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Model kompozitního nosníku s piezoelektrickou vrstvou / Model of composite cantilever with piezoelectric layerHons, Richard January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the generating electrical energy from vibrations from piezoelectric composite cantilever beam. A review of the piezoelectric materials is made. Then the analytical model of piezoelectric cantilever beam is presented, then the influence of parameters is inves-tigated. Case study with theoretic design of parameters on the specific source of vibration is also provided. Last part is the extension of model for the variable width of layers at cantilever
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Porovnání modelů najížděcích tras systémové elektrárny v programech MODES a PSCAD / Model comparison of restoration paths for a system power station in MODES and PSCADPeterka, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comparison of two restoration paths in case of the black start in the MODES and PSCAD simulation programs. The aim was to compare the voltage waveforms in individual nodes and the system frequency. At the same time, simulations were compared with a real test. The route models in the MODES program were created earlier and the task was to create the same routes in the PSCAD program using the parameters available from the MODES program. The route models in the PSCAD environment included both the original and the new models of individual elements, which had to be assembled from function blocks. The results of the programs differed slightly, which was caused mainly by the differences of some elements that were used. In the thesis, all the necessary information was stated to make the simulations repeatable.
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Analýza útoků na bezdrátové sítě / Analysis of wireless network attacksKačic, Matej Unknown Date (has links)
This work describes security mechanisms of wireless network based on 802.11 standard and security enhancement 802.11i of these networks known as WPA2, where the analysis of vulnerabilities and attacks on these networks were performed. The work discusses two major security issues. The first is unsecure management frames responsible for vulnerability with direct impact on availability and the other is the vulnerability that allows executing the impersonalize type of attacks. The system for generation attacks was designed to realize any attack very fast and efficient. The core of the thesis is the design of a system for attack analysis using the principle of trust and reputation computation. The conclusion of the work is devoted to experimenting with the proposed system, especially with the selection of suitable metrics for calculating the trust value.
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Regulátoru napětí palubní sítě letadel s motory WALTER M337 / Aircraft engine voltage regulatorFormánek, Michael January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the issue of the current solution of on-board network regulation in aircraft using Walter-made Czech engines, especially Walter M137 and M337. The work deals with the style of the currently used solution for operating the generator and the possibilities of its replacement using modern technologies. The design and production of the newly designed device follows. An essential part of the work is also the identification of the system of the original solution and the associated design of a new controller. The work compares the original and proposed solution in several defined points. The following text also includes the certification page of the proposal, financial evaluation and recommendations for further direction.
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Využití aktivního kyslíku pro čištění klimatizace automobilu / Use of active oxygen for car air conditioning cleaningZapletal, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the cleaning of car air conditioning system with ozone. The aim is to design equipment for ozone production, its location and cleaning algorithm. The thesis is divided into two parts. The introductory theoretical part describes the principle of operation of conventional automotive air conditioning, then discusses the methods of pollution and solutions to remove these pollutions. The theoretical part ends with a summary of information on ozone. The practical part is continuously followed by the design of device for the ozone production directly in the car. The final part deals with the location of such a device in a car, measuring its parameters and evaluating the results.
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Návrh aeroderivátu pro využití v kompresních stanicích / Design of aeroderivative for use in compression stationsDominik, Dávid January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the calculation of the power turbine. This turbine should be used in the automatic drive of the compressor used for compression of natural gas in compressor stations. Flight engine aeroderivate from the Rolls-Roye company, type RB211-22B, was used as gas generator. The main aim of the thesis is to summarize of the base atributes of the combustion turbines and aeroderivates. They are used for automatic engine, application a thermodynamic calculation of the power turbine, for reaction stage and basic strength calculations.
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CFD analýza tepelného zatížení trubkovnice / CFD analysis of thermal stress of a tubesheetVince, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the phenomena of multiphase flow in a steam generator as a one of probable causes of tubes and tubesheet weld cracking. In the first part of the work, a research was carried out focusing on the boiling and the phenomenon of two-phase flow in technical applications, its characteristics and properties. The thesis continuous with an overview of available numerical multiphase models in the ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 and a research of previously published works focused on two-phase flow with the presence of boiling. The research is followed by a description of the particular boiler, which is part of the nitric acid production plant in the chemical company DUSLO, a.s., its operating conditions and a more detailed description of the issue that is being addressed in this thesis. The second part of the work continuous with a description of the computational model, including a description of the geometry of the model and used simplifications, the computational mesh and the description of boundary conditions. Important part is the description of calculation setting of steady-state and transient CFD simulations in ANSYS Fluent. Finally, the results of the two-phase flow calculation are presented and then discussed in the conclusions.
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Rekuperace energie z výfukových plynů v elektromotorem asistovaném turbodmychadle pro hybridní vozidla / Energy Recovery from Exhaust Gases in an Electric-assisted Turbocharger for Hybrid VehiclesCalábek, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Obsahem této diplomové práce byla vhodnost využití turbodmychadla s přidruženým motor-generátorem pro vybrané typy hybridních vozidel a následná analýza energetických toků pro danou motorovou aplikaci. Přístup prezentovaný v práci zahrnuje termodynamický model motoru v programu GT-SUITE ve kterém jsou zkoumány možnosti energetických toků při změně velikost turbínového a kompresorového kola turbodmychadla. Přistup je aplikován na turbodmychadlo s variabní geometrií lopatek s přidruženým motor generátorem pro donáškové vozidlo, kde je možné při různých zatíženích motoru rekuperovat energii z turbodmychadla. Zároveň byli zjištěny možnosti snížení spotřeby paliva v určitých provozních bodech motoru.
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Simulace skladu a optimalizace rozmístění produktů za účelem zvýšení propustnosti skladu / Warehouse Simulation and Product Distribution Optimization for Increased ThroughputKočica, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the storage location assignment problem using modern meta-heuristic techniques combined with realistic simulation. A graphical tool implemented as part of this work is capable of warehouse model creation, generation of synthetic customer orders, optimization of product allocation using state of the art techniques, extensive warehouse simulation, and a pathfinder capable of finding the shortest path for orders going through the system. The work presents the comparison between different approaches based on many parameters to reach the most efficient allocation of products to warehouse slots. The author conducted tests on an experimental warehouse featuring almost twice the throughput -- 57%. The benefit of this work is a possibility to create model of an already built warehouse and its simulation and optimization, driving impact on the throughput of the warehouse, saving the user's resources, or helping him in planning and bottle-neck identification. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a new approach to warehouse optimization and new optimization criteria.
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Generátor EKG signálu pro testovací účely / ECG generator for equipment testingČech, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on testing ECG monitors and ECG instruments. There are discussed origin and charakteristics of ECG signal. The ECG signal is presented by standard leads. This is the reason, why the way of making leads is mentioned. One chapter is aimed at generating ECG signal. There are set requierements for the ECG generator. These requierements results from ECG instrument possibilities and from ECG signal character. Next part of this diploma thesis includes hardware design of each part of the system. The system was designed with respect to mobility and 12-leads systems compatibility. Finaly the thesis includes design of the controll software.
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