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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance Calculations and Optimization of a Fresnel Direct Steam Generation CSP Plant with Heat Storage

Schlaifer, Perrine January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the performance calculations of a 9MW linear Fresnel CSP plant withdirect steam generation built by the Solar Division of the CNIM Company. The aim was to calculate theannual electricity production taking into account the weather conditions as well as some steam storage.At first, a steam accumulator model was developed with Excel, in order to estimate the pressureevolution in the tanks during the charging, storage and discharging processes. The data obtained withthis model was then integrated to the thermodynamic cycle model, programmed with Excel, whichcalculated the electrical power production knowing the thermal power available in the solar field. Theelectricity production calculations were made every 600 seconds during one year.To improve the results accuracy, the influence of the plant location slope was estimated, calculating theequivalent azimuth and elevation angles in a new spherical coordinates system. For an average slope of4.21° at the plant location, the annual thermal energy gain is 14.4% (with a gain up to 60% duringwinter days) and the annual electricity production is increased by 12.59%. The influence of frost on themirrors during cold and humid nights was also estimated with a simple model of the energy needed toheat up a constant layer of ice. Depending on the assumptions, the electricity production losses werebetween 1.27 and 2.84% of annual electricity production. The losses due to plant shutdowns set by theelectrical network manager RTE during the snowmelt months were also estimated. The annualelectricity production could decrease by 8.02 to 11.57 % because of the load management, dependingon the days during which the plant is shutdown.Finally, an economic optimisation was led with prices estimated by CNIM, which gave an optimal solarfield design with 31 lines and 5 steam accumulators. The payback time would then be 9.887 years.

Techno-economic Analysis and Market Potential Study of Solar Heat in Industrial Processes : A Fresnel Direct Steam Generation case study

de Santos López, Guillermo January 2021 (has links)
The industrial sector not only has a big contribution to global emissions but also a low share of renewable energy for heat demand. Knowing that most of the energy consumption in industry is heat and that half of it is at medium-low temperature (below 400 ºC), it is a great market for the integration of solar thermal technologies. Following the criteria of high heat demand and low-temperature requirements, five promising industrial sectors and their processes have been analysed: food and beverage, paper and pulp, chemical, textile and mining. Steam generation at supply level has been considered one of the most promising systems considering its integration advantages and the potential of direct steam generation plants. The market potential study has been geographically determined performing an MCA; countries all over the world have been assessed considering their heat consumption in the promising sectors and other conditions that enhance the SHIP feasibility such as solar radiation levels, favourable energy policies, previous experience in SHIP plants, ease of doing business, etc. The price of natural gas has been also considered after selecting Europe as a suitable market. The potential heat demand that this technology could cover has been estimated considering limitations as the competitiveness with other renewable heat sources, the expected heat recovery potential for some sectors, the solar fraction of the region and roof space of the factories. The results show that the five countries with bigger potential are Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, and Spain, while the sectors with the most suitable market are food and beverage, and chemical. A case study has been selected based on the previous conclusions: a Fresnel direct steam generation plant in Sevilla (Spain) characterized thanks to the data provided by the company Solatom. The plant has been modelled using the software TRNSYS, taking special consideration in the Fresnel performance, the dynamic steam drum behaviour and its influence on the start-up time of the plant. The results achieved through the techno-economic analysis show that parameters such as solar radiation, conventional fuel prices and EU ETS prices have a major impact on the economic indicators. A sensitivity analysis shows that locations with radiation levels above 1750 kWh/m2 have positive values for NPV, and above 2250 kWh/m2 the cost of generating solar heating (LCOH) is under European natural gas prices. In addition to this, fuel prices above 50 €/MWh, which are common for SMEs, results in payback periods under 10 years. Future trends depict favourable scenarios as current European policies are causing a rapid growth of the ETS. Therefore, solar heat in industrial processes can be a feasible alternative, or work as a complement, to conventional systems. Its deployment is driven by supportive policies, high radiation levels, costly fuels prices (such as the ones for SMEs) and the necessity of reducing GHG emissions and decrease the independence on fossil energies. / Industrisektorn har inte bara ett stort bidrag till globala utsläpp utan också en låg andel förnybar energi för värmebehov. Att veta att det mesta av energiförbrukningen i industrin är värme och att hälften av den är vid medelhög låg temperatur (under 400ºC), är det en fantastisk marknad för integration av solvärmeteknik. Enligt kriterierna för högt värmebehov och lågtemperaturkrav har fem lovande industrisektorer och deras processer analyserats: mat och dryck, papper och massa, kemikalier, textil och gruvdrift. Ånggenerering på leveransnivå har ansetts vara ett av de mest lovande systemen med tanke på dess integrationsfördelar och potentialen hos direkta ånggenereringsanläggningar. Marknadspotentialstudien har fastställts geografiskt med en MCA; länder över hela världen har bedömts med tanke på deras värmeförbrukning i de lovande sektorerna och andra förhållanden som förbättrar SHIP-genomförbarheten, såsom solstrålningsnivåer, gynnsam energipolitik, tidigare erfarenhet av SHIP-anläggningar, lätt att göra affärer etc. Priset på naturgas har också övervägs efter valet av Europa som en lämplig marknad. Det potentiella värmebehovet som denna teknik kan täcka har uppskattats med tanke på begränsningar som konkurrenskraft med andra förnybara värmekällor, den förväntade värmeåtervinningspotentialen för vissa sektorer, solfraktionen i regionen och fabrikernas takutrymme. Resultaten visar att de fem länderna med större potential är Tyskland, Frankrike, Nederländerna, Italien och Spanien, medan de sektorer som har den mest lämpliga marknaden är mat och dryck samt kemikalier. En fallstudie har valts utifrån de tidigare slutsatserna: en Fresnel-ångproduktionsanläggning i Sevilla (Spanien) som kännetecknas av uppgifterna från företaget. Anläggningen har modellerats med hjälp av programvaran TRNSYS, med särskild hänsyn till Fresnel-prestanda, det dynamiska ångtrummans beteende och dess inflytande på anläggningens starttid. De resultat som uppnåtts genom den tekno-ekonomiska analysen visar att parametrar som solstrålning, konventionella bränslepriser och EU: s ETS-priser har stor inverkan på de ekonomiska indikatorerna. En känslighetsanalys visar att platser med strålningsvärden över 1750 kWh/m2 har positiva värden för NPV och över 2250 kWh/m2 är kostnaden för att generera solvärme (LCOH) under europeiska naturgaspriser. Utöver detta leder bränslepriser över 50 €/MWh, som är vanliga för små och medelstora företag, till återbetalningsperioder under tio år. Framtida trender visar gynnsamma scenarier eftersom europeisk politik orsakar en snabb tillväxt på ETS. Därför kan solvärme i industriella processer vara ett genomförbart alternativ eller fungera som ett komplement till konventionella system. Dess utplacering drivs av stödjande politik, höga strålningsnivåer, dyra bränslepriser (som de för små och medelstora företag) och behovet av att minska växthusgasutsläppen och minska självständigheten för fossila energier.

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