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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Capacidade funcional de indivíduos idosos portadores da doença de Alzheimer / Study of protein Turnover in health elderly Brazilian using 15N-Glycine technique.

Perroni, Gisele Gonçalves Garcia 10 December 2007 (has links)
Introdução: A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é considerada um dos importantes pro blemas de Saúde Pública, significando, portanto, grande desafio para a geron tologia e geriatria. É causa mais comum de demência que cursa com declínio cognitivo e funcional e alterações com portamentais, porém, poucos estudos relatam a correlação existente entre o declínio motor, considerando o equilíbrio, a força e a implicação na capacidade funcional e na ocorrência de quedas nessa população, principalmente na fase inicial da DA. Objetivos: Identificar o grau de capacidade funcional dos idosos portadores da DA e adequação do seu ambiente domiciliar propício às suas atividades de vida diária, e ocorrência de quedas, proporcionando, assim, melhor qualidade de vida. Métodos: Foi efetuado um estudo epide miológico descritivo, tipo inquérito pros pectivo. Foram estudados 30 pacientes portadores de DA, com idade acima de 60 anos. Foi utilizada avaliação pes soal do paciente, do ambiente e instru mento de avaliação da Medida de Inde pendência Funcional (MIF). Resultados e Conclusões: Dos pacientes estudados, 60% eram do sexo feminino, 47% a profissão era do lar, o intervalo modal do tempo de DA foi de 1,5 - 2 anos e 57% deles apresentaram pelo menos uma queda. Em relação aos cuidadores, 80% eram do sexo feminino e apresentaram média de idade de 59 anos. Em relação à MIF, foi observado grau 6 (independên cia modificada) nos parâmetros: função banho (70%), controle de esfíncter (27%), função transferência (90%), função locomoção (83%). Na função cognitiva, 100% dos pacientes apresentaram grau 5 em pelo menos uma função. Sobre o ambiente, observou-se que os principais fatores de risco foram calçados inadequados, móveis soltos pelo caminho, altura inadequada do vaso sanitário e ausência de barras de apoio. Através da MIF, pôde-se avaliar o grau de comprometimento das funções cognitivas/sociais e identificar a independência modificada das funções motoras dos pacientes com DA, na fase leve. Embora o número de pacientes estuda dos seja pequeno, contudo as evidências parecem mostrar que aumentou os riscos de quedas em função da MIF e do ambiente. / Alzheimer\'s disease is a major public health problem, meaning that it is considered a great challenge to Geria trics and Gerontology. It is the most common cause of dementia, which leads to cognitive and functional decline and behavioral changes. However, few studies report the existing relation between motor decline (balance), strength, and their influence on function abilities as well as the occurrence of falls among the population afflicted by AD, mainly in its early stage. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the functio nal ability level in AD senior citizens and home setting adjustment for a proper environment in which they could carry out daily activities. It also aimed to identify occurrence of falls in order to provide them with a better quality of life. Methods: A survey-like descriptive epidemiological study was conducted. Thirty AD patients over 60 years old were studied. An assessment of the patients and their environment using the Functional Independence Seale was made. Results: 60% of the patients studied were female and 47% were housewives. Their modal AD time interval was 1.5 - 2.0 years, and 57% of them had had at least one fall. As for caregivers, 80% of them were female and averaged 59 years of age. As for Functional Independence Scale, a level 6 (Altered Independence) was observed in the following parameters: Bathing function (70%), sphincter control (27%), transfer function (90%), and movement function (83%). Regarding cognitive function, 100% of the patients showed a 5 level for at least one function. As re gards environment, the main risk factors were inadequate footwear, pieces of furniture on the way, toilet height, and absence of supporting railing. Conclusion: It was possible to identify cognitive changes and altered independence motor functions through the IFS. Those changes, thus, increased risks of falls posed mainly by environ mental threats. Therefore, IFS is considered a good and important instrument to asses AD patients\' functional ability.

Capacidade funcional de indivíduos idosos portadores da doença de Alzheimer / Study of protein Turnover in health elderly Brazilian using 15N-Glycine technique.

Gisele Gonçalves Garcia Perroni 10 December 2007 (has links)
Introdução: A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é considerada um dos importantes pro blemas de Saúde Pública, significando, portanto, grande desafio para a geron tologia e geriatria. É causa mais comum de demência que cursa com declínio cognitivo e funcional e alterações com portamentais, porém, poucos estudos relatam a correlação existente entre o declínio motor, considerando o equilíbrio, a força e a implicação na capacidade funcional e na ocorrência de quedas nessa população, principalmente na fase inicial da DA. Objetivos: Identificar o grau de capacidade funcional dos idosos portadores da DA e adequação do seu ambiente domiciliar propício às suas atividades de vida diária, e ocorrência de quedas, proporcionando, assim, melhor qualidade de vida. Métodos: Foi efetuado um estudo epide miológico descritivo, tipo inquérito pros pectivo. Foram estudados 30 pacientes portadores de DA, com idade acima de 60 anos. Foi utilizada avaliação pes soal do paciente, do ambiente e instru mento de avaliação da Medida de Inde pendência Funcional (MIF). Resultados e Conclusões: Dos pacientes estudados, 60% eram do sexo feminino, 47% a profissão era do lar, o intervalo modal do tempo de DA foi de 1,5 - 2 anos e 57% deles apresentaram pelo menos uma queda. Em relação aos cuidadores, 80% eram do sexo feminino e apresentaram média de idade de 59 anos. Em relação à MIF, foi observado grau 6 (independên cia modificada) nos parâmetros: função banho (70%), controle de esfíncter (27%), função transferência (90%), função locomoção (83%). Na função cognitiva, 100% dos pacientes apresentaram grau 5 em pelo menos uma função. Sobre o ambiente, observou-se que os principais fatores de risco foram calçados inadequados, móveis soltos pelo caminho, altura inadequada do vaso sanitário e ausência de barras de apoio. Através da MIF, pôde-se avaliar o grau de comprometimento das funções cognitivas/sociais e identificar a independência modificada das funções motoras dos pacientes com DA, na fase leve. Embora o número de pacientes estuda dos seja pequeno, contudo as evidências parecem mostrar que aumentou os riscos de quedas em função da MIF e do ambiente. / Alzheimer\'s disease is a major public health problem, meaning that it is considered a great challenge to Geria trics and Gerontology. It is the most common cause of dementia, which leads to cognitive and functional decline and behavioral changes. However, few studies report the existing relation between motor decline (balance), strength, and their influence on function abilities as well as the occurrence of falls among the population afflicted by AD, mainly in its early stage. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the functio nal ability level in AD senior citizens and home setting adjustment for a proper environment in which they could carry out daily activities. It also aimed to identify occurrence of falls in order to provide them with a better quality of life. Methods: A survey-like descriptive epidemiological study was conducted. Thirty AD patients over 60 years old were studied. An assessment of the patients and their environment using the Functional Independence Seale was made. Results: 60% of the patients studied were female and 47% were housewives. Their modal AD time interval was 1.5 - 2.0 years, and 57% of them had had at least one fall. As for caregivers, 80% of them were female and averaged 59 years of age. As for Functional Independence Scale, a level 6 (Altered Independence) was observed in the following parameters: Bathing function (70%), sphincter control (27%), transfer function (90%), and movement function (83%). Regarding cognitive function, 100% of the patients showed a 5 level for at least one function. As re gards environment, the main risk factors were inadequate footwear, pieces of furniture on the way, toilet height, and absence of supporting railing. Conclusion: It was possible to identify cognitive changes and altered independence motor functions through the IFS. Those changes, thus, increased risks of falls posed mainly by environ mental threats. Therefore, IFS is considered a good and important instrument to asses AD patients\' functional ability.

Development and applications of molecular modeling techniques for the characterization of porous materials.

Figueroa Gerstenmaier, Susana 13 December 2002 (has links)
Els materials porosos s'utilitzen àmpliament en moltes branques de la ciència i tecnologia modernes com la catàlisi, la separació de mescles, la purificació de fluids i la fabricació de membranes. Per a que els sòlids porosos puguin aplicar-se amb èxit cal disposar d'una caracterització precisa de la superfície i de les propietats estructurals, així com també una bona comprensió del comportament físico-químic dels fluids dins dels porus. Alguns materials, com les zeolites, tenen estructures poroses ben definides, però d'altres, com els òxids porosos, carbons i vidres de porus controlat, són bastant amorfs. Per això, un tema clau i, sovint, complicat, és la caracterització adequada d'aquests tipus de materials. Durant molts anys, l'adsorció de gasos s'ha emprat per estudiar les propietats de sòlids porosos, degut a que és un mètode ràpid, simple i que proporciona prou informació. Es van desenvolupar molts mètodes per extraure dades sobre la porositat i les propietats de la superfície de materials a partir d'isotermes d'adsorció. En les dues últimes dècades, amb l'ajuda dels ordinadors, cada cop més i més ràpids, l'ús de les tècniques de modelat molecular ha anat guanyant rellevància. En aquest context, l'objectiu general d'aquest treball de tesi és desenvolupar eines a escala molecular emprant la mecànica estadística i aplicant-la a la caracterització de materials adsorbents.Després d'una breu introducció en el tema (capítol 1), en el capítol 2 presentem una revisió de la metodologia bàsica emprada en aquest treball. En el capítol 3 hem implementat la teoria funcional de la densitat de mesures fonamentals o FMT (de l'anglès, Fundamental-Measured density functional theory), publicada per Kierlik i Rosinberg, per descriure l'adsorció de molècules Lennard-Jones en porus cilíndrics. Pel que sabem, aquest és el primer cop que la teoria s'aplica a la geometria cilíndrica. L'exactitud de la teoria en predir isotermes d'adsorció i perfils de densitat de partícules es compara amb simulacions Monte Carlo en el col·lectiu gran canònic per un rang ample de mides de porus. Aquesta comparació mostra que la concordança és molt bona en tots els casos. Addicionalment, s'ha aplicat la teoria a l'adsorció en porus plans per estudiar la influència de la geometria del porus en aquest fenomen. Els resultats indiquen que el confinament de la geometria cilíndrica introdueix diferències significatives en la forma de les isotermes d'adsorció i els perfils de densitat. Aquestes diferències són rellevants a l'hora de caracteritzar materials porosos. Els resultats indiquen que té lloc un comportament per capes en el porus cilíndric més petit que s'ha considerat, mentre que l'adsorció en un porus pla de la mateixa grandària necessita un potencial químic molt més alt per aconseguir una adsorció significant. A mida que el diàmetre del porus augmenta, la influència de la geometria es fa cada cop menys important, encara que es pot observar una certa desviació en la transició de condensació capil·lar. Addicionalment, per porus més amples, obtenim una adsorció multicapa amb condensació capil·lar a potencials químics alts, amb el mateix comportament qualitatiu observat en ambdues geometries. Quan el diàmetre assoleix el límit on els efectes de curvatura ja no són rellevants, el comportament quantitatiu del porus cilíndric es redueix al mateix que el del porus pla. La formació d'una capa fina adsorbent en mides de porus intermèdies i grans sembla correspondre a una transició de fase termodinàmica de segon ordre, per al rang de paràmetres utilitzat i les condicions termodinàmiques estudiades. No obstant, els resultats semblen indicar una interrelació entre aquest comportament i la transició pre-mullada (de la paraula anglesa prewetting) que s'observa en geometries semi-infinites, especialment al voltant del punt final crític de la línia pre-mullada. L'efecte del confinament és molt important en aquest comportament crossover (de pas). De la comparació de càlculs FMT amb resultats de la teoria funcional de la densitat no local, concloem que la FMT és una eina excel·lent per a l'estudi del comportament de fluids en geometries cilíndriques.En el capítol 4 s'explica com hem aplicat la FMT juntament amb un mètode de regularització per estimar la distribució de mides de porus o PSD (de l'anglès, Pore-Size Distribution) de vidres porosos model. Hem escollit aquest material perquè va ser desenvolupat mitjançant tècniques de modelat molecular, i es pot comparar directament amb la teoria utilitzada en aquest treball. Un avantatge addicional d'aquests materials model, enfront els experimentals, és que, en el primer cas, la mida i forma dels porus són ben conegudes, així com també la posició dels àtoms en la superfície, esdevenint així un material perfecte per comprovar l'exactitud dels mètodes de caracterització teòrica disponibles. Com que hi ha diferents solucions de l'equació integral d'adsorció compatibles amb la isoterma d'adsorció experimental, i diversos factors poden amagar els defectes del model molecular, hem realitzat la caracterització d'una forma sistemàtica: primer hem comprovat l'exactitud de la FMT i el model de porus independent per predir les isotermes d'adsorció "experimentals" utilitzant la PSD ja coneguda per als materials. Això s'ha efectuat amb porus individuals plans i cilíndrics. En segon lloc, un cop la isoterma d'adsorció va ser reconstruïda amb èxit, vam invertir la isoterma d'adsorció integral amb un procediment de regularització. L'exactitud del mètode d'inversió s'ha comprovat també abans d'estimar la PSD de materials diferents. En últim lloc, un cop demostrat que el mètode és correcte, l'hem utilitzat per estimar la PSD de quatre materials. També hem estudiat la influència d'escollir alguns valors particulars de paràmetres moleculars per les interaccions fluid-fluid i sòlid-fluid en el comportament adsorbent d'aquests sistemes. Hem obtingut que el model de porus independent és adequat per als quatre materials investigats en aquest treball. La geometria plana sembla representar millor que la geometria cilíndrica el comportament adsorbent global. Pel que fa a la PSD obtinguda amb el nostre procediment, s'observa que les distribucions obtingudes mitjançant la inversió de la integral estan en millor concordança amb les distribucions geomètriques que les calculades amb el mètode Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH). El locus del pic està situat a la mateixa mida de por, i tots ells són unimodals, mentre que les distribucions BJH mostren un màxim localitzat sistemàticament a porus més petits, estimant per sota la PSD del material, i no són unimodals. En quan a la geometria dels porus individuals que formen el material podem dir que, encara que la PSD és més ampla que les geomètriques, l'adsorció que es prediu per un conjunt de porus plans individuals està en un acord quasi quantitatiu amb la isoterma d'adsorció experimental.Finalment, en el capítol 5 exposem com hem caracteritzat tres mostres diferents de g­alúmina, una d'elles sense tractament i les altres dues calcinades en un forn durant unes hores a 823 i 1023K. Per fer-ho hem mesurat isotermes d'adsorció de nitrogen a 77.35K en un equip Micromeretics ASAP 2000. A més, hem aprofitat les PSD's proporcionades pel programari de l'equip emprant el mètode BJH. Hem calculat isotermes teòriques mitjançant l'aproximació FMT. Hem invertit les equacions integrals d'adsorció amb el mètode de regularització i, finalment, hem obtingut les PSD's per les tres mostres d'alúmina, i les corresponents isotermes d'adsorció pels tres materials. D'aquesta forma hem observat la influència de la calcinació de l'alúmina en la seva PSD. A més, hem comprovat l'exactitud del mètode FMT/de regularització de manera sistemàtica. Quan comparem les PSD's obtingudes amb les corresponents distribucions BJH, hem verificat que, en els dos primers casos (alúmina no tractada i alúmina calcinada a 823K), el mètode BJH estima per sota la mida dels porus, proporcionant una PSD desviada cap a mides més petites. En el cas de l'alúmina calcinada a 1,023K, en la que el procés de sinterització produeix que els porus més petits desapareguin, afavorint els més grans, les PSD's del mètode BJH i les PSD's de la FMT/regularització són molt semblants. Amb això es corrobora el fet conegut de que el mètode BJH és força acurat en la regió macroporosa. Finalment, hem predit la isoterma d'adsorció d'un fluid diferent (età) a una altra temperatura (333K), en un dels materials caracteritzats (alúmina no tractada), amb l'ànim d'establir la robustesa de la PSD obtinguda. La concordança obtinguda mostra que és possible utilitzar aquest mètode de caracterització i extrapolar els resultats a altres condicions, mentre s'empri un nombre suficient de mides de porus per calcular la isoterma desitjada, i els paràmetres d'interacció sòlid-fluid es triïn adequadament. / Los materiales porosos se utilizan en muchas ramas de la ciencia y la tecnología, por ejemplo, se usan como catalizadores, en la separación de mezclas, en la purificación de fluidos, y en la fabricación de membranas. Su aplicación adecuada requiere de la caracterización precisa de sus propiedades superficiales y estructurales, además del conocimiento del comportamiento fisicoquímico de los fluidos cuando se encuentran dentro de los poros. Algunos materiales, como las zeolitas, tienen estructuras porosas bien definidas, pero otros en cambio (óxidos porosos, carbones, vidrios porosos con tamaño controlado) son bastante amorfos. Por lo tanto, una caracterización correcta de los materiales porosos es un área de estudio muy importante, la cual en algunos casos es una tarea sencilla pero en la mayoría no. Durante muchos años la adsorción de gases ha sido empleada para estudiar las propiedades de sólidos porosos, dado que es bastante fácil, simple y se puede obtener mucha información. Se han desarrollado muchos métodos para interpretar los datos experimentales y determinar la porosidad, las propiedades superficiales y la distribución de los tamaños de los poros de los materiales a partir de las isotermas de adsorción. En las dos últimas décadas, con la ayuda de las computadoras cada vez más rápidas, se ha extendido mucho el uso las técnicas de la mecánica estadística para realizar esta tarea. En este contexto, el objetivo general de esta tesis consiste en desarrollar herramientas a escala molecular utilizando la mecánica estadística para la caracterización de materiales adsorbentes.Después de una breve introducción en el tema (capítulo 1), el capítulo 2 está dedicado a hacer una revisión de la metodología básica empleada en este trabajo. En el capítulo 3 hemos implementado la teoría funcional de la densidad de medidas fundamentales (FMT, del inglés Fundamental-Measure density functional theory) de Kierlik y Rosinberg para describir la adsorción de moléculas Lennard-Jones dentro de poros cilíndricos. Hasta donde sabemos, ésta es la primera vez que esta teoría es aplicada a geometría cilíndrica. La exactitud de la teoría en predecir las isotermas de adsorción y los perfiles de la densidad es verificada por comparación con simulaciones Monte Carlo en el colectivo Gran Canónico para un amplio intervalo de tamaños de poros, observándose una buena concordancia en todos los casos. Adicionalmente, la teoría ha sido aplicada a la adsorción en poros planos para estudiar la influencia de los poros en esta propiedad. Los resultados indican que el confinamiento de la geometría cilíndrica introduce diferencias significativas en la forma de las isotermas de adsorción y de los perfiles de la densidad. Estas diferencias son relevantes para la caracterización de los materiales porosos. Nuestros resultados indican que un comportamiento de formación de capa tiene lugar en el poro cilíndrico, mientras que la adsorción en un poro plano del mismo tamaño necesita un potencial químico mucho más alto para alcanzar una adsorción significativa. Cuando el tamaño de poro se incrementa, la influencia de la geometría se vuelve menos importante, pero aún se observa un cierto desplazamiento del lugar en el cual se da la transición de la condensación capilar. Adicionalmente, para poros más anchos, tenemos formación de multicapas con condensación capilar a potenciales químicos altos, observándose el mismo comportamiento cualitativo en ambas geometrías. Cuando el diámetro alcanza el límite en donde los efectos de la curvatura ya no son relevantes, el comportamiento cuantitativo de los poros cilíndricos y de los planos es muy similar. La formación de una fina película adsorbida a tamaños de poro grandes e intermedios parece corresponder a una transición de fase termodinámica de segundo orden, para el intervalo de parámetros usado y a las condiciones termodinámicas estudiadas. Sin embargo, los resultados encontrados parecen indicar que existe una relación entre este comportamiento y el de una transición de pre-mojado observada en geometrías semi-infinitas, especialmente en la vecindad del punto final crítico de la línea de pre-mojado. El efecto del confinamiento es muy importante en este comportamiento de transición. A partir de la comparación de los cálculos hechos con FMT y los hechos con la teoría funcional de la densidad no-local, concluimos que la FMT es una excelente herramienta para el estudio del comportamiento de los fluidos en geometrías cilíndricas confinadas.En el capítulo 4 hemos aplicado la FMT en combinación con un método de regularización para estimar la distribución de tamaños de poros (PSD, del inglés Pore-Size Distribution) de materiales modelo que imitan a los vidrios porosos. Hemos elegido este material en particular porque fue desarrollado con técnicas de modelado molecular, y se puede hacer una comparación directa con la teoría aquí usada. Una ventaja adicional de estos materiales modelo, con respecto a los materiales reales, es que en este caso la forma y tamaño de los poros se conoce exactamente, además de que se sabe la posición de los átomos en la superficie, convirtiéndolo en un material ideal para verificar la exactitud de los métodos de caracterización teóricos disponibles. Dado que existen varias soluciones de la ecuación integral de adsorción compatibles con la isoterma de adsorción experimental, y que varios factores pueden ocultar los defectos del modelo molecular, hemos hecho la caracterización de una manera sistemática: primero hemos probado la exactitud de la FMT y del modelo de poros independientes para predecir las isotermas de adsorción "experimentales" usando la PSD geométrica ya conocida para estos materiales. Esto ha sido hecho tanto con los poros cilíndricos como con los planos. En segundo lugar, una vez que la isoterma de adsorción fue reconstruida, invertimos la isoterma integral de adsorción con un procedimiento de regularización. La exactitud del método de inversión ha sido verificado antes de estimar la PSD de los diferentes materiales. Finalmente, una vez que se ha establecido que el método es correcto, lo usamos para estimar las PSD's de estos cuatro materiales. Hemos estudiado también la influencia de elegir diferentes valores de los parámetros moleculares para la interacción fluido-fluido y para la sólido-fluido en el comportamiento de adsorción en estos sistemas. Los resultados indican que el modelo de poros independientes es adecuado para los cuatro materiales aquí investigados. La geometría plana parece representar el comportamiento de adsorción global mejor que la cilíndrica. En cuanto a lo que las PSD's obtenidas con nuestro procedimiento se refiere, las distribuciones resultantes a través de la inversión de la integral presentan una mejor concordancia con las distribuciones geométricas que las calculadas con el método Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH). El máximo del pico está localizado en el mismo tamaño de poro, y las distribuciones son unimodales, mientras que las BJH's muestran un máximo sistemáticamente localizado a poros más pequeños, subestimando las PSD's del material, y éstas no son unimodales. Respecto a la geometría de los poros individuales que conforman el material, se puede decir, a pesar de que las PSD's son más dispersas que las geométricas, que la adsorción predicha por una colección de poros planos individuales tiene una concordancia casi cuantitativa con la isoterma de adsorción experimental.Finalmente, en el capítulo 5 hemos caracterizado tres muestras diferentes de g­alúmina, una de ellas sin ningún tratamiento, y las otras dos calcinadas en un horno durante varias horas a 823 y a 1,023K. Para ello hemos medido isotermas de adsorción de nitrógeno a 77.35K en un equipo Micromeritics ASAP 2000. Adicionalmente, hemos usado las PSD's calculadas con el método BJH que proporciona el software del mismo equipo experimental para comparar. Hemos calculado las isotermas teóricas utilizando la FMT. Hemos invertido las ecuaciones integrales de adsorción con el método de regularización y, finalmente, hemos obtenido las PSD's para las tres muestras de alúmina, y las correspondientes isotermas de adsorción. De esta manera hemos podido observar la influencia de la calcinación de la alúmina en su PSD. Más aún, hemos probado la exactitud del método combinado FMT/Regularización de una manera sistemática. Cuando hemos comparado las PSD's obtenidas con las correspondientes BJH's, hemos verificado que en los dos primeros casos (alúmina sin tratamiento y alúmina calcinada a 823K) el método BJH subestima el tamaño de los poros, dando PSD's desplazadas a tamaños de poros más pequeños. En el caso de la alúmina calcinada a 1,023K, en la cual el proceso de sinterización ha producido la desaparición de los poros más pequeños en beneficio de los grandes, las PSD's BJH y las PSD's FMT/Regularización son muy similares. Con esto corroboramos el hecho conocido de que el método BJH es bastante exacto en la región de los macroporos. Para terminar, hemos predicho la isoterma de adsorción de un fluido diferente (etano) a una temperatura también diferente (333K) en uno de los materiales caracterizados (alúmina sin tratar) con la idea de comprobar sí la PSD obtenida es transferible a otras condiciones o no. La concordancia observada muestra que es posible usar este método de caracterización y extrapolar los resultados a otras condiciones, procurando que se utilice un número suficiente de tamaños de poro diferentes para calcular la isoterma deseada, y se elijan bien los parámetros de interacción sólido-fluido. / Porous materials are widely used in many branches of modern science and technology, such as catalysis, separation of mixtures, purification of fluids and fabrication of membranes. A successful application of porous solids requires a precise characterization of their surface and structural properties, as well as a good understanding of the physical and chemical behavior of fluids inside the pores. Some materials, such as zeolites, have well defined porous structures, but others, such as porous oxides, carbons and controlled-porous glasses, are quite amorphous. Therefore, a proper characterization of this kind of materials is an important topic, and more often than not, a complicated one. For many years, gas adsorption has been used to study properties of porous solids, since it is fast, simple and informative. Many methods were developed to extract information about porosity and surface properties of materials from adsorption isotherm data. In the last two decades, with the aid of the increasingly faster computers, the use of molecular modeling techniques has been gaining relevance. In this context, the general objective of this thesis is to develop tools at the molecular level using statistical mechanics for the characterization of adsorbent materials.After a brief introduction on the topic (chapter 1), chapter 2 is devoted to a review of the basic methodology employed in this work. In chapter 3 we have implemented the Fundamental-Measure density functional theory (FMT) due to Kierlik and Rosinberg to describe the adsorption of Lennard-Jones molecules in cylindrical pores. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that this theory is applied to a cylindrical geometry. The accuracy of the theory in predicting adsorption isotherms and density profiles is checked by comparison with Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations for a wide range of pore sizes, showing very good agreement in all cases. In addition, the theory has been applied to the adsorption in slit-like pores to study the influence of the pore geometry on this property. The results indicate that the confinement of the cylindrical geometry introduces significant differences in the shape of the adsorption isotherms and density profiles. These differences are relevant for the characterization of porous materials. Our results indicate that a layering behavior takes place in the smallest cylindrical pore considered, while the adsorption in a planar pore of the same size needs a much higher chemical potential to achieve a significant adsorption. As the pore size increases, the influence of the geometry becomes less important, although a certain shift in the capillary condensation transition can still be observed. Additionally, for wider pores, we obtain multilayer adsorption with capillary condensation at high chemical potentials, with the same qualitative behavior observed for both geometries. When the diameter size reaches the limit where the curvature effects are not of further relevance, the cylindrical pores reduce to the same quantitative behavior of the slit-like pores. The formation of a thin adsorbed layer at intermediate and large pore sizes seems to correspond to a second order thermodynamic phase transition, for the range of parameters used and the thermodynamic conditions studied. However, the results found seem to indicate some relationship between this behavior and the prewetting transition observed in semi-infinite geometries, especially in the vicinity of the critical end point of the prewetting line. The effect of the confinement is very important in this crossover behavior. From the comparison of Fundamental-Measure density functional theory calculations versus non-local density functional theory results, we conclude that the FMT is an excellent tool for the study of the behavior of fluids in confined cylindrical geometries.In chapter 4 we have applied the FMT in conjunction with a regularization method to estimate the pore-size distribution (PSD) of model porous glasses. We have chosen this particular material because it was developed with molecular modeling techniques, and a direct comparison can be made with the theory used here. An additional advantage of these model materials, versus experimental ones, is that in this case the size and shape of the pores is well known, as well as the position of the atoms in the surface, making it a perfect material to check the accuracy of the theoretical characterization methods available. Since there are several solutions of the adsorption integral equation compatible with the experimental adsorption isotherm, and several factors can hide defects of the molecular model, we have done the characterization in a systematic manner: we have first checked the accuracy of the FMT and the independent pore model for predicting the "experimental" adsorption isotherms using the geometrical PSD already known for the materials. This has been done with individual cylindrical and slit-like pores. Secondly, once the adsorption isotherm was successfully reconstructed, we inverted the integral adsorption isotherm with a regularization procedure. The accuracy of the inversion method has also been checked before estimating the PSD of the different materials. Finally, once the method has been proved to be correct, we used it to estimate the PSD of four materials. We have also studied the influence of choosing different values of molecular parameters for the fluid-fluid and the solid-fluid interaction on the adsorption behavior of these systems. We have obtained that the independent pore model is adequate for the four materials investigated here. The slit-like geometry seems to represent the overall adsorption behavior better than the cylindrical geometry. As far as the PSD obtained with our procedure is concerned, the distributions obtained by inversion of the integral are in better agreement with the geometrical distributions than the ones calculated with the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method. The locus of the peak is at the same pore size, and all of them are unimodal, while the BJH distributions show a maximum systematically located at smaller pores, underestimating the PSD of the material, and they are not unimodal. Regarding the geometry of the individual pores that form the material, we can say that, although the PSD is broader than the geometrical ones, the adsorption predicted by a collection of individual slit-like pores is in almost quantitative agreement with the "experimental" adsorption isotherm.Finally, in chapter 5 we have characterized three different samples of g­alumina, one of them without treatment and the others two calcined in a furnace during several hours at 823 and 1,023K. For this we have measured adsorption isotherms of nitrogen at 77.35K in a Micromeritics ASAP 2000 apparatus. Additionally, we have used the PSD's provided by the software of the experimental equipment using the BJH method. We have calculated theoretical isotherms by the FMT approach. We have inverted the adsorption integral equations with the regularization method and, finally, we have obtained the PSD's for our three samples of alumina, and the corresponding adsorption isotherms. In this way we have observed the influence of the calcination of alumina on its PSD. Moreover, we have tested the accuracy of the FMT/Regularization method in a systematic way. When we compared the PSD's obtained with the corresponding BJH distributions, we verified that in the two first cases (untreated alumina and alumina calcined at 823K) the BJH method underestimated the size of the pores, giving PSD's shifted to smaller sizes. In the case of alumina calcined at 1,023K, in which the sintering process has produced the disappearance of the smallest pores, favoring the wider ones, the BJH PSD's and the FMT/regularization PSD's perform very similar. With this, we corroborated the known fact that the BJH method is quite accurate in the macroporous region. Finally, we have predicted an adsorption isotherm of a different fluid (ethane) at a different temperature (333K) in one of the characterized materials (untreated alumina) with the aim of establishing the robustness of the PSD obtained. The agreement obtained shows that it is possible to use this characterization method and extrapolate the results at other conditions, provided that a enough number of different pore sizes are used to calculate the desirable isotherm, and the solid-fluid interaction parameters are well chosen.

The study of human resource flexibility in insurance enterprises - taking FB Insurance CO. as the example

Ko, Chih-Chung 23 July 2002 (has links)
Abstract After Joining WTO (World Trade Organization), being in international, versatile and global conflict, it is critical for enterprises to research new organization architecture and management in flexible way. That is to say, the functional flexibility, numerical flexibility or wage flexibility plays a very important role to improve capability, reduce cost and increase profit. Nevertheless, the strategy will be meaningful to improve performance when closely connecting with employees¡¦ satisfaction and involvement. This study is developed via the questionnaires on the highest executive and basic employees from 40 branches of case company. To investigate the interaction effect between human resource flexibility and performance by the highest executive survey, and to investigate the interaction effect between job satisfaction and job involvement after flexibility strategy executed by the employees¡¦ survey. Finally the analysis was done by reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, one-way Anova (analysis of variance), correlate analysis and regression analysis, and find the following results: 1. The functional flexibility has significantly influences on organization performance. 2. The wage flexibility has significantly influences on organization performance. 3. Different point view on human resource flexibility will happen due to different characteristic. 4. After human resource flexibility executed, different organization performance will happen due to different characteristic. 5. Different point view on wages flexibility will happen due to different characteristic. 6. After wage flexibility executed, different job attitude will happen due to different characteristic. 7. After wage flexibility executed, job reward satisfaction has significantly effect on job attitude. According to the research result, we find a safe and fair wage reward system will have significant effect on employees¡¦ job satisfaction and job involvement. ¡§No pain, no gain¡¨, a friendly consideration will enable to improve organization performance.

Marcadores discursivos na norma oral popular de Fortaleza / Standard discourse markers in oral folk Fortaleza

JÃlio CÃsar Dinoà do Nascimento 06 May 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A nossa pesquisa teve por objetivo geral analisar a utilizaÃÃo dos marcadores discursivos mais recorrentes na norma oral popular da cidade de Fortaleza, considerando os aspectos linguÃsticos (formais e funcionais), sociais (relativos ao sexo e ao tempo de escolaridade) e o aspecto interacional (relativo ao tipo de inquÃrito DIDdiÃlogo documentador â informante- documentador). As bases teÃricas que subsidiaram a anÃlise dos dados apoiaram-se na GramÃtica Funcional (Dik, 1997), na GramÃtica Discursivo-Funcional (Hengeveld; Makenzie, 2008), e nos pressupostos teÃricometodolÃgicos da AnÃlise da ConversaÃÃo (Said Ali, 1930; GÃlich, 1970; Pawley, 1973; Brow e Levison, 1978, Shiffrin, 1987; Fraser, 1987; Preti, 1987, Marcuschi, 1989; Risso; Silva; Urbano, 2006). A fim de investigarmos sobre as propriedades definidoras dos marcadores discursivos, fizemos um levantamento de 75 formas encontradas, no tipo de inquÃrito DID do corpus NORPOFOR (Norma popular de Fortaleza). Identificamos os marcadores discursivos mais frequentes na norma oral popular de Fortaleza, as principais funÃÃes, o condicionamento das caracterÃsticas associadas ao tipo de inquÃrito, as variÃveis sociais estabelecidas na pesquisa e, finalmente propomos um quadro com as propriedades identificadoras, porÃm nÃo absolutas, dos marcadores discursivos encontrados. / Our study aimed at analyzing the use of the most frequent discourse markers in the popular oral discourse of the city of Fortaleza, considering the linguistic aspects (formal and functional), social (pertaining to sex and length of schooling) and aspect interaction (on the type of investigation DID). The theoretical bases that supported the data analysis relied on Functional Grammar (Dik, 1997), on Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld; Makenzie, 2008) and on the theoretical and methodological analysis Conversation (Said Ali, 1930; GÃlich, 1970; Pawley, 1973; Brown; Levison, 1978; Shiffrin, 1987; Fraser, 1987; Preti, 1987; Marcuschi, 1989; Risso; Silva; Urbano, 2006). In order to investigate the defining properties of discourse markes, we conducted a survey of 75 forms found in the type of survey DID corpus NORPOFOR (Norma Popular Fortaleza). We identify the most frequent discourse markers in oral discourse popular in Fortaleza, the principal functions, the conditioning of the characteristics associated with type of investigation, the social variables established in the research and finally we propose a framework with the identifier properties, but not absolute marker discursive matches.

Analysis Of Multichannel And Multimodal Biomedical Signals Using Recurrence Plot Based Techniques

Rangaprakash, D 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
For most of the naturally occurring signals, especially biomedical signals, the underlying physical process generating the signal is often not fully known, making it difficult to obtain a parametric model. Therefore, signal processing techniques are used to analyze the signal for non-parametrically characterizing the underlying system from which the signals are produced. Most of the real life systems are nonlinear and time varying, which poses a challenge while characterizing them. Additionally, multiple sensors are used to extract signals from such systems, resulting in multichannel signals which are inherently coupled. In this thesis, we counter this challenge by using Recurrence Plot based techniques for characterizing biomedical systems such as heart or brain, using signals such as heart rate variability (HRV), electroencephalogram(EEG) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), respectively, extracted from them. In time series analysis, it is well known that a system can be represented by a trajectory in an N-dimensional state space, which completely represents an instance of the system behavior. Such a system characterization has been done using dynamical invariants such as correlation dimension, Lyapunov exponent etc. Takens has shown that when the state variables of the underlying system are not known, one can obtain a trajectory in ‘phase space’ using only the signals obtained from such a system. The phase space trajectory is topologically equivalent to the state space trajectory. This enables us to characterize the system behavior from only the signals sensed from them. However, estimation of correlation dimension, Lyapunov exponent, etc, are vulnerable to non-stationarities in the signal and require large number of sample points for accurate computation, both of which are important in the case of biomedical signals. Alternatively, a technique called Recurrence Plots (RP) has been proposed, which addresses these concerns, apart from providing additional insights. Measures to characterize RPs of single and two channel data are called Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) and cross RQA (CRQA), respectively. These methods have been applied with a good measure of success in diverse areas. However, they have not been studied extensively in the context of experimental biomedical signals, especially multichannel data. In this thesis, the RP technique and its associated measures are briefly reviewed. Using the computational tools developed for this thesis, RP technique has been applied on select single channel, multichannel and multimodal (i.e. multiple channels derived from different modalities) biomedical signals. Connectivity analysis is demonstrated as post-processing of RP analysis on multichannel signals such as EEG and fMRI. Finally, a novel metric, based on the modification of a CRQA measure is proposed, which shows improved results. For the case of single channel signal, we have considered a large database of HRV signals of 112 subjects recorded for both normal and abnormal (anxiety disorder and depression disorder) subjects, in both supine and standing positions. Existing RQA measures, Recurrence Rate and Determinism, were used to distinguish between normal and abnormal subjects with an accuracy of 58.93%. A new measure, MLV has been introduced, using which a classification accuracy of 98.2% is obtained. Correlation between probabilities of recurrence (CPR) is a CRQA measure used to characterize phase synchronization between two signals. In this work, we demonstrate its utility with application to multimodal and multichannel biomedical signals. First, for the multimodal case, we have computed running CPR (rCPR), a modification proposed by us, which allows dynamic estimation of CPR as a function of time, on multimodal cardiac signals (electrocardiogram and arterial blood pressure) and demonstrated that the method can clearly detect abnormalities (premature ventricular contractions); this has potential applications in cardiac care such as assisted automated diagnosis. Second, for the multichannel case, we have used 16 channel EEG signals recorded under various physiological states such as (i) global epileptic seizure and pre-seizure and (ii) focal epilepsy. CPR was computed pair-wise between the channels and a CPR matrix of all pairs was formed. Contour plot of the CPR matrix was obtained to illustrate synchronization. Statistical analysis of CPR matrix for 16 subjects of global epilepsy showed clear differences between pre-seizure and seizure conditions, and a linear discriminant classifier was used in distinguishing between the two conditions with 100% accuracy. Connectivity analysis of multichannel EEG signals was performed by post-processing of the CPR matrix to understand global network-level characterization of the brain. Brain connectivity using thresholded CPR matrix of multichannel EEG signals showed clear differences in the number and pattern of connections in brain connectivity graph between epileptic seizure and pre-seizure. Corresponding brain headmaps provide meaningful insights about synchronization in the brain in those states. K-means clustering of connectivity parameters of CPR and linear correlation obtained from global epileptic seizure and pre-seizure showed significantly larger cluster centroid distances for CPR as opposed to linear correlation, thereby demonstrating the efficacy of CPR. The headmap in the case of focal epilepsy clearly enables us to identify the focus of the epilepsy which provides certain diagnostic value. Connectivity analysis on multichannel fMRI signals was performed using CPR matrix and graph theoretic analysis. Adjacency matrix was obtained from CPR matrices after thresholding it using statistical significance tests. Graph theoretic analysis based on communicability was performed to obtain community structures for awake resting and anesthetic sedation states. Concurrent behavioral data showed memory impairment due to anesthesia. Given the fact that previous studies have implicated the hippocampus in memory function, the CPR results showing the hippocampus within the community in awake state and out of it in anesthesia state, demonstrated the biological plausibility of the CPR results. On the other hand, results from linear correlation were less biologically plausible. In biological systems, highly synchronized and desynchronized systems are of interest rather than moderately synchronized ones. However, CPR is approximately a monotonic function of synchronization and hence can assume values which indicate moderate synchronization. In order to emphasize high synchronization/ desynchronization and de-emphasize moderate synchronization, a new method of Correlation Synchronization Convergence Time (CSCT) is proposed. It is obtained using an iterative procedure involving the evaluation of CPR for successive autocorrelations until CPR converges to a chosen threshold. CSCT was evaluated for 16 channel EEG data and corresponding contour plots and histograms were obtained, which shows better discrimination between synchronized and asynchronized states compared to the conventional CPR. This thesis has demonstrated the efficacy of RP technique and associated measures in characterizing various classes of biomedical signals. The results obtained are corroborated by well known physiological facts, and they provide physiologically meaningful insights into the functioning of the underlying biological systems, with potential diagnostic value in healthcare.

Reliability of Functional Performance in Overweight Individuals

Tuttle, Elizabeth M. 11 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Asfaltové směsi se zpěněným asfaltem / Foam asphalt mixtures

Brtníková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is mainly focused on methods for reducing the working temperature in the production of hot mix asphalt and the main reasons for this. Most attention is paid to the warm mix asphalt, mainly foam asphalt technology. In practical part are describes working procedures of individual tests on asphalt mixtures and recovered bitumen binders. The tests were performed on 3 types of ACO 11+, one was made with working temperature 160°C without foamed bitumen and the other two with foamed bitumen,one with working temperature 160°C and the second 140°C. Then were the results compared.


Ruth Anyaeche (17449233) 27 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Tandem mass spectrometry (MS<sup>n</sup>) has become the most widely used analytical technique for the chemical characterization of unknown organic compounds in complex mixtures. It has led to the development of a large number of mass spectrometers with different mass analyzers as well as a wide array of ionization methods. This technique can be coupled with a diverse range of chromatography methods, such as gas chromatography (GC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Some of the primary strengths of MS include its great sensitivity, its versatility to seamlessly integrate with various chromatography techniques and its flexibility in the sense of access to different mass analyzers and different ionization methods. During MS experiments, analytes are evaporated and ionized and the resulting ions are separated based on their mass-to-charge (<i>m/z</i>) ratios and then detected. On the other hand, MS<sup>n</sup> experiments involve isolating a specific ion of interest from all other ions and subjecting them to reactions such as collision-activated dissociation (CAD) or ion-molecule reactions. These reactions generate product ions that can be used to obtain structural information for the analyte. In addition, MS<sup>n</sup> experiments can be used to generate and study the chemical properties of reaction intermediates, such as oxenium cations. </p><p dir="ltr">The mass spectrometer and the ionization source used to perform the research discussed in this thesis are described in Chapter 2. After this, the development of experiments involving ion-molecule reactions accompanied by collision-activated dissociation in a linear quadrupole ion trap is discussed, with the goals of differentiating the aziridine functionality from structurally related functional groups, such as the amino group and identifying aromatic aldehyde functionalities in protonated oxygen-containing monofunctional analytes. The integration of machine learning with mass spectral data has become an increasingly prevalent and valuable way to interpret data faster and more accurately without human bias than conventional manual approaches. Chapter 5 discusses combining machine learning-guided automated HPLC analysis coupled with MS<sup>n</sup> experiments based on diagnostic ion-molecule reactions for the structural elucidation of unknown compounds. Finally, experimental and computational studies on the gas-phase reactivity of quinoline-based ground-state singlet oxenium cations are discussed.</p>

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