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Small scale embedded generation (SSEG) in Cape Town: a case study on the impact of Cape Town's SSEG regulationOliver, Dominic 08 March 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the rapidly diminishing costs of renewable technologies have rendered solar photovoltaics (PV) price competitive at a range of scales. Globally, there has been an increasing proliferation of distributed renewable generation embedded within the electricity network, called Small-Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG). Yet, while such decentralised technologies have taken a central role in discussions on energy transitions in the Global North, their implications in the Global South remain poorly documented. In South Africa, the convergence of a legacy energy system, supply issues, rising electricity prices, and growing environmental awareness as well as rapid urbanisation and persistent poverty is presenting a set of compound challenges for government at all levels and threatens the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon energy system. This study investigates the implications of SSEG on Cape Town's energy transition and assesses the drivers and impacts of regulatory responses. The study adopts a multi-level perspective on sociotechnical transitions deployed at the municipal scale to explore the role of SSEG in a just and sustainable energy transition. This was done along three dimensions using an environmental justice framework proposed by Cock (2004), wherein a green agenda refers to environmental conservation, a brown agenda represents energy impacts on quality of life and development, and a red agenda represents social justice and equality. Achieving a just transition will require attention to each of the three agendas in this framework. Using data from a desktop analysis, policy review and ten semi-structured interviews to investigate the case of Cape Town, the study found that the impacts of SSEG are dependent on the contextual landscape within which this transition is situated. Regulation of SSEG is largely the result of municipal attempts to protect its financial ability to fulfil developmental mandates. Recent regulatory developments have resulted in several unintended consequences which have reduced the extent to which green energy is equitably distributed across the municipal grid, and failed to mitigate revenue impacts of SSEG, and consequently the ability of municipalities to continue developmental agendas. National landscape pressures from increasing electricity prices and continued load-shedding are driving SSEG uptake. In response to these pressures, and municipal regulation, SSEG has adapted to new niches and battery technologies have become increasingly prevalent. Left unregulated SSEG will continue to threaten the financial viability of municipalities and the extent to which the ongoing energy transition in South Africa will be just and equitable. This study contributes to an emerging social-science research agenda into socio-technical transitions and addresses the limited consideration of the implications of disruptive technologies and their regulation at the city regime scale in the Global South.
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Exploring adaptive policy management and evaluation for improved water resources management in the face of uncertainty and complexity in South AfricaNgcamphalala, Sandile 08 March 2022 (has links)
Evidence-based water resources policy management is bedevilled by the challenge of uncertainty, with increased risk of policy failure and/or unintended or negative policy outcomes. Moreover, there is increased policy management complexity emerging from related systems' interdependencies particularly between the water resources policy management system with other environmental, economic, social and political systems. Such complexity imposes external interference with the performance dynamics of water resources policy management efforts. Consequently, water resources policy management strategies in furtherance of ‘water equity' as the ultimate goal of water resources management policy in South Africa, may be misplaced. As a result, the performance of water resources management policy is unlikely to follow a linear logic of change/impact. The adoption of adaptive policy management strategies to ensure policy flexibility and efficiency is warranted especially for policies managed in the face of deep uncertainty and complexity mainly driven by the interactions and interdependencies between numerous social, economic, environmental and political variables with risk for the emergence of more unpredictable policy outcomes. Successful adaptive policy management, however, must be guided through real-time credible and comprehensive evidence, which is complicated to generate in a context plagued with deep uncertainty and complexity. Using systems mapping as a systems' analysis tool, this study identified a comprehensive list of environmental, economic, social and political variables that interactively determine water resources policy management performance towards ‘water equity'. The different environmental, economic, social and political variables that interactively influence ‘Water Equity' results as identified in this study, help to determine key policy drivers and leverage points that can be monitored and evaluated in pursuit of credible and comprehensive water resources policy planning, implementing and performance evidence. The availability of credible and comprehensive evidence, however, does not imply automatic success of the adopted adaptive strategy. The study found that there are numerous other barriers on different aspects and levels of the policy that would have to be addressed to ensure the contextual success of adaptive and integrated water resources policy management in South Africa. These include, transformational changes in substantive water resources management policy design to ensure proactive intentionality to improve water resources policy management in the face of deep uncertainty; designing institutional policy governance structures that demonstrate clear appreciation of the heterogeneous water resources management needs across the country; and active commitment to fully and timely implementation policy decisions in a manner that ensures continuous learning, capitalises on policy performance opportunities, defends working policy strategies and facilitates real-time policy corrections.
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The role of mapping in enhancing collaboration and decision-making processes around urban natural assets: a case study of Lilongwe, MalawiSchröder, Claudia 14 March 2022 (has links)
The role of collaborative urban planning approaches in addressing wicked problems and fostering climate resilience is receiving growing attention. Strong and robust governance systems, that value collaboration, are likely to contribute to managing the complex challenges African cities face. Collaboration in urban planning presents an opportunity for engaging numerous state and non-state actors to work towards more robust and durable solutions for cities. There are various factors and mechanisms that can be adopted and used in cities to encourage effective collaboration in urban planning. Maps are one such mechanism. Maps can firstly, be used to facilitate collaboration and open up conversation amongst people and secondly, can be used to analyse and understand the city. Through ICLEI Africa's Urban Natural Assets: Rivers for Life (UNA Rivers) project, urban planners and environmental officers from Malawi's Lilongwe City Council identified the need to better incorporate urban natural assets in Lilongwe City's city planning processes. This thesis aimed to determine how the process of collaborative mapping of urban natural assets might contribute to collaborative governance between state and non-state actors in the City of Lilongwe. In order to fulfil this aim, there were three objectives: a) to assess the steps and process employed in the collaborative urban natural asset hotspots mapping process; b) to investigate the role, experiences and perceptions of the actors involved; and c) to examine how and to what extent the collaboratively produced urban natural asset hotspots map has been able to inform urban planning and foster collaborative governance. To meet these three objectives this study drew on existing documents relating to the collaborative mapping process, in-depth, semi-structured interviews with targeted participants and a focus group discussion with the UNA Rivers project team members from ICLEI Africa. The results indicate that the steps in the collaborative mapping process were influenced by various factors. Firstly, the selection of participants was strategic and targeted to include key individuals who worked in departments pertaining to city planning and environmental decisions. Secondly, the data collection process undertaken to locate and map the urban natural asset hotspots in Lilongwe was influenced by the limited GIS capacity within the Lilongwe Council, which resulted in the appointment of a consultant from Conservation Research Africa by ICLEI Africa to undertake the data collection and GIS mapping process. Several conditions were found that enhanced participants' experience of the collaborative mapping process. These conditions, included flexibility in role and responsibilities of actors; the inclusion of diverse stakeholders and opinions; keeping the numbers of participants in a collaboration to a manageable size; the opportunity to build relationships and trust. The visual representation of the urban natural asset in the form of a map was well received. However, despite the numerous benefits of the collaboratively produced urban natural hotspots map, participants listed a number of reasons that it was not used extensively. These reasons include outdated city planning laws and regulations that do not refer to the map; politics surrounding the enforcement of these laws and regulations even if they were to be updated; the lack of capacity, especially in the GIS department, in order to update the maps; Lilongwe city does not have ownership of land meaning there are often intimidation tactics by developers; and limited funding to implement and mainstream the map in decision making processes. However, while the actual map might not be used to its full potential, the collaborative process changed the way certain decisions are being made in the Lilongwe City Council, especially in relation to city planning practices. This in itself is a noteworthy outcome and showcases the value of maps in aiding collaborative governance.
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The Skill Assessment of Seasonal Wind Prediction in South AfricaParbhoo, Trisha 16 March 2022 (has links)
To assess the skill of seasonal wind prediction in South Africa, the period between 1983 and 2018 was studied, unless otherwise stated. A total of sixteen (16) sites were studied across South Africa to ensure that each region across the country was represented in the study. Seasonally, prediction of the wind energy resource is important in order to plan for local plant operations, such as downtime for maintenance during low wind periods. Additionally, if a forecast indicates a large wind energy resource for a particular season, maintenance at other non-wind energy generation plants may be planned. However, currently there is limited information about seasonal prediction of wind in South Africa and no information about the skill of such a forecast. This thesis begins the process of addressing this knowledge gap. Correlations between the CFS hindcast data and the reanalyses show the windspeed forecast is skilful over the southern regions of South Africa during December – January – February (austral summer), and over northern regions during June – July – August (austral winter), where the Pearson Correlation Coefficient ranges between ~0.5 and ~0.75. This skill is a function of the regional atmospheric stability during the respective seasons which are in turn a function of large-scale circulation features that govern synoptic processes driving the regional wind predictability. La Niña results in a weakening of the high pressure systems to the west of the country, which could cause lower wind speeds specifically over the north-western regions of South Africa. The deepening of an extended sub-tropical low pressure trough over the interior of South Africa during La Niña potentially causes an increase in the pressure gradient, resulting in higher wind speeds over the eastern, north-eastern and eastern interior regions. During La Niña events literature indicates that the south-easterly wind speeds over regions of the Western Cape increase, and this could be due to the southward movement of the South Atlantic High Pressure. During a negative SAM phase, the correlation between the SAM Index and the reanalyses indicates that there is an enhanced predictability in the eastern interior regions of the country, specifically during September – October – November(where the r-value is < -0.4 over specific regions), which is likely a function of the strong belt of westerly winds that move equatorward and therefore closer to South Africa. A low-pressure trough develops and extends across the central interior of country which results in an increased pressure gradient between the interior and the high pressure cells off the coasts of South Africa, resulting in increased wind speeds over the majority of the country. These results indicates that ENSO and SAM are drivers of wind predictability over South Africa at the seasonal scale. The CFS hindcast captures the ENSO forcing (El Niño, neutral and La Niña) of wind speeds for the majority of the same regions and seasons as found in the reanalysis data. However, the CFS does not capture the SAM forcing of seasonal wind speeds described above. Therefore the CFS forecast system is a useful system with respect to seasonal wind forecasts given the ENSO forcing is captured, however, this study recommends that model development research should focus on developing forecast systems that capture other large-scale drivers, apart from ENSO, such as the SAM. The study also demonstrates that it is essential to use multiple reanalyses if assessing the skill of the seasonal forecast using reanalysis products. Results show that there are statistically significant differences between the reanalysis wind datasets. The ERA5 wind speeds were lower in the majority of the sites (14 out of the 16 sites) in comparison to the ERA-Interim and CFSR wind speeds. This indicated that when only one reanalysis was used, it could artificially show higher or lower skill levels. Based on the results above, this study concludes that there is better predictability in the CFS when the atmosphere is stable, and in certain parts of the country under La Niña and negative SAM during specific times of the year; for example, ENSO has greater effect over South Africa during austral summer months. During these skilful periods, the seasonal prediction system can be used to inform seasonal wind energy potential across the country. Understanding when and where a wind forecast is skilful could assist in efficient energy supply planning, inform plant operations such as maintenance and contribute towards the shift to a low carbon economy.
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Future crop suitability assessment and the integration of Orphan crops into Kenya's food systemsJoshi, Namita 16 February 2022 (has links)
Climate change is seen to be playing an increasingly key role in determining the level of food security within Kenya. In 2020, around 3.1 million people in the country faced acute food insecurity as a result of excessive rainfall, flooding and drought. There has also been a concentration of research on major crops, such as maize and common bean. This study, therefore, seeks to contribute to the research gap in future projections of crop suitability for major and minor crops in Kenya. Temperature and rainfall data, downloaded from CORDEX, from four statistically downscaled Global Climate Models (GCMs) under the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 8.5 and 4.5 were used to run the Ecocrop model. The output was the suitability index spatially plotted over the country for maize, finger millet, common bean, broad bean and sweet potato, within three time periods: historical (1980-2009), near term (2010- 2039) and midcentury (2040-2060). To further understand the influence soil pH has on the climate suitability of these five crops, QGIS was used to overlap Ecocrop suitability outputs and Soilgrids soil pH rasters. CORDEX projections indicated a 2°C- 2.5°C and 1°C rise in temperature under RCP8.5 and 4.5 respectively, and rainy seasons becoming more intense and shorter. The suitability index of maize is projected to have a slight increase (20%) during the long rains, by the end of the century under RCP8.5. Along the RCP4.5 pathways, there is a greater increase in suitability for maize in counties along the coast and western Kenya. Results also project a significant suitability increase (50%) of the orphan crop- broad bean- during the dry season. The spatial distribution of suitability is widespread within many arid and semi-arid counties. This presents an opportunity to integrate legumes such as broad bean into the cropping system within a crop rotation with maize. This form of adaptation would help ease the pressure on the production of staple crops since suitability for maize and common bean is projected to decrease during the short rains. Soil pH results indicated the dominance climate has on determining overall suitability. For instance, pH suitability of finger millet was achieved in majority of the counties however, climate suitability does not favour the planting of this crop. For sweet potato, there is optimum pH and climate suitability, however, it is not greatly distributed around the country. Despite the low spatial distribution, these small areas of sweet potato production can also contribute to better food security in these counties.
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Potential impacts of climate change on hydrological droughts in the Limpopo river basinMakhanya, Nokwethaba Zamanguni 23 February 2022 (has links)
Climate change possibly intensifies hydrological droughts and reduces water availability in river basins. Despite this, most research on climate change effects in southern Africa has focused exclusively on meteorological droughts. This thesis projects the potential effect of climate change on the future characteristics of hydrological droughts in the Limpopo River Basin (LRB). The study uses regional climate model (RCM) measurements (from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment, CORDEX) and a combination of hydrological simulations (using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool Plus model, SWAT+) to predict the impacts at four global warming levels (GWLs: 1.5℃, 2.0℃, 2.5℃, and 3.0℃) under the RCP8.5 future climate scenario. The SWAT+ model was calibrated and validated with a streamflow dataset observed over the basin, and the sensitivity of model parameters is investigated. The performance of SWAT+LRB model was verified using the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), Percent Bias (PBIAS), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and coefficient of determination (R2 ). The study also examines the capability of the CORDEX SWAT+ system in reproducing the hydro-climatology and the influence of the quantile delta mapping (QDM) method on bias correction of CORDEX datasets. The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) have been used to detect meteorological droughts. The Soil Water Index (SSI) has been used to define agricultural drought, when the Water Yield Drought Index (WYLDI), the Surface Run-off Index (SRI), and the Streamflow Index (SFI) have been used to characterize hydrological drought. The performance of SWAT+ the model simulations over LRB is sensitive to the parameters CN2 (initial SCS runoff curve number for moisture condition II) and ESCO (soil evaporation compensation factor). The best simulation is generally performed better during the calibration period than in the validation period. In calibration and validation periods, NSE is ≤ 0.8, while PBIAS is ≥ ﹣80.3%, RMSE ≥ 11.2 m3 /s and R 2 ≤ 0.9. Although the CORDEX simulations capture the general spatial and temporal distribution of the hydroclimate variables over the LRB, they feature a cold and wet bias across the basin. However, the QDM bias correction reduces the bias and fosters better agreement among the simulations. The simulations project in all hydrological variables is projected over most parts of the basin, especially over the eastern part of the basin. The simulations predict that meteorological droughts (i.e., SPEI and SPI), agricultural droughts (i.e., SSI), and hydrological droughts (i.e., WYLDI, SRI) would become more intense and severe across the basin. SPEI-drought has a greater magnitude of increase than SPI drought, and agricultural and hydrological droughts have a magnitude of increase that is part-way between the two. As a result, this research suggests that future hydrological droughts over the LRB could be more severe than the SPI-drought projection predicts but less severe than the SPEI-drought projection. This research can be used to mitigate the effects of potential climate change on basin hydrological drought.
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Holocene vegetation and palaeoenvironments of the Southern Cederberg mountains of South Africa : palynological evidence from fossil hyrax (Procavia) dung middensSeliane, Mamoluoane January 2006 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 114-121). / Late Quaternary vegetation and palaeoenvironments are relatively easy to reconstruct in humid regions as polled traps (swamps and peat bogs) there are usually abundant. However arid and semi-arid regions (such as southern Africa) lack fossil pollen because of the scarcity of pollen preserving bodies. This attribute results in difficulties in palynological studies regarding the late Quaternary vegetation and palaeoenvironmental resconstruction in arid and semi-arid regions. But the advent of pollen analysis of fossil faunal dung middens in arid and semi-arid areas has enabled palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and interpretation in places where this could not otherwise have been easy. This project is based on pollen analysis of hyrax (Procavia) dung middens for the reconstruction and interpretation of vegetation history in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, thus filling the void of inadequate palaeoenvironmental records in semi-arid southern Africa.
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A post hoc scoping assessment of the rapid rate and scale of urban development along the 'West Coast' : 3 case studiesCharter, Simon January 2006 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-123).
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Towards sustainability in South Africa : a study of local government sustainability planning in the Cape Metropolitan AreaHassall, Zoë L January 2000 (has links)
Includes bibliography. / The popular use of the term sustainability represents a consensus around the fact that society must change its path towards ecological destruction and the consequent decline in human's quality of life. Sustainability facilitates the integration of environmental issues, previously seen as radical and disruptive, into mainstream political, social and economic discourse. The term therefore represents a transitional tool which will lead society from its current non-sustainable phase to greater sustainability. At present the most successful action for change is being initiated from the local level through local sustainability planning. Sustainability planning represents an alternative approach to local government decision-making based on the principles of sustainability. Many countries are experiencing success with local sustainability planning initiatives such as Healthy Cities and Local Agenda 21. These initiatives represent generic approaches to sustainability planning. This thesis contends that a more successful approach could be gained through tailoring strategic planning to local contexts. The challenge is to design a framework that meets the needs of the specific socio-economic, legislative and institutional contexts of a given area. South Africa's discriminatory socio-political history has resulted in major social and environmental legacies, especially amongst the marginalised and poor sectors of society. These legacies must be understood and addressed in order to carry-out successful sustainability planning processes. Since 1994 sustainability in South Africa has received significant attention in the legislation which has emanated from the democratic government. The legal framework for sustainability is provided by a progressive Constitution [Act 108 of 1996]. The Constitution provides clear objectives for environmental management. Furthering the framework for environmental management set out in the Constitution is the National Environmental Management Act [Act 107 of 1998] (NEMA). NEMA is a key piece of legislation which has far-reaching implications for sustainability. It establishes general principles which act as a framework within which environmental management in the country will be carried out. The Constitution [Act 108 of 1996] also sets out clear objectives for local governance. Local government in the CMA, as in the rest of South Africa, is suffering from the effects of the (re)current restructuring period following the country's transition to democracy. This sphere of government is experiencing significant financial and capacity constraints. The situation has been compounded by a lack of civil-sector consultation during this protracted period of change. Mechanisms for addressing sustainability and incorporating environmental issues within local government planning and decision-making are absent from national legislation. Local government sustainability planning represents such a mechanism. This study researches the current status and future prospects for local government sustainability planning using the Cape Metropolitan Area (CMA) in South Africa as a case study. A framework for local government sustainability planning is developed based on the current national and local contexts. The proposed framework places the fundamental principles of sustainability at the highest strategic level in the authority. Alongside these principles are key operational themes of sustainability. Each of these should be used to guide and inform decisions and activities carried out within the local government authority. As we enter the new millennium local government in South Africa has an increasing responsibility to achieve local sustainability and in so doing to elevate its citizens quality of life. A bold response to local sustainability planning is required if this is to be achieved.
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Air quality and climate change in the greater Cape Town areaKalognomou, Evangelia-Anna January 2009 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-91). / The work presented in this dissertation stems from the link that exists between meteorological conditions and the significant accumulation of air pollutants in large urban agglomerations. The research focuses on the Greater Cape Town Area (GCTA), where temperature inversions lead to high air pollutant concentrations and episodes of air pollution. As local meteorological conditions are often manifestations of larger weather producing phenomena (e.g. anticyclones), the work presented studies the changes that may occur in the synoptic conditions associated with temperature inversions, which will consequently affect the rate of occurrence of air pollution episodes. After a brief introduction of the topic, background information on the relevant legislation and the actions taken towards an air pollution abatement strategy and a detailed literature review, the high levels of air pollution in the GCT A during winter and especially during the morning peak hour traffic and their link to temperature inversions are studied in detail for the year 2002. The large scale circulation and its link to temperature inversions are studied through the application of the Self-Organizing Maps technique using NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 data and making use of the findings for the year 2002. The synoptic states most associated with temperature inversions are found to be the anticyclonic conditions caused by the South Atlantic High Pressure (SAHP) system and the west coast trough associated with berg winds bringing dry continental air towards the GCT A. The 2002 data also show that more air pollution episode days are associated with west coast troughs than with the SAHP system and the average strength of the temperature inversions associated with west coast troughs is found to be approximately 50 % higher than that associated with the SAHP system. The Global Circulation Models (GCMs) ECHAM5, CNRM-CM3 and CSIRO-MK3.5 are used to study the potential changes in the future climate of the area under the IPCC A2 emissions scenario. ECHAM5 shows a small increase in the synoptic states associated with anticyclonic influence over the south western part of South Africa and CNRM-CM3 shows a small increase in both the synoptic states associated with anticyclonic influence and those associated with a west coast trough. Both models show a small decrease in the synoptic states associated with cold fronts. CSIRO-MK3.5 was not found to adequately reflect the current climatology in the domain, making it difficult to distinguish between model bias and future climate trends.
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