at hypersonic Mach numbers. In this
backdrop the main objectives of the present study are:
• To experimentally demonstrate the effect of splitting a single jet into an array of closely spaced smaller micro-jets of same effective area of injection (injected opposite to a hypersonic freestream from the stagnation zone), on the reduction in surface heat transfer rates on a large angle blunt cone.
· Identifying various parameters that affect the flow phenomenon and doing a systematic investigation of the effect of the different parameters on the surface heat transfer rates and drag.
Experimental investigations are carried out in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel on
the film cooling effectiveness. Coolant gas (nitrogen and helium) is injected opposing
hypersonic freestream as a single jet (diameter 2 mm and 0.9 mm), and as an array of iv micro jets (diameter 300 micron each) of same effective area (corresponding to the
respective single jet). The coolant gas is injected from the stagnation zone of a blunt cone model (58o apex angle and nose radius of 35 mm). Experiments are performed at a flow freestream Mach number of 5.9 at 0o angle of attack, with a stagnation enthalpy of 1.84 MJ/Kg, with and without injections. The ratios of the jet stagnation pressure to the pitot pressure (stagnation pressure ratio) used in the present study are 1.2 and 1.45. Surface convective heat transfer measurements using platinum thin film sensors, time resolved schlieren flow visualization and aerodynamic drag measurements using accelerometer force balance are used as flow diagnostics in the present study. The theoretical stagnation
point heat transfer rate without injection for the given freestream conditions for the test model is 79 W/cm2 and the corresponding aerodynamic drag from Newtonian theory is
143 N. The measured drag value without injection (125 N) shows a reasonable match
with theory. As the injection is from stagnation zone it is not possible to measure the surface heat transfer rates at the stagnation point. The sensors thus are placed from the nearest possible location from the stagnation point (from 16 mm from stagnation point on the surface). The sensors near the stagnation point measures a heat transfer rate of 65 W/cm2 on an average without any injection. Some of the important conclusions from the study are:
• Up to 40% reduction in surface heat transfer rate has been measured near the
stagnation point with the array of micro jets, nitrogen being the coolant, while the
corresponding reduction was up to 30% for helium injection. Considering the single jet injection, near the stagnation point there is either no reduction in heat transfer rate or a slight increase up to 10%.
· Far away from stagnation point the reduction in heat transfer with array of micro-jets is only slightly higher than corresponding single jet for the same pressure ratio. Thus the cooling performance of the array of closely spaced micro jets is
better than the corresponding single jet almost over the entire surface.
• The time resolved flow visualization studies show no major change in the shock
standoff distance with the low momentum gas injection, indicating no major changes in other aerodynamic aspects such as drag.
· The drag measurements also indicate that there is virtually no change in the overall aerodynamic drag with gas injection from the micro-orifice array.
· The spreading of the jets injected from the closely spaced micro-orifice array over
the surface is also seen in the visualization, indicating the absence of a region of strong reattachment.
· The reduction in momentum flux of the injected mass due to the interaction
between individual jets in the case of closely spaced micro-jet array appears to be
the main reason for better performance when compared to a single jet.
The thesis is organized in six chapters. The importance of film cooling at hypersonic speeds and the objectives of the investigation are concisely presented in
Chapter 1. From the knowledge of the flow field with counter-flow injection obtained
from the literature, the important variables governing the flow phenomena are organized
as non-dimensional parameters using dimensional analysis in Chapter 2. The description of the shock tunnel facility, diagnostics and the test model used in the present study is given in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 describes the results of drag measurements and flow visualization studies. The heat transfer measurements and the observed trends in heat transfer rates with and without coolant injection are then discussed in detail in Chapter 5. Based on the obtained results the possible physical picture of the flow field is discussed
in Chapter 6, followed by the important conclusions of the investigation.
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