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Vyhodnocení vývoje dokumentace územního plánu ve zvolené lokalitě / Assessment of urban planning documentation development in selected localityŠRUC, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The Master Thesis deals with the evaluation of the development of territorial plans documentation in the cadastral territory of the town Trebon. The main objective is the evaluation and comparison of the spatial arrangement of the individual functional areas in the territorial plans from the years 1959, 1976, 1993 and 2012; and the contribution of the plans to the development, accouterment, and protection of the examined territory. Another part of the thesis is an own proposal of changes to the current territorial plan. The theoretical part deals with the basic concepts, the history of the legal regulation of spatial planning in the Czech Republic, forms, subjects and processes in spatial planning, the geography of the city and suburbanization. The methodological part describes the database with the issue of its acquisition; the methodical procedure of unifying the legends of the individual spatial plans; and the characteristics of the examined territory. In the analytical part, there is evaluated the historical development of the building composition in Trebon, the conclusions regarding the representation of the individual functional areas in the spatial plans and the comparison of their development. An important component of the thesis is the map outputs presenting the spatial arrangement of functional areas in the territory of Trebon in the analyzed territorial plans.
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Sestavení a ověření funkčního silového tréninku pro klientky fitness centra v Českých Budějovicích ve věku 30-40 let / Create and verify fitness training for Fitness Center clients in České Budějovice, aged 30-40MIKOLÁŠKOVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work is to assemble and verify the functional strength training for the client's fitness centre in Ceske Budejovice in the age of 3040 years. The client, who agreed with the participation of the program of functional strength training, have been subjected to the input and output measurements. Part of the work is also an exercise program that includes didactic procedures of the individual exercises. In 60% of clients, there was an improvement in measured values at the output measurement.
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Dílna pedagoga volného času: Téma dysfunkční rodiny v literatuře pro děti a mládež / Free Time Teacher's Workshop: The theme of a dysfunctional family in literature for children and teenagersBERÁNKOVÁ, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the topic of dysfunctional family in modern literature for children and young people with support of selected books of free time pedagogy. The thesis cisis of theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part speaks about the main terms and links in connection to the topic of thesis: (dys)functional family and its influence to the children of preschool and younger schoolage, educativeaims of free time pedagogy as well as the suitable method sapplicable when working with texts. In theoretial part, I introdukce selected books for children and young people dealing with the topic of dysfunctional family. Practical part is dedicated to the description and analysis offindings from worksheets, including description of own reflexion. Benefit of this thesis is the material implemented in real-life conditions, i.e. set of worksheets which is intended for work of free time teacher with children of preschool and younger schoolage.
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Strukturální a funkční dopady infekční endokarditidy / Structural and functional impacts of infective endocarditisPazderník, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Despite more recent advances in both medical and surgical therapies, the syndrome of infective endocarditis (IE) continues to be characterized by serious complications, and remains a life-threatening infection. According to data from the World Health Organization, the Czech Republic has one of the highest mortality rates due to this disease worldwide. Despite the severity of illness in this country, very few data have been reported previously regarding investigations of IE in the Czech Republic. Consequently, a retrospective evaluation of local IE cases at one of the country's largest medical centers was conducted. Our aim was to analyze the characteristics of this disease in our country. The greatest interest was devoted to Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), etiological agent that has been associated with the worst course of IE episodes. The hypothesis of our study was that infective endocarditis caused by S. aureus, in comparison with other etiological agents, is associated with worse course of the disease. We evaluated the structural (abscess formation, impaired integrity of heart valves, systemic embolism) and functional (incidence of heart failure and conduction disturbances, in-hospital mortality) manifestations of IE. Of all studied parameters, only embolism and S. aureus as the causative agent were...
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Možnosti prevence s využitím geriatrických principů: Funkční stav a depresivita ve stáří / Possibilities of prevention reflecting geriatric principles: Functional status and depressivity in old ageVaňková, Hana January 2015 (has links)
Possibilities of prevention reflecting geriatric principles: Functional status and depressivity in old age Hana Vaňková, MD Abstract Background: Given the population ageing in Europe and in the Czech Republic, strategies aiming to prevent functional decline in older age are of great importance. Depression in old age increases functional decline and is also associated with increased morbidity, mortality and deterioration of quality of life (Anstey et al., 2007; Karakaya et al., 2009). Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive intervention addressing both functional status and depressive symptoms. Methods: Using comprehensive geriatric assessment, the relationship between functional status and depressive symptoms was examined in 308 residents of long-term care facilities (RCFs) in the Czech Republic. Depressive symptoms were measured using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale. An additional randomized control trial (RCT) evaluated the effect of a dance-based therapy on depressive symptoms in 162 institutionalized older adults with average age over 80 years. Results: A multiple regression analyses adjusted for sociodemographic factors and for taking antidepressants found that cognitive function and functional limitation by pain were most strongly associated with depressive symptoms. The ability to...
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Příjem vlákniny ve vyspělých zemích a možnosti jeho zvyšování v populaci / Fiber intake in developed countries and possibilities for its increase in populationJežková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with fiber intake and possibilities of its increase. The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the actual intake of fiber in the population and to find out whether people actually know what fiber is and what should be its daily intake. The theoretical part is focused on fiber itself. It describes its characteristics, distribution, properties and sources. The effect of fiber on human health and the consequences of insufficient or excessive fiber intake are discussed as well. The practical part is focused on the real intake of fiber in the population. It is done in the form of a questionnaire survey, in which I try to find out what knowledge of fiber people have, but also how often they consume foods containing fiber. Most of the questionnaires were handed out to customers of one unnamed pharmacy and healthy nutrition center in Prague and other passers-by. Altogether, I managed to collect 84 questionnaires. The questionnaire results show that vast majority of respondents have an idea of what fiber is and which foods contain it most; however, they do not know what the recommended daily intake is. Still, half of the respondents think their diet includes enough fiber. The fiber intake in men and women was not much different. The most significant difference was in the...
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Prostorová heterogenita a sezónní vývoj fytoplanktonu v podélném profilu vodní nádrže Římov / Spatial heterogeneity and seasonal succession of phytoplankton on a longitudinal gradient in the Římov reservoirRYCHTECKÝ, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
Spatial distribution and seasonal succesion of phytoplankton along the longitudinal axis of a eutrophic Římov reservoir was investigated in 2007. Inflow, transitional and lacustrine zones were distinquished in the reservoir according to physical, chemical and biological parameters. Using a functional group concept, typical phytoplankton assemblages were found.
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Vliv označení "superpotravina" na chování spotřebitelů / The effect of the clame "superfoods" in consumer behaviourNeťuková, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis is concerned with the effect of the clame superfood and its impact in consumer behaviour. The aim of this thesis is to find out how consumers perceive the phenomenon of superfoods and how this claim effect their consumer behaviour. The theoretical part of the thesis defines and explains the terminology related to the key term superfoods such as functional foods, superfruits and organic foods. Subsequently the thesis edentifies the rules of a food labeling with the emphasis on health and nutrition-related claims. The thesis then examines the recent development of the superfoods market with its trends either from the local and the global point of view. The theoretical part is ended by the analysis of the methodology The Six Elements of Superfruits Success, which defines the six elements leading to a successful business strategy in a field of superfoods industry. The empirical part of the thesis shows the survey results of the effect of the clame superfoods and organic foods on products and its impact in consumer behaviour in the Czech Republic. The thesis then deals with the case study Jeřáb (a product containing a superfood). The thesis draws up a draft proposal for a new communication strategy of Jeřáb with the emphasis on the fact that Jeřáb is a product containing a superfood.
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Aplikace procesního řízení v podniku / The Proposal of Process Management in the CompanyČáchová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the application of process management in the company PROFI am BAU CM, Ltd. The theoretical part deals with the explanation of the process approach in business management and defines the basic concepts used, as well as analysis of the current situation in the company. Based on the acquired knowledge are described and analyzed the main business processes and proposed optimization steps.
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Posílení konkurenceschopnosti v oblasti prodeje automobilů s využitím operativního leasingu / Development of Competitiveness of Sales of Cars on the Base of Operating LeasingHalounek, Václav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on possibilities of raising competitivness in the area of car sales using operational leasing with Škoda Auto, a.s as an example. This automotive company together with Škofin, s.r.o. provides its customers with a service „Škoda without worry“. The company positioning on the market was evaluated based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the product, market and competition. Suggestions presented in this thesis bring up a conceptual change of the service „Škoda without worry“ with a goal to increase the value for customers and competitivness of the company. Introducing a loyalty program Škoda is mentioned as an alternative solution. Benefits and risks associated with implementation of the suggested measures are listed in conclusion.
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