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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche et caractérisation du potentiel antiviral et probiotique de nouvelles souches de bactéries lactiques d'origine vaginale / Screening and characterization of antiviral and probiotic properties of novel lactic acid bacteria from human vaginal origin

Al Kassaa, Imad 30 September 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous avons déterminé la composition de la flore vaginale d'un échantillon signatificatif de femmes Libanaises, puis évaluer l’effet antagoniste des souches lactiques notamment des lactobacilles contre certains pathogènes vaginales. Ainsi, sur les 135 prélèvements effectués, 53 isolats ont été identifiés par les méthodes de galerie API50 CH et pyroséquençage des régions variables (V1 et V2) du gène ADNr 16S. Les résultats obtenus ont montré une discordance entre les deux méthodes utilisées et sus-citées. Les résultats de l'effet antagoniste montrent que 7 souches sont antagonistes. L’identification des souches antagonistes a été confirmée par séquençage complet du gène ADNr 16S. En sus du potentiel antagoniste de ces lactobacilles, nous avons regardé d'autres propriétés biologiques de ces souches pouvant permettre une application probiotique. Trois isolats ont montré des propriétés intéréssantes d'hydrophobicité, d'autoaggrégation et dépourvues des caractères pathogènes. Afin d’évaluer l’effet antiviral de ces 3 isolats, des tests de cytotoxicité et d’adhésion sur une lignée cellulaire "Véro cell" ont été effectués. L’activité antivirale a été évaluée in vitro, vis-à-vis du virus herpétique de type-2 (VHS-2) et du virus non enevelopé CVBE4 comme virus contrôle. l'activité antivirale des lactobacilles a été evaluée dans 3 temps d'addition differents (Pre-infection, co-incubation et post-infection). On a choisi la souche qui a montré la meilleure activité anti-VHS-2, il s’agit de L. gasseri CMUL57. L’activité antivirale de cette souche (CMUL57) a été étudiée profondément afin d’expliquer le mécanisme de cette interaction bactérie/virus. / The aim of this work is to determine the diversity of Lactobacillus species in vaginal flora in samples from Lebanese women and to evaluate the antagonistic effect of these strains against several vaginal pathogens in women. Thus, of the 135 samples collected, 53 isolates were isolated and identified by the gallery API50 CH (BioMerieux, France) and by pyrosequencing of the variable regions (V1 and V2) of the 16S rDNA gene. The results showed a large discrepancy between the two methods used. The antagonism results obtained showed the presence of 7 antagonistic strains against four pathogenic strains. The complete identification of these strains was confirmed by complete sequencing of the 16S gene (16S rDNA). Note that L. plantarum CMUL140 showed a strong anti-S. aureus activity and was used in a co-culture test. In addition to the potential antagonism of these lactobacilli, we looked at other features that can help in using these strains as probiotics. Therefore, we evaluated their probiotic and safe characteristics. To assess the antiviral effect of these three isolates, cytotoxicity and adhesion tests were performed on a "Vero cell" cell line. The results showed that none of three isolates were cytotoxic and carried a strong adhesion. Antiviral activity in vitro was evaluated against the herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) and CVBE4 as virus control. In order to investigate the anti-HSV-2 activity of lactobacilli, the strains were added to the infected cells at different intervals: pre-infection, co-incubation and post-infection. L.gasseri CMUL57 showed the strongest anti-HSV-2 activity and showed the capacity to trap HSV-2 on their cell wall.

Lactobacillus characterization and effects on oral biofilm composition

Romani Vestman, Nelly January 2013 (has links)
The human body is home for millions of bacteria. The largest microbial community is located in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract, including the oral cavity with >700 identified taxa. Lactobacillus, which is normal inhabitant of the GI tract, contributes to health by possible biofilm and immune modulation. Breast milk is a claimed source for transmittance of Lactobacillus to infants’ GI tract, but there is limited information if breastfeeding affects lactobacilli in the oral cavity. The objectives of Papers I and II of this dissertation were to compare infant oral microbiota by feeding mode, and to characterize oral lactobacilli including potential probiotic properties of the dominant Lactobacillus species. Two cohorts with a total of 340 healthy 3- to 4-month-old infants were investigated. Saliva and oral mucosal swab samples were collected. Bacteria were characterized by culture-dependent and -independent methods, including 16S rRNA genes sequencing, quantitative PCR, and the Human Microbe Identification Microarray (HOMIM). Inhibition of growth and adhesion were also tested. Multivariate modeling of HOMIM-detected oral bacteria clustered breastfed infants separately from formula-fed infants, and linked breastfed infants to a more health-associated flora. Lactobacilli were essentially detected in breastfed infants only. Lactobacillus gasseri was most prevalent out of six identified Lactobacillus species. Infant isolates of L. gasseri bound to saliva gp340 and MUC7 and adhered to gingival epithelial cells. Infant isolates also inhibited adhesion of Streptococcus mutans to saliva-coated hydroxyapatite, and inhibited growth of S. mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Actinomyces naeslundii, Actinomyces oris, Candida albicans and Fusobacterium nucleatum in a concentration-dependent fashion. Papers III and IV aimed to assess persistence of probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri, if persistence is necessary for a regrowth of mutans streptococci (MS), and if L. reuteri intake affects oral microbiota composition. Two well-documented L. reuteri strains (DSM 17938 and PTA 5289) were used in two double-blind, randomized controlled trials. In the first, 62 subjects (test=32, placebo=30) with high counts of MS were exposed to L. reuteri for 6 weeks. Exposure followed full-mouth disinfection with chlorhexidine. In the second study, 44 healthy subjects (test=22, placebo=22) consumed the L. reuteri for 12 weeks. Saliva and biofilm samples were collected before, during and up to 6 months after exposure. Analyses included culture, strain-specific PCR and 454-pyrosequencing targeting the hypervariable region V3-V4 of the 16S rRNA gene. L. reuteri test strains were detected in the mouth of approximately two thirds of test participants during intake. However, their presence decreased gradually when consumption stopped. Subjects with detectable L. reuteri had slower regrowth of MS compared to non-carriers. Pyrosequencing yielded a total of 812,547 high-quality sequencing reads. Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Fusobacteria and Actinobacteria were the major bacterial phyla recovered. Exposure to L. reuteri strains did not affect overall phylotype abundance, but multivariate modeling clustered 12-week-treated test subjects separately from those who received placebo. Exposure to the test strains was strongly associated with presence and increased levels of F. nucleatum and Streptococcus spp. In conclusion, the oral microbiota differed by feeding mode in infants. One third of breastfed infants had lactobacilli in the mouth, while only single formula-fed infant had it. L. gasseri, predominant in infants, displayed probiotic characteristics in vitro. Retention of probiotic L. reuteri was a prerequisite for delay of MS regrowth after disinfection. However, probiotic bacteria may not be beneficial for all, since L. reuteri DSM 17938 and PTA 5289 were retained in only 2 of 3 consumers. Finally, the altered microbiota after 12 weeks consumption of L. reuteri indicates that intake of probiotic bacteria, or at least L reuteri, has an impact on oral ecology. However, this finding needs further investigation. / Vår kropp består av fler mikroorganismer än egna celler.  De miljontals bakterier som finns på ut - och insidan av kroppen är som regel harmlösa och vissa är till och med till nytta för oss. Magtarmkanalen, som startar med munnen, är den kroppsdel som härbärgerar flest bakterier. Till exempel har man bara i munnen identifierat totalt mer än 700 olika arter. En av dessa är Lactobacillus, en bakterieart som finns i normalfloran och som har probiotiska egenskaper. Hos spädbarn anses bröstmjölk vara en källa för Lactobacillus i tarmen, men hur amning påverkar laktobacillförekomst i munnen är oklart. Den första delen i denna avhandling syftar till att jämföra mikrofloran i munnen hos spädbarn som ammas kontra de som får ersättning, att karakterisera vilka laktobaciller som finns i munnen hos respektive grupp och undersöka om dessa har probiotiska egenskaper. Totalt studerades saliv och prov från munslemhinnan från 340 friska 3-4 månader gamla spädbarn. Proven karakteriserades med odling, sekvensering, kvantitativ PCR och en microarraymetod (Human Microbe Identification Microarray, HOMIM), och isolerade laktobacillers effekt på växt och vidhäftning av andra munbakterier studerades. Ammade barn hade en mer hälsoassocierad mikroflora i munnen. Laktobaciller fanns bara hos ammade barn, men bara hos vart 3:e ammat barn. Av totalt sex identifierade laktobacillarter var Lactobacillus gasseri den i särklass mest förekommande arten. L. gasseri isolerade från spädbarnen band till salivproteinerna gp-340 och MUC7 samt till orala epitelceller. L. gasseri kunde även förhindra adhesion av Streptococcus mutans till konstgjord tandemalj och hämma växt av S. mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Actinomyces naeslundii, Actinomyces oris, Candida albicans och Fusobacterium nucleatum. Laktobaciller förekommer i många hälsoprodukter med påstådd probiotisk effekt. Andra delen av denna avhandling syftade till att bedöma om intag av tabletter med den probiotiska arten Lactobacillus reuteri påverkar ekologin i mikrofloran i munnen, om arten etablerar sig hos alla vid exponering, och om etablering är nödvändig för probiotisk effekt (mätt som hämmad återväxt av kariesassocierade mutansstreptokocker efter antimikrobiell behandling). Två stammar L. reuteri (DSM 17938 and PTA 5289) användes i två dubbelblinda, randomiserade studier. I båda studierna intog deltagarna i testgruppen tabletter med L. reuteri-stammarna och de i kontrollgruppen identiska tabletter utan bakterier. I den första studien deltog 62 deltagare (32 test, 30 kontroll) i 6 veckor och i den andra 44 personer (22 test, 22 placebo) under 12 veckor. Saliv och biofilmsprover samlades in vid studiestart, under och upp till 6 månader efter avslutad testperiod. Proverna analyserades med odling, PCR och 454-pyrosekvensering. L. reuteri etablerade sig hos 2/3 av testpersonerna under testperioden men mängden minskade gradvis efter avslutat intag. Bland de som fick L. reuteri hade deltagarna med påvisbara teststammar fördröjd återväxt av mutansstreptokocker jämfört med de som inte hade det. Pyrosekvensering visade att totalantalet phylotyper inte skiljde sig mellan de som fick aktiva kontra placebotabletter, men att ekologin i bakteriefilmerna hos de som ätit de aktiva tabletterna ändrades. Att exponeras för L. reuteri var starkt associerat med förhöjda nivåer av F. nucleatum and Streptococcus spp. Sammanfattningsvis visar dessa studier att amning är associerad med att ha probiotiska laktobaciller i munnen men bara vissa etablerar arten i munnen. Hos vuxna försenade L. reuteri återkolonisation av mutansstreptokocker efter antibakteriell behandling, och påverkade ekologin i bakteriefilmerna i munnen. Även hos vuxna ledde exponering till etablering bara hos vissa individer.

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