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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementation of Fast Fourier Transformation on Transport Triggered Architecture / Implementation of Fast Fourier Transformation on Transport Triggered Architecture

Žádník, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
V této práci je navrhnut energeticky úsporný procesor typu TTA (Transport Triggered Architecture) pro výpočet rychlé Fourierovy transformace (FFT). Návrh procesoru byl vytvořen na míru použitému algoritmu pomocí speciáoních funkčních jednotek. Algoritmus byl realizován jako posloupnost instrukcí tak, že většina výpočtu probíhá ve smyčce obrahující pouze jedionu paralelní instrukci. Tato instrukce je umístěna do instrukčního bufferu, odkud je potom volána místo instrukční paměti. Díky tomu se dá docílit nižší spotřeby, neboť volání z instrukčního bufferu je efektivnější než volání z instrukční paměti. Program byl zkompilován na časovém modelu procesoru a časová simulace potvrdila správnost návrhu. Součástí práce jsou rovněž pomocné programy v Pythonu, které slouží ke generaci referenčních výsledků a automatické simulaci a porovnání výsledků simulace s referencí.

Analýza vlivu uspořádání kolagenu na mechanické vlastnosti tepen / Analysis of Influence of Collagen Organization on Mechanical Properties of Arteries

Novák, Kamil January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation thesis concerns with Analysis of Influence of Collagen Organization on Mechanical Properties of Arteries and it is divided into three main parts. Motivation for this dissertation thesis was in a study reviewing effect of material model upon resulting stresses in AAA. The effect was calculated in 70 patient-specific geometries of AAA, which exceeds the number of geometries in other scientific papers by one order. Within this study, two material models were used, i.e. real one and 100× stiffer, and obtained stresses were mutually compared. It was quantified that peak stress difference can be higher than 20 % in 10% of patients and therefore the real material model should be preferred over the artificial one although operation with this model is more demanding. The second part of this thesis deals with an identification of structural parameters (orientation and dispersion of collagen fibres) of porcine aortic tissue by using adjusted Fast Fourier Transform based algorithm. The extracted structural parameters were inserted into two-layer structure-motivated constitutive model Martufi-Gasser. This model was validated and its predictive capabilities were also tested with fine results. The most important information obtained from the digital image processing of ~9000 micrographs is existence of only one family of dispersed collagen fibres which breaks the current dogma present in many scientific papers about two families of collagen fibres. The third part concerns with a proposal of an automated phase-correlation based algorithm for obtaining collagen fibre direction from polarized light microscopy images. The proposed algorithm was verified and validated and it yields histograms of collagen fibre directions with overall number of measured points larger than it would be possible to get from any manual measurement. The limitation of the original proposed algorithm is in 90° period of polarized light intensity, thus the method results in angles in the range of 0°–90. Therefore the end of the thesis is dedicated resolving this problem and obtaining real angles in a span of 0°–180°. To this end, the microscope set-up was changed and the algorithm was adjusted accordingly. The original and the adjusted algorithms are collagen-specific, fast and an operator independent. Despite all the author´s effort put into collagen fibre waviness quantification directly from the histograms, the waviness has not been quantified yet in this way and it remains at the stage of research.

3D rekonstrukce objektů pomocí metod analýzy obrazu / Objects 3D reconstruction using image processing methods

Maruniaková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with 3D reconstruction of objects using image analysis methods. The work includes mathematical theory associated with this problem, a procedure for creating 2D sharp images and 3D reconstruction itself. The outputs are 2D sharp images, 3D models, stl models. Different kinds of data are analyzed.

OvÄen­ funkce metody Vdip na fyzikln­m modelu VN soustavy / Verification of the Vdip method on the physical model of the MV network

KrÄl, V­t January 2019 (has links)
This Master's thesis is focused on creating of an algorithm which calculates changes of negative-sequence voltages and currents from their instantaneous values. That allows to conduct localization of asymmetrical faults in MV network in line with the Vdip method, which is based on monitoring the changes of negative-sequence components at distribution substations and at a sub-transmission station. The algorithm is being developed in Matlab environment with continuous implementation of partial procedures which are being assessed and compared with each other. A study of phasor estimating methods is carried out with pointing out related problems which are mainly caused by Ripple control and deviation of system frequency from its nominal value. Optimization precautions are designed to mitigate these problems. For elimination of the Ripple control effects a method based on averaging is presented. The deviation of system frequency is dealt with by resampling the original data recordings. The analysis processes are tested by both simulation signals and real measured data. The optimized algorithm enables precise calculation of negative-sequence components changes which is the main contribution of this thesis. The constructed algorithm is used in verification of the Vdip method on physical model of MV network. For these purposes a simple distribution network is created within which ground faults on different places and with different resistances are realised. The results of localization are not convincing which is mainly caused by specific features of laboratory power line models which are constructed with heterogenous parameters.

Paralelizace ultrazvukových simulací pomocí 2D dekompozice / Parallelization of Ultrasound Simulations Using 2D Decomposition

Nikl, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a part of the k-Wave project, which is a toolbox for the simulation and reconstruction of acoustic wave felds and one of its main contributions is the planning of focused ultrasound surgeries (HIFU). One simulation can take tens of hours and about 60% of the simulation time is taken by the calculation of the 3D Fast Fourier transforms. Up until now the 3D FFT has been calculated purely by the FFTW library and its 1D decomposition, whose major limitation is the maximum number of employable cores. Therefore we introduce a new approach, called the 2D hybrid decomposition of the 3D FFT (HybridFFT), where we combine both MPI processes and OpenMP threads to reach as best performance as possible. On a low number of cores, on the order of a few hundreds, we are about as fast or slightly faster than FFTW and pure MPI 2D decomposition libraries (PFFT and P3DFFT). One of the best results was achieved on a 512^3FFT using 512 cores, where our hybrid version run 31ms, FFTW run 39ms and PFFT run 44ms. The most significant performance advantage should be seen when employing around 8-16 thousand cores, however we haven't had an access to a machine with such resources. Almost a linear scalability has been proven for up to 2048 employed cores.

Numerické metody zpracování obrazů z kosmické sondy NASA SDO / Numerical methods of image processing from NASA's SDO space probe

Meduňa, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá zpracováním snímků Slunce pořízených kosmickou sondou SDO na různých vlnových délkách a vizualizací výskytu třikrát ionizovaného uhlíku C IV jejich vhodným složením. V práci jsou uvedeny základní informace o Slunci a jeho atmosféře, dále je shrnuta potřebná teorie a možné postupy vizualizace, které jsou následně vyhodnoceny a porovnány. Součástí je i vytvořený program pro snadnou tvorbu snímků vizualizujících uhlík C IV.

Shorův algoritmus v kvantové kryptografii / Shor's algorithm in Quantum Cryptography

Nwaokocha, Martyns January 2021 (has links)
Kryptografie je velmi důležitým aspektem našeho každodenního života, protože poskytuje teoretický základ informační bezpečnosti. Kvantové výpočty a informace se také stávají velmi důležitou oblastí vědy kvůli mnoha aplikačním oblastem včetně kryptologie a konkrétněji v kryptografii veřejných klíčů. Obtížnost čísel do hlavních faktorů je základem některých důležitých veřejných kryptosystémů, jejichž klíčem je kryptosystém RSA . Shorův kvantový faktoringový al-goritmus využívá zejména kvantový interferenční účinek kvantového výpočtu k faktorovým semi-prime číslům v polynomiálním čase na kvantovém počítači. Ačkoli kapacita současných kvantových počítačů vykonávat Shorův algoritmus je velmi omezená, existuje mnoho rozsáhlých základních vědeckých výzkumů o různých technikách optimalizace algoritmu, pokud jde o faktory, jako je počet qubitů, hloubka obvodu a počet bran. v této práci jsou diskutovány, analyzovány a porovnávány různé varianty Shorova factoringového algoritmu a kvantových obvodů. Některé varianty Shorova algoritmu jsou také simulované a skutečně prováděné na simulátorech a kvantových počítačích na platformě IBM QuantumExperience. Výsledky simulace jsou porovnávány z hlediska jejich složitosti a míry úspěšnosti. Organizace práce je následující: Kapitola 1 pojednává o některých klíčových historických výsledcích kvantové kryptografie, uvádí problém diskutovaný v této práci a představuje cíle, kterých má být dosaženo. Kapitola 2 shrnuje matematické základy kvantového výpočtu a kryptografie veřejných klíčů a popisuje notaci použitou v celé práci. To také vysvětluje, jak lze k rozbití kryptosystému RSA použít realizovatelný algoritmus pro vyhledávání objednávek nebo factoring. Kapitola 3 představuje stavební kameny Shorova algoritmu, včetně kvantové Fourierovy transformace, kvantového odhadu fází, modulární exponentiace a Shorova algoritmu. Zde jsou také uvedeny a porovnány různé varianty optimalizace kvantových obvodů. Kapitola 4 představuje výsledky simulací různých verzí Shorova algoritmu. V kapitole 5 pojednejte o dosažení cílů disertační práce, shrňte výsledky výzkumu a nastíňte budoucí směry výzkumu.

Elektroencefalografie a audiovizuální stimulace / Electroencephalography and audio-visual stimulation

Hrozek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions of scanning electric activity of brain,¬ so-called electroencephalograph (undermentioned EEG), methods of audiovisual stimulation (undermentioned AVS) and a data-measurement processing. Theoretical part of the thesis is engaged in a theory of EEG signal creation, history and even in current methods of purchasing and processing of the EEG signal, theory of AVS and a theory of biofeedback. For measuring EEG signal with or without an application of AVS methods has been used EEG diagnostic device by Alien company. Its attributes are described in the thesis as well. For elaboration and analysis has been created a programme aplication EEG_xhroze00.fig which realizes frequency spectrum analysis using Fast Fourier Transform algorithm (FFT) and another programme aplication brain_mapping.fig for mapping activity of brain using designed algorithm.

Detekce nervových vláken v barevných obrazech sítnice / Detection of the retinal nerve fibre layer

Kunc, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is deals with the nerve fibre layer in the colour ophthalmology images of retina. The thesis describes how can we use finding of nerve fibre layer and how was it solved in the past. In the thesis are proposed the methods that are based on processing and scoring frequency spectrums of individual sample of retina. At first here are described the methods of detection on the artificial generated samples that just simulate the nerve fibre layer. Then the thesis concentrates on processing of real images of retina. Because of the bloodstream, that depreciates processing at real images, are all surveyed samples are chosen manually. Except detection the nerve fibre layer itself, the thesis also deals with determination of direction their dissemination.

Analýza signálů akustické a elektromagnetické emise / Analysis of acoustic and electromagnetic emission signals

Boudný, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Master´s thesis is focused to analyse the acoustic and electomagnetic emission signals. These signals generate external power applied on the material. This power put there plastic deformation and create cracks. Spectral analyse show that signals are non-stationary. Wavelet transformation was used to spectral analyse which informate about time-frequence vaules of the signal.

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