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Dvojí poetika autorského divadla: Semafor a Studio Ypsilon / Two poetics of author's theatre: Semafor and Studio YpsilonBaloušová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on small scene theaters which developed in the 1950s and represent a unique generational movement within the Czech cultural framework. This final project aims to describe the distinctive poetics of two of the Czech small theaters - the theatre Semafor and Studio Ypsilon. The description itself is based on the analysis of the original dramatic texts produced by their main representatives, Jiří Suchý and Jan Schmid. The thesis opens with the domain of the small scene theaters as such, its definition and characteristics. In order to provide a comprehensive perspective on the matter, the authorial theater and its specifics is further discussed. The main part of this thesis then concentrates on the origins of the two theaters, their profiles during the period of 1960s to 1990s and, eventually, their present form. Finally, despite the different conditions of existence of the two theaters, and the cultural, historical and political context, a comparison of the two poetics is proposed. KEYWORDS small scene theatre, author's theatre, theatre Semafor, Studio Ypsilon, Jiří Suchý, Jan Schmid, drama, dramatic text, poetics
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Kontrola kvality vstřikovaných plastů pomocí rentgenové počítačové tomografie / Quality control of injection molded plastics using X-ray computer tomographyFigar, Erik January 2020 (has links)
This Master‘s thesis deals with an aplication of computed tomography as the technology for quality control check of the plastic parts made by the injection molding process. The analyses were performed on two different types of plastic parts. These parts were delivered by two companies and they included the drawing documentation and CAD models. These plastic parts were analyzed according to their qualitative requirements. The analyses included evaluation of the geometric tolerances and porosity analysis with numerical and graphical evaluation. The new module for tool correction ,which is part of VGStudio Max, was tested on parts that were not in accordance with the required tolerances. Afterwards the new corrected geometries were exported. At the end of this Master’s thesis the porosity comparison was assessed between two different voxel resolution CT data. This comparison shows the complexity of this phenomenon and the importance of voxel resolution settings.
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Hodnocení pevnostních parametrů součástí vytvořených metodami rapid prototyping / Evaluation of strength properties of parts made by rapid prototyping methodsŠimek, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes Rapid Prototyping methods. It introduces their overview, principles, advantages and disadvantages. This project also deals with aplication and comparison of modifications of samples made by Fused Deposition Modeling. Findings from tests of mechanical features (pulling test and bending test) are used for comparison.
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Molekulární mechanismus produkce reaktivních forem kyslíku u flavinových dehydrogenáz mitochondriálního respiračního řetězce. / Molecular mechanism of reactive oxygen species production by flavin dehydrogenases of mitochondrial respiratory chain.Holzerová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate molecular mechanism of reactive oxygen species production by flavin dehydrogenases mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (mGPDH) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). Together, they represent important source of reactive oxygen species in mammalian mitochondria, but the mechanism of electron leak is still poorly understood. Because mechanisms of reactive oxygen species production by other complexes of respiratory chain are better characterized, they can serve as case studies to get insight into mechanisms of reactive oxygen species by flavin dehydrogenases. Relevant knowledge is therefore summarized in the first part of the thesis. To study the production of reactive oxygen species by the isolated flavin dehydrogenases, we used brown adipose tissue mitochondria solubilized by digitonin as a model. Enzyme activity measurements, hydrogen peroxide production studies by Amplex UltraRed fluorescence and luminol luminescence revealed flavin as the most likely source of electron leak in SDH under in vivo conditions, while we propose coenzyme Q binding site as the site of reactive oxygen species production in the case of mGPDH. Distinct mechanism of this production by the two dehydrogenases is also apparent from induction of reactive oxygen species...
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Snížení nákladů na výrobu odlitku litého tlakovým litím pomocí aplikace vysokoteplotního separátoru / Cost reduction of a diecast casting by means of high temperature separatorKoplík, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focuses on new technology in of high pressure die casting industry. Attention is paid in particular to heating, cooling and the influence of the die lubricants on the quality of castings. theoretical knowledge was applied in practise. The optimization of the production cycle was carried out using a high temperature die lubricant and subsequent evaluation on particular casts in foundry KOVOLIT Modřice a.s.
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Návrh robotické buňky pro navařování sklářských forem / Design of a Robotic Cell for Additive Manufacturing of Glass FormsZáveský, Filip January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis contains description of design of robotic cell, which automates process of glass neck ring welding. Robot arm is used as manipulator of part between entry conveyor, induction heating, automatic welding machine and outgoing palette. Construction process contains of making layout of the cell, design of needed workstations and minimalize risk of harm for human operator. The final construction design is simulated to verify robot reach and find manipulation time.
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Návrh robotické buňky pro obsluhu vstřikolisů / Design of a Robotic Cell for Injection Molding Machines OperationsFranc, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design a robotic cell for automated injection molding operation. At the beginning of this paper, the input parameters and the assignment are analyzed. This is then followed up by the layout of the workplace, design of its equipment, selection of robots and the design of their end effectors and peripherals with regard to the specified boundary conditions and operator’s safety. The output of this work is a 3D cell model and its simulation model in PLM software Siemens Process Simulate, which verifies the production cycle time.
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Likvidace soukromého sektoru, drobných a středních živnostníků, v Československu v letech 1948-1953 / The Elimination of the Private Enterprices, Small and Medium Sized Enterpreneurs, in Czechoslovakia between 1948-1953Buštová, Iva January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The elimination of the Private Enterprises, Small and Medium Sized Entrepreneurs, in Czechoslovakia between 1948-1953" is focused on the period after the February 1948, which dates the power takeover by Communistic party of Czechoslovakia, and deals with one feature of change of the Czechoslovak economy, especially the elimination of the private sector, and arising of the socialistic sector as the only segment of the national economy. The thesis reveals the change in communistic attitude toward the private entrepreneurship in 1945-1949, and steps which it took against the private entrepreneurs. Moreover, the thesis describes acting of state authorities and other institutions which played important role in the whole process. It also detects the way which was used for joining the private small and medium sized enterprises into the socialistic sector or the way how they were eliminated in 1948-1953. The whole process is embedded into a broader historical background. The research includes three levels. The first one is legislative level, the second includes state authorities and institutions taking part in the process of elimination following the instructions given by the Communistic party of Czechoslovakia, and finally the third level which refers to entrepreneurs themselves and their...
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Formy hodnocení žáků ve výuce českého jazyka a literatury / Forms of the Assessment of Pupils in the Education of the Czech Language and LiteratureŠťastná, Kamila January 2013 (has links)
AND KEY WORDS ŠŤASTNÁ, Kamila. Forms of the Assessment of Pupils in the Education of the Czech Language and Literature. Prague, 2013. Dissertation. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication. The dissertation deals with the issues of student assessment, namely classification by means of marks and verbal assessment. As a form of student assessment an approach based on the synthesis of both forms is also considered. In the theoretical part of the dissertation assessment in general, school assessment and its special characteristics, positive and negative assessment, types and functions of assessment are defined. The dissertation is mainly concerned with the issues of forms of assessment, their benefits and negative aspects. When discussing verbal assessment, the possibilities of its use are described, its different forms are distinguished, attention is paid to the question of formulating verbal assessment. The dissertation is also concerned with the issues of transition from classification to verbal assessment. The empirical part discovers, by means of interview, which form Czech language and literature teachers use when assessing the students and what their opinions of types of assessment in question are. The dissertation surveys the reasons...
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Opční protokol k Úmluvě o odstranění všech forem diskriminace žen / Option Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against WomenŠmejkalová, Eleanor January 2015 (has links)
RESUMÉ IN ENGLISH ENGLISH TITLE OF THE THESIS: OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN The thesis is concerned with the Optional Protocol to the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (adopted in 1999 and entered into force on December 22nd, 2000). This international treaty offers women two significant mechanisms to protect their rights - the possibility to submit an individual communication to the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women against a State Party to both the Convention and the Protocol and the competence of the Committee to carry out investigations into grave and systematic violations of rights set out in the Convention. The first chapter focuses on the context of and reasons for the adoption of the Protocol. Firstly, the CEDAW, its origins and implementation mechanisms are introduced. The need for an optional protocol clearly arose from the insufficiency of the protection mechanisms enshrined in CEDAW itself in the quest of protection of women in their everyday encounters with discrimination. The chapter describes the new implementation mechanisms introduced by the Protocol. Furthermore, the second and third chapters compare the protection mechanisms laid down in the Protocol and similar...
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