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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La transferencia del conocimiento dentro de las spin-offs universitarias

Gouza, Assia 04 February 2016 (has links)
The knowledge transfer in traditional enterprises has been deeply studied, although there are no articles to be treated within the university spin-off companies, which often operate in dynamic environments. In this paper we are going to consider the knowledge transfer within the university spin-offs is of great importance because the value of these companies is not so much conditioned by their investment in assets but knowledge transfer explicit and tacit capital human, which is a key element in creating a competitive advantage. The benefits of such knowledge transfer within university spin-offs can always be achieved as the process develops effectively and efficiently. This has generated a great academic and professional interest in observing the factors that affect the success of the knowledge transfer. The main objective of this thesis is to study how the process of knowledge transfer takes place within the university spin-offs (facilitators and barriers), especially how the flow of knowledge of the main founders, who remain teachers in the university and ¡ shareholders in the company to employees included. Analytically speaking, we have been contemplated the most representative studies on the knowledge transfer, trying to identify; and classify the factors that determine the knowledge transfer in university spin-offs. Thus, we selected five groups of variables, defined as proposed by Szulanski (1996; 2000): characteristics of the knowledge ransferred, of the source, of the recipient, characteristics of knowledge, characteristics of the context and the media. As the aim of the research is to explore, explain and understand what the determinants of knowledge transfer within university spin-offs, this research was based on a qualitative case study design, using as units of analysis tour cases studied in four companies spin-offs located in Barcelona: two of the UAB and two the UPC. A cross case study results, we can summarize the main findings of this research. Following the analysis of the cases both individually and cross case was possible to detect the facilitators and barriers that influence the process of the explicit and tacit knowledge transfer. The main conclusions of this thesis are as follows: facilitators from the source to the receiver, such as the motivation of the source, reliability, trust, similar studies, commitment, simplicity, prior experience, the codification and the little time available and the organizational distance are the barriers. Instead, management style, organizational culture, motivation of the recipient, similar studies, self-learning, teaching ability and absorption capacity are the facilitators of knowledge transfer to the receiver and the knowledge complexity is this barrier. Finally, for the spin-off companies successfully make the process of transferring its explicit and tacit knowledge, requiring instruments of formal and informal communication that allow them too quickly and efficiently share knowledge. The fact that the sources of knowledge of spin-offs are university professors and lack of availability of time negatively affects the process of knowledge transfer. So the impact of information and communications technology in this process is very important. Therefore, although it facilitates the transfer of knowledge cannot replace direct face to face, which is a prerequisite for the successful tacit knowledge transfer. / Las empresas familiares son uno de los principales motores de la economía, de ahí la relevancia al estudiarlas. Son diversas las aportaciones de especialistas nacionales sobre el tema de empresas familiares pero son insuficientes los estudios y herramientas desarrolladas con el fin de profesionalizar a este tipo de empresas. Por tanto el objetivo principal de esta investigación es diseñar un plan estratégico docente con características interdisciplinarias para la formación de estudiantes hacia la creación y dirección de empresas familiares, dando respuesta a las necesidades y demandas de la sociedad. La metodología utilizada es de naturaleza cuantitativa con un alcance de acuerdo al nivel de conocimientos obtenidos con dicha investigación: exploratorio-descriptivo. Asimismo requirió de un diseño no experimental del tipo transaccional descriptivo, todo ello para lograr indagar la incidencia y proporcionar una visión de la comunidad en estudio. La unidad de análisis utilizada fue el personal docente del área de Organización de empresas así como empresas familiares,muestra integrada por docentes y directivos, la cual fue determinada por una muestra probabilística. Para la recolección de datos se presentan instrumentos de tipo cuantitativo a través de cuestionarios estructurados, diseñados con preguntas basadas en la escala de Likert, determinando su grado de confiabilidad mediante el Alfa de Cronbach. El análisis estadístico se dividió en dos etapas : 1) descriptivo del conjunto de variables extraídas y 2) inferencial con la prueba de hipótesis y la estimación de parámetro con el coeficiente de Pearson y la regresión múltiple, siendo los más factibles para garantizar los resultados obtenidos de la muestra poblacional y utilizando el software estadístico SPSS Con base en el plan estratégico docente propuesto, se pretende que los profesores adquieran primeramente las mismas competencias que se requiere de los alumnos para gestionar y dirigir empresas familiares .Así mismo,es importa nte destacar que en el plan se enfatiza la actividad emprendedora dentro de las empresas familiares, basado en la curva de innovación con el fin de estar apoyado en la adaptación constante de los cambios y detección de las oportunidades de negocio, así como ver el riesgo como una oportunidad para hacer nuevos negocios, todo esto con el objeto de contar con un plan que permita una actividad estratégica flexible. Como resultado de todo esto se generaron características interdisciplinarias para desarrollar profesionales especializados, con conocimientos específicos en determinados campos, habilidades y destrezas. Por tanto, la contribución de la presente investigación es asegurar de esta manera el desarrollo eficiente y un cambio en la educación para la administración de empresas familiares, de tal forma que responda a los requerimientos de un mercado laboral cada vez más dinámico y por ende permitiéndoles llevar a cabo acciones dentro de las cuales desarrollen estrategias para lograr y mantenerse dentro del mercado de su competencia. Con esta investigación se brinda una herramienta que contribuya a reducir el índice de fracaso de las empresas familiares. Se recomienda finalmente la aplicación del plan en los profesores, la identificación de factores internos y externos en la aplicación de dichos planes y por último replicarse en diferentes tipos de universidades.

Analysis of the specialization patterns for scientific and industrial activities in the EU regions in the framework of the smart specialization strategy

Esparza Masana, Ricard 18 November 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to provide a complete overview of the specialization trends of the EU regions in the context of the regional innovation smart specialization strategy (RIS3), as well as to evaluate whether some priorities can be identified form a top-down point of view, according to the preexisting patterns. RIS3 has become one of the main tools of the European Commission for the period 2014-2020 and it aims to promote more integration and efficiency in the European systems of innovation, asking all regions to define their strategies based on the establishment of some priorities in which a region can excel in front of the others, so it can develop cutting-edge innovation activities in those scientific fields and industrial sectors for which it presents a larger competitive advantage. Our work aims to evaluate up to which point a potential establishment of priorities from a top-down approach is possible given the preexisting specialization patterns in the EU regions, for both scientific and industrial activities. Additionally, we look to analyze the suitability of these trends in the framework of the regional smart specialization strategies that are being designed contemporaneously, contrasting the patterns to the structure of some regions, including their main institutions and activities. In chapter 1, we contextualize our study in the framework of the smart specialization strategy, we review the state of art of its associated concepts, and we present the objectives, research questions, propositions, and methodology of the thesis. In chapter 2, we analyze the specialization patterns of most of the EU regions, evaluating their activities in order to define comparative advantages leading to the establishment of priorities towards the strategy. In chapter 3, we present twelve brief case studies where we analyze in detail some of the largest regions (in absolute terms regarding their scientific / industrial activities), describing and studying their specialization patterns according to their main institutions and actors. In chapter 4, we examine thirty proposals presented by EU regions regarding their smart specialization strategies, aiming to evaluate up to which point these proposals match with the main goals of the policy when we consider it from a top-down approach. In chapter 5, we present our final remarks and deductions. Our main conclusions are centered in the fact that our analyses can prove that there are indeed specialization patterns in the EU regions, which allow policy makers to design strategies based on some top-down approaches when establishing regional priorities for science, technology, industry, and innovation in general. However, we also prove that these trends present many biases given the particular structure of the EU and its territories, and regional strategies must necessarily be more focused on integrating institutions and actors in the different regions to make them part of the whole system, not only in their area, but from an European perspective / La tesi busca oferir una perspectiva completa de les tendències d'especialització de les regions de la Unió Europea en el context de l'estratègia d'innovació regional d'especialització intel·ligent (RIS3), així com avaluar la potencial identificació de prioritats des d'una perspectiva de dalt cap a baix, tenint en compte els patrons preexistents. El RIS3 ha esdevingut una de les eines principals per a la Comissió Europea en el període 2014 - 2020 i busca promoure més integració i eficiència en els sistemes europeus d'innovació, demanant a totes les regions que defineixin les seves estratègies en base a l'establiment de prioritats en les quals la regió pot excel·lir davant de les altres, desenvolupant així activitats punteres d'innovació en aquells camps científics i sectors industrials en els que presenta més avantatge comparatiu. El nostre treball vol avaluar fins a quin punt el potencial establiment de prioritats des d'una perspectiva de dalt cap a baix és possible donats els patrons d'especialització preexistents a les regions de la UE, tant per les activitats científiques com per les industrials. Addicionalment, busquem analitzar l'adequació d'aquestes tendències en el context de les estratègies regionals d'especialització intel·ligent que s'estan definit contemporàniament, contrastant els patrons amb l'estructura de les regions, incloent les seves principals institucions i activitats. Al capítol 1, contextualitzem el nostre estudi en el marc de l'estratègia d'especialització intel·ligent, fem una revisió de l'estat de l'art dels conceptes associats i presentem els objectius, les preguntes de recerca, les proposicions i la metodologia de la tesi. Al capítol 2, analitzem els patrons d'especialització de la majoria de regions de la UE, avaluant les seves activitats amb l'objectiu de definit avantatges comparatius conduents a l'establiment de prioritats en el marc de l'estratègia. Al capítol 3, presentem dotze casos d'estudi breus on analitzem en detall algunes de les regions més grans (en termes absoluts, tenint en compte les seves activitats científiques / industrials), descrivint i estudiant els seus patrons d'especialització en relació als seus principals actors i institucions. Al capítol 4, examinem trenta propostes presentades per regions de la UE en relació a les seves estratègies d'especialització intel·ligent, amb l'objectiu d'avaluar fins a quin punt aquestes propostes encaixen en els principals objectius de la política quan la considerem des d'una perspectiva de dalt cap a baix. Al capítol 5, presentem els comentaris finals i les deduccions. Les nostres conclusions principals es centren en el fet que el nostre anàlisis pot provar que realment hi ha patrons d'especialització a les regions de la UE, que permeten als dissenyadors de polítiques fer-ho amb estratègies basades en aproximacions de dalt cap a baix quan estableixen les prioritats regionals per la ciència, la tecnologia, la indústria i la innovació en general. No obstant, també demostrem que aquestes tendències presenten molts biaixos donada l'estructura particular de la UE i els seus territoris, així com el fet que les estratègies regionals s'han de centrar més en la integració de les institucions i els actors de les diferents regions per fer-los partícips del sistema en general, no només del seu sector, sinó des d'una perspectiva europea

Problèmes de type Linnik pour les fonctions L de formes automorphes / The Linnik-type problems for automorphic L-functions

Qu, Yan 02 December 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la répartition des coefficients de fonctions L automorphes de GL(m) avec m = 2. D’une part, nous avons traité le premier changement de signes de ces coefficients, i.e. des problèmes de type Linnik, et obtenu des majorations du type polynômial. D’autre part, nous avons étudié les sommes longues et courtes des coefficients de fonctions L de GL(m) sur les nombres premiers pour tester leur décompensation, respectivement. / In the thesis we have studied the distribution of the coefficients of automorphic L-functions for GL(m) with m = 2. On the one hand, we have treated the first sign change of these coefficients, i.e. the Linnik-type problems, and obtained the polynomial-type estimates. On the other hand, we studied the long and short summations of coefficients of L-functions for GL(m) on the prime numbers to test their decompensation, respectively.

Analyse et modélisation de formes optimales / Analysis and modeling of optimal shapes

Durus, Ioana-Geanina 28 November 2008 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail de thèse est l'étude théorique et numérique des quelques problèmes relevants de l'analyse et de la modélisation de forme. Les problèmes considérés sont issus d'applications modernes comme la modélisation de décollement de membrane par mouvements minimisants, des inégalités isopérimétriques et de traitement d'image. Analyse et optimisation de formes des valeurs propres de l'opérateur de conductivité. Dans un ouvert de mesure finie on considère le Laplacian avec conditions aux bord de type conductivité, i.e. Constantes localement ou globalement, avec constantes libres. Cet opérateur intervient dans le processus de détection de défauts par mesures au bord et a fait l'objet d'une première analyse par Greco et Lucia dans le cadre globalement constant. Nous étudions des propriétés qualitatives des valeurs propres en relation avec la géométrie, des inégalités isopérimétriques générales par réarrangement et/ou [gamma]-convergence, et nous implémentons un algorithme génétique pour déterminer les formes minimisantes pour les valeurs propres d'ordre petit, à mesure constante, La génération des formes est basée sur les niveaux des séries de Fourier tronquées, contrôlées par les coefficients. Simulation numérique du décollement d'un membrane. On étudie le modèle de décollement d'une membrane adhésive proposé par Bucur, Buttazzo et Lux, dans le cadre des mouvements minimisantes quasi-statiques. Suivant la dissipation de l'énergie, le décollement consiste en une évolution de domaines ou une évolution de mesures. Mon travail a consisté dans la simulation associées à des stratégies évolutionnaires en relation avec la dérivée de forme, méthodes des lignes de niveaux et la dérivation des mesures. Etude numérique du problème de localisation optimale. Nous nous intéressons à l'analyse numérique des différents problèmes de localisation optimale tels que le problème de chois optimal des pixels d'appui pour l'interpolation d'image ou la minimisation de la compliance (cadre linéaire ou non linéaire). Différentes méthodes sont utilisées, tels que le gradient topologique, les algorithmes génétiques et le calcul asymptotique par [gamma]-convergence / We are interested in a few problems which can be viewed in the framework of shape optimization like : the conductivity eigenvalue problem. In an open set of finite measure we considers the Laplacian with conductivity boundary conditions, i.e., constants locally or globally with free constants. The operator intervenes in the process of the defect identication of a material by electrostatic boundary measurements and was the subject of a first properties of the eigenvalues in relation with the geometry, general isoperimetric inequalities by rearrangement and/or [gamma]-convergence, and we implement a genetic with constant measure. The generation of the forms is based on the levels of truncated Fourier series, controlled by the coefficeints. Numerical implementation for debonding membranes. We study the model of quasistatic evolution of an adhesive membrane subjected to a debonding force proposed by Bucur, Buttazzo and Lux, within the framwork of the minimizing movements. According to the dissipation of energy the debonding process consisted in the numerical simulation of the debonding process in the two situations. Methods of descent are associated with the evolution strategies in relation to the shape derivative ; level set method and the mesure derivation. Numerical results for a few problem of optimal location. We are interested in the numeraical analysis of the various problems of optimal location such as the problem of best alternative of the pixels of support for the image interpolation or minimization of compliance (framework linear and not linear). Various methods are used, such as the topological gradient, the genetic algorithms and asymptotic calculation by [gamma]-convergence

Ternary cubic forms and central simple algebras of degree 3

Raczek, Mélanie 07 December 2007 (has links)
Fix a ground field F of characteristic neither 2 nor 3 and consider pairs (A,V) consisting of a degree 3 central simple F-algebra A and a 3-dimensional subspace V of the reduced trace zero elements of A which is totally isotropic for the trace quadratic form. Mapping an element of V to its cube defines a cubic form. This thesis is devoted to the classification of such cubic pairs - i.e. the description of a representative of each isomorphism class of cubic pairs - and the study of the associated cubic forms. First we study some geometrical aspects of ternary cubic forms in general; i.e. we study cubic curves in a projective plane. Apart from the well-known flexes of such a curve, we observe the existence of other special points and lines, which we call Hessian points, harmonic points and harmonic polars, and exhibit their remarkable properties. We consider in particular the special cases of semi-diagonal and semi-trace cubic forms, the latter being a new generalization of the former. Geometrical properties are then used to classify non-singular cubic pairs (A,V) over the separable closure of F, where we may suppose that A is a matrix algebra. Then we compute the automorphism group of such cubic pairs (which, in fact, is either the group of order three or the product of two such groups) and by means of its first Galois cohomology set we deduce a complete classification of non-singular cubic pairs over the ground field itself. By more computational methods we also give a complete classification of singular cubic pairs. As an application we deduce in particular that the cubic form associated to a cubic pair (A,V) with A a division algebra is always semi-trace; and it is semi-diagonal if the ground field contains a primitive cube root of unity. Using a result of D. Haile and J.-P. Tignol we prove moreover that such a cubic form determines the algebra up to (anti-)isomorphism.

Problèmes de perception formelle dans la musique occidentale du XXe siècle /

Michel, Philippe, Bayer, Francis, January 1997 (has links)
Th. Etat--Arts, philosophie, esthétique--Paris VIII--Vincennes-Saint-Denis, 1997. / Bibliogr. f. 499-503.

Forme brevi della poesia, tra umanesimo e Rinascimento /

Forni, Giorgio. January 2001 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Tesi di dottorato--Facoltà di lettere e filosofia--Università degli studi--Urbino, 2000. Titre de soutenance : Forme brevi della poesia del Quattro e del Cinquecento : epigramma e sonetto. / Bibliogr. p. [245]-259.

Étude de la nature de la radioactivité gamma dans les roches carbonatées de plate-forme : analyses et interprétations environnementales, diagénétiques et géodynamiques /

Raddadi, Mohamed Chaker, January 2005 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat--Géologie--Grenoble 1, 2004. / Bibliogr. p. 140-143 p. Résumé en français et en anglais.

Comparaison d'images binaires reposant sur une mesure locale des dissimilarités Application à la classification /

Baudrier, Etienne Ruan, Su. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Traitement de l'image et mathématiques appliquées : Reims : 2005. / Titre provenant de l'écran titre. Bibliogr. f. 185-193.

Une nouvelle approche pour la vérification des masques des circuits intégrés

Jerraya, Ahmed Amine. January 2008 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de docteur-ingénieur : informatique : Grenoble, INPG : 1983. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. 147-153.

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