Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gaschromatographie"" "subject:"chromatography""
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Fäst vid keramik : En experimentell undersökning av lipidrester i keramik, med GC-MS-metod, efter nedbrytningsförsökHult, Louise January 2013 (has links)
Thisis an experimental study of lipid residues within the field of laboratoryarcheology. Pottery was made in a time like manner and used to cook grain and Icelandmoss and exposed to an organized biodegradation experiment inside an incubatorfor later analyzes with the GC-MS-method. Tests were also taken from pottery,grain and Iceland moss that had not been exposed for a biodegrading attempt.The grain is a domesticated cereal and the Icelandic moss fungi-alga mix. Thetest results showed mostly saturated fatty acids, sterols and monoacylglycerolsof saturated fatty acids. Within the laboratory archeology, ergosterol has beensuggested as a possible biomarker for yeast and alcohol fermentation. TheIceland moss contains ergosterol and is therefore relevant for the study whenit can be compared to archeological pottery that contains ergosterol. Theresults didn’t show any traces of ergostrol with the biodegraded pottery, butlow traces of cholesterol witch probably is contaminations from the handlingwith the pottery.
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El Aceite esencial de limón producido en España. Contribución a su evaluación por Organismos InternacionalesAlbaladejo Meroño, Querubina 24 March 2000 (has links)
En este trabajo, además de las determinaciones habituales de características físico-químicas del aceite esencial de limón, se introducen las de color mediante el colorímetro digital, y de densidad, mediante densímetro electrónico. El estudio gascromatográfico, para determinar el orden de elución característico, se realiza en columnas capilares de sílice fundida: OV-101 apolar, CPWax-52-CB muy polar y HP-5 ligeramente polar. Comparando los resultados se logra la identificación de setenta y cuatro componentes, ya que son complementarias en cuanto a separación de algunos de ellos. Así mismo, se determinan las condiciones cromatográficas que mejoran la resolución.Se observan las evoluciones de los distintos componentes durante la campaña de elaboración, relacionando constituyentes mayoritarios y minoritarios. Se fijan los valores máximos y mínimos encontrados para los distintos componentes y los porcentajes por grupos funcionales para el aceite esencial de limón español. La aportación para elaborar su norma de calidad presenta gran importancia tecnológica y económica. / In this work, we determine the common parameters of the physic and chemical properties of the essential oil of lemon, as well as it is introduced the colour determination by a digital colorimeter and the density by a electrical densitymeter, in addition to this we studied the characteristic elution order in a different polarity silica fussed capillary columns (Ov-101 nonpolar, CPWax-52-CB polar and HP-5 slightly polar) by gaschromatography. Due to the columns complementarity it was possible identify seventy four components.The chromatographic conditions, which give us the best resolution are indicated. The changes of the different compounds in Lemon oil during one whole year are observed. Relationship between majority and minority components are deduced for Spanish essential lemon oil. The max and min. compound values and functional groups standard percentages are also determinate
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Autentičnost cerealija i pseudocerealija – razvoj novih metoda analize brašna i gotovih pekarskih proizvoda / Authenticity of cereals and pseudocereals -development of new methods for the analysis of flour and final bakery productsPastor Kristian 05 March 2018 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji analizirano je brašno strnih žita (pšenice, spelte, ječma,<br />raži, tritikalea, ovsa), prosolikog žita (kukuruza) i pseudocerealija (heljde i<br />amarantusa) primenom gasne hromatografije sa masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS) u<br />kombinaciji sa multivarijantnom analizom, u cilju ispitivanja mogućnosti za<br />određivanje autentičnosti navedenih biljnih vrsta. U tu svrhu, iz brašna navedenih<br />cerealija i pseudocerealija ekstrahovani su mali molekuli (lipidi i šećeri). Lipidne<br />komponente brašna ekstrahovane su heksanom. Nakon višestrukog obezmašćivanja<br />istih uzoraka brašna heksanom i sušenja, usledila je ekstrakcija šećernih komponenata<br />96%-tnim etanolom. Dobijeni heksanski i etanolni ekstrakti derivatizovani su<br />odgovarajućim reagensima. Za derivatizacaju lipidnih komponenata korišćen je<br />rastvor TMSH (trimetilsulfonijum hidroksida, 0,2 M u metanolu). Time se masne<br />kiseline prevode u odgovarajuće metil-estre. Za derivatizaciju šećernih komponenata<br />korišćen je etanolni rastvor natrijum-hidroksida i hidroksilamin-hidrohlorida u<br />kombinaciji sa BSTFA (bis-(trimetilsilil-trifluoroacetamidom). Na taj način su prosti<br />šećeri prevedeni u odgovarujuće trimetilsilil-oksime. Ovako pripremljeni ekstrakti<br />uzoraka brašna su analizirani na GC–MS uređaju.<br />Dobijeni hromatogrami međusobno pokazuju veliku sličnost, a naročito u okviru<br />uzoraka iste botaničke vrste. U obradi hromatograma i masenih spektara, korišćen je<br />MSD Productivity ChemStation program uz primenu Wiley 275 biblioteke masenih<br />spektara. Dobijeni podaci analizirani su na tri načina. Prvi način podrazumeva<br />kreiranje numeričkih matrica u modu ukupne jonske struje (TIC). Drugi postupak<br />podrazumeva kreiranje numeričkih matrica izolovanjem karakterističnih fragmentnih jona sa hromatograma (kod lipida 74 m/z, a kod šećera 73 m/z u kombinaciji sa bar<br />jednim od sledećih jona: 204 m/z, 217 m/z, i 361 m/z). Kod trećeg načina obrade<br />podataka, analiza je urađena kreiranjem matrica primenom binarnog sistema (1/0), gde<br />„1“ označava prisustvo određene komponente, a „0“ označava njeno odsustvo u<br />posmatranom uzorku. Tako dobijeni podaci podvrgnuti su multivarijantnoj analizi<br />primenom statističkih programa – PAST i STATISTICA. U sva tri slučaja ispitivani<br />uzorci grupisani su u međusobno jasno odvojene grupe, prema odgovarajućoj biljnoj<br />vrsti. Uočeno je jasno razlikovanje pseudocerealija (heljde i amarantusa) i prosolikog<br />žita (kukuruza) od grupe strnih žita (pšenice, spelte, ječma, raži, tritikalea i ovsa).<br />Primenjenim metodama postiže se manje selektivna klasifikacija biljnih vrsta u okviru<br />strnih žita, sa izuzetkom uzoraka ovsa i spelte. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da je novim<br />navedenim postupcima moguće utvrditi autentičnost brašna različitih botaničkih vrsta<br />cerealija i pseudocerealija.<br />Na isti način tretirani su i uzorci proizvedenog hleba (kore i sredine) u kojima je<br />pšenično brašno supstituisano sa 0, 20, 40, 50, 60, 80 i 100% heljdinog brašna.<br />Multivarijantnom analizom GC-MS podataka dobijaju se jasno odvojeni klasteri u<br />skladu sa porastom udela brašna heljde u kori i sredini hleba. Najbolji rezultati<br />postignuti su koreliranjem sastava i sadržaja ugljenohidratnih komponenata u kori<br />hleba.<br />Krajnji ishod razvoja ovih novih originalnih metoda je mogućnost njihove praktične<br />primene u cilju rutinskih kontrola kvaliteta brašna i gotovih pekarskih proizvoda u<br />laboratorijama, proizvodnim pogonima i inspekcijskim službama. Posebna pogodnost<br />primene predloženih metoda je to što su one semi-kvalitativnog i semi-kvantitativnog<br />karaktera, pa se mogu izvoditi bez tačne identifikacije eluirajućih malih molekula</p> / <p>In this doctoral thesis various flour samples of small grains (wheat, spelt, barley, rye,<br />triticale, oats), corn and pseudocereals (buckwheat and amaranth) were analyzed using<br />gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in combination with multivariate<br />analysis, in order to examine the possibilities for determining the authenticity of the<br />plant species listed. Small molecules (lipids and sugars) were extracted from flour<br />samples of the above-mentioned cereals and pseudocereals. The lipid components of<br />the flour were extracted with hexane. The extraction of sugar components from the<br />same flour samples was performed with 96% ethanol solution, after multiple defatting<br />with hexane and drying of the samples. The obtained hexane and ethanol extracts were<br />derivatized with appropriate reagents. For the derivatization of the lipid components, a<br />solution of TMSH (trimethylsulfonium hydroxide, 0.2 M in methanol) was used. Thus,<br />the fatty acids were converted into the corresponding methyl esters. For the<br />derivatization of the sugar components, an ethanol solution of sodium hydroxide and<br />hydroxylamine hydrochloride combined with BSTFA (bis- (trimethylsilyl<br />trifluoroacetamide) was used. Thus, the free sugars were converted into the<br />corresponding trimethylsilyl oximes. The derivatized extracts prepared in this manner<br />were analyzed on a GC -MS device.<br />The obtained chromatograms were very similar, and especially within the samples of<br />the same botanical species. In the processing of the chromatograms and mass spectra,<br />MSD Productivity ChemStation program was used with the Wiley 275 Mass Spectra<br />Library. The obtained data were processed in three ways. The first method involves the<br />creation of numerical matrices in the total ion current mode (TIC). The second method<br />involves the creation of numerical matrices by isolating characteristic ion fragments from the TIC chromatograms (74 m/z for the lipid components, and 73 m/z in<br />combination with at least one of the following ions: 204 m/z, 217 m/z, and 361 m/z, for<br />the sugar components). In the third way of data processing, the analysis was done by<br />creating a matrix using a binary system (1/0), where “1” denotes the presence of a<br />particular component, and “0” denotes its absence in the observed sample. The data<br />thus obtained were subjected to multivariate analysis using statistical programs - PAST<br />and STATISTICA. In all three cases, the analyzed samples were grouped in clearly<br />separated groups according to the appropriate plant species. A clear distinction was<br />observed between pseudocereals (buckwheat and amaranth), corn and the group of<br />small grains (wheat, spelt, barley, rye, triticale, oats). The applied methods achieved a<br />less selective classification of plant species within the group of small grains, with the<br />exception of oats and spelt samples. These results show that it is possible to determine<br />the authenticity of flour of various botanical species of cereals and pseudocereals,<br />applying new methods described in this doctoral thesis.<br />The samples of produced bread (crust and crumbs) in which wheat flour was<br />substituted with 0, 20, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100% of buckwheat flour were treated in the<br />same way. Multivariate analysis of GC-MS data provided clearly separated clusters in<br />accordance with the increase in the share of buckwheat flour in bread crusts and<br />crumbs. The best results were achieved by correlating the composition and content of<br />the carbohydrate components in bread crusts.<br />The ultimate outcome of the development of these new original methods is the<br />possibility of their practical application for the purpose of routine quality control of<br />flour and bakery products in laboratories, production facilities and inspection services.<br />A particular advantage of applying the proposed methods is that they are semiqualitative<br />and semi-quantitative. Therefore, they can be performed without the exact<br />identification of eluting small molecules (lipids and free sugars), nor their<br />quantification using analytical standards.</p>
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Etablierung, Validierung und Anwendung einer gaschromatographisch-massenspektrometrischen Methode zur Analyse von Testosteron und 17α-OH-Progesteron im Serum / Methodenvergleich der GC-NCI-MS-Methode mit dem Siemens ADVIA Centaur Immunoassay der Testosteronanalyse / Establishment, validation and application of a GC-MS method for the analysis of testosterone and 17α-OH-progesterone in serum / Method comparsion of GC-NCI-MS and Siemens ADVIA Centaur Immunoassay for testosterone analysisSchön, Liligret Valerie 03 September 2013 (has links)
Die Arbeit hatte die Etablierung und Validierung einer robusten, spezifischen und sensitiven GC-NCI-MS Methode zum Ziel, um Testosteron und 17α-OH-Progesteron im Serum zuverlässig quantifizieren zu können. Anschließend wurde die Methode mit dem Siemens ADVIA Centaur Immunoassay zur Testosteronanalyse verglichen. Hintergrund der Arbeit ist die mangelnde Richtigkeit und Sensitivität der Steroidhormonanalyse mit Immunoassays, inbesondere bei Hormonanylsen in geringen Konzentrationen, wie z.B. Testosteron bei Frauen und Kindern.
Die Methode umfasste die Zugabe von deuterierten Internen Standard zu 1 ml Serum, gefolgt von Flüssig-Flüssig-Extraktion mit Ethylacetat und einem Clean-up mittels Festphasenextraktion. Die angereicherten und aufgereinigten Proben können mit Pentafluor¬benzyl¬hydroxylamin-hydrochlorid und MSTFA/TMCS (99:1) erfolgreich derivatisiert und im Anschluss in die GC-MS injiziert werden. Die Methode zeigt eine exzellente chromatographische Trennung. Testosteron und 17-OH-Progesteron wurden im Selected Ion Monitoring detektiert, die Quantifizierung erfolgte durch den Vergleich der Verhältnisse der Peakflächen zwischen Internen Standard und Analyten.
Für den Methodenvergleich, zwischen der GC-MS Methode und dem Siemens ADVIA Centaur Immunoassay, wurde Testosteron in 10 Proben von Männern und 20 Proben von Kindern und Frauen analysiert.
In dem für Männer physiologischen Konzentrationsbereich (2,62 -9,29 ng/ml) konnte eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung der Analysenergebnisse beider Methoden gezeigt werden (r= 0,97). Im Gegensatz dazu fiel im niedrigen Konzentrationsbereich aus Seren von Frauen und Kindern (0,05 - 0,51 ng/ml) eine geringe Übereinstimmung (r= 0,77) der Messergebnisse auf, wobei hier mit dem untersuchten Immunassay im Mittel um 158,9 % höhere Konzentrationen erzielt wurden.
Der Methodenvergleich spiegelt die aktuelle Problematik in der Testosteronanalytik wider. So werden Messdifferenzen zu massenspektrometrischen Referenzmethoden auf eine mangelnde analytische Spezifität und Sensitivität, als auch ungenügende Validierung der Immunoassays zurückgeführt. Wenn niedrige Konzentrationen erwartet werden, wie bei der Testosteronanalyse in Serum von Frauen und Kindern, oder wenn zweifelhafte Analysenergebnisse vorliegen, sollte auf massenspektrometrische Referenzmethoden zurückgegriffen werden.
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