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Development of synthetic methodology for non-symmetric fullerene dimersBarnå, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis covers the initial development of a synthesis of fullerene dimers using two different types of linking reactions. Different setups for [3+2] cycloadditions to fullerenes (Prato reaction) were tested, and for that purpose, an N-alkylated amino acid was synthesised. Hydroarylation of fullerene using Rh-catalysis was also studied, using both MIDA protected and unprotected boronic acids, as well as by using cycloaddition products. A range of model compounds in form of fulleropyrrolidenes were synthesised. Products were puried with HPLC and analysed with MALDI-MS and 1H NMR. A range of new compounds were synthesised and characterisation of them was begun. With MALDI-MS, indications that the fullerene dimer had formed were found. Using synthesised model compounds, by-products of the hydroarylation reaction were identied. / Denna kandidatuppsats behandlar påborjandet av syntesutvecklingen för bildandet av fullerendimerer genom användandet av två olika sorters länkningskemi. Olika förhållanden och reagens for [3+2]-cykloaddition till fullerener (Pratoreaktionen) studerades, och i samband med det syntetiserades en N-alkylerad aminosyra. Hydroarylering av fullerener med hjälp utav rodiumkatalys studerades även, genom reaktioner med både skyddade och oskyddade borsyror, inklusive fulleropyrrolidiner. Produkter har renats upp med HPLC och analyserats med MALDI-MS och 1H NMR. En uppsättning nya substanser har syntetiserts, men karaktäriseringen av dessa har inte slutförts. Genom användning av MALDI-MS har indikationer att fullerendimer bildats framkommit. Genom att använda syntetiserade modellsubstanser har biprodukter från hydroaryleringsreaktionen identierats.
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Ab-initio molecular dynamics studies of laser- and collision-induced processes in multielectron diatomics, organic molecules and fullerenesHandt, Jan 18 October 2010 (has links)
This work presents applications of an ab-initio molecular dynamics method, the so-called nonadiabatic quantum molecular dynamics (NA-QMD), for various molecular systems with many electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom. Thereby, the nuclei will be treated classically and the electrons with time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) in basis expansion. Depending on the actual system and physical process,
well suited basis sets for the Kohn-Sham orbitals has to be chosen. For the ionization process a novel absorber acting in the energy space as well as additional basis functions will be used depending on the laser frequency.
In the first part of the applications, a large variety of different laser-induced molecular processes will be investigated. This concerns, the orientation dependence of the ionization of multielectronic diatomics (N2, O2), the isomerization of organic molecules (N2H2) and the giant excitation of the breathing mode in fullerenes (C60).
In the second part, fullerene-fullerene collisions are investigated, for the first time in the whole range of relevant impact velocities concerning the vibrational and electronic energy transfer (\"stopping~power\").
For low energetic (adiabatic) collisions, it is surprisingly found, that a two-dimensional, phenomenological collision model can reproduce (even quantitatively) the basic features of fusion and scattering observed in the fully microscopic calculations as well as in the experiment.
For high energetic (nonadiabatic) collisions, the electronic and vibrational excitation regimes are predicted, leading to multifragmentation up to complete atomization.
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