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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of Application for Assessing the Height of Trees in Forest Stands Based on Images from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Machala, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Various remote sensing methods are being utilized to assess fundamental properties of forest stands, such as the height of trees, already for decades. Nevertheless, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the combination with Structure from Motion software for these purposes, experiences its boom right now and thus not many pertinent studies exist yet. Such system producing image-based point clouds was utilized in this work to gain the canopy elevation data. To identify individual trees and to extract their height from these remote sensing data, a unique software tool called 'UAV Forest Explorer' was developed. Twenty forest study plots was established to acquire the field measurements ground truth data about almost 1 500 trees to thoroughly test the tool and calculate demanded statistics. The research proved, that the tool is fully applicable on all types of forest stands.

Návrh rozložení přibližovacích linek na základě fotogrammetrie v Thajsku

Petrovičová, Lucia January 2019 (has links)
Suitable skidding trail layout is important in sustainable forestry system, thus can minimise the damages to trees and economical losses. In a cooperation between Mendel University in Brno and Kasetsart University in Bangkok a potential use of photogrammetry based skidding trail layout was evaluated. Certain plots of teak plantation in Thong Pha Phum were captured with and further processed in Agisoft Metashape software. On obtained orthophoto single trees were distinguished and understory trees for thinning from below were identified on Weighted Voronoi diagram base. On Kernel Density Estimation base a tree density estimation raster output were created. Considering irregular teak spacing a subjective approach for skidding trail layout design was applied, with emphasis to shorten skidding distances and reducing the possible damages to remaining trees and soils.

3D model vybraného objektu / 3D model of the selected object

Raclavský, David January 2020 (has links)
The result of the diploma thesis is a photogrammetrically evaluated georeferenced 3D model of an object with its environment, located in the AdMaS complex. The work describes in detail all phases of creating a 3D model of the object from the selection and calibration of the camera to editing the 3D model. Discuss about software and methods for evaluating 3D models. The thesis deals with the optimal setting of ContectCapture software. The accuracy of the resulting 3D model is tested by the methodology according to ČSN 013410 on the basis of control measurements.

Interpolace digitálního modelu povrchu korun pro analýzu porostních mezer přírodního smrko-jedlo-bukového lesa

Komárek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this bachelor's thesis was to create, from a point cloud, a suitable digital surface model for analysis of vegetation gaps of natural spruce-fir-beech forest. The input data were obtained by means of 2010 airborne laser scanning and 2004 airborne photogrammetry in the territory of Žofín primaeval forest. To create the digital models, several interpolating methods were utilized by means of the AcrMap 10.2 software using the free LAStools toolbox. Subsequently, cuts were created from these models. The cuts were compared in the Pointools View 1.7 software and their capability to truly copy the canopy surface and suitability to search for vegetation gaps were evaluated.

Možnosti vytvoření mračna bodů a síťového modelu místa dopravní nehody z fotografií / Possibilities of Point Cloud and Mesh Model Creation of Accident Site Using Photographs

Mojžyšek, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on creating point cloud and mesh model of chosen intersections and their applications in forensic-engineering praxis. In the first part, we describe a workflow for creating point cloud and mesh model of intersection by digital photogrammetry. In the second part, we applied these at chosen intersections. Which leads us to the comparison of three digital photogrammetric programs which we used to make point clouds and mesh models. At the end of thesis, we use our mesh models in forensic-engineering praxis and we decide about barriers in sign conditions at intersections.

Využití metody fotogrammetrie při pasportizaci památkové budovy / Using the Photogrammetry Method for a Historic Building Passportization

Ondová, Natálie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the assessment of the building technical condition of the monument building of the South Gate of the Veveří Castle. The use of photogrammetry – as one of the main methods of measurement – is a 3D model of this object and its passportization. Based on written materials and a closer survey of the object, this overview is considered a problem that should serve as a means of redress.

Možnosti uplatnění UAV a podobných zařízení ve stavebnictví / Possibilities of using UAVs and similar devices in the building industry

Kašiár, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of a 3D model using laser scanning by unmanned aircraft (UAV). In the first part the author describes the history, legislation, the possibility of using unmanned aircraft and their dividing. The next section describes the process of creating a 3D model from data collection, using a drone to the actual modeling in Revit and subsequent use of the 3D model.

Bezpilotní průzkum prostředí v mobilní robotice / Aerial Environmental Mapping in Reconnaissance Robotics

Gábrlík, Petr January 2021 (has links)
Letecká fotogrammetrie v oblasti bezpilotních systémů představuje rychle rozvíjející se obor nalézající uplatnění napříč nejen průmyslovými odvětvími. Široce rozšířená metoda nepřímého georeferencování založená na vlícovacích bodech sice dosahuje vysoké přesnosti a spolehlivosti, v některých speciálních aplikacích nicméně není použitelná. Tato disertační práce se zabývá vývojem senzorického systému pro přímé georeferencování aplikovatelného na malých bezpilotních prostředcích a dále také návrhem vhodných kalibračních metod a testováním přesnosti. Významná část práce je věnována novým oblastem, kde může navržený systém pomoci eliminovat bezpečnostní rizika spojená s daným prostředím. V tomto kontextu byl systém testován v reálných podmínkách při mapování sněhu v horských oblastech a při robotickém mapování radiace.

Vybrané problémy analýzy fotogrammetrických systémů / Selected Problems in Photogrammetric Systems Analysis

Boleček, Libor January 2015 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá vybranými partiemi digitální fotogrammetrie. V první části práce je definované téma a popsán současný stav poznání. V následujících kapitolách jsou postupně řešeny čtyři dílčí navzájem navazující cíle. První oblastí je návrh metody pro hledání souhlasných bodů v obraze. Byly navrženy dvě nové metody. První z nich používá konverzi snímků do nepravých barev a druhá využívá pravděpodobností model získaný ze známých párů souhlasných bodů. Druhým tématem je analýza přesnosti výsledné rekonstrukce prostorových bodů. Postupně je analyzován vliv různých faktorů na přesnost rekonstrukce. Stěžejní oblastí je zkoumání vlivu chybného zarovnání kamer a chyby v určení souhlasných bodů. Třetím tématem je tvorba hloubkových map. Byly navrženy dva postupy. První přístup spočívá v kombinaci pasivní a aktivní metody druhý přístup vychází z pasivní metody a využívá spojitosti hloubkové mapy. Poslední zvolenou oblastí zájmu je hodnocení kvality 3D videa. Byly provedeny a statisticky vyhodnoceny subjektvní testy 3D vjemu pro různé zobrazovací systémy v závislosti na úhlu pozorování

Vliv vlastností povodí vysokohorských jezer v Tatrách na chemizmus vody / Influence of catchment characteristics of high-mountain lakes in the Tatra Mountains on water chemistry

Hynštová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with catchments of the alpine lakes in the High Tatra Mountains. The lakes were subject of a long-term monitoring to detect changes of chemical and biotic composition of lake water induced by acid atmospheric deposition and by its decline. The studied processes required a quantitative approach to describe the characteristics of the catchments. The definition of new catchment parameters or the refining estimated parameters was not allowed without current technical and computing equipment because of the complexity of mountainous terrain. The morphological parameters for 26 catchments were obtained by analysis of the created digital elevation model (DEM) using tools of geographic information system (GIS, software ESRI ArcGIS 10.2). The land cover was detected by Google aerial map (2014). The links between chemical composition (NO3⁻, Σ(Ca2+ +Mg2+ )) and catchment properties based on the specified or refined catchment parameters (slope, portion of an area with a slope <26 ř in the catchment, proportion of different land cover types to the real catchment area) were analysed between the years 1993 and 2012 (respectively 2006). New morphological parameters were derived for the defined catchments. The catchments on the northern and the southern slope were distinguished by...

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