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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèse et étude d'amidons modifiés pour le développement de procédés d'oxydation du benzo[a]pyrène, un modèle de polluant organique persistant / Synthesis of alkylated potato starch derivatives ands their potential applications for oxidation of benzo[a]pyrene, a model of persistent organic pollutant

Dospinescu-Rosu, Ana-Maria 18 November 2011 (has links)
Mes recherches s’inscrivent dans une problématique de remédiation des sols pollués par deshydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) avec comme modèle de polluant organiquepersistant le benzo[a]pyrène (BaP). La persistance de ce type de molécules dans les sols estprincipalement due à deux paramètres limitants : leur faible biodisponibilité en raison de leur faible solubilité aqueuse et la difficulté pour les microorganismes d’amorcer l’oxydation de molécules aussi stables. Notre approche a consisté en l’utilisation de polysaccharides à base d’amidon comme matrice permettant de stimuler la solubilisation du BaP et comme support à la réaction de Fenton (Fe²⁺ + H2O2 → Fe³⁺ + OH- + OH⁺) en tant que producteur d’un puissant oxydant : le radical hydroxyl OH⁺. Une étude théorique de modélisation moléculaire a permis de mettre en évidence dans lamolécule d’amidon des sites de fixation préférentiels aussi bien pour le BaP que pour le cation Fe ²⁺. Par la suite, l’étude expérimentale a eu pour objectif la synthèse chimique d’amidon modifié utilisantdeux types d’agent alkylant, des époxydes et des anhydrides d’acides carboxyliques. Après la caractérisation chimique de ces molécules par spectroscopie RMN et FTIR, les études de relation structure activité (par fluorescence, MEB et MEB-EDS) entre les amidons modifiés, le BaP et le cation Fe ²⁺ ont permis le criblage d’une vingtaine de molécules d’amidons modifiés et la sélection des amidons modifiés les plus solubles et les plus efficaces dans la solubilisation du BaP. Par exemple, la molécules d’amidon (P17) bialkylé par un époxyde à trois carbones et un anhydride à onze carbones présente une solubilité aqueuse de 4,41 g/l (amidon natif 0,4 g/l) et une capacité à stimuler la solubilité du BaP d’un facteur 20. La dernière étape de mon travail de thèse aborde, in vitro, les applications potentielles des amidons modifiés pour la dégradation du BaP. Les essais réalisés avec la réaction de Fenton nous ont suggéré une hypothèse originale dans laquelle il semblerait que la matrice polysaccharique produirait des radicaux carbohydrates possédant un temps de demi-vie largement supérieur comparé à celui de l’hydroxyl radical leur conférant une meilleure capacité à atteindre et à oxyder le BaP. Les premiers essais couplant l’oxydation chimique et les potentialités de dégradation par des champignons saprotrophes doivent être encore optimisés afin d’utiliser tout le potentiel de la biodiversité des champignons. / My researchs concern remediation of polluted soil by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) with the benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) as a model of persistent organic pollutant. The persistence of these molecules into soil is mainly due to both limiting parameters: their weak biodisponibility due to their low aqueous solubility and the difficulty for microorganisms of starting the oxidation of such stable molecules. Our approach consisted in the use of polysaccharides like starch matrix for stimulating the solubilization of BaP and allowing on such support the Fenton reaction (Fe²⁺+H2O2 → Fe ³⁺+ OH -+ OH ⁺) as a producer of high oxidant i.e. the hydroxyl radicals OH ⁺. A theoretical computer modelling study conducted on potato starch permits to identify the preferential sites for BaP and iron complexation. Thereafter, the experimental study aimed the chemical modification of starch using two types of alkylated agents i.e. epoxides and anhydrides of carboxylic acids. After the chemical characterization of these molecules by NMR and FTIR spectroscopy, the structure activity relationship between the modified starches, BaP and Fe2+ (as studied by fluorescence, SEM and SEM-EDS) allowed the screening of modified starches and the selection of the most soluble starches and the most effective one in BaP solubilization. For example, the molecule of starch (P17) bi-alkyl substituted by an epoxy group with three carbons and an anhydride with eleven carbons has an aqueous solubility of 4,41 g/L (native starch 0,4 g/L) and a capacity to stimulate the BaP solubility by a 20-factor. The last step of this work approaches, in vitro, the potential application of the modified starch for BaP degradation. The tests carried out with Fenton reaction suggested an original hypothesis based on the production of carbohydrate radicals having a higher half-life time compared with that of the hydroxyl radical itself, conferring them a better capacity to reach and to oxidize BaP. The first tests coupling chemical oxidation and the potentialities of fungal degradation must be still optimized in order to use all the potential biodiversity of fungi. / Cercetările acestei teze se înscriu în cadrul unei probleme de remediere a solurilor poluate cu hidrocarburi aromatice policiclice (HAP),având ca model de poluare benzo [a] pirenul (BaP). Persistenţa acestor moleculelor, de acest tip, în soluri este dată în principal de doi parametri limitanţi: biosponibilitatea lor scăzută, datorită solubilităţii apoase scăzute, şi dificultatea, pentru microorganisme de a oxida aceste molecule stabile. Abordarea nostră constă în utilizarea polizaharidelor, având ca suport amidonul: ca matrice permanentă de stimulare a solubilităţii BaPului şi ca suport în reacţia Fenton (Fe²⁺+H2O2 → Fe ³⁺+ OH -+ OH ⁺) producătoare de un oxidant foarte puternic precum radicalul hidroxil OH ⁺. Un studiu teoretic de modelare moleculară a permis punerea în evidenţă în molecula de amidon a unor site-uri de fixare preferenţiale atât pentru BaP cât şi pentru cationul Fe²⁺. Apoi, un studiu experimantal a avut ca obiectiv sinteza chimică a amidonului modificat utilizând două tipuri de agenţi de alchilare: epoxizii şi anhidridele acizilor carboxilici. După caracterizarea chimică a acestor molecule prin spectroscopie RMN şi FTIR, studiile de relaţie structură-activitate (prin fluorescenţă, MEB şi MEB-EDS) între amidonurile modificate, BaP şi cationul Fe²⁺ au permis verificarea a douăzeci de molecule de amidon modificate şi selecţionarea amidonurilor modificate cele mai solubile şi mai eficace în solubilizarea BaPului. De exemplu, molecula de amidon (P17) bialchilată printr-un epoxid cu trei atomi de carbon şi o anhidridă cu unusprezece carboni, prezintă o solubilitate apoasă de 4,41 g/L (faţă de amidonul nativ 0,4 g/L) şi o capacitate de stimulare a solubilităţii BaP de un factor 20. Ultima etapă a acestei teze de doctorat abordează, in vitro, aplicaţiile potenţiale ale amidonurilor modificate pentru degradarea BaPului. Încercările realizate cu reacţia Fenton ne sugerează o ipoteză originală în care se pare că matricea polizaharidică produce radicali carbohidraţi posedând un timp de viaţă superior, comparativ cu cel al radicalului hidroxil, conferind o mai bună capacitate de captare şi oxidare a BaPului. Primele încercări cuplând oxidarea chimică şi potenţialitatea de degradare prin fungi saprotrofi mai trebuie încă optimizată pentru utilizarea întregului potenţial de biodiversitate a fungilor.

Development of sustainable Re-Tanning Agents from Fungal Degradation of Lignosulfonates

Ammenn, Jochen 03 June 2019 (has links)
Lignosulfonates are abundantly available by-products of the paper industry. In the vast majority of applications on leather lignosulfonates are physically blended with other chemistries to augment filling properties of the resulting products. We targeted to decrease the molecular weight of lignosulfonates using fungi to achieve increased application possibilities and to improve tanning properties. We screened various basidiomycotes for their capability to modify the molecular weight of calcium lignosulfonates and identified five species that actually polymerized the chosen lignosulfonate further. Only Irpex consors was found to depolymerize calcium lignosulfonate in surface and later in liquid cultures in our hands. We achieved a six fold reduction of the molecular weight determined by size exclusion chromatography.

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