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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling the reserve osmosis processes performance using artificial neural networks / Modeling the Reverse Osmosis Processes Performance using Artificial Neural Networks

Libotean, Dan Mihai 14 November 2007 (has links)
Una de las aplicaciones más importante de los procesos de filtración por membrana es en el área de tratamiento de agua por ultrafiltración, nanofiltración u ósmosis inversa. Entre los problemas más serios encontrados en estos procesos destaca la aparición de los fenómenos de ensuciamiento y envejecimiento de las membranas que limitan la eficacia de la operación tanto en la separación de los solutos, como en el flujo de permeado, afectando también el ciclo de vida de las membranas.Para reducir el coste de la producción y mejorar la robustez y eficacia de estos procesos es imprescindible disponer de modelos capaces de representar y predecir la eficiencia y el comportamiento de las membranas durante la operación. Una alternativa viable a los modelos teóricos, que presentan varias particularidades que dificultan su postulado, la constituyen los modelos basados en el análisis de los datos experimentales, entre cuales destaca el uso de las redes neuronales. Dos metodologías han sido evaluadas e investigadas, una constando en la caracterización de las interacciones entre las membranas y los compuestos orgánicos presentes en el agua de alimentación, y la segunda basada en el modelado de la dinámica de operación de las plantas de desalinización por ósmosis inversa.Relaciones cuantitativas estructura‐propiedad se han derivado usando redes neuronales de tipo back‐propagation, para establecer correlaciones entre los descriptores moleculares de 50 compuestos orgánicos de preocupación para la salud pública y su comportamiento frente a 5 membranas comerciales de ósmosis inversa, en términos de permeación, absorción y rechazo. Para reducir la dimensión del espacio de entrada, y para evitar el uso de la información redundante en el entrenamiento de los modelos, se han usado tres métodos para seleccionar el menor número de los descriptores moleculares relevantes entre un total de 45 que caracterizan cada molécula. Los modelos obtenidos se han validado utilizando un método basado en el balance de materia, aplicado no solo a los 50 compuestos utilizados para el desarrollo de los modelos, sino que también a un conjunto de 143 compuestos orgánicos nuevos. La calidad de los modelos obtenidos es prometedora para la extensión de la presente metodología para disponer de una herramienta comprensiva para entender, determinar y evaluar el comportamiento de los solutos orgánicos en el proceso de ósmosis inversa. Esto serviría también para el diseño de nuevas y más eficaces membranas que se usan en este tipo de procesos.En la segunda parte, se ha desarrollado una metodología para modelar la dinámica de los procesos de ósmosis inversa, usando redes neuronales de tipo backpropagation y Fuzzy ARTMAP y datos experimentales que proceden de una planta de desalinización de agua salobre Los modelos desarrollados son capaces de evaluar los efectos de los parámetros de proceso, la calidad del agua de alimentación y la aparición de los fenómenos de ensuciamiento sobre la dinámica de operación de las plantas de desalinización por osmosis inversa. Se ha demostrado que estos modelos se pueden usar para predecir el funcionamiento del proceso a corto tiempo, permitiendo de esta manera la identificación de posibles problemas de operación debidas a los fenómenos de ensuciamiento y envejecimiento de las membranas. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores para el desarrollo de estrategias de optimización, monitorización y control de plantas de desalinización de agua salobre. Asimismo, pueden constituir la base del diseño de sistemas de supervisón capaces de predecir y advertir etapas de operación incorrecta del proceso por fallos en el mismo, y actuar en consecuencia para evitar estos inconvenientes. / One of the more serious problems encountered in reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment processes is the occurrence of membrane fouling, which limits both operation efficiency (separation performances, water permeate flux, salt rejection) and membrane life‐time. The development of general deterministic models for studying and predicting the development of fouling in full‐scale reverse osmosis plants is burden due to the complexity and temporal variability of feed composition, diurnal variations, inability to realistically quantify the real‐time variability of feed fouling propensity, lack of understanding of both membrane‐foulants interactions and of the interplay of various fouling mechanisms. A viable alternative to the theoretical approaches is constituted by models developed based on direct analysis of experimental data for predicting process operation performance. In this regard, the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) seems to be a reliable option. Two approaches were considered; one based on characterizing the organic compounds passage through RO membranes, and a second one based on modeling the dynamics of permeate flow and separation performances for a full‐scale RO desalination plant.Organic solute sorption, permeation and rejection by RO membranes from aqueous solutions were studied via artificial neural network based quantitative structure‐property relationships (QSPR) for a set of 50 organic compounds for polyamide and cellulose acetate membranes. The separation performance for the organic molecules was modeled based on available experimental data achieved by radioactivity measurements to determine the solute quantity in feed, permeate and sorbed by the membrane. Solute rejection was determined from a mass balance on the permeated solution volume. ANN based QSPR models were developed for the measured organic sorbed (M) and permeated (P) fractions with the most appropriate set of molecular descriptors and membrane properties selected using three different feature selection methods. Principal component analysis and self‐organizing maps pre‐screening of all 50 organic compounds defined by 45 considered chemical descriptors were used to identify the models applicability domain and chemical similarities between the organic molecules. The ANN‐based QSPRs were validated by means of a mass balance test applied not only to the 50 organic compounds used to develop the models, but also to a set of 143 new compounds. The quality of the QSPR/NN models developed suggests that there is merit in extending the present compound database and extending the present approach to develop a comprehensive tool for assessing organic solute behavior in RO water treatment processes. This would allow also the design and manufacture of new and more performing membranes used in such processes.The dynamics of permeate flow rate and salt passage for a RO brackish water desalination pilot plant were captured by ANN based models. The effects of operating parameters, feed water quality and fouling occurrence over the time evolution of the process performance were successfully modeled by a back‐propagation neural network. In an alternative approach, the prediction of process performance parameters based on previous values was achieved using a Fuzzy ARTMAP analysis. The neural network models built are able to capture changes in RO process performance and can successfully be used for interpolation, as well as for extrapolation prediction, fact that can allow reasonable short time forecasting of the process time evolution. It was shown that using real‐time measurements for various process and feed water quality variables, it is possible to build neural network models that allow better understanding of the onset of fouling. This is very encouraging for further development of optimization and control strategies. The present methodology can be the basis of development of soft sensors able to anticipate process upsets.

Effect of elevated temperature on ceramic ultrafiltration of colloidal suspensions

Cromey, Tyler 22 May 2014 (has links)
The inherent thermal resistance of ceramic membranes allows for treatment of industrial waters at elevated temperatures. Traditionally, the high temperature of wastewater has been an issue compromising the integrity of polymeric membrane systems or requiring the temperature to be lowered for further treatments. In ceramic membrane systems, a decrease in viscosity with increasing temperature, however, can be utilized, which increases the permeate flux. In this study, the fouling of ceramic ultrafiltration by feed solutions containing colloidal silica was evaluated at temperatures between 25 – 90 °C seen in various industries. Ceramic membranes were able to perform well at elevated temperatures up to 90 ºC with sustained mechanical and chemical integrity. Results showed net benefit of filtration at elevated temperatures on permeate flux in spite of increasing total fouling resistance with temperature. When the temperature increased from 25 to 90 °C, there was a 90% increase in steady-state permeate flux. The dominant resistance was physically removable fouling, and the increase in fouling with feed temperature was supported by force balance analyses. This study provides a foundation from which further studies can be developed including pilot-scale testing, use of real wastewater, and the effects of operating conditions.

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