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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezinárodní kupní smlouva: uzavírání mezinárodní kupní smlouvy podle Videňské úmluvy OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží / International sales contract: formation of internationals sales contract under the CISG

Gavrilova, Iva January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the international sales contract and its formation under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG or the Vienna Convention). The Vienna Convention is the most significant and widely used legal instrument governing the international sales contract. The aim of this thesis is to highlight interesting aspects of the contract, carry out a deeper analysis of the regulation contained in the Vienna Convention, and to point out and clarify problematic areas. The thesis is composed of two major parts, with the first part essential to the understanding of the second. The first part deals with the basic provisions of the Vienna Convention. It briefly describes its creation, then its sphere of application. Within this part the term "international sales contract" is defined and distinguished from its domestic counterpart and also from the contract for services. The term "goods" is discussed in the context of this regulation. It then deals with the consequences of freedom of contract, the issue of gaps in the regulation and their filling and the interpretation of the regulation. Finally it discusses the question of trade usages, when the CISG differentiates between the usages and practices established between the parties on the one hand and...

Podpora prodeje na internetu se zaměřením na věrnostní programy / Support of internet sale emphasizing the loyalty systems

Šantrůčková, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá spotřebitelskou podporou prodeje jak v rovině obecné, tak na internetu. Analyzuje výhody a nevýhody jednotlivých forem podpory prodeje, které se ve virtuálním prostředí používají nejčastěji. Každá z těchto forem je doplněna příklady z praxe. Věrnostním programům obecně a na internetu se práce věnuje nejvíce. Dělí je do dvou skupin: věrnostní programy firem podnikajících a nepodnikajících na internetu. Práce je zakončena podrobnou analýzou vybraných věrnostních programů.

Efekt her malých forem a intervalových běhů na úroveň vybraných kondičních parametrů u hráčů fotbalu. / Effect of small side games and interval running on level of selected fitness parameters for soccer players.

Chuda, David January 2018 (has links)
Title: Effect of small side games and interval running on level of selected fitness parameters for soccer players Objectives: Determining the effect of small side games and interval running with / without balls on selected fitness parameters for soccer players (U17 and U19). Methods: Measurement method, Intervention method. The group observed contained players aged 15 to 18. Total number of players was 36. From U19 team it was nineteen players and from U17 team it was seventeen players. In the end we counted to the results 15 players from U17 and 13 players from U19.Used tests: Yo - Yo intermittent recover test level 2, Ilinois test without dribling ball, Ilinois test with dribling ball, Myotest and 20m sprint. The data were gathered to Microsoft excel programme. Statistic analysis was done in IBM SPSS Statistics 24 software. Results: Both intervention groups of footballers (U17 + U19) experienced a significant improvement in aerobic fitness (YYIR2, p <0.05, r >= 0.58-0.63). In the IR group there was a significant improvement in the agility test (p <0.05; r = 0.54). Both groups recorded significant improvements in the CMJ Force parameter (p> 0.05; r = 0.34, r = 0.36). However, no significant improvement was noted in the other power performance parameters. Both groups experienced an improvement in...

Vliv krátkodobého intervenčního programu na rozvoj sprintů a agility u hráčů fotbalu / The effect of a short-term intervention program for development of sprint and agility in soccer players (U16)

Chaloupka, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Title: The effect of a short-term intervention program for development of sprint and agility in soccer players (U16) Author: Bc. Tomáš Chaloupka Head of work: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to verify the effectiveness of two different short- term intervention programs in the development of speed-power abilities in young soccer players (U16). Methods: The research sample included soccer players (16 year old; n=22; 15,2±0,3 years) from the highest competitive level in the Czech Republic. For the interventional effect verification we used tests without the ball (sprint on 5, 10 and 30 meters, Illinois Agility Test, Yo-Yo IRT 2, six jump alternately) and with the ball (sprint on 5, 10 and 30 meters, Illinois Agility Test). Data analysis was performed by using IBM SPSS software Statistics 24. Results: Both groups of players improved in the agility test (r = 0.32; r = 0.40), but these improvements were not statistically significant (p = 0.16; p = 0.06). Group 2 (runs) improved in the ball agility test (p = 0.02; r = 0.49). Both groups were improved in a six jump strength test (group 1 p = 0.02; r = 0.51; group 2 p = 0.08; r = 0.32), but in group 2 improvement was not statistically significant. Both groups were improved in Yo-Yo IRT2 speed endurance (group 1 p = 0.09; r =...

Vztah mezi úrovní techniky herních dovedností a herním výkonem v hrách malých forem u hráčů fotbalu v kategorii U12 / The relationship between the level of technique skills and performance in small-sided games in U12 football players

Kabelák, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Topic: The relationship between the level of technique skills and performance in small- sided games in U12 football players. Objective: To find the diferences in success of defeating an opponent in small-sided games between three groups of players (devided according to level of technical mastery of defeating an opponent in technical exercise without an opponent). To find the relationship between level of technique skill in defeating an opponent and success of defeating an opponent in real condition in small-sided games in U12 football players. Methods: Evaluation was based on our test. Small-sided games were used for evaluation of success of defeating an opponent in situations 1 on 1. Methods of direct and indirect assessment with help of video were used for assessment of the test as well as the small-sided games. Results: Significant effect size differences were found between groups of players in small-sided games in % success of defeating an opponent and % success of keeping the ball in attempt to defeating an opponent. The results suggests that players with higher level of technical skills in defeating an opponent are more successful in defeating an opponent in real game situations. Nevertheless, the statistically significant results weren't found. Key words: Football, motor skills, small-sided...

Dopady změn občanského zákoníku účinného od 1. 1. 2014 na občanská sdružení

Zandlerová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on the impacts of new legal regulations concerning non-profit making organizations on citizen associations. The introductory part gives the old and the new legal regulations of non-profit making organizations. The next chapter describes the transformation method of citizen associations(now societies) to other legal forms. This is followed by the suggestion of criteria when the organizations decide on the change of legal form a part of which is a case study showing the differences in taxation of individual legal forms. The final part describes results of research of transparency of non-profit making sector. Discussion contains recommendations how to solve the problems connected with the new legal regulation.

Optimalizace makrostruktury odlitků z niklových slitin / Optimization of macrostructure of nickel-based alloys castings

Šmíd, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focusing on possibilities of influencing casting’s structure of nickel superalloy Inconel 713LC by force effects caused by vibration and rotation during crystallization. In this research were cast three test castings of turbine wheels with different solidification conditions that have affected the size and distribution of the grains. The aim was to compare the different microstructure and macrostructure of castings and then compare the dependence of grain refinement on mechanical properties. Changes in the structure were analyzed by means of light and electron microscopy methods after the fracture of test bars.

Lokální-globální princip pro kvadratické formy / Local-global principle for quadratic forms

Surý, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
Local-global principle for quadratic forms This work will be focused on the problems of representation and equivalence for quadratic forms. We will prove the fundamental Hasse-Minkowski theorem, which describes the rational representation and equivalence using properties of the form over the completions of Q: the real and p-adic numbers. We will refer to this procedure as local-global principle. Furthermore, we shall describe the methods for computing the p-adic invariants, and show their relation to the representation problem. Finally, we show how the local-global partially extends to integral forms, in particular to indefinite ones of dimension at least 4. 1

Změna vnějšího zatížení při odlišných formách utkání v kopané / Change in the external load at different forms of the game of football

Liška, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Title: Change in the external load at different forms of the game of football Objectives: The aim was to gain insight into various modifications of football and then apply theoretical knowledge to teaching experiment. Methods: In teaching experiment was to determine whether changes in participation of players in the game when resizing the field and change the number of players and also find how to change the load of the players with a change of pitch and number of players. Theoretical bases: Contains an list of the most modifications of football with their brief description. Then analysis of game performance. This chapter place emphasis on gaming activities of player. Last but not least the thesis contains a detailed discussion of the peculiarities of sports training of children and youth. This chapter focuses on the specifics of children's football and coaching youth both at home and abroad. Pedagogical experiment: The experiment was performed in category U-15 in the team FK Pelhřimov in November 2012 and It was focused on the participation of playeres in the game when resizing the pitch and number of players. Results: There was not detected increase in the intensity of load when resizing the pitch and change the number of players. It was found that the change in pitch and changes in the number of...

Meditace (její formy a filosofické předpoklady) / Meditation: forms and philosophical implications

PELTAN, Václav January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with meditation, its forms and philosophical presuppositions. There are many activities activities that people call meditation, which can differ from each other. The first part is focused on existing definitions of meditation and the author proposes his own definition. The second part is devoted to various meditation techniques and forms. The author extends traditional distinction of known techniques by adding philosophical meditation and methods of relaxation. However, is there something that these activities have in common? The last part thus deals with common aspects of each meditation, which are together with its definition understood as philosophical presupppostitions of meditation itself.

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