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On the floral rewards and flower-visitor assemblages of annual urban flower meadow seed mixesGodfrey, Thomas George January 2017 (has links)
Flower seed mixes are increasingly used to enhance the biodiversity and amenity values of urban green spaces. Urban or “pictorial” flower seed mixes are often used because they are designed using cultivars and non-native species to provide more colourful and longer-lasting flower displays. Although these seed mixes are effective in providing a high density of large colourful flowers, over an extended season, their value for biodiversity, and in particular the floral rewards they provide for flower-visitors, is largely unknown. The overall aim of my thesis was to assess and improve the value of these new urban habitats as forage resources for flower-visiting insects. My approach was to quantify and compare floral reward provision and insect visitation between meadows grown from three exemplar commercial pictorial flower meadow seed mixes (called Marmalade Annual, Short Annual and Cornfield Annual). I also compared these standard commercial mixes with corresponding ‘nectar-enriched’ formulations, which were designed by increasing the proportional seed weight contribution of selected species predicted to produce high quantities of nectar within each mix. To compare floral rewards and visitation between meadows grown from these seed mixes, I set up a field experiment in Sheffield, UK, using a complete randomised block design with six replicate blocks, each with six 25 m2 plots sown with one of the six seed mix treatments. My first objective was to quantify the floral nectar and pollen rewards provided by each flowering species recorded in the meadows (on the scale of a single flower or inflorescence). My second objective was to use these data to quantify the floral rewards provided per unit area by replicate meadows of different seed mix treatments, testing whether enrichment of seed mixes is an effective method of increasing floral nectar sugar rewards. My third objective was to corroborate/correct my morphology-based flower-visitor identifications using DNA barcoding to screen for misidentifications and morphologically cryptic species. I then used these DNA barcode-based identifications to assess whether there are systematic biases in the structure of flower-visitor networks constructed using molecular taxon identifications compared to traditional morphology-based taxon identifications. My fourth objective was to quantify patterns of insect visitation to meadows, testing whether meadows of different seed mix types attract different flower-visitor assemblages. Meadow floral composition surveys revealed that contamination by unintended horticultural species was widespread across replicate seed mix treatments, with contaminants likely germinating from a seed bank laid down during a failed attempt at this experiment the previous year. Contamination particularly affected Marmalade mixes, mainly because the common contaminant species were often also components of the Short and Cornfield mixes. For example, contaminants contributed on average about a third of nectar sugar mass or pollen volume per unit area in Marmalade mix meadows. Hence, contamination fundamentally undermined the internal validity of seed mix treatments, reducing the ability to directly attribute meadow level patterns in floral rewards or flower-visitors to seed mixes. As result, examination of patterns of floral resource provision and insect visitation were more informative at a species scale. In terms of patterns of insect visitation, Centaurea cyanus received 91% of bumblebee visits, 88% of honeybee visits and 29% of hoverfly visits, whilst T. inodorum received 27% of hoverfly visits. Patterns of bumblebee and honeybee visitation indicated preferential visitation to floral units of Centaurea cyanus. Although this species produced high quantities of nectar sugar mass and pollen volume, this did not differentiate it from other Asteraceae, such as Glebionis segetum, Rudbeckia hirta and Coreopsis tinctoria, which all produced high quantities of both floral rewards. Hence, it is likely that floral traits not measured in this study, such as nectar accessibility (‘nectar-holder depth’) or concentration/volume characteristics (which can affect accessibility due to constraints imposed by feeding morphology), drove patterns of preferential visitation in bumblebees and honeybees to C. cyanus. Given that in the absence of contamination there would have been very few bumblebee or honeybee visitors to Marmalade mix meadows, aesthetically designed pictorial meadows can fail to jointly provide benefits for people and some important flower-visiting insect taxa. DNA barcoding did not change specimen identifications for most morphotaxa. However, splitting and/or lumping processes affected almost one third of morphotaxa, with lumping of morphotaxa the most common type of change. This was in part because males and females from sexually dimorphic species were often separated by morphological identification. These DNA barcode-based changes to visitor taxonomy resulted in consistent minor changes in network size and structure across replicate networks. Lumping of morphotaxa decreased taxon richness, reducing the number of unique links and interaction diversity (the effective number of links). Lumping also increased flower-visitor generality, reducing plant vulnerability and increasing overall network connectance. However, taxonomic changes had no effect on interaction evenness or network specialisation. Thus, for this well-studied fauna, DNA barcode-based flower-visitor networks were systematically biased toward fewer taxa and links, with more generalist visitors and specialist plants. Given that many tropical faunas have more species and are less described than in Britain this pattern may not be replicated in other studies. Further studies in contrasting plant-pollinator communities are required before generalisations can be made about systematic biases between networks constructed using morphological versus molecular data. Overall, meadows grown from annual pictorial flower meadow seed mixes provide abundant floral units per unit area of meadow and are a valuable alternative to traditional horticultural flower beds or amenity grasslands in high profile urban contexts. Nevertheless, care must be taken during design of seed mixes and selection of mixes for planting to ensure that species in the mix provide suitable floral resources for an array of flower-visitors, including bees. This would be aided by the integration of informative measures for candidate species of floral rewards or visitor types and visitation rates during seed mix design.
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Temporalité de l'initiation des fleurs et contrôle de l'architecture de l'inflorescence / Temporality of Flower Initiation and Control of Inflorescence ArchitectureChaumeret, Anaïs 27 October 2017 (has links)
La phyllotaxie, arrangement d’éléments botaniques autour de l’axe primaire de la plante, suit unpatron spatio-temporel robuste. Elle est établie au niveau du Méristème Apical Caulinaire (MAC),qui est la niche de cellules souches post-embryonnaires des parties aériennes de la plante.L’accumulation locale de la phytohormone auxine déclenche la formation des organes latéraux auniveau du MAC. En même temps, la déplétion d’auxine dans les cellules environnantes crée unchamp inhibiteur, où toute nouvelle organogenèse est impossible. La croissance permet auxanciens organes de constamment s’éloigner du MAC, ce qui libère l’espace nécessaire auxnouvelles organogenèses. C’est un exemple frappant de processus biologique auto-organisé etitératif. Des mécanismes moléculaires et génétiques régulant la phyllotaxie ont été identifiés,majoritairement dans le contexte d’une phyllotaxie commune, qu’est la spirale de Fibonacci. Iln’est pas actuellement démontré que ces mécanismes expliquent aussi d’autres types dephyllotaxies. Nous avons identifié DRB27, un mutant d’Arabidopsis thaliana présentant une fortetendance à générer des pseudo-verticilles. Cela rappelle la phyllotaxie observée chez presquetoutes les fleurs et quelques tiges d’espèces non parentes. La quantification de la phyllotaxie deDRB27 ainsi que des expériences d’imagerie in vivo, ont révélé que ces groupes d’organes ne sontpas des verticilles, mais correspondent à des éruptions d’organogenèses se produisant en croissantà la périphérie du MAC quand, à l’inverse, de larges domaines restent inactifs. Ces observationsvont à l’encontre des règles classiques de positionnement d’organes lors de la mise en place de laphyllotaxie. De façon surprenante, nous avons identifié deux mutations candidates affectant lesrégulateurs abaxiaux FILAMENTOUS FLOWER et MIR166A, potentiellement toutes deuximpliquées dans le phénotype phyllotactique de DRB27. Alors que ces gènes sont exprimés dansles organes en développement, cela suggère des retours d’information sur la phyllotaxie, de façonnon autonome. Nous avons identifié des séries d’anomalies dans le MAC de DRB27, incluant despatrons de signalisation d’auxine anormaux, la perturbation des frontières entre les organes et leméristème, la modification des domaines WUS-CLV3 et de la géométrie du MAC, ainsi qu’unemodification de la dureté de la surface du méristème. Toutes ces données suggèrent que l’identitéet le développement des organes latéraux agissent sur l’homéostasie du MAC et l’établissement dupatron phyllotactique. / Phyllotaxis, the arrangement of botanical elements around plant axis,conforms to a robust spacial-temporal pattern. It is primarily established atthe shoot apical meristem (SAM), the post-embryonic aerial stem-cellniche. Local accumulation of the phytohormone auxin locally triggersorgan formation at the SAM, while depletion of auxin in the surroundingcells creates an inhibitory field, where no new organ can be initiated.Growth constantly moves older organs away from the SAM, clearingspace for new organogenesis. This is a striking example of an iterative and self-organized process driven by inhibitory fields. Molecular and geneticmechanisms regulating phyllotaxis are now being identified, but mostly inthe context of the most common Fibonacci spiral. Whether or not thesame mechanisms explain other types of phyllotaxis remains to beexplored. We identified DRB27, an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant with astrong tendency to generate clusters of organs. This is reminiscent of thewhorled phyllotaxis, observed in almost all angiosperm flowers and insome shoots of unrelated species. Quantification of DRB27 phyllotaxisand live imaging revealed that clusters are not whorls but correspond toburst of organs initiating in crescent domains at the periphery of the SAM.Conversely, large crescent domains remain devoid of organ initiation.Organogenesis in these clusters violates classical rules of organ spacing inphyllotactic systems. Surprisingly, we identified two candidate mutationsaffecting the two abaxial regulators FILAMENTOUS FLOWER andMIR166A, which likely combines to produce DRB27 peculiar phyllotaxis.Since these genes are expressed in developing organs, it suggests non-cellautonomous feedbacks on phyllotaxis. We identify a series of anomaliesin DRB27 SAM, including abnormal patterns of auxin signalling,perturbation of organ boundary formation, modification of CLV3/WUSdomains and SAM geometry and increase in cell wall stiffness. Takentogether our data questions how lateral organ identity and developmentfeedbacks on SAM homeostasis and phyllotaxis patterning.
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Evaluating Ethylene Sensitivity Using Mature Plant Screens and the Seedling Hypocotyl ResponseEdelman, Nichole Francis January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Desenvolvimento floral de Parkia multijuga e Stryphnodendron adstringens, espécies andromonoicas de Leguminosae (Mimosoideae) / Floral development of Parkia multijuga and Stryphnodendron adstringens, andromonoecious legumes (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae)Pedersoli, Giseli Donizete 31 July 2013 (has links)
Flores díclinas originam-se da ausência funcional/estrutural de um dos verticilos envolvidos na reprodução, seja desde o início ou no decorrer do desenvolvimento dos primórdios. Este trabalho visa ao estudo do desenvolvimento floral de Parkia multijuga e Stryphnodendron adstringens, leguminosas andromonoicas, a fim de verificar se as flores estaminadas se formam por ausência do carpelo desde o início do desenvolvimento ou por seu aborto no decorrer do desenvolvimento. Botões florais de vários tamanhos e flores foram coletados e processados para observações em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microscopia de luz (ML). O desenvolvimento dos órgãos florais inicia-se com o surgimento de cinco primórdios de sépalas no meristema floral, a partir do lado abaxial em P. multijuga e adaxial em S. adstringes: em alguns botões, um sexto primórdio de sépala inicia-se tardiamente; cinco primórdios de pétalas simultaneamente em P. multijuga e bidirecionalmente em S. adstringes; um primórdio de carpelo concomitante aos cinco primórdios de estames antessépalos em P. multijuga, e após a formação das pétalas em S. adstringes; e cinco primórdios de estames antepétalos. As etapas finais do desenvolvimento são similares entre as espécies. Os estames iniciados em dois verticilos, um mais externo (antessépalo) e outro mais interno (antepétalo), encontram-se arranjados em um único verticilo. Entretanto, os estames antessépalos, que se iniciaram primeiro, apresentam-se um pouco mais alongados que os antepétalos. Em P. multijuga os filetes unem-se na base durante seu alongamento, formando um tubo que, posteriormente, torna-se adnato às pétalas. Nas flores hermafroditas de ambas as espécies, o primórdio carpelar inicia-se, alonga-se, a fenda carpelar se fecha e, logo após, começa a diferenciação do estilete. Já nas flores estaminadas, o primórdio carpelar inicia-se e alonga-se, mas sua fenda não se fecha e o carpelo não termina seu desenvolvimento. Na fase final, as flores hermafroditas apresentam estigmas completamente diferenciados, enquanto que nas flores estaminadas, o primórdio carpelar permanece como um rudimento na base do botão floral. Não há iniciação de óvulos neste caso. Conclui-se que as flores estaminadas em ambas as espécies surgem por aborto do carpelo e não por sua ausência desde o início, semelhante a outros membros de Mimosoideae. / Diclinous flowers originate by functional/structural absence of one of the reproductive whorls, from the inception or by abortion in the development. This study aims to compare the floral development of two andromonoecious legumes, Parkia multijuga and Stryphnodendron adstringens, in order to verify which process acts in the staminate flower formation (carpel absence from inception or by abortion). Flowers and flower buds of various sizes were collected and processed for observations in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM). The development of floral organs begins with the emergence of five sepal primordia in the floral meristem from the abaxial side (P. multijuga) and from the adaxial side (S. adstringens) in which in some buds, a sixth primordia arises late; five petal primordial simultaneously in P. multijuga and bidirectionally in S. adstringens, a carpel primordium emergence concomitantly to five antesepalous stamens primordia in P. multijuga, and after the petal formation in S. adstringens, and five antepetalous stamen primordium. In the final stages of the development, the stamens initiated in two whorls, one outer (antesepalous) and the other innermost (antepetalous), are arranged in a single whorl. However, the antesepalous stamens, which emerged first, are a little more elongated than the antepetalous ones. In P. multijuga the fillets join in the base while its elongation, forming a tube, which thereafter becomes adnate to the petals. In hermaphrodite flowers, in both species, the carpel primordium emerges, stretches, the carpel cleft closes and, soon after, the style begins its differentiation. In staminate flowers, the carpel primordium begins and stretches, but the carpel cleft does not close and the carpel does not end its development. In the mature stage, the hermaphrodite flowers present fully differentiated stigmas, while in the staminate flowers, the carpel primordium remains as a rudiment at the base of the bud. In this case, there is no initiation of any ovule. We conclude that staminate flowers in both species arise by carpel abortion and not from inception, alike the other members of Mimosoideae.
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Logistický řetězec květin / Logistics Chain of FlowersKlusáková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with the logistics chain of flowers and its individual components. The aim is to characterize the whole chain of flowers and to describe its components - from the grower to the retailer - and to suggest options for streamlining, mostly from the ecological perspective. The influence of different means of transport and heated greenhouses on the environment is evaluated through carbon footprint calculations. Part of the work is also devoted to the characteristics of the flower industry in the Czech Republic. The thesis came to the conclusion that the best is to transport flowers by ship, it is good for their quality and the less harmful for the environment. The second best choice is rail, also with very good quality of flowers and then the road and airplane, which is still less harmful to the environment than growing flowers in heated greenhouses.
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Das Blüte-Bestäuber-Netz auf Brachflächen : biozönologische Untersuchung zur Bedeutung von Brachen in einer intensiv genutzten AgrarlandschaftHahn, Robert January 2002 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die Bedeutung von Brachen für Artenvielfalt und Stabilität von Blüte-Bestäuber-Nahrungsnetzen in agrarisch genutzten Landschaften anhand ausgewählter blütenbesuchender Insektengruppen (Syrphidae, Lepidoptera) untersucht. Die Freilandarbeiten fanden von 1998-2000 im Raum der Feldberger Seenlandschaft, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, statt. Es werden die beiden Hauptnahrungsquellen Nektar und Pollen betrachtet, dabei fanden Untersuchungen zur Intensität der Blüte-Bestäuber-Interaktion auf Stilllegungsflächen, zum flächenbezogenen quantitativen Nektarangebot im Jahresverlauf, zur individuellen Pollennutzung bei Syrphiden und zur Breite und Überlappung der Nahrungsnischen bei den dominanten Arten Episyrphus balteatus, Metasyrphus corollae, Syritta pipiens und Sphaerophoria scripta statt.<br />
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Im Ergebnis zeigt sich eine hohe Bedeutung der Brachflächen für die Stabilität des Blüte-Bestäuber-Netzes, während die Diversität von anderen, eher landschaftsbezogenen Faktoren abhängig ist. / This dissertation examines the importance of fallow land for the diversity and stability of pollination webs in agricultural landscapes as exemplified by selected groups of anthophilous insects (syrphidae and lepidoptera). The field studies were carried out between 1998 and 2000 in the Feldberg lakeland area in the north-east German State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Observations were made of nectar and pollen as the two main sources of food. Studies were conducted into the intensity of plant-pollinator interaction in set-aside areas, the site-specific quantity of nectar available during the vegetation period and the individual pollen intake of syrphid flies. Different methods were employed to establish the breadth of the trophic niches among the predominant species (Episyrphus balteatus, Metasyrphus corollae, Syritta pipiens and Sphaerophoria scripta) and the extent to which they overlapped. <br />
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The studies showed that, while fallow land is very important for the stability of plant-pollinator food webs, their diversity depends on other factors that are more closely related to the landscape.
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Desenvolvimento floral de Parkia multijuga e Stryphnodendron adstringens, espécies andromonoicas de Leguminosae (Mimosoideae) / Floral development of Parkia multijuga and Stryphnodendron adstringens, andromonoecious legumes (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae)Giseli Donizete Pedersoli 31 July 2013 (has links)
Flores díclinas originam-se da ausência funcional/estrutural de um dos verticilos envolvidos na reprodução, seja desde o início ou no decorrer do desenvolvimento dos primórdios. Este trabalho visa ao estudo do desenvolvimento floral de Parkia multijuga e Stryphnodendron adstringens, leguminosas andromonoicas, a fim de verificar se as flores estaminadas se formam por ausência do carpelo desde o início do desenvolvimento ou por seu aborto no decorrer do desenvolvimento. Botões florais de vários tamanhos e flores foram coletados e processados para observações em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microscopia de luz (ML). O desenvolvimento dos órgãos florais inicia-se com o surgimento de cinco primórdios de sépalas no meristema floral, a partir do lado abaxial em P. multijuga e adaxial em S. adstringes: em alguns botões, um sexto primórdio de sépala inicia-se tardiamente; cinco primórdios de pétalas simultaneamente em P. multijuga e bidirecionalmente em S. adstringes; um primórdio de carpelo concomitante aos cinco primórdios de estames antessépalos em P. multijuga, e após a formação das pétalas em S. adstringes; e cinco primórdios de estames antepétalos. As etapas finais do desenvolvimento são similares entre as espécies. Os estames iniciados em dois verticilos, um mais externo (antessépalo) e outro mais interno (antepétalo), encontram-se arranjados em um único verticilo. Entretanto, os estames antessépalos, que se iniciaram primeiro, apresentam-se um pouco mais alongados que os antepétalos. Em P. multijuga os filetes unem-se na base durante seu alongamento, formando um tubo que, posteriormente, torna-se adnato às pétalas. Nas flores hermafroditas de ambas as espécies, o primórdio carpelar inicia-se, alonga-se, a fenda carpelar se fecha e, logo após, começa a diferenciação do estilete. Já nas flores estaminadas, o primórdio carpelar inicia-se e alonga-se, mas sua fenda não se fecha e o carpelo não termina seu desenvolvimento. Na fase final, as flores hermafroditas apresentam estigmas completamente diferenciados, enquanto que nas flores estaminadas, o primórdio carpelar permanece como um rudimento na base do botão floral. Não há iniciação de óvulos neste caso. Conclui-se que as flores estaminadas em ambas as espécies surgem por aborto do carpelo e não por sua ausência desde o início, semelhante a outros membros de Mimosoideae. / Diclinous flowers originate by functional/structural absence of one of the reproductive whorls, from the inception or by abortion in the development. This study aims to compare the floral development of two andromonoecious legumes, Parkia multijuga and Stryphnodendron adstringens, in order to verify which process acts in the staminate flower formation (carpel absence from inception or by abortion). Flowers and flower buds of various sizes were collected and processed for observations in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM). The development of floral organs begins with the emergence of five sepal primordia in the floral meristem from the abaxial side (P. multijuga) and from the adaxial side (S. adstringens) in which in some buds, a sixth primordia arises late; five petal primordial simultaneously in P. multijuga and bidirectionally in S. adstringens, a carpel primordium emergence concomitantly to five antesepalous stamens primordia in P. multijuga, and after the petal formation in S. adstringens, and five antepetalous stamen primordium. In the final stages of the development, the stamens initiated in two whorls, one outer (antesepalous) and the other innermost (antepetalous), are arranged in a single whorl. However, the antesepalous stamens, which emerged first, are a little more elongated than the antepetalous ones. In P. multijuga the fillets join in the base while its elongation, forming a tube, which thereafter becomes adnate to the petals. In hermaphrodite flowers, in both species, the carpel primordium emerges, stretches, the carpel cleft closes and, soon after, the style begins its differentiation. In staminate flowers, the carpel primordium begins and stretches, but the carpel cleft does not close and the carpel does not end its development. In the mature stage, the hermaphrodite flowers present fully differentiated stigmas, while in the staminate flowers, the carpel primordium remains as a rudiment at the base of the bud. In this case, there is no initiation of any ovule. We conclude that staminate flowers in both species arise by carpel abortion and not from inception, alike the other members of Mimosoideae.
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Expansão estática de sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica via FPANeves, Patrícia Silva 31 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2017-12-22T14:54:33Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-08-31 / O presente trabalho apresenta a aplicação conjunta de uma técnica de otimização bioinspirada e de um Algoritmo Heurístico Construtivo (AHC) na resolução do problema de planejamento estático da expansão de sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica. O algoritmo bioinspirado utilizado é uma versão modificada do Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), no qual foi introduzido o operador de seleção clonal, oriundo do Algoritmo de Seleção Clonal (CLONALG), com o objetivo de potencializar o processo de busca local do FPA. A versão modificada proposta neste trabalho foi nomeada de Clonal Flower Pollination Algorithm (CFPA). O CFPA realiza a otimização da expansão de sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica, determinando, entre um conjunto de linhas (circuitos) de transmissão previamente definidas, quais devem ser construídas de modo a minimizar os custos de investimento e de operação do sistema elétrico, suprindo a demanda prevista para um dado horizonte de planejamento. De modo a aumentar a eficiência do processo de busca pelo CFPA, fez-se o uso de informações provenientes de um Algoritmo Heurístico Construtivo. Tais informações heurísticas são utilizadas na inicialização do CFPA e também na seleção de um conjunto reduzido das rotas mais relevantes à expansão, reduzindo o espaço de busca. Para aferir os resultados da metodologia proposta foram simulados os sistemas Garver, IEEE 24 Barras e o equivalente da região Sul do Brasil. Diante dos resultados, pode-se verificar que tanto a inclusão do operador de seleção clonal quanto as informações heurísticas foram capazes de aumentar a eficiência do FPA na resolução do problema aqui em estudo. / This work presents the application of a bio-inspired algorithm, together with a Heuristic Constructive Algorithm (HCA) in the solution of a power system static transmission expansion planning problem. The algorithm used is a modified version of the Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) that includes a clonal selection operator, from the clonal selection algorithm (CLONALG) that aims to improve the FPA local search process. The modified version proposed is entitled Clonal Flower Pollination Algorithm (CFPA). The CFPA realizes the power system transmission expansion planning, that is, it determines between a set of predefined transmission lines (circuits), which of them must be constructed in order to minimize the power systems investments and operation costs, while meeting the forecast demand in a given planning horizon. In order to increase the efficiency of the search process by the CFPA, information from an HCA has been utilized. That heuristic information has been used in the initialization process of the CFPA and also in the selection of a reduced set of most relevant lines candidates to the expansion plan, thus reducing the search space. To evaluate the results of the proposed methodology, the Garver, IEEE 24 Buses and South Brazilian Systems were simulated. Considering the results it can be verified that both the inclusion of the clonal selection algorithm and the heuristic information were able to increase the efficiency of the FPA in solving this problem.
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Greenmarketing: zacházení s obsahem označení "The Flower" na webových stránkách českých ekohotelů / Greenmarketing: negotiating of the content of the brand "The Flower" on the websites of Czech ekohotelsŽigmundová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The tourism is remarkable phenomenon of today's life. There is a big impact to the GDP in the touristic attractive countries. But on the other hand it causes pollution of the environment. In the area of hospitality we can see huge waste of energy and materials. Based on this, we can see the possible future heading to the ideas of sustainable development with the activities of f.e. Green management, destination management, ecological tourism. Hotels can achieve the label of EU - "The Flower". Maybe those new approaches can eliminate the negative impact of the tourism. In the diploma thesis I described how the Czech hotels labelled with "The Flower" use the discourse joined with the label on its web pages.
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Rose Care in the Low DesertBradley, Lucy, Coffman, MaryLou 06 1900 (has links)
4 pp. / This publication contains guidelines for watering, cultivating and fertilizing roses. It also contains Monthly check sheet for rose care.
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