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Vytýkací konstrukce v norštině a ve francouzštině / Cleft Sentences in Norwegian and FrenchŘeháková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with cleft senteces in Norwegian and French. The analysis is carried out on Norwegian originals and their French translations. This makes it possible to study the cleft sentence in the same context. Cleft sentences in Norwegian were analysed from the functional sentence perspective, syntactic and morfological point of view. It means that I studied the contextual dependece or indepence of the sentence elements and their degree of communicative dynamism, syntactic function of the focused elements and which words represent the focused elements. The main aim of the thesis is to find out how cleft sentences are translated from Norwegian to French
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Koheze a koherence ve francouzských a českých textech / Cohesion and Coherence in French and Czech TextsRusá, Ludmila January 2011 (has links)
in English This thesis deals with the means that French and Czech use to express the text coherence and cohesion. It pays special attention to functional sentence perspective which is expressed in different ways in these two languages. It focuses on the category of French determinants and its important role in the expression of functional sentence perspective. The empirical part of the thesis explores the possibilities the translator has to express lexically the presence of various determinants that appear in original texts, and it tries to prove the theory that a higher occurrence of determinants in French affects Czech translations. This hypothesis will be proven by comparing the frequency of prounous that occur in Czech translations and Czech original texts.
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Rématický podmět v psané angličtině v pravidelném preverbálním postavení vs. vytčení vytýkací konstrukcí / Rhematic subjects in written English: regular preverbal position vs. focusing by it-cleftKudrnová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The thesis aims to describe and compare the use of two English syntactic structures: sentences with a rhematic subject in the preverbal position and it-clefts with focused subject. It does so from the viewpoint of functional sentence perspective as conceived and elaborated by the members of the Prague Linguistic School and their Brno School followers. The main goal of the thesis is to determine whether the constructions are mutually exclusive or whether they can be under certain circumstances interchangeable. For the purposes of the analysis, 200 example sentences were collected from contemporary fiction, i.e. 100 for each construction. Subsequently, their relevant features were examined, especially those concerning dynamic semantic scales and realization form of the subjects; these aspects were expected to differ. The analysis has shown that each of the constructions has rather specific uses and they overlap only rarely, in sentences in which the two basic dynamic semantic scales, the Presentation Scale and the Quality Scale, intersect.
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Analýza restriktivních (vylučujících) aktualizátorů v češtině a španělštině / Analysis of restrictive rhematizers in Czech and in SpanishPODROUŽKOVÁ, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the study of restrictive focusing adverbs in the Czech and Spanish languages. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part describes the exclusion focusing adverbs in both languages using secondary literature. The practical part uses the parallel corpus to examine what lexical equivalents correspond to individual Czech focusing adverbs, and shows their individual semantic or positional differences in detail.
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Silné tvary raně středoanglických adjektiv z hlediska syntaktického a aktuálního členění větného / Strong adjectival forms in Early Middle English: a syntactic and FSP perspectiveKupková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The Master's thesis proceeds from a corpus-based analysis and focuses on strong forms of Early Middle English adjectives. A formal distinction between weak and strong adjectival forms had disappeared during the period of Middle English, the work, therefore, aims at the transitional period between Old and Middle English, when the strong forms could still be identified, either due to the relics of inflectional endings, syntactic position, or context. A representative sample of the most frequent adjectives was chosen from the corpus comprising the extant Middle English texts with help of specific searching code. Consequently, the strong forms were manually chosen from these according to their formal characteristics and position in the sentence. This sample was then analyzed from the syntactic point of view, as well as from the point of view of functional sentence perspective. The results of the analysis show that the indication of indefiniteness was mostly expressed by the mix of syntactic and contextual means in EME. It has also been found out that the adjectives, being used both attributively and predicatively, were by rule part of the rheme.
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Vztahy mezi syntaktickou strukturou a aktuálním clenením vetným: studie vývojových tendencí na základe paralelního textu ranenovoanglického a soucasného / The relations between syntactic structure and functional sentence perspective as reflected in a parallel Early New and Modern English text: a study of developmental tendenciesPopelíková, Jiřina January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to describe the different ways in which syntactic means may be employed to serve as indicators of information structure and to trace the historical development these means underwent from the Early Modern English period up to the present. The research is based on a comparative approach to textual analysis, using two different English translations of Boethius' The Consolation of Philosophy, one published in the early 17th century, the other near the end of the 20th . Both versions are analyzed in terms of the ways in which they express the same semantic content through different syntactic means, a special focus being placed on the sphere of individual clauses. Formal disparities between parallel syntactic units are investigated both from the grammatical and communicative perspective, mapping the effect of the differences in syntactic choices on the level of the functional sentence perspective. The study thus attempts to identify the extent to which the standardization of syntactic structures may be viewed as having exercised an influence over the communicative aspects of the language in the period between the grammatical systematization of the 16th and 17th centuries and the Present-day English standards.
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Postavení scénických příslovečných určení v angličtině a češtině. Srovnání na základě paralelních textů. / The position of scene-setting adverbials in English and Czech. A comparison on the basis of parallel textsKunstová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the presented paper is the analysis of the position of scene-setting adverbials based on parallel texts. The aim of the study is to find out the most typical position for placing of such adverbials realized by verbless construction and to determine the factors influencing the position in both languages with respect to differences between the Czech and English word order. The theory is based on the functional approach described in Brno linguistic school and is applied to 200 examples from the corpus Intercorp. Out of the given number of examples, exactly one hundred tokens belong to the translation direction from En to Cz and the second half to the opposite direction of translation. With respect to the English word order, which takes over some of the grammatical functions resulting in relative rigidity, scene-setting adverbials are usually placed in the final position. However, it is assumed that most languages have a tendency to place the most important information to the end of the sentence. It follows that one of the goals of this work is to describe the factors allowing these adverbials to be placed in this position with no effect on the communicative dynamism of the adverbials themselves as well as on other sentence elements. The term 'scene-setting' suggests that these adverbials...
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A functional analysis of noncanonical word order patterns in CARSON McCULLERS‘ short stories / Žodžių tvarkos modelių įvairavimo atvejai anglų kalboje:CARSON McCULLERS apsakymų sintaksinė analizėŠimkienė, Ina 24 July 2014 (has links)
In communication, a language user is naturally disposed to proceed from what is known to, or shared by, both the speaker/writer and hearer/reader and end with the information that is the most important. Such a disposition complies with the requirements of Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP), but it also makes a language user “transform” the basic word order. The present work took a functional approach to language study to explore the syntactic potential of English to produce various sentence patterns by carrying out a communicative (functional) analysis of Carson McCullers’ short stories. The analysis showed that one of the main causes of noncanonical ordering of sentence elements is thematization by means of Preposing. The preposed elements were semantically diverse, though the frequency of occurrence of different process type sentences varied. The results of the analysis led to the conclusion that syntactic movement is determined by the semantic, syntactic and contextual restrictions. Syntactically, the peripheral elements of the sentence exhibited a higher flexibility than the core sentence elements. Semantic and syntactic unity of the sentence elements were interfered when the preposed sentence elements expressed information recoverable from a very short retrievability span, which revealed the significant role of the context in syntactical movements. Preposing and the resulting sentence patterns seem to be used for particular discourse functions: to enhance the... [to full text] / Pagal sakinio aktualiosios skaidos (AS) teoriją konkrečiame kontekste vieni sakinio elementai komunikaciniu požiūriu yra svarbesni negu kiti. Kalbos vartotojas yra natūraliai linkęs sakinį pradėti nuo to, kas žinoma jam kaip kalbėtojui ar rašytojui ir jo klausytojui ar skaitytojui ir baigti sakinį informacija, kuri yra svarbiausia. Tokia nuostata verčia kalbos vartotoją transformuoti vadinamą gramatinį sakinio modelį Veiksnys+Tarinys+Papildinys. Kitaip tariant, komunikacijos procese sintaksinio lygmens uždavinys yra „rasti“ tinkamą sakinio modelį ir jį aktualizuoti. Šiame darbe yra tiriamos anglų kalbos sintaksinės galios sudaryti įvairias sintaksines struktūras, kurios geriausiai gali atspindėti sakinio turinį ir komunikacinį tikslą. Tiriamajai medžiagai pasirinkti amerikiečių rašytojos Carson McCaullers apsakymai. Tyrimas parodė, kad tiriamų sakinių žodžių tvarką dažniausiai lėmė teminami semantiniai elementai, iškeliant juos į sakinio pradžią, arba kitaip tariant, atliekant temos preposiciją (angl. Preposing). Į sakinio pradžią keliami elementai yra semantiškai skirtingi, priklausomai nuo proceso tipo. Žodžių tvarkos įvairavimą lemia semantiniai, sintaksiniai ir konteksto apribojimai. Dažniausiai į sakinio pradžią keliami pagrindiniai ir periferiniai elementai reiškė žinomą informaciją. Tiriant žodžių tvarkos įvairavimo atvejus, buvo siekiama įvertinti ir diskursinį žodžių tvarkos modelių vaidmenį. Tyrimas parodė, kad įprasta žodžių tvarka yra keičiama, siekiant ne tik... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Pronominální subjekt v italštině ve srovnání s češtinou. / The pronominal subject in Italian in comparison to Czech.SPOLKOVÁ, Simona January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is pronominal subject in Italian in comparison to Czech. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical part. In the first theoretical part, the autor initially investigates the syntax, briefly defines constituensts of sentence and then describes in detail the Italian and Czech subject. Author will focus his attention primarily on the obligatory expression pronominal subject. In the following practical part, the author makes a comparison the obligatory expression pronominal subject in Italian and Czech based on selected literary texts from a parallel corpus InterCorp. The main objective of this work will be to determine whether the distribution of an obligatory pronominal subject is same or different in the two compared languages.
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Španělské determinanty este, ese, aquel a jejich české ekvivalenty / Spanish determiners este, ese, aquel and their Czech equivalentsErbenová, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the Spanish determiners este, ese, aquel, the definite article and their anaphoric function. First, the theoretical groundwork for the latter analysis is built: the deter- miners are characterized together with the anaphora as a device of discourse coherence. Then, the choice between the demonstratives este, ese, aquel and the defi- nite article in different types of nominal anaphora is analyzed using examples from the parallel corpus InterCorp. Diverse factors influencing this choice are examined. The analysis is extended with a comparative analysis in which Czech equivalents of the Spanish determiners in the same types of anaphora are compared.
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