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Contribuição ao estudo geológico da Bacia do Camaquã – RS, através de modelagem aeromagnética 2,5DPereira, Janaína Gattermann January 2011 (has links)
A Bacia do Camaquã (BC) é uma unidade geológica fundamental no esclarecimento da evolução geotectônica do Rio Grande do Sul. Ela agrupa e preserva, em parte, diferentes associações vulcano-sedimentares representativas do estágio de transição da Plataforma Sul-Americana. Depositada sobre os terrenos ígneos e metamórficos do Escudo Sul-riograndense, sua evolução estratigráfica e geocronológica tem sido pesquisada por diversos autores. Por outro lado, a geofísica tem contribuído pouco nestes estudos, apesar de seu grande potencial como ferramenta exploratória. Por esse motivo, e mediante o avanço das técnicas de processamento de dados, uma nova abordagem foi aplicada ao levantamento aeromagnético realizado em 1972 pelo Serviço Geológico do Brasil, com o objetivo de contribuir para o conhecimento geológico e tectônico da área. O reprocessamento destas variáveis permitiu a reinterpretação da BC e a geração de uma proposta de modelo para o seu arcabouço estrutural. Foram gerados mapas temáticos da BC e realizada a modelagem 2,5D de dados aeromagnéticos de um perfil NW-SE, com 40Km de extensão, localizado ao sul da área. Os mapas temáticos aeromagnéticos, além de delimitar os principais corpos e estruturas da região, permitiram dividir a área de estudo em três grandes domínios geofísicos: Oeste, Central e Leste, separados pela Anomalia Magnética de Caçapava do Sul e pela Zona de Cisalhamento Dorsal de Canguçu, respectivamente. A modelagem aeromagnética 2,5D ilustrou anomalias entre -40 e -110nT associadas às rochas vulcânicas e metamórficas aflorantes e à ocorrência do embasamento cristalino em subsuperfície, modelado a uma profundidade máxima de 7000m na parte NW do perfil. Em termos geotectônicos, o modelo obtido para o perfil evidenciou falhas extensionais, sugerindo uma configuração que se assemelha a um arranjo composto por horsts e grábens, característico de um sistema de riftes, atribuindo um regime distensivo para evolução da BC. O modelo também ilustrou dois altos do embasamento nas bordas do perfil, relacionados aos altos de Caçapava do Sul e da Serra das Encantadas. Esse soerguimento do embasamento nos flancos do perfil e o comportamento flexural que o mesmo assume na porção central, podem ser indicativos de um regime compressivo ocorrido anteriormente ao processo de rifteamento e à deposição da BC. A baixa susceptibilidade dos sedimentos que preenchem a bacia é um indicativo de que as áreas fonte podem ser os altos de Caçapava do Sul e da Serra das Encantadas, compostos por rochas graníticas e gnáissicas de baixa susceptibilidade magnética. O reprocessamento das variáveis geofísicas, os filtros aplicados no perfil estudado e a modelagem geofísica, mostraram-se técnicas eficientes para mapeamento geológico e delimitação do arcabouço estrutural, gerando um modelo geológico representante de uma porção da BC e permitindo assim, um avanço no entendimento de sua arquitetura e evolução geotectônica. / The Camaquã Basin (CB) is an important geologic unit and the knowledge of these rocks helps to clarify the geotectonic evolution of Rio Grande do Sul State. It has partially preserved different volcano-sedimentary associations representing the transition stage of South American Platform. The rocks of the basin overlays the igneous and metamorphic terrains of the Sul-riograndense Shield and its stratigraphic and geochronologic evolution have been widely studied by several authors. On the other hand, the geophysics has a small contribution to these studies, in despite of its great potential as an exploratory tool. Therefore, with the improvement of the data processing techniques, a new approach was applied in the aeromagnetic survey, acquired in 1972 by Brazilian Geological Survey. In this context, this research aims to contributes to the geologic and tectonic knowledge of the basin. The reprocessing of these variables led to the reinterpretation of the CB and to the production of a suggested model for its structural framework. Thematic maps and a 2,5D model of the CB were made from aeromagnetic data of a NW-SE section, with 40 km long, located in the south of the basin. These thematic aeromagnetic maps set out the main bodies and structures inside the basin and also provide a division of the study area into three main geophysics domains: West, Central and East, separated by the Magnetic Anomaly of Caçapava do Sul and the Dorsal de Canguçu Shear Zone, respectively. The 2,5D aeromagnetic modeling shows anomalies between -40 e -110nT, associated with volcanic and metamorphic outcropping rocks and the crystalline basement in subsurface, modeled at a maximum deep of 7000m in the NW portion of the section. In terms of geotectonic, the model obtained for this section revealed extensional faults, suggesting a sketch that resembles a horst and graben structure. This structure is typical for a rift system, assigning a distensive strain event in the evolution of the CB. The model also displayed two basement uplifts on the section borders, related with Caçapava do Sul and Serra das Encantadas uplifts. This uplift of the basement on section borders and its flexural behavior in the central portion can be an evidence of a compressive regime that occurred before the rift process and the sedimentation of the Camaquã Basin. The low susceptibility of the sediments that fill the basin is an indicative that the source areas can be the highs of Caçapava do Sul and Serra das Encantadas, composed mainly by low susceptibility granitic and gneissic rocks. The reprocessing of the geophysical variables, together with the frequency filters applied and the geophysical modeling, proved to be an efficient technique to the geologic mapping and to define the structural framework of the area. Based on this, a geologic model was created, which represents a specific portion of the basin and introduced an important knowledge of the structural framework and geotectonic evolution of the Camaquã Basin.
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A perfilagem geofísica gama-gama em depósitos de ferro do Quadrilátero Ferrífero : uma ferramenta para medições de densidade de rochasAlmeida, Tiago de January 2011 (has links)
Durante a fase de avaliação de jazidas de ferro, é importante determinar a densidade das formações geológicas em suas respectivas profundidades. Como uma alternativa prática para obter esta informação, testou-se a aplicação de perfilagem geofísica gamagama em furos de sondagem nos depósitos de Dois Irmãos e Maquiné, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais – Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar obtenção da densidade in situ do minério de ferro e encaixantes usando a técnica de perfilagem geofísica gama-gama. A utilidade desta técnica cresce quando a recuperação de testemunhos é deficiente ou inexistente, como ocorre em determinadas situações envolvendo minérios de ferro friáveis O equipamento de medida é constituído de uma fonte emissora de radiação gama e sensores de radiação, que são introduzidos em furos de sondagem. A radiação detectada pelos sensores permite estimar a densidade das rochas próximas ao sistema de medida. Comparações feitas entre densidades determinadas por análises de laboratório e densidades estimadas por perfilagem geofísica mostraram diferenças inferiores a 15%, em situações nas quais o diâmetro dos furos de sondagem manteve-se constante. / During the evaluation of iron deposits, it is important to determine the bulk density of geological formations at various depths. To put this issue in a practical way, we present the results of the application of wireline logging in Dois Irmãos and Maquiné deposits, Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais-Brazil. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of recording the in-situ densities of subsurface iron ore bodies and waste rock. The usefulness of this technique grows as the borehole core recovery is deficient or inexistent, as happens in certain situations involving friable iron ore. The measurement system is constituted of a gamma-ray source and three detectors mounted in a sonde which is lowered into a borehole and the gamma-rays are counted. In the following, this gamma-ray counting rate is transformed into density, supposing the calibration curve is a true exponential function and the densities come from core data. By comparing densities determined in laboratory and through the logs we have found differences below 15% supposing the borehole diameters are nearly constant.
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Advancing biodiversity and species distribution modelling using geodiversity informationBailey, Joseph John January 2018 (has links)
Context: Understanding spatial patterns of biodiversity and species’ distributions is important for scientific theory, and for conservation and management of the natural world. Climatic variables are widely recognised as strong correlates of species richness over large spatial extents. Correlates of species richness at smaller extents (regional and landscape scales) are less well established, but environmental heterogeneity is widely thought to be important. A large number of environmental heterogeneity measures have been used, but in particular there is a growing interest in ‘geodiversity’, which I define here as the diversity of abiotic terrestrial and hydrological nature, comprising earth surface materials and landforms. Recent research has emphasised both geodiversity’s inherent value and its potential as a correlate and predictor of spatial biodiversity and species’ distribution patterns. However, despite this clear potential of geodiversity for improving our understanding of how patterns of life relate to environmental heterogeneity, its incorporation into biodiversity and species’ distribution modelling is substantially underdeveloped. In this thesis, using a macroecological approach I begin to address some of these knowledge gaps by analysing the relationships between geodiversity data, and its constituent ‘geofeatures’, and species richness and distributions for multiple taxa and across several scales (grain size and extent) and geographic locations. My main aims in this thesis are to more fully evaluate geodiversity itself, and improve our understanding of its role with respect to the spatial patterning of biodiversity, both conceptually and empirically. Locations and Spatial Scales Analyses were carried out within and across Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) and Finland. The order of the four quantitative papers generally reflects the largest spatial extent (i.e. size of the study area) at which they were conducted, from national (PAPERS II and III) through landscape (PAPER IV), to the local scale (vegetation plots within a small upland river catchment; PAPER V). PAPER II is a study across several spatial extents (from landscape to national) and uses two grain sizes (1 km2 and 100 km2). PAPER I is a review paper that considers multiple scales and geographic locations conceptually. Time period Present day: data were from between 1995 and 2016 across all of the quantitative studies. Taxa Multiple: alien and native vascular plants across Great Britain (PAPER II); threatened bryophytes, beetles, fungi, lepidoptera, lichens, mammals, molluscs, and vascular plants across Finland (PAPER III); common and rare vascular plants across the Cairngorms, Scotland (PAPER IV); angiosperms, conifers, fungi, lichens, liverworts, lycophytes, mosses, and pteridophytes (and productivity) across an upland river catchment within the Cairngorms (PAPER V); and conceptual consideration of multiple taxa (PAPER I). Methods: For studies in Great Britain, plant data were provided by the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) for PAPERS II and IV, and by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) for PAPER V. The threatened species data in Finland were from Finnish Environment Institute (PAPER II). Species richness (PAPERS II, III, and IV), rarity-weighted richness (RWR; PAPER III), species’ distributions (PAPERS IV and V), and productivity (measured using NDVI from colour infrared aerial imagery; PAPER V) were all analysed using Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) modelling, allowing comparisons between studies. For geodiversity data in the British studies, I compiled geodiversity data on landforms, soils, hydrological and geological features using existing national datasets (e.g. British Geological Survey), and used a geomorphometric method to extract landform coverage data (landforms included: hollows, ridges, valleys, and peaks). These data were analysed alongside environmental data, which varied between papers, relating to climate, standard topography (e.g. slope; elevation), land use, and human population. The sources of other geodiversity data in Finland, and environmental data on topography and climate, came from a variety of sources, which are detailed within each paper. Results: Geodiversity improved biodiversity and species’ distribution models throughout all of the quantitative analyses and generally declined in importance as spatial scale coarsened beyond the landscape scale. At most spatial scales and in most places, the roles of climate and/or coarse topography dominated, and geodiversity played a relatively small role, as was expected. Geodiversity, however, made consistent positive contributions to the models independently of traditionally used topographic metrics such as standard deviation of elevation and slope. Taxonomically, geodiversity: (i) was slightly more relevant for native vascular plants than alien in Great Britain (PAPER II); (ii) of similar relevance to common and rare vascular plants in the Scottish Highlands, except that the coverage of soil parent material was especially important for rare species’ distributions (PAPER IV); of similar relevance to most sessile taxa (angiosperms, fungi, mosses, liverworts, lichens, pteridophytes, and lycophytes; conifers were not related to geodiversity) in an upland Scottish river catchment (PAPER V); and more important for threatened vascular plants and bryophytes over other studied taxa in Finland (PAPER II). Geodiversity also improved models of productivity, and the variability in productivity, in PAPER V. Main conclusions and Future Directions: Geodiversity improves our understanding of, and ability to model, the relationship between biodiversity and environmental heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales, by allowing us to get closer to the real-world conditions and processes that affect life. I found that the greatest benefit comes from measuring ‘geofeatures’, which describe the constituent parts of geodiversity separately, rather than as one combined variable. Automatically extracted landform data, the use of which is novel in ecology, biogeography and macroecology, proved particularly valuable throughout this body of work, and as too did data from expert geological and hydrological maps. The idea of ‘Conserving Nature’s Stage’ (CNS), and identifying areas that are most capable of supporting high biodiversity into the future, the benefits and caveats of which are discussed in this thesis, has recently emerged. It requires a sound empirical and conceptual basis, to which my research contributes. In this thesis, I have gone some way towards demonstrating the conceptual and empirical value of incorporating geodiversity into ecological analyses across multiple spatial scales, paving the way for this recent approach to be more extensively used for theoretical and applied purposes. I accomplished this by carrying out an assessment of existing geodiversity literature and, importantly, looking forwards to consider the prospects of geodiversity within ecology (PAPER I), supported by four quantitative studies. The conservation significance is emphasised in PAPER III. Much remains to be done, however, and future research directions are detailed in PAPER I. We need to develop predictive models to test the role of geodiversity across an array of geographical and taxonomic domains, as well as to assess metrics beyond species richness and species’ distributions. One example may involve beta diversity: does spatial turnover in species relate to spatial turnover in geofeatures? Fully analysing the role of geodiversity through time will also be important, including in relation to refugia, given predicted environmental changes in climate. In progressing with this line of enquiry, we will improve our knowledge and understanding of patterns of life on Earth and, specifically, how the geophysical landscape helps shape them.
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A novel classification method applied to well log data calibrated by ontology based core descriptionsGraciolli, Vinicius Medeiros January 2018 (has links)
Um método para a detecção automática de tipos litológicos e contato entre camadas foi desenvolvido através de uma combinação de análise estatística de um conjunto de perfis geofísicos de poços convencionais, calibrado por descrições sistemáticas de testemunhos. O objetivo deste projeto é permitir a integração de dados de rocha em modelos de reservatório. Os testemunhos são descritos com o suporte de um sistema de nomenclatura baseado em ontologias que formaliza extensamente uma grande gama de atributos de rocha. As descrições são armazenadas em um banco de dados relacional junto com dados de perfis de poço convencionais de cada poço analisado. Esta estrutura permite definir protótipos de valores de perfil combinados para cada litologia reconhecida através do cálculo de média e dos valores de variância e covariância dos valores medidos por cada ferramenta de perfilagem para cada litologia descrita nos testemunhos. O algoritmo estatístico é capaz de aprender com cada novo testemunho e valor de log adicionado ao banco de dados, refinando progressivamente a identificação litológica. A detecção de contatos litológicos é realizada através da suavização de cada um dos perfis através da aplicação de duas médias móveis de diferentes tamanhos em cada um dos perfis. Os resultados de cada par de perfis suavizados são comparados, e as posições onde as linhas se cruzam definem profundidades onde ocorrem mudanças bruscas no valor do perfil, indicando uma potencial mudança de litologia. Os resultados da aplicação desse método em cada um dos perfis são então unificados em uma única avaliação de limites litológicos Os valores de média e variância-covariância derivados da correlação entre testemunhos e perfis são então utilizados na construção de uma distribuição gaussiana n-dimensional para cada uma das litologias reconhecidas. Neste ponto, probabilidades a priori também são calculadas para cada litologia. Estas distribuições são comparadas contra cada um dos intervalos litológicos previamente detectados por meio de uma função densidade de probabilidade, avaliando o quão perto o intervalo está de cada litologia e permitindo a atribuição de um tipo litológico para cada intervalo. O método desenvolvido foi testado em um grupo de poços da bacia de Sergipe- Alagoas, e a precisão da predição atingida durante os testes mostra-se superior a algoritmos clássicos de reconhecimento de padrões como redes neurais e classificadores KNN. O método desenvolvido foi então combinado com estes métodos clássicos em um sistema multi-agentes. Os resultados mostram um potencial significante para aplicação operacional efetiva na construção de modelos geológicos para a exploração e desenvolvimento de áreas com grande volume de dados de perfil e intervalos testemunhados. / A method for the automatic detection of lithological types and layer contacts was developed through the combined statistical analysis of a suite of conventional wireline logs, calibrated by the systematic description of cores. The intent of this project is to allow the integration of rock data into reservoir models. The cores are described with support of an ontology-based nomenclature system that extensively formalizes a large set of attributes of the rocks, including lithology, texture, primary and diagenetic composition and depositional, diagenetic and deformational structures. The descriptions are stored in a relational database along with the records of conventional wireline logs (gamma ray, resistivity, density, neutrons, sonic) of each analyzed well. This structure allows defining prototypes of combined log values for each lithology recognized, by calculating the mean and the variance-covariance values measured by each log tool for each of the lithologies described in the cores. The statistical algorithm is able to learn with each addition of described and logged core interval, in order to progressively refine the automatic lithological identification. The detection of lithological contacts is performed through the smoothing of each of the logs by the application of two moving means with different window sizes. The results of each pair of smoothed logs are compared, and the places where the lines cross define the locations where there are abrupt shifts in the values of each log, therefore potentially indicating a change of lithology. The results from applying this method to each log are then unified in a single assessment of lithological boundaries The mean and variance-covariance data derived from the core samples is then used to build an n-dimensional gaussian distribution for each of the lithologies recognized. At this point, Bayesian priors are also calculated for each lithology. These distributions are checked against each of the previously detected lithological intervals by means of a probability density function, evaluating how close the interval is to each lithology prototype and allowing the assignment of a lithological type to each interval. The developed method was tested in a set of wells in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin and the prediction accuracy achieved during testing is superior to classic pattern recognition methods such as neural networks and KNN classifiers. The method was then combined with neural networks and KNN classifiers into a multi-agent system. The results show significant potential for effective operational application to the construction of geological models for the exploration and development of areas with large volume of conventional wireline log data and representative cored intervals.
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Dynamical circulation regimes in planetary (and exo-planetary) atmospheresTabataba-Vakili, Fachreddin January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, we study the effect of diurnally- and seasonally-varying forcing on the global circulation of planetary atmospheres explored within a large parameter space. This work focusses on studying the spacial and spectral energy budgets across a large range of planetary parameters as well as the momentum transfer as a response to diurnal and seasonal effects. We simulate planetary atmospheres using PUMA-GT, a simple GCM co-developed for this work, that is forced by a semi-grey two-band radiative-convective scheme, dissipated by Rayleigh friction and allows for temporally varying insolation. Our parameter regime includes the variation of the planetary rotation rate, frictional timescale in the boundary layer, the thermal inertia of the surface and the atmosphere, as well as the short-wave optical thickness. We calculate the energy transfer in Martian atmosphere to have a reference case of an atmosphere that is subject to very strong seasonal and diurnal variation. For this we present the first Lorenz energy budget calculated from reanalysis data of a non-Earth planet. A comparison between Martian and Earth atmosphere reveals a fundamentally different behaviour of the barotropic conversion term in the global mean. A significant impact of the thermal tide can be discerned in the generation of eddy kinetic energy, especially during global dust storms. Our study of seasonal variation reaffirms previous work that the equatorial super-rotating jet in the slow-rotating regime is arrested for strong seasonal variation. We find a novel explanation as to why the Titan atmosphere is able to maintain super-rotation despite strong surface seasonality; for non-zero short-wave absorption in the atmosphere the mechanism that hinders equatorial super-rotation is weakened. Diurnally-varying forcing can significantly enhance the equatorial super-rotation in cases with non-zero short-wave absorption. In our simulations this enhancement is maintained by a convergence of vertical momentum flux at the equator. Efforts to identify the atmospheric waves involved in this enhancement point towards thermally-excited gravity waves.
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Avaliação hidrogeológica em área de assentamentoFranzini, Andréa Segura [UNESP] 03 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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franzini_as_me_rcla.pdf: 5288174 bytes, checksum: dd9a681c43d63366f35542e58bdfa93e (MD5) / A interpretação de perfis geofísicos e dados de poços constituiu importante ferramenta para o entendimento do arcabouço hidrogeológico da área do assentamento Margarida Alves, região oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Foram reconhecidas as formações Santo Anastácio e Caiuá, separadas por superfície de discordância regional evidenciada nos perfis geofísicos. As referidas formações constituem unidades aquíferas homônimas que representam o Sistema Aquífero Bauru, caracterizado na área como livre e multi-camadas. Essas unidades litoestratigráficas são constituídas por intercalações de camadas arenosas interdigitadas a camadas areno-siltosas e silto-arenosas, compondo corpos lenticulares de espessuras métrica a decamétrica de pequenas extensões laterais. Esses corpos estão arranjados em padrão de fining upward, sugerindo um ambiente deposicional fluvial. O fluxo regional é em direção SW e tem o ribeirão Nhancá como área de descarga. Na porção ocidental da área, foi identificado um aquífero freático suspenso com águas pouco mineralizadas e baixos teores de sólidos totais dissolvidos. As águas do Sistema Aquífero Bauru apresentam constituição química distintas. No Aquífero Santo Anastácio foram classificadas como bicarbonatadas magnesianas e no Aquífero Caiuá classificadas como bicarbonatadas cálcicas / Geophysical logs and water well data constitute important tool for understanding the hydrogeologic framework of the Margarida Alves settlement, located in western Sao Paulo State. Two lithostratigraphic formations - Santo Anastácio and Caiuá - were recognized and they are separed by an unconformity surface. These formations are water-bearing units of the multi-layered Bauru Aquifer System (SAB). These lithostratigraphic units are composed of sandy layers intercalated with sandy-silty and silty-sand layers, forming lenticular bodies of metric to decametric thickeness with small lateral continuity. These bodies, as evidenced in well logs, are arranged in fining upward pattern, typical of fluvial depositional environment. The regional flow is directed SW and it discharge in the ribeirão Nhancá. In the western portion of the area a perched aquifer has been identified, bearing waters with low levels of total dissolved solids. Two distinct type of groundwater have been identified in the SAB, the Santo Anastácio aquifer is classified as bicarbonated-magnesian water and that of Caiuá Aquifer as bicarbonated-calcium rich waters
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Fluid Production Induced Stress Analysis Surrounding an Elliptic FractureJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Hydraulic fracturing is an effective technique used in well stimulation to increase petroleum well production. A combination of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling has led to the recent boom in shale gas production which has changed the energy landscape of North America.
During the fracking process, highly pressurized mixture of water and proppants (sand and chemicals) is injected into to a crack, which fractures the surrounding rock structure and proppants help in keeping the fracture open. Over a longer period, however, these fractures tend to close due to the difference between the compressive stress exerted by the reservoir on the fracture and the fluid pressure inside the fracture. During production, fluid pressure inside the fracture is reduced further which can accelerate the closure of a fracture.
In this thesis, we study the stress distribution around a hydraulic fracture caused by fluid production. It is shown that fluid flow can induce a very high hoop stress near the fracture tip. As the pressure gradient increases stress concentration increases. If a fracture is very thin, the flow induced stress along the fracture decreases, but the stress concentration at the fracture tip increases and become unbounded for an infinitely thin fracture.
The result from the present study can be used for studying the fracture closure problem, and ultimately this in turn can lead to the development of better proppants so that prolific well production can be sustained for a long period of time. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2014
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Strain Concentrations in Polyethylene Geomembranes Adjacent to Seams and ScratchesJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Laboratory testing was conducted to quantify strain concentrations adjacent to seams and scratches in high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes. The tensile strain profile of remnants meeting the ASTM criteria for wide-width tensile testing from samples of field seams recovered for construction quality assurance testing was evaluated using digital image correlation (DIC). Strains adjacent to scratches on laboratory prepared samples loaded in tension were also measured using DIC. The tensile strain in the zone adjacent to a seam and the tensile strain adjacent to a scratch were compared to the tensile strains calculated using theoretical strain concentration factors. The relationship between the maximum tensile strain adjacent to a seam and the global nominal strain in the sample was quantified for textured and smooth geomembranes of common thicknesses. Using statistical analysis of the data, bounds were developed for the allowable nominal tensile strain expected to induce maximum tensile strains adjacent to the seam less than or equal to the typical yield strain of HDPE geomembranes, at several confidence levels. Where nominal strain is the global or average strain applied to the sample and maximum strain is the largest tensile strain induced in the sample.
The reduction in the nominal yield strain due to a scratch in a HDPE geomembrane was also quantified. The yield strain was approximately the same as predicted using theoretical strain concentration factors. The difference in the average measured maximum strains adjacent to the seams of textured and smooth HDPE geomembranes was found to be statistically insignificant. However, maximum strains adjacent to extrusion welded seams were somewhat greater than adjacent to fusion welded seams for nominal strains on the order of 3% to 4%. The results of the testing program suggest that the nominal tensile strain should be limited to 4% around dual hot wedge seams and 3% around extrusion fillet seams to avoid maximum strains equal to 11%, a typical yield strain for HDPE geomembranes. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil Engineering 2017
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Fusion de mesures de déplacement issues d'imagerie SAR : application aux modélisations séismo-volcaniques / Fusion of displacement measurements from SAR imagery : application to seismo-volcanic modelingYan, Yajing 08 December 2011 (has links)
Suite aux lancements successifs de satellites pour l'observation de la Terre dotés de capteur SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar), la masse de données SAR disponible est considérable. Dans ce contexte, la fusion des mesures de déplacement issues de l'imagerie SAR est prometteuse à la fois dans la communauté de la télédétection et dans le domaine géophysique. Dans cette optique, cette thèse propose d'élargir les approches conventionnelles en combinant les techniques de traitement des images SAR, les méthodes de fusion d'informations et la connaissance géophysique. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier plusieurs stratégies de fusion, l'inversion jointe, la pré-fusion et la post-fusion, afin de réduire l'incertitude associée d'une part à l'estimation du déplacement en 3 dimensions (3D) à la surface de la Terre, d'autre part à la modélisation physique qui décrit la source en profondeur du déplacement observé en surface. Nous évaluons les avantages et les inconvénients de chacune des stratégies en ce qui concerne la réduction de l'incertitude et la robustesse vis à vis du bruit. Dans un second temps, nous visons à prendre en compte les incertitudes épistémiques, en plus des incertitudes aléatoires, présentes dans les mesures et proposons les approches classiques et floues basées sur la théorie des probabilités et la théorie des possibilités pour modéliser ces incertitudes. Nous analysons et mettons en évidence l'efficacité de chaque approche dans le cadre de chaque stratégie de fusion. La première application consiste à estimer les champs du déplacement 3D à la surface de la Terre dus au séisme du Cachemire en octobre 2005 et à l'éruption du Piton de la Fournaise en janvier 2004 sur l'île de la Réunion. La deuxième application porte sur la modélisation de la rupture de la faille en profondeur liée au séisme du Cachemire. Les principales avancées sont évaluées d'un point de vue méthodologique en traitement de l'information et d'un point de vue géophysique. Au niveau méthodologique, afin de lever les principales difficultées rencontrées pour l'application de l'interférométrie différentielle à la mesure du déplacement induit par le séisme du Cachemire, une stratégie de multi-échelles basée sur l'information a priori en utilisant les fréquences locales de phase interférométrique est adoptée avec succès. En ce qui concerne la gestion de l'incertitude, les incertitudes aléatoires et épistémiques sont analysées et identifiées dans les mesures du déplacement. La théorie des probabilités et la théorie des possibilités sont utilisées afin de modéliser et de gérer les propagations des incertitudes au cours de la fusion. En outre, les comparaisons entre les distributions de possibilité enrichissent les comparaisons faites simplement entre les valeurs et indiquent la pertinence des distributions de possibilité dans le contexte étudié. Par ailleurs, la pré-fusion et la post-fusion, 2 stratégies de fusion différentes de la stratégie d'inversion jointe couramment utilisée, sont proposées afin de réduire autant que possible les incertitudes hétérogènes présentes en pratique dans les mesures et pour contourner les principales limitations de la stratégie d'inversion jointe. Les bons cadres d'application de chaque approche de la gestion de l'incertitude sont mis en évidence dans le contexte de ces stratégies de fusion. Au niveau géophysique, l'application de l'interférométrie différentielle à l'étude du séisme du Cachemire est réalisée pour la première fois et compléte les études antérieures basées sur les mesures issues de la corrélation des images SAR et optiques, les mesures télésismiques et les mesures de terrain. L'interférométrie différentielle apporte une information précise sur le déplacement en champ lointain par rapport à la position de la faille. Ceci permet d'une part de réduire les incertitudes associées aux mesures de déplacement en surface et aux paramètres du modèle, et d'autre part de détecter les déplacements post-sismiques qui existent potentiellement dans les mesures cosismiques qui couvrent la période de mouvement post-sismique. Par ailleurs, la prise en compte de l'incertitude épistémique et la proposition de l'approche floue pour gérer ce type d'incertitude, fournissent une vision différente de l'incertitude de mesure connue par la plupart des géophysiciens et complétent la connaissance de l'incertitude aléatoire et l'application de la théorie des probabilités dans ce domaine. En particulier, la gestion de l'incertitude par la théorie des possibilités permet de contourner le problème de sous-estimation d'incertitude par la théorie des probabilités. Enfin, la comparaison du déplacement mesuré par les images SAR avec le déplacement mesuré par les images optiques et le déplacement issu des mesures sur le terrain révèle toute la difficulté d'interpréter différentes sources de données plus ou moins compatibles entre elles. Les outils développés dans le cadre de cette thèse sont intégrés dans le package MDIFF (Methods of Displacement Information Fuzzy Fusion) dans l'ensemble des "EFIDIR Tools" distribués sous licence GPL. / Following the successive launches of satellites for Earth observation with SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor, the volume of available radar data is increasing considerably. In this context, fusion of displacement measurements from SAR imagery is promising both in the community of remote sensing and in geophysics. With this in mind, this Ph.D thesis proposes to extend conventional approaches by combining SAR image processing techniques, information fusion methods and the knowledge on geophysics. First, this Ph.D thesis aims to explore several fusion strategies, joint inversion, pre-fusion and post-fusion, to reduce the uncertainty associated on the one hand to the estimation of the 3-dimensional (3D) displacement at the Earth's surface, on the other hand to physical modeling that describes the source in depth of the displacement observed at the Earth's surface. We evaluate advantages and disadvantages of each fusion strategy in terms of reducing uncertainty and of robustness against noise. Second, we aim to take account of epistemic uncertainty, in addition to the random uncertainty present in the measurements and propose the conventional and fuzzy approaches based on probability theory and possibility theory respectively to model these uncertainties. We analyze and highlight the efficiency of each approach in context of each fusion strategy. The first application consists of estimating the 3D displacement fields at the Earth's surface due to the Kashmir earthquake in October 2005 and the eruption of Piton de la Fournaise in January 2004 on Reunion Island. The second application involves the modeling of the fault rupture in depth related to the Kashmir earthquake. The main achievements and contributions are evaluated from a methodological point of view in information processing and from a geophysical point of view. In the methodological view, in order to address the major difficulties encountered in the application of differential interferometry for measuring the displacement induced by the Kashmir earthquake, a multi-scale strategy based on prior information issued from a deformation model using local frequencies of interferometric phase is adopted successfully. Regarding the measurement uncertainty management, both random and epistemic uncertainties are analyzed and identified in the displacement measurements. The conventional approach and a fuzzy approach based on respectively probability theory and possibility theory are proposed to model uncertainties and manage the uncertainty propagation in the fusion system. In addition, comparisons between possibility distributions enrich the comparisons made simply between displacement values and indicate the relevance of possibility distributions in the considered context. Furthermore, pre-fusion and post-fusion, two fusion strategies different from the commonly used fusion strategy of joint inversion, are proposed to reduce heterogeous uncertainties present in practice in the measurements and to get around the main limitations of joint inversion. Appropriated conditions of the application of each uncertainty management approach are highlighted in the context of these fusion strategies. In the geophysical view, the application of differential interferometry to the Kashmir earthquake is performed successfully for the first time and it completes previous studies based on measurements from the correlation of SAR and optical images, teleseismic measurements and in situ field measurements. Differential interferometry provides accurate displacement information in the far field relative to the fault position. This allows on the one hand reducing uncertainties associated with surface displacement measurements and with model parameters, on the other hand detecting post-seismic movements that exist potentially in the used coseismic measurements covering the post-seismic period. Moreover, taking into consideration of epistemic uncertainty and the proposition of a fuzzy approach for its management, provide a different view of the measurement uncertainty known by most geophysicists and complete the knowledge of the random uncertainty and the application of probability theory in this domain. In particular, the management of uncertainty by possibility theory allows overcoming the problem of under-estimation of uncertainty by probability theory. Finally, comparisons of the displacement measured by SAR images with the displacement measured by optical images and the displacement from in situ field measurements reveal the difficulty to interpret different data sources more or less compatible among them. The tools developed during this Ph.D thesis are included in the MDIFF (Methods of Displacement Information Fuzzy Fusion) package in "EFIDIR Tools" distributed under the GPL lisence.
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A novel classification method applied to well log data calibrated by ontology based core descriptionsGraciolli, Vinicius Medeiros January 2018 (has links)
Um método para a detecção automática de tipos litológicos e contato entre camadas foi desenvolvido através de uma combinação de análise estatística de um conjunto de perfis geofísicos de poços convencionais, calibrado por descrições sistemáticas de testemunhos. O objetivo deste projeto é permitir a integração de dados de rocha em modelos de reservatório. Os testemunhos são descritos com o suporte de um sistema de nomenclatura baseado em ontologias que formaliza extensamente uma grande gama de atributos de rocha. As descrições são armazenadas em um banco de dados relacional junto com dados de perfis de poço convencionais de cada poço analisado. Esta estrutura permite definir protótipos de valores de perfil combinados para cada litologia reconhecida através do cálculo de média e dos valores de variância e covariância dos valores medidos por cada ferramenta de perfilagem para cada litologia descrita nos testemunhos. O algoritmo estatístico é capaz de aprender com cada novo testemunho e valor de log adicionado ao banco de dados, refinando progressivamente a identificação litológica. A detecção de contatos litológicos é realizada através da suavização de cada um dos perfis através da aplicação de duas médias móveis de diferentes tamanhos em cada um dos perfis. Os resultados de cada par de perfis suavizados são comparados, e as posições onde as linhas se cruzam definem profundidades onde ocorrem mudanças bruscas no valor do perfil, indicando uma potencial mudança de litologia. Os resultados da aplicação desse método em cada um dos perfis são então unificados em uma única avaliação de limites litológicos Os valores de média e variância-covariância derivados da correlação entre testemunhos e perfis são então utilizados na construção de uma distribuição gaussiana n-dimensional para cada uma das litologias reconhecidas. Neste ponto, probabilidades a priori também são calculadas para cada litologia. Estas distribuições são comparadas contra cada um dos intervalos litológicos previamente detectados por meio de uma função densidade de probabilidade, avaliando o quão perto o intervalo está de cada litologia e permitindo a atribuição de um tipo litológico para cada intervalo. O método desenvolvido foi testado em um grupo de poços da bacia de Sergipe- Alagoas, e a precisão da predição atingida durante os testes mostra-se superior a algoritmos clássicos de reconhecimento de padrões como redes neurais e classificadores KNN. O método desenvolvido foi então combinado com estes métodos clássicos em um sistema multi-agentes. Os resultados mostram um potencial significante para aplicação operacional efetiva na construção de modelos geológicos para a exploração e desenvolvimento de áreas com grande volume de dados de perfil e intervalos testemunhados. / A method for the automatic detection of lithological types and layer contacts was developed through the combined statistical analysis of a suite of conventional wireline logs, calibrated by the systematic description of cores. The intent of this project is to allow the integration of rock data into reservoir models. The cores are described with support of an ontology-based nomenclature system that extensively formalizes a large set of attributes of the rocks, including lithology, texture, primary and diagenetic composition and depositional, diagenetic and deformational structures. The descriptions are stored in a relational database along with the records of conventional wireline logs (gamma ray, resistivity, density, neutrons, sonic) of each analyzed well. This structure allows defining prototypes of combined log values for each lithology recognized, by calculating the mean and the variance-covariance values measured by each log tool for each of the lithologies described in the cores. The statistical algorithm is able to learn with each addition of described and logged core interval, in order to progressively refine the automatic lithological identification. The detection of lithological contacts is performed through the smoothing of each of the logs by the application of two moving means with different window sizes. The results of each pair of smoothed logs are compared, and the places where the lines cross define the locations where there are abrupt shifts in the values of each log, therefore potentially indicating a change of lithology. The results from applying this method to each log are then unified in a single assessment of lithological boundaries The mean and variance-covariance data derived from the core samples is then used to build an n-dimensional gaussian distribution for each of the lithologies recognized. At this point, Bayesian priors are also calculated for each lithology. These distributions are checked against each of the previously detected lithological intervals by means of a probability density function, evaluating how close the interval is to each lithology prototype and allowing the assignment of a lithological type to each interval. The developed method was tested in a set of wells in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin and the prediction accuracy achieved during testing is superior to classic pattern recognition methods such as neural networks and KNN classifiers. The method was then combined with neural networks and KNN classifiers into a multi-agent system. The results show significant potential for effective operational application to the construction of geological models for the exploration and development of areas with large volume of conventional wireline log data and representative cored intervals.
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