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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žemės sklypų naudojimo problemos Šiaulių miesto mėgėjų sodų teritorijose / The use of land plots within the territories of Šiauliai city amateur gardens

Kablytė, Toma 16 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Šiaulių miesto mėgėjų sodų teritorijose privačios žemės savininkų skaičius 2014 m. sudaro 23,4 proc., o valstybinės – tik 3,2 proc. Kadangi didžioji dalis sklypų yra valdomi nuosavybės teise, neišvengiamai kyla problemos planuojant teritorijas, dėl infrastruktūros, vandens tiekimo ir nuotekų sistemų. Neapibrėžtos bendrijų teritorijos kelia problemų atliekant kadastrinius matavimus, apie jas nėra išsamios informacijos. Šalia Šiaulių miesto esančios mėgėjų sodų teritorijos dėl sparčių urbanizacijos procesų neišvengiamai virsta jų tąsa prarasdamos pradinę savo paskirtį ir virsdamos gyvenamaisiais kvartalais. Šiuose masyvus lyginant su miesto teritorija yra ypač akivaizdūs ekonominio išsivystymo skirtumai. Nepakankama bendro naudojimo objektų priežiūra ir savivaldybės institucijų aplaidumas sąlygojo susidariusią situaciją. Siekiant ištirti Šiaulių miesto sodininkų bendrijų gyventojų bei naudotojų požiūrį į jiems kylančias problemas dėl žemės sklypų naudojimo buvo atlikta anketinė apklausa. Anketos buvo dalinamos apsilankius sodininkų bendrijose tuo metu ten sutiktiems nariams. Parengtoje anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavę respondentai nurodė, kad 41 proc. piliečių savo sodo sklypą naudoja būtent rekreaciniais tikslais, 33 proc. lieka prie pirminės sodininkų bendrijų paskirties – mėgėjiškos žemės ūkio veiklos, o likusieji 26 proc. soduose jau gyvena nuolatos. Tačiau, neretai sodų sklypuose vykdomos nelegalios statybos, nesilaikoma statybų techninio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The results of the research have shown that the number of private land owners in the territories of amateur gardens in 2014 is 23.4 per cent of the Šiauliai city area, and the number of state-owned land in amateur gardens is 3,2 per cent. Since the largest part of plots is controlled by the right of ownership, problems arise when planning territories, due to infrastructure, water supply and sewage systems. Undefined territories of communities raise problems when conducting cadastral measurements and there is no detailed information about them. The territories of amateur gardens near Šiauliai city inevitably become their extensions due to rapid urbanisation processes: they lose their original purpose and become residential areas. When comparing these areas with urban territory, there are evident differences of economic development. Inadequate maintenance of common use facilities and municipal institutions negligence caused such situation. In order to investigate the attitude of residents and users of Šiauliai city gardeners’ societies to arising problems regarding land plot use a questionnaire survey was conducted. The questionnaires were distributed among members of gardeners’ societies. Participants who filled in the questionnaire indicated that 41 per cent of citizens use their garden plot for recreational purposes, 33 percent of citizens use their gardens for amateur agricultural activities, which is the original purpose of gardeners’ societies, and the rest 26 per cent... [to full text]

Pratiques quotidiennes et enjeux de l'eau en milieu urbain au Burkina Faso : une étude anthropologique comparative à Ouagadougou et Bobo Dioulasso / Daily practices, issues and management of water resources in urban areas of Burkina Faso : a comparative anthropological case study : Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso

Tamboura, Hamidou 15 April 2014 (has links)
La présente recherche porte sur l’épineux problème d’accès à l’eau potable et de gestion des ressources en eau, dans le contexte de Ouagadougou et de Bobo-Dioulasso, les deux plus grandes villes du Burkina Faso. La question de l’eau potable et de l’assainissement qui s’inscrit par ailleurs dans les objectifs du programme onusien du Millénaire pour le développement, se traduit dans ces villes et plus généralement dans les pays en développement, par la mise en place de programmes destinés à faciliter un accès adéquat des populations à la ressource. La distribution, et l’accès à l’eau dans des villes en constante croissance démographique et spatiale, se révèlent de plus en plus problématiques, cette réalité étant en partie liée à l’exode rural, à la pauvreté des ménages. Le cadre de gestion institué par l’Office National de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement (O.N.E.A.) impliquant plus ou moins les différents acteurs locaux, fait difficilement face aux nouveaux défis organisationnels et structurels issus du processus d’évolution générale. Les nombreux enjeux qui accompagnent les problèmes de gestion, sont à la fois politiques, techniques, juridiques et socioculturels. En analysant les réalités quotidiennes liées à l’accès aux ressources en eau, cette thèse met en lumière les acquis et les limites du système de gestion. Elle vise à éclairer également les inégalités imputables à la nature des modèles de gestion étudiés, à travers les stratégies développées par les gestionnaires de l’eau, et par les populations. Ces inégalités sont manifestes dans les logements collectifs ou cours communes, et dans les habitats précaires des périphéries urbaines. Les difficultés d’accès à l’eau sont moins liées à une rareté de la ressource qu’à l’adaptation de la politique de gestion, et au manque des moyens financiers. / This research focuses on the thorny problem of access to safe drinking water and management of water resources in the context of Ouagadougou and Bobo -Dioulasso, the two largest cities in Burkina Faso. The issue of drinking water and sanitation which is also part of the objectives of the UN Millennium Agenda for Development, leads in these cities and more generally in developing countries, to the establishment of programs to facilitate adequate access of the population to the resource. Distribution, and access to water in cities in constant demographic and spatial growth, are proving increasingly problematic; this reality is partly due to rural exodus and households poverty. The Management framework established by the National Office for Water and Sanitation ( ONEA) involving more or less different local actors, hardly meets new organizational and structural challenges arising from the overall process. The many challenges that accompany the management issues are both political, technical, legal and socio cultural. By analyzing the daily realities of access to water resources, this thesis highlights the achievements and limitations of the management system. It also aims at informing inequalities due to the nature of management models studied, through strategies developed by water managers, and peoples living in both cities . These inequalities are obvious in collective dwellings or common courtyards, and in fragile habitats in peripheries. Difficulties in having access to water are less related to scarcity than adaptation policy management, and lack of financial resources.

Zahrádka je jediný skutečný zahrádkářův svět, aneb, Případová studie zahrádkových osad Cibulka a Technomat v Praze / Garden is the only real world for the gardener: Case study of the garden allotments Cibulka and Technomat in Prague

Valešová, Irena January 2012 (has links)
This work is based on the article by Jan Keller (2000) - Praise of Gardeners, in which Jan Keller mentioned garden allotments as places distatnt to globalized economy and consumerist lifestyle of today's world. The aim is to verify if the content of this article corresponds to the true situation in the selected garden allotments in Prague. This work can help to get an idea of the benefits of the garden allotments not only for gardeners but for all inhabitants of the capital. For this purpose, I conducted a field research accompanied by a number of interviews in the garden allotments. Technomat and Cibulka in Prague. I have gained a lot of informations about life in the garden allotments as well as about the relationship of the respondents to their own gardens. I watched whether and to what extend is the life in the garden allotments influenced by the economic, ecological, social and propert-legal aspects. Research shows that gardeners actually live a non-consumerist way of life and partly resisting market mechanism, but only inside of the garden allotments, not outside. Their environmental friendly behavior is due to external factors rather than internal as personal beliefs. The garden allotments do not have such important role in social terms as it may seem at the first sight, but on the other...

Řeka klidná, řeka divoká: Etnografický výzkum kolem řeky Otavy / Calm and wild river; An etnography study around the Otava river

Mottlová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I wanted to find out how people who live in a close relationship with the river deal with the extremes like are floods and drought. I wondered if local settlers and the city administration identified the threat of flood differently from people who did not live in contact with the river, and if their relationship with the river could be useful for others. I tried to find out if and how the locals reflect climate change through their lived experiences with floods and droughts. During my six-month research, based on ethnographic methods I spent time with gardeners who have been critically affected by drought in recent years, with settlers who regularly experience floods and with representatives of the city administration. Thanks to ethnography, I was able to understand the context of the relationships I studied. I found out that living in contact with floods is not as dramatic as it may seem to an observer. Thanks to many years od experience with floods and the river have the locals developed local knowledge, that can be very useful for whole city; If the city administration can combine expert and local knowledge, solving potential problems with high water can become much more effective and proportionate to reality. People living under the threat of floods do not need to be seen...

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