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Vliv funkční elektrické asistované ergometrie na průměr svalu, dusíkovou a vodní bilanci kriticky nemocných / Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation-Assisted Ergometry on Muscle Cross-Sectional Diameter, Nitrogen and Fluid Balance in Critically IllHejnová, Marie January 2019 (has links)
Author: Bc. Marie Hejnová Title: Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation-Assisted Ergometry on Muscle Cross-Sectional Diameter, Nitrogen and Fluid Balance in Critically Ill Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effect of functional electrical stimulation-assisted cycling ergometry (FES-CE) on cross-sectional diameter of the quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle of both lower extremities in critically ill patients. Another objective was to evaluate if the measured values are responding to the changes in muscle tissue or are caused by an oedema. Methods: The intervention group received daily intensified physical therapy and FES-CE. We measured cross-sectional diameter of the QF muscle repeatedly by a diagnostic ultrasound. We recorded daily nitrogen balance to objectivize catabolism of muscle and fluid balance to objectivize amount of cumulative fluid. Results: The total of 115 patients were evaluated. Average decrease of cross-sectional diameter of QF muscle in the intervention group was 0.020 ± 0.070 cm/day, in the control group it was 0.017 ± 0.084 cm/day (p = 0.87). We registered an opposite result from the eighth day onwards, the intervention group had average decrease 0.025 ± 0.047 cm/day and the control group 0.040 ± 0.076 cm/day (p = 0.38). The nitrogen intake was...
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Kurzové rozdíly podle české legislativy, mezinárodních standardů účetního výkaznictví IFRS/IAS a všeobecně uznávaných účetních principů US GAAP / Exchange differences according to Czech legislation, International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS/IAS and Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesSpěváková, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to examine in detail the area of exchange differences in accordance to czech generally accepted accounting principles, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS/IAS and in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles US GAAP. Initially, the thesis describes the general definition of foreign currency accounts. Then follows the accounting of exchange differences according to czech accepted accounting principles, including the choice of exchange rate specified for the translation of foreign currency statements. The other part of this thesis is focused on exchange differences in accordance with IFRS. Very close accounting approach is US GAAP, whose view of exchange differences describes another part. Finally, I deal with comparing all three accounting systems with emphasis on their differences in exchange differences.
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Funkční polymerní pěny / Functional polymer foamsHána, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Functional polymer foams are considered as a promising field which could potentially produce foams with added value. Specifically, functionally graded foams are materials which are expected to provide better mechanical properties while preserving low density in comparison with regular foams. In this thesis, a preparation process of such foams is designed, examination of prepared structure and comparison of mechanical properties with regular foams is performed. The obtained results are discussed and further research in this field is proposed.
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Standardizace a harmonizace znalecké metodiky pro potřeby Forenzní ekotechniky: les a dřeviny / STANDARDISATION AND HARMONISATION OF EXPERT VALUATION METHODOLOGY FOR THE NEEDS OF FORENSIC ECOTECHNIQUE: FOREST AND TREESHolušová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
In the presented thesis is an overview of the current state solved the problem, specifying the inclusion of Forensic Ecotechnique: forest and trees into the forensic sciences in the world and its description as part of special methods of forensic engineering. The results focus on the design of standardized and harmonized processes according to the type of expert opinions. As another of the key results of the work are designed functional biometric parameters for evaluating trees in the functional diagnosis of Methods of contact flora assessment (“CFA”). Application of some methods of measurement and selected functional biometric parameters are listed in the examples in the measurement of selected forest stands of beech in the National Nature Reserve Voděradské bučiny and in Chřiby hills. As a general supplement usable in Forensic ecotechnique: forest and trees are given the limits for functional diagnostics. In another series of work includes a discussion on the proposed standards and the measurement results. The work is concluded by summarizing the results and the benefits.
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Funkční gramotnost u dospívající mládeže / Functional literacy among adolescentsHonsů, Renata January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Functional literacy among adolescents" discusses the components of functional literacy. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly introduces the development of functional literacy. It shows the functional literacy, and how its properties affect the individual. It describes each specialization components of functional literacy and represents social views in defined areas of the company (community). It also states components of functional literacy, describes their active participation in the field of functional literacy and the effect on the overall formation. It focuses on the potential negative impacts of these components. In the research, part of the thesis presents the conclusions of the survey.
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Funkční poruchy pohybového systému u jedinců po transplantaci ledviny / Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system on individuals after kindey transplantationŠkolová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Title: Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system on individuals after kindey transplantation Defining of the problem: Renal transplantation is a method to treat patients with renal failure,which is associated to a prolonged survival of patients compared to a dialysis method (Viklický et al., 2008). After a successful renal transplantation the renal function is restored and complications caused by dialysis treatment disappear . However, complications due to the transplant, not only in terms of surgical intervention, but also from the point of a lifelong immunosuppressive therapy remain at risk. Functional changes on the locomotor system can occur as a concequence of a long-term renal disease or kidney transplant. This could further reduce the quality of life on patients due to self-sufficiency, being the main role of the locomotor system. Objectives: The aim of this study is to valuate functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system on individuals after kindey transplantation up to one year after a transplant. Methods: This thesis is elaborated in the form of an analytical - experimental study in which 2 groups of selected individuals were tested. Testing was conducted by using suitable tests focused on functional disorders of the locomotor system and parameters in each group and time...
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Překlad a recepce francouzského šansonu / French Chanson: Translation and ReceptionHavrdová Fathi, Mai January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the present paper is the translation of the French chanson into Czech. The paper focuses on the analysis of eight lyrics from the repertoire of G. Brassens, J. Brel and E. Piaf (the translators are J. Dědeček, P. Kopta, M. Balejová and S. E. Brandejsová). The paper examines prevailing functional characteristics of the originals and the extent to which these have been maintained in the various Czech translations. Special attention is given to the relation between semantic accuracy and "successful" translations, meaning here translations which maintain the prevailing functional characteristics of the original. Preceding the analysis is the theoretical part of the paper in which we introduce some terms and theoretical models applied by theoreticians in the field of translation (J. Levý, K. Reiss, P. Low), insofar as these terms and models are relevant to the topic.
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Postavení scénických příslovečných určení v angličtině a češtině. Srovnání na základě paralelních textů. / The position of scene-setting adverbials in English and Czech. A comparison on the basis of parallel textsKunstová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the presented paper is the analysis of the position of scene-setting adverbials based on parallel texts. The aim of the study is to find out the most typical position for placing of such adverbials realized by verbless construction and to determine the factors influencing the position in both languages with respect to differences between the Czech and English word order. The theory is based on the functional approach described in Brno linguistic school and is applied to 200 examples from the corpus Intercorp. Out of the given number of examples, exactly one hundred tokens belong to the translation direction from En to Cz and the second half to the opposite direction of translation. With respect to the English word order, which takes over some of the grammatical functions resulting in relative rigidity, scene-setting adverbials are usually placed in the final position. However, it is assumed that most languages have a tendency to place the most important information to the end of the sentence. It follows that one of the goals of this work is to describe the factors allowing these adverbials to be placed in this position with no effect on the communicative dynamism of the adverbials themselves as well as on other sentence elements. The term 'scene-setting' suggests that these adverbials...
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Funkční myšlení žáků středních škol / Functional thinking of high school studentsJanda, David January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis Functional thinking of high school students is an analysis and descrip- tion of chosen aspects of function theory at high school, which seems to be problematic. The first chapter of the thesis summarizes basic theoretical concepts of didactics of mathematics focusing on and describing selected researches in the framework of aspects. The second part deals with the analysis of the research realized in standard math lessons at high school. The final chapter of the thesis recapitulates the results of the research from the points of view of particular aspects and discuses their importance and the way of utilization in education.
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Hodnocení morfologických a funkčních parametrů tělesné zdatnosti pomocí stupňovaného zátěžového testu u studentů sportovního gymnázia / Evaluation of morphological and functional parameters of physical fitness by using the escalating exercise test for students of the sports high school.Boháčová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
1 The Abstract The subjekt of the dissertation: Evaluation of morphological and functional parameters of physical fitness by using the escalating exercise test for students of the sports high school in Ostrava. The objectives of the dissertation: The main aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the changes of morphological and functional parameters after the annual training cycle for the students of a sports high school, using the escalating exercise test on the bicycle ERGO meter during sports medical examination. Methodology: Research investigation was carried out in the preparatory period for all students tested in 2012 and then in 2013 after annual training. In preparation for the investigation were included 101 students of a sports high school in the field of sports preparation. They were divided into 4 experimental groups: women up to 15 years of age, males up to 15 years, women over 15 years of age and men over 15 years. There were involved the competitors of following disciplines in the investigation - sports-judo, athletics, volleyball, swimming, basketball, sports and modern gymnastics. We measured the indicators of morphological parameters of physical fitness using bioelectrical impedance (BIA), which provided us with the results of the body fat, body weight and BMI. Body height was measured...
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