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A comparison of vascular, herbaceous plants between disturbed and undisturbed east-central Indiana woodlotsBowman, G. Brian January 1995 (has links)
The mode of propagation of a plant species may influence its success in recolonizing a successional forest following agricultural disturbance. It is hypothesized that plants with animal-borne or broadcast-dispersed seed will successfully recolonize, while plants which rely upon vegetative propagules may not repopulate the disturbed area. This hypothesis was tested by comparing vascular, herbaceous plant communities of two forests (one old-growth and one successional) in east-central Indiana. Populations of vascular, herbaceous plant species were inventoried in both forests, and the soil characteristics (organic matter and pH) of both areas were analyzed. The two forests had similar soil organic matter profiles, but the pH of the disturbed forest was significantly lower than that of the undisturbed area. Most vegetatively-propagated plant species were, as predicted, significantly more abundant in the undisturbed forest; the disturbed area had been effectively recolonized by animal-borne and broadcast-dispersed seed plants. This perspective has implications for long-term management of east-central Indiana forests. / Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
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Relationships of green-tree retention following timber harvest to forest growth and species composition in the western Cascade MountainsRose, Coulter R. 18 November 1993 (has links)
National Forest management in the Pacific Northwest is shifting
from a focus on commodity production to ecosystem management, in which
the health of the entire forest ecosystem is considered, rather than that
of a few key species. Ecosystem management includes retention of some
live trees following timber harvest (green-tree retention) to preserve
biodiversity, imitating the natural fire regime of large, but patchy
fires that leave many live trees. How ecosystem management will affect
growth and species composition of future forests is an important
question. This study takes a retrospective approach to this question by
using past disturbance as an analogue to green-tree retention following
timber harvest. Using USDA Forest Service timber inventory plot data
from the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and SW Washington, 132 unmanaged
stands were identified with a tree cohort of 70-110 years old
(regeneration) or a tree cohort of 70-110 years old with an overstory of
large trees 200+ years old (remnants). All stands were in the Tsuga
heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. zone (Franklin and Dyrness 1973). Single-aged
stands represented clearcuts, while two-aged stands served as analogues
to stands harvested with green-tree retention. Regeneration basal
area/hectare (ba/ha) declined when remnant-tree densities exceeded about
15 remnant trees/ha (R��=0.51) in a relationship roughly described by a
sigmoidal curve. Conceptually removing remnant-tree space occupancy
effects decreased remnant-tree density's value as a predictor of
regeneration ba/ha by about 50% at management-level remnant densities
(���45 remnant trees/ha). Thus, it appears that remnant "effects" were a
result of both remnant-tree space occupancy and remnant resource use.
Douglas-fir ba/ha in the regeneration also declined when remnant-tree
densities exceeded about 15 remnant trees/ha (R��=0.60). Western hemlock
ba/ha in the regeneration increased slightly with increasing remnant-tree
densities (R��=0.19). Western redcedar ba/ha in the regeneration was
apparently not related to remnant-tree density (R��=0.02). The degree of
aggregation in remnant trees did not appear to affect regeneration ba/ha,
but few stands contained the isolated clumps of remnant trees likely
under a management scenario. Neither measured site characteristics nor
regeneration density was related to regeneration ba/ha across species.
Remnant-tree density was apparently unrelated to tree-species diversity
in the regeneration. Total-stand ba/ha remained relatively constant
across remnant densities. / Graduation date: 1994
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Factors affecting conifer regeneration and community structure after a wildfire in western MontanaToth, Barbara L. 10 October 1991 (has links)
A severe wildfire burned 454 hectares of a second-growth Douglas-fir forest
in 1977 on a north-facing slope in Pattee Canyon, near Missoula, Montana. The
slope was aerially seeded with a grass mixture, from which Dactylis glomerata
established best. Community structure, conifer regeneration, and the impact of the
seeded grass on the plant community were evaluated with two data sets. One set
tracked postfire vegetation development from 1979 to 1987 on permanent transects
established on upland sites in areas of varying fire severity. The second data set
was collected in 1989 on upland sites nearest to the bum edge where conifer
regeneration was expected to be greatest.
Most stands converged to a similar ordination space by 1987, showing that
several key species which established in the initial postfire year determined
community structure. These species were largely on-site survivors (including
Calamagrostis rubescens, Physocarpus malvaceus, and Spiraea betulifolia) and the
seeded grass, D. glomerata. The spread of this species by 1987 to stands that
apparently escaped seeding in 1977 suggested that this species may persist at this
Patterns of species abundance and distribution in 1989 were primarily
controlled by factors summarized by a topographic-moisture index and by pre-burn
disturbance history. Three general site types were described by an ordination.
Areas that appeared as open woodlands in 1937 occurred on ridges and had more
xerophytic vegetation in 1989, including native grasses. Conifer regeneration in this
region was limited primarily to Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir). Areas that
appeared as an even, young forest in 1937 were on open slopes and were associated
with Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine), Larix occidentalis (western larch), Vaccinum
globulare, and Amelanchier alnifolia. Areas that appeared as an older, uneven-aged
forest in 1937 were on open slopes near the upper burn edge and were characterized
by Douglas-fir and Spiraea betulifolia in 1989.
D. glomerata was more successful on the drier ridges and was negatively
associated with Calamagrostis rubescens. Competition with C. rubescens, rather
than differences in environmental tolerances, most likely restricted D. glomerata to
the more xeric sites. An adverse effect of D. glomerata on conifer regeneration was
most likely for western larch on xeric sites.
Site factors and historical factors were most important in determining patterns
of conifer regeneration. Regeneration was moderate on mesic slopes and sparse on
xeric ridges. The extreme density of lodgepole pine regeneration (13,000
stems/hectare) in one mesic area reflected the importance of serotiny for post-fire
regeneration of this species. Douglas-fir regeneration ranged from 370 stems/ha in
a mesic area where no mature survivors were noted to 4045 stems/ha on a mesic
slope near survivors. On mesic slopes near survivors, western larch regeneration
was 857 stems/ha and was minimal elsewhere.
A regression model confirmed the importance of site factors, site history, and
availability of seed source for Douglas-fir and lodgepole pine. The model for
western larch was only able to explain 14% of regeneration pattern, suggesting that
microsite variation as well as other variables would be needed to predict
regeneration for this species. / Graduation date: 1992
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Local adaptation and genetic variation in south-western Australian forest trees : implications for restorationO'Brien, Eleanor K January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Spatial structuring of genetic variation is commonly observed in plant species due to limited dispersal and local adaptation. Intraspecific genetic variation has significant implications for ecological restoration because the source of seed or plants influences patterns of gene flow, and may affect performance if there is adaptive divergence among source populations. This study assessed quantitative trait variation, local adaptation and molecular variation within three common, widespread, long-lived forest tree species from south-western Australia to understand the distribution of intraspecific genetic variation and predict the consequences of seed transfer for restoration. The geographic distribution of quantitative trait variation of jarrah Eucalyptus marginata was assessed through measurement of 15-year-old trees grown in a provenance trial. Survival of trees from the northern jarrah forest was significantly higher than that of trees from southern jarrah forest provenances, where mean annual rainfall is much higher, but stem diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) of southern jarrah forest trees was greater, implying faster growth. D.b.h. of trees from within the northern jarrah forest also exhibited a positive relationship with mean annual rainfall, with maximum d.b.h. observed in trees from provenances in the high rainfall zone. These patterns may reflect selection for faster growth under high rainfall conditions or environmentally-induced parental effects. The percentage of trees bearing buds and flowers varied among latitudinal divisions. ... Neither genetic variation within nor among populations of any species could explain variation of emergence and establishment in reciprocal transplant trials. Collectively, the findings of this study suggest structuring of genetic variation in these species at a broad, rather than a very local, scale. This is expected for widespread, long-lived species, where extensive gene flow and temporal variation are likely to favour high within, relative to among, population genetic variation. However, there is evidence that the source of seed may have a significant influence on the success of restoration of these species, whether as a result of genetic variation among populations or due to other factors affecting seed quality. These results highlight the importance of integrating studies of molecular and adaptive trait variation when seeking to understand the causes and consequences of genetic variation within plant species and contribute to the development of seed sourcing practices for improved restoration success.
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