Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fotovoltaica"" "subject:"fotovoltaicas""
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Odhad nákladů podpory výroby elektřiny z fotovoltaických elektráren na Slovensku, ve Velké Británii a Řecku / The cost of photovoltaic subsidies in UK, Greece and SlovakiaTurko, Dominik January 2013 (has links)
This MA thesis deals with the cost of photovoltaics subsidies in selected European countries. It consists of theoretical and applied sections. The theoretical one provides a brief history of photovoltaic technology and gives a short account of the attitude of European Union towards its support. In the applied part the promotion schemes used in Slovak Republic, Greece and the United Kingdom are described and the total costs of these schemes are estimated based on the best available predictions of future development. The total costs are then computed by adding the support promised. The total costs are estimated to amount to 3,5 bn EUR in Slovakia, 16 bn. EUR in Greece and 13 bn. EUR in the UK.
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Pracoviště pro testování solárních článků metodou LBIC / Workplace for testing of solar cells using LBIC methodHarašta, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
Subject this diploma thesis is introduction to solar problems, with folow-up focus on solar elements and reflection about their defects. The next part is dedicated diagnostic method LBIC (Light Beam Induced Current) that help to detect defects of solar elements. The work is concerned with aplication this method in general view, from construction of workplace, throuhg hardware to software. The last part is focused on results processing and analysis.
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Simulace zapojení solárních článků v programu MATLAB / Simulation of interconnection of solar cells in MATLABStřípek, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of the master’s thesis SIMULATION OF INTERCONNECTION OF SOLAR CELLS IN MATLAB is introduction of conversion principle of solar radiation into electrical energy in photovoltaic cells. The thesis deals with mathematical models and equations that describe the solar cell and their interconnection. The main task was to develop a user interface program using MATLAB. The produced program is intended to simulate a single cells or series connection, parallel or in series – parallel cells, and so simulate a photovoltaic panel.
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Studie fotovoltaických elektráren na jižní Moravě / Study of Free-Field Photovoltaic Plants in South MoraviaBařinka, David January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is the study about the future of solar power stations in the Czech Republic, describing the history, composition, principle of solar power stations and types of defects. Is primarily focuses on the future and recycling of solar power stations and solar panels. The conclusion of this disertation describes and evaluates own survey which is oriented on operators of the solar power stations.
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Právní úprava obnovitelných zdrojů energie a jejich využívání / Legal regulation of the renewable energy resources and their useMakovec, Václav January 2013 (has links)
Title: Legislation of renewable energy sources and their use Abstract The presented thesis deals with issues of legal regulation of renewable energy sources with target on legal regulation of system of support in the Czech Republic. The thesis contains the overview of documents and instruments from international enviroment. As a result of the Czech Republic membership in the European Union the thesis presents instruments of union legislation which due to integration of EU member states legislation and due to marking out obligatory goals aims to opened unified and liberal energy market. The thesis describes historical development of this phenomenon from partial legislation to complex and sophisticated legislation and artificially formed systems of support including and puts them into context with social economic aspects of pursued period of time. Due to comparative method the thesis brings not only comparation of legislation in the course of time in Czech and European background but also evaluate them and try to estimate progress and find possible solution. One of the thesis targets is to provide the comprehensive view on legislation of renewable energy sources from businessmen points of view and put this relationship into context with institute of environment protection.
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Fuzzy model rozhodování investora do fotovoltaických technologií v předprojekční fázi / Fuzzy Model of Investor´s Decision into Photovoltaic Technologies During Pre-Design PhasePavlíček, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation deals with fuzzy knowledge base supporting investor’s investment decision into the photovoltaic technologies during pre-design phase, when the engineering solution is not known yet. Probably, majority of investors have particular image about the cost and risk coming from investment into the photovoltaic technologies. However, this image is limited to the restricted knowledge areas of each investor. During the period, when the investor is planning investment into the costly photovoltaic technologies at complex, vague and heavily qualified information about the conditions and risks of investment in the specific region, where the environment is constantly inconsistent and multidimensional, it is possible to solve this complex situation with fuzzy logic. This dissertation is focusing on creation of fuzzy knowledge base with selected installed projects in Europe since 2008 and its use with expert system. Furthermore, is covering the definition and description of the variables, which are included in the investor decision making process. The complete designed architecture of the fuzzy knowledge base is tuned and five projects with different size are tested. The fuzzy knowledge base consists of overall 24 variables and 187 statements. The fuzzy knowledge base is tested with 5 projects.
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Impact of New Technologies in Energy on Households / Vliv nových technologií v energetice na domácnostiNovák, Dominik January 2015 (has links)
This masters thesis aims to assess and evaluate the potential of home based energy storage systems for the final user. In theoretical part it therefore describes the historical development of the European power sector with the purpose of determining, what was the impact of this development on products offered by energy providers to the final consumers of electricity. Findings from this analysis are then used to design a model, which is introduced and described in the practical part of the masters thesis. This model is afterwards used to assess the profitability of home batteries implementation by three different types of households and also to determine, what are the key drivers and constraints for the adoption of energy storage systems by households.
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Hodnocení efektevity výstavby fotovoltaické elektrárny / Valuation of effectiveness of constrution of photovoltaic power plantRákosník, Milan January 2009 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to provide management of specific company with valid information concerning intended investment in construction of a small photovoltaic power plant. Valuation of the investment is done using methods: payback period, discounted payback period, net present value, internal rate of return and profitability index. There is a comlete sensitivity analysis included in the thesis. Besides the valuation itself, the thesis provide also relevant information about the company, legal environment, czech and european renewable energy market and current state of the project.
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Podnikateľský zámer - fotovoltaická elektráreň / Business plan - photovoltaic power plantGula, Michal January 2009 (has links)
In recent years, there are increasingly getting into a fore issues of renewable energy sources. According to its availability, the Sun is currently the best source of energy, which is in the meaning of mankind needs inexhaustible. This work describes photovoltaic as a profitable investment. It offers complete instructions on how to work towards your own photovoltaic system. The work provides us through all the steps from searching a suitable location to building. This work describes the legal conditions, the requirements of banks and at the end it focuses on most important interactions of input parameters for the monitoring of cash flow for our own investment.
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Zpracování podnikatelského záměru / Elaboration of Business PlanOndrák, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused to create a project of photovoltaic power plant with energy output 1 MWp. Project should be realized in a land register of Lipnice nad Sázavou. Next target is identificatio of conditions for enterprising in energetics and renewable energy. Details are described in the branch of photovoltaics business. Part of thesis is focused to evaluation of feasibility, financial and administration obstacles include description of particular documents necessary for realization of the project. Other part of the thesis is focused to PESTEL analysis of corporate environment. There are described all aspects important for business activities in the field of photovoltaics. Thesis includes an economic analysis too. There are mentioned calculations of supposed economic progres during the 20 year. In this years redemption price is fixed in law. Unfortunatelly a changes are expect in next year. So these changes are took into account in calculations too.
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