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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från offer till utsatt : En kritisk diskursanalys av medias rapportering kring våldtäkt före och efter Metoo

Lindmak, Emmy January 2022 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to study the media's portrayal of rape based on how, andwhether, the use of language has changed in the media discourse before and after Metoo. Theaim was to shed light on the consequences that the use of language in the media could havewhen it comes to reproducing unequal power structures. A qualitative approach with scritical discourse analysis was used as a method. The material is based on articles from two ofSweden's largest newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, where ten articles wereselected from 2015 and 2019 from each newspaper. As a theoretical framework, criticaldiscourse analysis and an intersectional perspective were used. The results of the study andanalysis showed that there are some changes in the language used after Metoo in the mediaarticles reporting incidents on rape. One result showed that a woman is described as beingvulnerable instead of being a victim. Another result is that the discourse about rape hassomewhat broadened and the problems around human trafficking, prostitution and thepurchasing of sex are beginning to be discussed within this discourse. A third change is anincreased credibility both for the crime and for the woman, and that there has been a partialshift in the burden of responsibility from the woman to the man. A fourth change is thediscussion about the man's exercise of power. Despite these changes, the study shows thatunequal power structures continue to be reproduced in the media discourse on rape, where itis mainly about patriarchal power structures. These power structures are seen in a systematicway that benefits men, and in particular white men, while at the same time it disfavourswomen as well as people with a foreign background. Keywords: intersectionality, critical discourse analysis, media discourse, Metoo, rape

”I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin.” : En posthumanistisk och hauntologisk analys av filmen The Matrix

Thomas, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Sexträffar : Kvinnors erfarenheter av sexfester, parklubbar och swinging

Sténo, Juliette January 2021 (has links)
Den här studien har ämnat att undersöka hur kön, genus och sexualitet kan förstås utifrån kvinnornas berättelse om sina erfarenheter av sexträffar. Metoden som tillämpas är en kvalitativ metod med ungefär en timmes långa, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet utgörs av fyra transkriberade intervjuer och analyseras utifrån ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. Analysen har visat hur kön, genus och sexualitet kan upprätthållas och/eller dekonstrueras utifrån normativa föreställningar. Utifrån kvinnornas berättelser upprätthålls sexuella identitetskategorier som statiska. Där patriarkalt begär och objektifiering blir central för kvinnors sexuella aktiviteter sinsemellan. Även mannens sexualitet upprätthålls som enhetlig, dels eftersom den konstrueras som skild från kvinnans, och där mäns sexuella interaktion med andra män presenteras som avvikande. Samt inväntan på kvinnan närvaro innan sexuella praktiker kan utföras.  Kvinnorna uttrycker kön och genus genom sättet som den kvinnan och mannens kropp, val av klädsel, kvinnans som beslutstagare och den kvinnliga och manliga orgasmen. Där kön och genus upprätthålls genom könsstereotypa föreställningar om kroppskomplex, sättet som orgasmen socialt konstrueras och skiljaktigheter i klädval. Samt dekonstruktion av könsstereotypa föreställningar om vem som uppfattas som aktiv eller passiv. Normativa föreställningar om romantiska, sexuella och vänskapsrelationer både upprätthålls och dekonstrueras. Föreställningar av det romantiska upprätthålls som tvåsamt, samtidigt som tvåsamheten dekonstrueras genom sexuella aktiviteter utanför relationen. En annan dekonstruktion av normativa föreställningar är hur kvinnors icke-sexuella vänskaper med varandra får utrymme och uppmuntras under sexträffar. Det kan handla om befinna sig på sexträffarna tillsammans, vistas i närheten av varandra under sexuella akter och att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter av sexträffar sinsemellan. Intervjupersonerna uppfattas utifrån som begripliga eftersom de lever efter en heteronormativ logik. Där samboskap, äktenskap, barn och en (utåt sett) tvåsamhet. Samtidigt uppfattas intervjupersonerna även som begripliga innanför normativa ramarna under sexträffar. Där det till exempel uppmanas en sexuell öppenhet, och gör plats för att kunna gå ifrån normativa praktiker som till exempel tvåsamhet, heterosexualitet och sex innanför hemmet stängda dörrar.

A Clinical Guide to Discussing Prejudice Against Men

Siddiqi, Aman 01 January 2022 (has links)
Prejudice against men may result in emotional distress, interpersonal conflict, and impairments in a man’s view-of-self. It can be a contributing factor for explaining increased substance use and suicide by men, as well as rates of violence against men. Awareness of the prejudices men may face allows clinicians to form better alliances with their clients by helping them understand the feelings and perspectives of men who experience various forms of prejudice. This dissertation begins with an overview of the general causes of prejudice and a summary of the mechanisms that maintain a prejudice’s social acceptability. It then provides a taxonomy of different forms of the prejudices men face, as well as the mechanisms that maintain the social acceptability of prejudice against men. Finally, it describes examples of prejudice against men, applying the taxonomy put forth in this dissertation.

”Jag har liksom inte tid att waste:a så  många år till” : En studie av unga kvinnors erfarenheter av stress och utmattning såsom de framställs i Uppdrag gransknings dokumentärserie

Westdahl, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Vi befinner oss idag i ett läge där det aldrig tidigare har varit så stor del av den svenska befolkningen som är sjuk av stress, och där just de unga kvinnorna står för den allra största ökningen (Sahlgrenska 2019). Trots att de unga kvinnorna är i tydlig majoritet i statistiken över stress och utmattning i Sverige, finns förhållandevis få studier om unga kvinnors stress och psykiska ohälsa utifrån ett genusvetenskapligt perspektiv (Wiklund, Strömbäck & Bengs 2013; Strömbäck 2014). Syftet med föreliggande uppsats har varit att skapa en djupare förståelse för unga kvinnors upplevelser av stress och utmattning i allmänhet, och potentiella förklaringar till varför stressen uppstår i synnerhet. För att uppnå det uppställda syftet har framställningarna av fyra unga kvinnor i Uppdrag gransknings dokumentärserie Sjukt stressad studerats. I serien får tittaren följa fyra unga kvinnor som alla blivit sjuka av stress. För att närma mig mitt material har jag använt mig av en tematisk analys så som den beskrivs av Braun och Clarke (2006), och för att förstå hur de unga kvinnornas upplevelser av stress uppkommer har ett temporalitetsperspektiv applicerats på materialet. Inom ett sådant perspektiv sätts individens position och kontext i fokus för de förväntningar och föreställningar som formar vad som för individen anses som ett lämpligt levnadsförlopp. Här har begrepp som livslinje, livsmanus och osamtidighet använts. I analysen framkom flera sådana förväntningar hos de unga kvinnorna. De unga kvinnorna verkar uppleva att de ska vara ständigt drivna och perfekta, omhändertagande och att alltid vara med, samt att vara effektiva och förvalta tiden på bästa möjliga vis. Uppsatsen avslutades med en diskussion om hur det här kan förstås utifrån den svenska jämställdhetsdiskursen, och hur kvinnor förväntas kunna göra allt det män kan, vilket ger upphov till möjligheter, men också stressande förväntningar.

Shattering the glass ceiling to ensure a sustainable future

Ekström Hagevall, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

'Now you see me, now you don't' - a study of the politics of visibility and the sexual minority movement in Kenya

Mugo, Cynthia 18 May 2017 (has links)
This study explores the varied ways sexual minority organisations in Kenya negotiate their choices, decisions and actions when determining how, when, and why to be publicly visible or retreat from visibility. This they have to do in the context of the threats of retribution on the part of Kenyan state leaders to their efforts to protect sexual minority rights. Sexual minority organising carries the risk of verbal abuse and the threat of arrest and other retribution. In spite of this, sexual minorities have organised themselves into publicly visible social movement organisations over the last ten years. In addition to the hostility of the Kenyan state, these organisations operate within the context of the uneven situation with regard to the constraints or otherwise of organising as sexual minorities between the Global South and North. The situation is further complicated by the role of donors, who bring their own experiences and agendas from the Global North, not always appropriately, into African contexts. Amid such varied responses to sexual minority organising, how, when, and why do Kenyan social movement organizations become publicly visible or retreat from visibility? To recognise the various forces that influence (in)visibility choices that sexual minority organisations have to negotiate, I used sociologist James M. Jasper's (2006) concept of "strategic dilemma". Sexual minority social movement organisations field strategic dilemmas when they strategise around whether and how to become visible, modify their public profile, or forgo political opportunities. To understand the micro-political dynamics of how sexual minority social movement organisations negotiated such strategic dilemmas of visibility and invisibility, I analysed 200 newspaper articles and sexual minority organisational documents and conducted 12 in-depth interviews with staff, members and leaders of sexual minority social movement organisations. Ultimately the findings of this thesis centre on the fluidity of visibility and invisibility as was experienced by Kenyan sexual minority organisations. (ln)visibility was experienced in diverse ways as a process that included a series of steps that do not have absolute values nor are they necessarily coherent in different time and space. My findings advance social movement theorizing by demonstrating the importance of studying social movements in the global South. In addition, my findings contribute to postcolonial feminist and queer theorizing by showing how marginalised sexual and gender minorities in Kenya struggled strategically to assert their democratic inclusion in the state.

'This is like seeing a human body totally from a different angle' : experiences of South African cisgender partners in cisgender-trans* relationships

Theron, Liesl January 2013 (has links)
To date, the knowledge available about cisgender-trans* couples and their experiences is located in the global North. Research situated in the interest of trans*, transgender and transsexual people's lives most often furthers scholars' understanding of gender. In my research, I employed strategies to look at the experiences of the cisgender partners of masculine identifying trans* persons, in order to learn more about gender Post-apartheid South Africa is a country that is vibrant with discussions in mainstream platforms about contemporary political and socio-economic matters, regularly framed in sexist approaches with clear patriarchal messages. How and where does the trans* masculine person find role models and what is that impact on the cisgender-trans* relationship? Bringing together literature from the global North and South Africa, I formed a theoretical framework that served as the context to support my research. As a feminist, I employ both feminist theory and transgender theory in my qualitative study. I interviewed fourteen cisgender partners of masculine identifying trans* persons. From the rich data, five themes emerged and were analysed through a content analysis approach.

Bodies across borders : embodiment and experiences of migration for southern African international students at the University of Cape Town

Moll, Tessa January 2010 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references. / In context of increasing global migration and its correlation to heightened tensions around the meaning of a "foreign" body, this research questions the experiences of bodies crossing borders into the social and historical space of Cape Town, South Africa. Grounded in theories of surveillance, embodiment, and feminist geography of fear of crime, the study employed a feminist methodology using qualitative group interviews with international students from the Southern African Development Community at the University of Cape Town. The transcribed data was analysed through the participants' use of discourses and their descriptions of experiences. Questions arose around the meaning of surveillance and notions of respectability in transition. Furthermore, participants navigate amid new spaces of fear and insecurity in relation to their subjectivities, particularly as "foreigners". The research suggests that fear becomes a fundamental attribute of bodies in migration through which individuals mitigate through "passing" subverting expressions of embodied nationalities, knowledge gathering of the local terrain, among others. The challenges and techniques to overcome these fears become part of a process to re-establish the "self" in a foreign context.

Nakna män säljer - om Love Island tittarna väljer : En semiotisk bildanalys av maskulinitet i reality programmet Love Island / Naked men sell – if the Love Island viewers choose : A semiotic image analysis of masculinity in the reality showLove Island.

Caap, Mi, Lewinson Skörd, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
The study Naked men sell - if the Love Island viewers choose analyzes the reality show Love Island and how it portraits masculinity. Through a semiotic image analysis, the study examines visual content based on challenges performed during the episodes. The purpose of the thesis is to find masculine stereotypes and clarify the impact they might have on individuals but also society. The video sequences retrieved in 2019 and 2021 define how media portrays gender roles in one of today’s most popular reality shows. The frequent occurrence of gender-normative stereotypes is certainly a fact in today's media culture. The theoretical frameworks representation, gender theory, hegemonic masculinity, the male gaze and objectifying form the basis for the analysis which is based on the five selected sequences. As a result of the analysis, we were able to establish a problematic representation of masculinity in the show. Lastly the thesis illustrates a male dominated, objectifying and heteronormative context. The video sequences reproduce the participants based on stereotypical traits such as how they dress, their body language, props and focus etcetera. Gender is presented in a way that can be perceived as monotonous and unreal. The show creates a fictional picture of gender since representation is a construction of reality.

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