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Efekt funkční peroneální elektrostimulace na chůzi pacientů po cévní mozkové příhodě / Effect of peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation on gait in patients with strokeJeníček, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The Abstract The Title: Effect of Peroneal Nerve Functional Electrical Stimulation on Gait in Post-stroke Patients The Goal: The aim of this work was to compare two different ways of applying functional electrical stimulation of the peroneal nerve as to their impacts on the gait speed and performance and the spastic paresis of lower leg in adult patients suffering from chronic stages of stroke accompanied by foot drop. The Method: An open, randomized, controlled clinical pilot study combining elements of both controlled and pragmatic experiments in comparing two different clinical approaches to peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation. With the first group of patients (group A, consisting of 14 subjects), the intervention was carried out as an outpatient, strictly controlled and intense training of gait with electrical stimulation over the period of four weeks, five times a week; the B-group patients (13 subjects) were all provided with their own stimulator which they applied continuously throughout all their daily routines at their homes and community over the equal period of time. The Results: The four-week intervention turned out to cause no statistically significant difference in our two groups in terms of its impact on any of the monitored parameters of the gait speed and performance as well as...
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Vliv funkční elektrické stimulace aplikované pomocí neurostimulátoru WalkAide na rovnováhu a chůzi nemocných s roztroušenou sklerózou mozkomíšní / The Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation Applied by the WalkAide Neurostimulator on Balance and Gait in Patients with Multiple SclerosisMaršíčková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
Author: Bc. Veronika Maršíčková Title: The Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation Applied by the WalkAide Neurostimulator on Balance and Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Objectives: The main aim of this diploma thesis is an assessment of therapeutic effect of functional electrical stimulation applied with using of the neurostimulator WalkAide on balance and gait of people with multiple sclerosis against standard outpatient physiotherapy. Partial aims are comparisons the immediate and persistent therapeutic effect of functional electrical stimulation. Methods: The thesis is a randomized controlled trial. For its realization it was necessary to create an intervention and a control group of probands. Both groups received 2 different rehabilitation programs. The intervention group received the WalkAide neurostimulator (for 2 months) for home use. The control group underwent a standard outpatient physiotherapeutic program with application of 20 therapies (at least) lasting 60 minutes (i.e. 2-3 times a week for 2 months). Data collection was performed by validated motor tests and questionnaires, which were focussed on endurance, speed and skilfulness of gait, static and dynamic balance and subjective perception of balance, overal mobility and pathological fatigue. These tests and...
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Nereferenční to v češtině jako expletivum? / Non-referential to in Czech as an expletive?Janoušková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyses expletive usage of Czech word to (it). The aim is to contribute to the current description of Czech expletive to in the subject position and to compare it with English expletive subject it. Theoretical part of this thesis is dedicated to definition of the term reference, and other terms associated with it, and referential, modifying and non- referential functions of to in Czech academic literature. Important part of the theoretical background is definition of semantic criteria for identification of the Czech expletive to by Ivana Kolářová. In Czech academic literature, the term expletive is not widely described, therefore this thesis also gives a brief overview of description of English expletive it. For the purposes of comparison of the Czech and English expletives, this thesis is partly dedicated to a description of partial pro-drop languages and to an explanation how it is connected to the Czech language. There are two types of Czech expletive to defined as a basis for a qualitative analysis: formal expletive subject to in raising constructions and inferential expletive subject to. The analysis is based on 300 manually excerpted examples of constructions with expletive subject to from spoken corpora ORAL2013 and ORTOFON. Both types of expletives are described separately on...
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Strukturální a funkční dopady infekční endokarditidy / Structural and functional impacts of infective endocarditisPazderník, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Despite more recent advances in both medical and surgical therapies, the syndrome of infective endocarditis (IE) continues to be characterized by serious complications, and remains a life-threatening infection. According to data from the World Health Organization, the Czech Republic has one of the highest mortality rates due to this disease worldwide. Despite the severity of illness in this country, very few data have been reported previously regarding investigations of IE in the Czech Republic. Consequently, a retrospective evaluation of local IE cases at one of the country's largest medical centers was conducted. Our aim was to analyze the characteristics of this disease in our country. The greatest interest was devoted to Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), etiological agent that has been associated with the worst course of IE episodes. The hypothesis of our study was that infective endocarditis caused by S. aureus, in comparison with other etiological agents, is associated with worse course of the disease. We evaluated the structural (abscess formation, impaired integrity of heart valves, systemic embolism) and functional (incidence of heart failure and conduction disturbances, in-hospital mortality) manifestations of IE. Of all studied parameters, only embolism and S. aureus as the causative agent were...
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Výkon a vybrané kardiorespirační parametry u profesionálních sportovců ve třetím až čtvrtém týdnu po prodělání onemocnění COVID-19 / Power output and selected cardiorespiratory parameters in elite athletes during the third to fourth week after COVID-19 infectionNovák, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Title: Power output and selected cardiorespiratory parameters in elite athletes during the third to fourth week after COVID-19 infection Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to compare power output and selected cardiorespiratory parameters in elite athletes before and three to four weeks after COVID- 19 infection. Since the elite athletes undergo these health checks on a yearly basis, it is possible to compare the data before and immediately after the infection without difficulty. Methods: This thesis has a character of a quantitative research based on testing the outcomes with confirming or denying hypotheses. Out of the total of 64 elite athletes with the CPET data after the infection 17 athletes, fulfilling other criteria, were selected. I was provided with the data by Centrum sportovní medicíny z. s.. These values became the foundation for statistical hypotheses testing. Analysis of the data was done by means of a pair t-test in R software. Results: There were no significant differences in the majority of the spirometry parameters. Only the inspiration vital capacity was significantly higher (p = 0,004) after the COVID-19 infection in 14 athletes with 0,21±0,18 l improvement. There were significant differences in five of CPET parameters. Load in RCP was significantly lower (p = 0,011) in 13...
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Studium interakcí funkčních povrchů s biologickými systémy / The study on interactions of functional surfaces with biological systemsVíšová, Ivana January 2021 (has links)
Title: The study on interactions of functional surfaces with biological systems Author: Ivana Víšová Department: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of optical and biophysical systems. Supervisor: RNDr. Hana Vaisocherová-Lísalová, Ph.D., Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of optical and biophysical systems. Abstract: This work is devoted to the study of processes influencing the performance of functional antifouling polymer brush coatings and their interactions with complex biological media. Specifically, both results of the fundamental and applied research on the i) functionalization processes influencing coating resistance, ii) tailoring of the physico-chemical properties of the antifouling coatings to minimize the nonspecific interactions with complex biological samples, and iii) behavior and performance of the polymer brush coatings in varying environments are presented. Acrylamide and methacrylamide-based polymer brushes with side hydroxyl, carboxybetaine, and sulfobetaine groups were studied, showing the great potential of their optimized copolymer structures as tunable antifouling functionalizable platforms for cell research or biosensor applications. Moreover, newly developed procedures for antifouling properties recovery after EDC/NHC...
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Zdraví jako marketingová příležitost / Health as a Marketing OpportunityBergrová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define the growing use of health symbolism in the consumer goods industry. Powerful group of consumers, focused on the value of health and an active lifestyle, is the base for developing a long-term emerging market with portfolio of brands and products, which are building its image on the basis of health connotations. This "medicalization of consumption" takes place mainly at the level of signs with relevant references, according to which consumers are oriented at different levels of awareness of that fact. On the example of semiotic analysis of Activia brand we would point out how could each sign build a product, permanently associated with required values.
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Analýza nádorové predispozice a funkční analýza variant nejasného významu / Analysis of cancer predisposition and functional analysis of variants of unknown significanceStolařová, Lenka January 2021 (has links)
On average, 5-10% of all cancers occur in patients with hereditary tumors, who may have mutations in tens to hundreds of tumor predisposition genes. The phenotypes in mutation carriers overlap, and parallel analyses with sequencing panels is the method of choice in diagnostics. In our laboratory, we designed a universal panel and a targeted panel for a specific cancer, which allowed us to identify genetic alterations in patients with ovarian cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, and other cancers in the Czech Republic. The results of next generation sequencing (NGS) analyses show that the most frequent genetic alteration in ovarian cancers patients in the Czech Republic are hereditary mutations in BRCA1 (in 24% of unselected patients) and in malignant melanoma patients CDKN2A (in 2% of high risk patients). The presence of hereditary alterations is a clinically significant phenomenon affecting the prognosis and treatment of the disease. However, the interpretation of NGS findings is complicated by the presence of variants of unknown significance (VUS). We participate in the interpretation of VUS in the main predisposing genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 within the international consortium ENIGMA (Evidence-based Network for the Interpretation of Germline Mutant Alleles). Our and international results of the most...
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Identifikace mozkových oblastí při anticipaci v tenise / Identification of brain areas in anticipation during tennisGavendová, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
Title: Identification of brain areas in anticipation during tennis Objectives: The main aim of diploma theses is identification of brain areas responsible for anticipation and making decision during watching tennis rallies at tennis players by functional magnetic resonance. Methods: The research group consists of 10-12 competitive tennis players aged 18-28. The research takes place at the hospital in Motol. Before the examination itself, the probands are instructed on the course and conditions of testing. Testing consists of examining the brain to see if the proband is healthy, testing anticipation with a video of tennis rallies followed by a resting state phase to evaluate regional interactions. The video consists of 6 blocks separated by a static image lasting 20 s. Each block contains 6 videos with tennis rallies. Each video lasts exactly 6 s, including 300 ms to stop the tennis rallies. The tennis rallies are stopped when the ball is over the tennis net or on the player's racket. The task of the proband is to monitor the tennis rallies and after stopping to determine whether the subsequent stroke will fly to the left or right side of the tennis court, or to the center. The target data are formed from functional magnetic resonance images, probands' responses to individual rallies, and response...
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Náklady životního cyklu budovy / Building Life Cycle CostsBohadlová, Darina January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the life-cycle cost of the building for teaching and research. The theoretical part deals with the introduction of life-cycle cost method. A description ofdetermining life-cycle cost and procedure of processing. In the practical part of the budgetis prepared surveyed the building, which is divided into functional parts and the fixed costs of repair and reconstruction over the lifetime of the building. At the end of life are roughlydetermined the cost of demolition and waste removal. This whole process is summarized in the table, which sets the cost of operating the building throughout its life.
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