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"We're made of meat, so why should we eat vegetables?" : food discourses in the school subject home and consumer studiesBohm, Ingela January 2016 (has links)
Background: Food has many different functions. On a physical level, it is needed to survive and to maintain health, but it also has many social, psychological, and emotional meanings. For example, food is used to build relationships, to mark hierarchies, to celebrate holidays, and to influence mood and self-image. Different foods have different cultural meanings, and people are socialized from an early age to recognize and utilize their symbolic value. One arena where food occupies a central position is the Swedish school subject Home and Consumer Studies (HCS), which focuses on both the physical and the psychosocial dimensions of food-related health. Since these dimensions are not always compatible, the aim of this dissertation was to explore how students and teachers of HCS use big 'D' Discourses to talk about and handle food, with a special focus on vegetables, meat, vegetarian food, and sweet foods. Methods: Fifty-nine students and five teachers were observed, recorded, and in some cases video-taped. Participants’ talk about vegetables, meat, vegetarian food, and sweet foods was transcribed verbatim and analysed for big 'D' Discourses. Results: Students mostly based their choice of vegetables on sensory and cultural Discourses. Some vegetables were mandatory and others were optional, depending on whether or not they were part of a recipe or a cultural tradition. The health Discourse was only used if a specific assignment demanded it, and was closely tied to the evaluation Discourse. Contrary to the sometimes optional status of vegetables, meat was seen as central in the sensory, cultural, health, and social Discourses. Therefore the reduction of meat could be problematic. It was regarded as simultaneously healthy and unhealthy, and it could elicit disgust, but whenever participants talked about decreasing meat consumption, its centrality was invoked as a counterargument. As an extension of this, vegetarian food was seen as 'empty', deviant, and an unattainable ideal. Access to vegetarian food was limited for meat-eaters, and vegetarians were othered in both positive and negative ways. When vegetarian food was cooked during lessons, it was constructed as something out of the ordinary. Sweet foods could be viewed as a treasure, as something dangerous and disgusting, or as an unnecessary extra. Home-made varieties were seen as superior. Sweet foods gave social status to both students and teachers, and they could be traded or given away to mark relationships and hierarchies, but also withheld and used to police others. Conclusion: In summary, two powerful potential opposites met in the HCS classroom: the Discourses of normality (sensory, cultural, and social Discourses), and the Discourses of responsibility (health and evaluation). Normality could make physically healthy food choices difficult because of participants' social identity, the conflicted health Discourse, and too-strict ideals. On the other hand, some people were excluded from normality itself, notably vegetarians, who were seen as deviant eaters, and teachers, who had to balance state-regulated goals in HCS against local norms. To counteract such problems, teachers can 1) focus on sensory experiences, experimental cooking methods, and already popular foods, 2) challenge normality by the way they speak about and handle different types of food, 3) make cooking and eating more communal and socially inclusive, 4) explore the psychosocial dimension of health on the same level as the physical dimension, and 5) make sure they do not grade students' cultural backgrounds, social identities, or taste preferences. This might go some way towards empowering students to make informed choices about food and health. However, scant resources of things like time, money, and equipment limit what can be achieved in the subject. / Mat har många olika funktioner. Rent fysiskt behöver vi den för att överleva och behålla hälsan, men den har också en rad sociala, psykologiska och känslomässiga betydelser. Exempelvis används mat för att bygga relationer, för att markera hierarkier eller tider på dagen och för att påverka humöret och självbilden. Olika livsmedel har olika symboliskt innehåll, och barn socialiseras tidigt in i ett visst sätt att äta och tänka kring mat. Ett område där mat har en central plats är det svenska skolämnet hem- och konsumentkunskap (HKK). I kursplanen finns ett starkt fokus på både fysisk och psykosocial hälsa, men för en del människor kan dessa dimensioner ibland vara mer eller mindre inkompatibla. Därför ville jag i denna avhandling undersöka hur lärare och elever pratar om och hanterar olika sorters mat i HKK och vad detta kan få för konsekvenser för lärandet om hälsa. Jag observerade och spelade in fem lärare och 59 elever med mp3-spelare under 26 HKK-lektioner på fem olika skolor. I vissa fall där jag fick tillåtelse filmade jag också det som hände. Därefter transkriberade jag allt tal om grönsaker, kött, vegetarisk mat och sötsaker och analyserade detta tal med hjälp av diskursanalys för att få reda på vad deltagarna i studien sade "mellan raderna", det vill säga hur deras världsbild kring olika livsmedel såg ut. Resultatet visade att elever i de flesta fall var fria att välja grönsaker utifrån den egna smaken, förutom när receptet gjorde en viss grönsak obligatorisk eller när en skoluppgift krävde att man skulle ta hänsyn till hälsa. När läraren ansåg att en grönsak var obligatorisk var det mycket svårt för eleven att undvika den, medan däremot grönsaker som bara sågs som tillbehör i många fall blev ignorerade. Vad gällde hälsa kunde grönsaker vara "allmänt nyttiga", men oftare var de bärare av ett specifikt näringsämne som behövdes för att lösa en skoluppgift. I några fall sågs de som tomma och värdelösa. Kött var centralt och svårt att avstå ifrån, inte bara på grund av smaken utan även för att det "hörde till" de flesta rätter och gav livsviktiga näringsämnen. Samtidigt som det sågs som hälsosamt kunde det också vara farligt, eftersom man kunde äta för mycket protein eller mättat fett. Kött kunde användas som relationsbyggare mellan elever och för att markera status i klassen, så att de som riskerade att hamna utanför var rädda att inte få lika mycket kött som andra. Protein sågs som viktigt och var kopplat till manlighet, muskler och styrka. I motsats till kött sågs vegetarisk mat som "tom", annorlunda och ett ouppnåeligt ideal. Det var svårt för icke-vegetarianer att få tillgång till vegetarisk mat, förutom när det utgjorde ett särskilt lektionstema. Maten sågs som bristfällig eftersom den inte innehöll kött, och den krävde extra planering för att se till att man fick i sig alla aminosyror. Det kunde vara socialt krångligt att vara vegetarian eftersom det krävde extra jobb av kompisar och skolkökspersonal, men många respekterade vegetarianens val och ansträngde sig för att göra en särskild portion åt dem. Sötsaker var åtråvärda, men också farliga, äckliga eller onödiga. Hemgjorda bakverk hade högre status. Sötsaker kunde användas för att markera vem man var kompis med och inte, men gav även upphov till konflikter när elever hade olika åsikt om det "perfekta resultatet" eller när de var rädda att inte få rättvisa mängder. På grund av sötsakernas koppling till sjukdom och viktuppgång kunde de också användas för att peka ut och nedvärdera dem som åt för mycket eller vid fel tillfälle. Sammanfattningsvis förekom två huvudgrupper av diskurser: normalitet och ansvar. Å ena sidan sågs smak, kultur och sociala ritualer som viktigt när man talade om och valde matvaror, men å andra sidan krävde ämnet att man såg på mat ur ett mer vetenskapligt hälsoperspektiv. Synen på normalitet gjorde det svårt att välja fysiskt hälsosam mat eftersom social identitet, den motsägelsefulla synen på hälsa och alltför strikta ideal stod i vägen. Å andra sidan fanns det personer som inte hade tillgång till normalitet, såsom vegetarianer och även lärare, som tvingades balansera statligt uppställda mål inom ämnet mot en lokalkultur med delvis andra värderingar. För att motverka dessa problem kan lärare 1) fokusera på sensorisk träning, experimentell matlagning och måltider som bygger på redan populära rätter, 2) utmana synen på normalitet genom sitt sätt att prata om och hantera olika sorters mat, 3) jobba för att göra matlagningen och måltiderna mer socialt inkluderande, 4) utforska den psykosociala dimensionen av hälsa på samma nivå som den fysiska för att elever ska kunna resonera kring sina matval utifrån smak, kultur och sociala relationer, och 5) undvika fällan att betygsätta elevers smak och kulturella bakgrund. Denna typ av undervisning skulle kunna ge elever fler verktyg för att kunna göra självständiga hälsoval, men det förutsätter att läraren får tillräckligt med resurser i form av lektionstid, förvaringsutrymme och en budget som möjliggör ett brett sortiment av livsmedel. Read more
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Promoting healthy food choices in early childhood : an ecological approachManning, Ashley Elizabeth 09 January 2013 (has links)
Objective: Assess the effectiveness of an ecological approach to promote healthy food choices in early childhood education through an educational workshop series.
Design: Utilizing play-based learning, the workshops emphasized an ecological approach to health and food choice by letting children explore and experience healthy foods through various play-based and experiential activities. Data were collected and analyzed using grounded theory of semi-structured interviews with children, parents, and early childhood educators (ECEs), thematic analysis of children’s drawings, and quantitative food preference and food categorization surveys conducted with the children.
Setting: The work was undertaken in three YMCA child care centres located in the Greater Toronto Area: Newcastle, Unionville, and inner-city Toronto.
Participants: Participants comprised of 19 children, 5 parents, and 9 ECEs.
Conclusions: The ecological approach to the promotion of healthy food choices in early childhood education was demonstrated to be an effective health promotion strategy for children aged 3 to 5.
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An Evaluation of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Perceived Social Distancing Policies in Relation to Planning, Selecting, and Preparing Healthy Meals: An Observational Study in 38 Countries WorldwideBacker, Charlotte De, Teunissen, Lauranna, Cuykx, Isabelle, Decorte, Paulien, Pabian, Sara, Gerritsen, Sarah, Matthys, Christophe, Sabbah, Haleama Al, Royen, Kathleen Van, Bergheim, Ina, Staltner, Raphaela, Devine, Amanda, Sambell, Ros, Wallace, Ruth, Allehdan, Sabika Salem, Alalwan, Tariq Abdulkarim, Al-Mannai, Mariam Ahamad, Ismail, Leila Cheikh, Backer, Charlotte De, Ouvrein, Gaelle, Poels, Karolien, Vandebosch, Heidi, Maldoy, Katrien, Matthys, Christophe, Smits, Tim, Vrinten, Jules, Desmet, Ann, Teughels, Nelleke, Geuens, Maggie, Vermeir, Iris, Proesmans, Viktor, Hudders, Liselot, De Barcellos, Marcia Dutra, Ostermann, Cristina, Brock, Ana Luiza, Favieiro, Cynthia, Trizotto, Rafaela, Stangherlin, Isadora, Mafra, Anthonieta Looman, Varella, Marco Antonio Correa, Valentova, Jaroslava Varella, Fisher, Maryanne L., Maceacheron, Melanie, White, Katherine, Habib, Rishad, Dobson, David S., Schnettler, Berta, Orellana, Ligia, Miranda-Zapata, Edgardo, Chang, Angela Wen Yu, Jiao, Wen, Tingchi, Matthew, Liu, Grunert, Klaus G., Christensen, Rikke Nyland, Reisch, Lucia, Janssen, Meike, Abril-Ulloa, Victoria, Encalada, Lorena, Kamel, Iman, Vainio, Annukka, Niva, Mari, Salmivaara, Laura, Makela, Johanna, Torkkeli, Kaisa, Mai, Robert, Kerschke-Risch, Pamela, Altsitsiadis, Efthymios, Stamos, Angelos, Antronikidis, Andreas, Tsafarakis, Stelios, Delias, Pavlos, Rasekhi, Hamid, Vafa, Mohammad Reza, Majid, Karandish, Eftekhari, Hassan, Henchion, Maeve, McCarthy, Sinead, McCarthy, Mary, Micalizzi, Alessandra, Schulz, Peter J., Farinosi, Manuela, Komatsu, Hidenori, Tanaka, Nobuyuki, Kubota, Hiromi, Tayyem, Reema, Al-Awwad, Narmeen J., Al-Bayyari, Nahla, Ibrahim, Mohammed O., Hammouh, Fadwa, Dashti, Somaia, Dashti, Basma, Alkharaif, Dhuha, Alshatti, Amani, Mazedi, Maryam Al 04 February 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Objectives: To examine changes in planning, selecting, and preparing healthy foods in relation to personal factors (time, money, stress) and social distancing policies during the COVID-19 crisis. Methods: Using cross-sectional online surveys collected in 38 countries worldwide in April-June 2020 (N = 37,207, Mage 36.7 SD 14.8, 77% women), we compared changes in food literacy behaviors to changes in personal factors and social distancing policies, using hierarchical multiple regression analyses controlling for sociodemographic variables. Results: Increases in planning (4.7 SD 1.3, 4.9 SD 1.3), selecting (3.6 SD 1.7, 3.7 SD 1.7), and preparing (4.6 SD 1.2, 4.7 SD 1.3) healthy foods were found for women and men, and positively related to perceived time availability and stay-at-home policies. Psychological distress was a barrier for women, and an enabler for men. Financial stress was a barrier and enabler depending on various sociodemographic variables (all p < 0.01). Conclusion: Stay-at-home policies and feelings of having more time during COVID-19 seem to have improved food literacy. Stress and other social distancing policies relate to food literacy in more complex ways, highlighting the necessity of a health equity lens. / Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen / Revisión por pares Read more
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Validity of a Food Literacy Assessment Tool in Food Pantry ClientsHitchcock, Kathryn 02 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Validity of an Instrument Developed that Measures the Home Food Environment and Food Literacy of Food Pantry GuestsKircher, Kayla A. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring Food Literacy Education during Nutrition Counseling for Patients with Diabetes: In-depth Interviews with Registered Dietitians/Registered Dietitian NutritionistsRenner, Samantha R. 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Testing the Validity of the Adapted Food Literacy Assessment Tool (FLitT) for College StudentsNowak, Jamie 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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A Formative Evaluation of Moms in the Kitchen: A Program to Increase Food Literacy in Low-Income WomenUrbina, Francesca 27 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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<b>Food Literacy and Justice in the United States and Italy</b>Chiara Cervini (18436899) 27 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Scholars and activists in the fields of food justice and policy believe that our food system needs changing because it is unjust, unhealthy, and incapable of addressing the needs of consumers, especially poorer and more vulnerable consumers. But policy change has been halting at every level, from local to global. The emerging concept of food literacy is a promising avenue to improve health equity and achieve food justice. Food movements around the world have played a key role in organizing education campaigns for children and adults to improve food-related knowledge and behavior. However, political scientists have yet to fully explore 1) what strategies successful food movements use to get food literacy initiatives adopted, and 2) how adoption strategies and food literacy initiatives vary across countries with different food practices, policy processes, and cultural expectations about food and dining practices. This dissertation seeks to answer these questions through a comparative study of local-level youth food literacy initiatives inspired by Farm to School and Slow Food, leading food movements in the U.S. and Italy. Through qualitative interviews with key actors involved in food education and procurement, I explore the meaning of food literacy and how actors in the U.S. and Italy are using food education to expand knowledge of local food systems and, ultimately, to change those food systems. I find that to actors in both countries, food literacy means the knowledge that can help us understand and judge the complex interdependence between the processes, resources, and actors involved in producing and marketing the food we eat every day. Food literacy also empowers civic engagement: it can transform food consumers who want to see change into citizens who feel entitled to demand institutional change. The forms of governance usually seen in this context consist in voluntary, decentralized, local-level partnerships between local government and schools, civil society, food movement activists/volunteers, and local farmers.</p> Read more
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Výuka spotřebitelské gramotnosti u žáků druhého stupně základní školy na příkladu mléčných výrobků / Teaching consumer literacy for students of second stage of elementary education on the example of dairy productsJelínková, Věra January 2016 (has links)
In developed countries, the majority of the population perceives food only from the viewpoint of a consumer. Few know its origin, production technology and composition, and they can't critically evaluate, which products are beneficial in terms of proper nutrition. Therefore, this work deals with the development of consumer literacy in the area of food, i.e. food literacy among pupils of second stage of elementary school, where is not systematic given attention to this theme. As an appropriate example for teaching were chosen milk and dairy products, which are an essential part of healthy eating mostly in childhood. In line with the objectives of this work has been created structured summary of the findings of these foods serving as a theoretical background for teachers. It was also done research survey about knowledge and attitudes to milk and dairy products among pupils of second stage of elementary school. It turned out that in the surveyed sample, most of the pupils consume milk and basic dairy products (butter, cheese, yoghurt), but the consumption of other fermented dairy products is considerably lower. Most respondents considered milk and dairy products beneficial to our health, however they were almost unaware of its production technology and were not interested in their origin and... Read more
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