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Molekulárně-genetická analýza starokladrubských koníVelebová, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
The genetic variability and diversity of the Old Kladruber horse breed is evaluated in this master thesis. The aim is to evaluate the variability and diversity in the breed, between the sire lines and inside these lines. The detailed information about the Old Kladruber horse breed is presented in the literary overview with the breed history including the regeneration process. Basic indexes of the genetic variability are presented in the next part. 17 microsatellite markers were used to evaluate the genetic variability and diversity with further statistical analyses performed in GENEPOP 4.2 and ARLEQUIN 3.5 programs. The allele and genotype frequencies were calculated together with the number of alleles per loci and Hardy -- Weinberg equilibrium was tested for the population. Polymorphic information content, observed and expected heterozygosity and fixation coefficients were calculated. The results show surprisingly high degree of genetic variability in the Old Kladruber horse, increased probably due to introduction of other breeds during the regeneration process.
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Studium genetických vztahů v sortimentu asijských odrůd hrušníWolf, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This work was focused on the genetic relatedness of pear trees. The first part of the thessis is focused on the survey of literature about history and distribution of Asian and European pear, description of the varieties and description of biotechnology, especially AFLP. The second part of the thesis is focused on the experimental part. There is described a procedure for isolating DNA, AFLP workflow methods, evaluation and reporting results. In this work there were found out some interesting results. For example was confirmed that the variety Zao Su Li probably belongs to Ussuriensis pear group. Were confirmed close relationships between Japanese pear, Chinese sand pear and Chinese white pear varieties. Interspecific hybrid Hood was identified like probably releated with European varieties. It was as well confirmed, that interspecific hybrids Kiffer and Rafsaz are probably releated with Pyrus pyrufolia (Burm.) Nak.
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Morfologická a genetická diverzita agrolesnického druhu Guazuma crinita v Peruánské Amazonii. / Mophological and molecular diversity of a tropical tree species Guazuma crinita in the Peruvian AmazonTuisima Coral, Lady Laura January 2015 (has links)
Fast growing tree species Guazuma crinita (Malvaceae) was selected as a priority species for domestication in the Peruvian Amazon due its important contribution to the livelihood of local farmers. Its domestication process is still in an early age as for many tropical tree species little is known about its genetic variability and we dont know anything about the impact of domestication on its genetic resources. The main objective of this research was to assess the genetic variability of G. crinita within and among populations in the Peruvian Amazon by the use of morphological (wood physical traits) and molecular (ISSR and AFLP) markers.
Wood physical properties among six G. crinita provenances were evaluated. Wood samples were drilled from the base middle and top of the stem of 12 randomly selected eight-years-old trees for determination of wood measurement. Pearson correlations between physical properties were also determined. All wood physical properties except green density differed significantly among provenances. We also found statistically significant variation due to stem level position. The moderately dense wood and the coefficient of anisotropy (1.6) suggested that G. crinita has stable wood; they represent important advantages in terms of costs for transport and transformation process. The results suggested potential to select provenances with desirable wood properties for further breeding and domestication. Due to the variation found even in limited tree samples it is recommended further analysis with more extensive number of samples from different provenances and planting zones.
This research presents the first assessment of genetic variability based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers for 44 G. crinita genotypes from a clonal garden multiplication established in the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP) in Ucayali region. Ten ISSR primers amplified a total of 65 bands of which 61 were polymorphic (93.8%). The range of DNA amplification varied from 260 to 2200 bp. Among the provenances overall genetic differentiation (Gst) was 0.03 indicating 97% of genetic diversity within provenances. Gene flow (Nm) was 12.9 alleles per generation. Cluster analysis was not related with geographic origin suggesting a common gene pool which was supported by calculation of weak positive correlation was found between genetic and geographic distance.
With the use of AFLP markers an insight on how domestication process does impact G. crinita genetic resources is also reported on this research work. I was able to generate fingerprint for 58 leaf samples representing eight provenances and three population types, 19 from a natural regenerated population 15 cultivated in home garden nursery and 24 from a collection of genotypes considered as semi-domesticated population. Seven selective AFLP primer combinations were used. A total of 171 fragments were amplified with 99.42% of polymorphism at species level. Each type of population generated fragments with 72.51% 49.12% and 54.39% of polymorphic fragments respectively. Neis genetic diversity and Shannon index information were found to be higher in the population of natural regeneration compared to overall semi-domesticated population (He = 0.10 and 0.9; I = 0.19 and 0.16 respectively). The analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) showed higher variation within provenances rather than among (84% and 4% respectively). UPGMA clusters analysis and PCoA did not showed correspondence between genetic and geographic distance in addition their correlation was not significant. There was a significant genetic differentiation among types of population suggesting slight genetic bottleneck in semi-domesticated populations yet with relatively high levels of genetic variation.
In situ conservation for populations with high levels of genetic diversity was recommended. In addition proper management of natural regeneration and ex situ genotype collections might be a good conservation strategy to maintain G. crinita genetic resources.
The use of morphological (wood physical traits) and molecular markers were successful to reveal genetic variability of G. crinita and they could be used for other tropical tree species. For further researches it is emphasis to extent the number of samples and geographic scale.
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Využití molekulárních markerů pro studium genetické variability u kulturních rostlinCieslarová, Jaroslava January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Studium genetické variability tritikale mikrosatelitními markeryOndroušková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Genetic diversity of baobab (&-lt;i&-gt;Adansonia digitata&-lt;/i&-gt; L.) along an elevation transect in KenyaChládová, Anna Unknown Date (has links)
@Adansonia digitata@L. (Malvaceae) is a huge multipurpose tree of the savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa with high economic potential for local communities. The edible fruits and leaves are known for their high nutritional values and can be used fresh or processed. However, a high intra-specific variability regarding morphology, genetics and nutritional content of baobab and its products is documented for several African regions, while data for Kenya is largely lacking. This study aimed at documenting the genetic and morphological variability of baobab accessions in Kenya and at checking the presence of the newly described diploid baobab species @Adansonia kilima@. Samples were collected from 204 baobab trees from seven populations defined by geographical distance in South-eastern and Coastal Kenya at altitudes of 6-1,058 m asl. Leaf or bark samples for genetic diversity assessment were collected from all 204 trees, while leaves only from 65 and fruits from 76 trees (all in inland locations) for morphological analyses based on the publication Descriptors for Baobab. Nine microsatellite loci were used to assess genetic variation and results analysed with specific software because of the tetraploid nature of baobab. Overall genetic diversity was high and all loci were polymorphic. The mean gene diversity was 0.803 and observed heterozygosity was 0.907. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed low variation among populations (12.4%) and high variation within populations (87.6%). Bayesian clustering and Principal Coordinate Analysis divided the accessions into two clusters, one with only inland and one with coastal accessions. Although the presence of @Adansonia kilima@ was previously postulated for Kenya, flow cytometry did not detect any among the analysed samples as only tetraploids were observed. Regarding morphological characteristics, no differences among the fruit accession from inland populations were found (no fruits were collected in coastal areas). Leaf morphological data showed significant differences between inland and coastal populations with longest leaflets and leaf petioles in accession from the Coast, thus confirming the results obtained for genetic analysis. This study contributes to the overall knowledge of the genetic diversity of baobab in Kenya and can contribute to the development of germplasm conservation strategies and domestication programs for baobab.
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Analýza populační struktury semenného sadu třešně ptačí &-lt;i&-gt;Prunus avium&-lt;/i&-gt; L. / Analysis of population structure in the seed orchard of wild cherry Prunus avium L.Krejzková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The seed orchard of Prunus avium L., Čejkovka, LS LČR Lužná, was established in 2002. Low seed production is characteristic for the orchard. First seed collection took place in 2015, summing up to 35 kilograms. Based on genetic analysis, S locus alleles and microsatellite data were detected. Furthermore, phenology of blooming and fertility of individual ramets was observed. It was detected that from the registered 59 clones, 46 clones were of different genotypes and 29 clones are diferrent in S locus. Approximately 37% ramets in the orchard are genetically identical. In 2015, a total of 45% ramets produced seeds. Based on evidence, the effective number of clones in the orchard is 31, 12 based on SSRs and 10 based on S locus. The number of seed producing clones in 2015 was 20 based on evidence, 8 based on SSRs and only 5 based on S locuses. In order to achieve higher seed production it would be appropriate to partially supplement genetically identical clones with those of different genotypes. An additional option would be utilizing the existing orchard to collect grafts to establish a new, appropriately designed, orchard.
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Genetická struktura lokálních plemen domestikantů / Genetic structure of local domestic breedsNeradilová, Silvie January 2015 (has links)
A switch from hunting to beginnings of farming and agriculture was a crucial step for humans and for developing civilization. This period was suitable for domestication processes. Dogs were the first domesticated animals at all. Their breeding was connected with settlement and cattle protection and they were used as shepherd and hunting dogs. In some cultures they are even used as food source. Recent trends lead to breeding of new breeds and division of original gene pool into smaller closed groups which lead to an increase of homozygosity and to display recessively inherited diseases. These effects are mostly visible in small local breeds that have a small population size. Global protection of genetic diversity in cattle, poultry and pigs was already addressed in many studies, probably because of the high economic value of these animals. Impact of domesticated carnivores to humans is comparable and due to the growing market in veterinary services it is needed to protect sufficient genetic variability of various unique races. The aim of this work is to compare selected local breeds of dogs from different regions of origin, to evaluate their overall genetic diversity, to determine the occurrence of candidate types of diseases and to compare the frequency of these diseases in selected breeds. Main output is to recommend appropriate methods to protect the gene pool of these unique races. Central European breed (e.g. Český Fousek), subtropical breed (e.g. Sarplaninec), tropical continental breed (eg. Basenji), tropical island breed (e.g. The New Guinea Singing Dog) will be selected. The material will be collected at exhibitions and in cooperation with local farmers. The samples will be processed by classical methods of population genetics in the laboratory of molecular genetics FTZ ČZU.
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Populačně genetický rozbor plemene starokladrubský kůň / Population genetic analysis of Old Kladruber horseVostrá Vydrová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The Old Kladruber horse, along with the Lipizzaner horse, Andalusian horse and Lusitano horse, is of the original Italo-Spanish type. The Old Kladruber horse is kept in two colour varieties (grey and black). Because the population is closed, there is a concern about the loss of genetic variation. The genetic diversity and population structure were analysed in the Old Kladruber horse breed based on the pedigree information of animals that were registered in the Studbook to identify factors that may have affected the genetic variability of the breed. Pedigree records collected from 1729 to 2013 contained information on 7971 animals that were used in the analyses. The pedigree depth was up to 33 generations, with an average of 15.1 complete generations. The effective number of founders and ancestors contributing to the current genetic pool was 92.69 and 17.16, respectively. The average values of the inbreeding coefficient were as follows: 13% (with a maximum value of 29%) for the reference population (individuals that can currently take part in reproduction, n=612), 11% for the grey variety (with a maximum value of 25%) and 15% for the black variety (with a maximum value of 29%). The proportion of inbred animals was high (99%). The average rate of inbreeding in the reference population was 1%: 0.8% for the grey variety and 1.1% for the black variety, and the respective estimates of the effective population sizes were 52 for the reference population, 62 for the grey variety and 45 for the black variety. The estimated percentage of genetic diversity lost due to non-random mating within subpopulations and the reference population was 1.0, 1.0 and 1.2%, respectively. The total loss of genetic diversity in the reference population, in the grey variety and in the black variety was 11%, 13% and 17%, respectively.
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Studium dědičnosti polyneuropatie u psů plemene leonbergerWolfová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of this master thesis entitled The study of polyneuropathy in Leonberger dogs (LPN) was to determine the variability of ortholog of CMT2 gene in a selected population of this breed. The number of individual samples studied was 211. The entire set of DNA samples was divided to the cases (110 samples) and controls (101 samples). Partial objectives were the study of information available on the hereditary neuropathies, the selection of candidate gene polymorphisms and their association analysis with the disease. The candidate gene studied is associated with the autosomal recessive form of axonal neuropathy in humans with early onset of symptoms. Compound mutation was discovered in the gene (substitution and 1 bp deletion). The normal allele predominated in healthy individuals. In contrast, both mutant alleles always predominated in diseased individuals. Statistical comparison of genotypes depending on the health status did not show a clear correlation with disease (p = 0,1562).
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