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Reservoirs of dignity and pride : schoolteachers and the creation of an educational alternative in Franco's SpainO'Malley, Pamela January 1989 (has links)
This thesis consists, in the first place, of a social history of education in Spain, centered on the decade of the sixties which led up to the 1970 Education Act and the economic, political and social processes involved in the passing of this Act. At this time, Spain was still dominated by a fascist dictatorship but was emerging from its state of isolation created by Franco's victory in the Spanish Civil War and undergoing a process of great social and economic change. As a result a unique process of -modernization-, full of contradictions and restraints owing to the fascist nature of the Regime took place. The thesis maintains that the education system was ill prepared for this challenge and indeed played a minor role in the social transformation produced by an important industrializing process and large migration to the industrial centres. The main part of the thesis is centered on teachers themselves and how they responded to the objective conditions analysed in the first part. Teachers found themselves immersed in a changing society and in an antiquated institution incapable of adapting to the changes. Even the so called reform proposed by the Regime was an attempt at apparent reform without change. Those teachers who developed politically and became active anti Regime 1. mil itants, offered and aspired to a quite different educational solution expressed in the democratic -Alternative-, The development of a broad teachers' movement, of pedagogic groups and of a parents' movement, within the area of preschool, primary and secondary school ing is the main subject of this thesis, This study shows the difficulties of their activities under severly repressive conditions, and how their methods of struggle, the influence its nature had on its content and the fact that their very opposition to the Regime represented a pol itical advance in anti fascist resistance gave place to the development of a democratic -Alternative· shared by all progressive t.achers of the epoch.
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Vliv Francisca Franca na hospodářskou politiku Španělska po druhé světové válce / The influence of Francisco Franco on the spanish economy after the World War II.Schnierlová, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is associated with the person of Francisco Franco and his influence on political and economic situation in Spain after the World War II. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific period of Franco's rule. The thesis deals especially with following periods: period of international isolation between the years 1945-53, consequently it investigates the phase of escape from the international isolation between 1953-59 and in conclusion there is analysed the development of the economy and policy in Franco's Spain during the period of 1959-73 which includes so-called "Spanish miracle". In the thesis I will try to evaluate Franco's era from the economical point of view and I will study the influence of "Caudillo" on the spanish economy. One of my aims will be the typological classification of the regime based on economical and political theories. In my research I will focus on analysis of monographs, studies, published literature and I will also try to analyse some of the unpublished resources which were provided to me with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech republic.
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Le personnage apocryphe dans l'oeuvre de Max Aub / The apocryphal character in Max Aub's workFintzel, Julie 20 November 2015 (has links)
Notre travail s'inscrit dans une perspective d'histoire de la littérature et cherche à conduire une réflexion globale sur la nature, la signification et la portée de l’utilisation de l’apocryphe chez l'écrivain espagnol Max Aub (Paris, 1903, Mexico, 1972). Le procédé sous-tend l'ambitieux projet de "El Laberinto Mágico" _Le Labyrinthe Magique ̶, qui regroupe les œuvres consacrées à la guerre civile espagnole. Max Aub rompt avec une première pratique expérimentale de la littérature pour se focaliser désormais sur le jeu d’un personnage résolument plongé dans l’Histoire, et la création du personnage apocryphe prend chez l'auteur une valeur de témoignage existentiel, qui dépasse la dimension ludique du mélange entre fiction et réalité. Dans un siècle caractérisé par les guerres et la violence, chez un auteur profondément marqué par la guerre civile espagnole et la douloureuse expérience du déracinement, le personnage apocryphe renvoie aussi à la question identitaire, autant qu’à l’expérience de l’altérité et à l’exploration d’autres possibles itinéraires existentiels. Cette exploration des limites du genre narratif contribue à la résolution de la « crise du roman » des années vingt, s'inscrit dans une double perspective européenne et nationale, et s'ancre dans l'Histoire au point de donner de celle-ci une vision nouvelle. / This doctoral thesis has benn aproached in a perspective of history of literature, and aims to consider a global thought about the nature, the meaning and the impact of the use of the apocryphal for the Spanish writer Max Aub (Paris, 1903, Mexico City, 1972). The process underpins the ambitious project of "El Laberinto Mágico" ̶The Magic Labyrinth ̶, which groups together the works dedicated to the Spanish Civil War. Max Aub breaks with a first experimental practice of literature to focus from this point onward on the game of a character firmly immersed in History. The creation of the apocryphal character takes for the author a value of existential testimony, which goes beyond the playful dimension of the fiction and reality mix. In a century characterized by wars and violence, in an author deeply marked by the Spanish Civil War and the painful uprooting experience, the apocryphal character also goes back to the question of identity, as well as the otherness experience , and the exploration of the other possible existential paths. This exploration of the limits of the narrative genre contributes to the resolution of the "crisis of the novel" in the twenties, it is also part of a double perspective, national and European, and is anchored in History, to the point where it gives of it a new vision.
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