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Inversion of SkyTEM Data Based on Geophysical Logging Results for Groundwater Exploration in Örebro, SwedenKindlund, Andrée January 2021 (has links)
Declining groundwater tables threatens several municipalities in Sweden which drinking water is collected from. To ensure a sound drinking water supply, the Geological Survey of Sweden has initiated a groundwater exploration plan. Airborne electromagnetic measurements have seen an uprise in hydrogeophysical projects and have a great potential to achieve high-quality models, especially when combined with drilling data. In 2018, the Geological Survey of Sweden conducted an airborne electromagnetic survey, using the SkyTEM system, in the outskirts of Örebro, Sweden. SkyTEM is a time-domain system and is the most favoured system in hydrogeophysical investigations and was developed especially with hydrogeophysical applications in mind. It is unique by being able to measure interleaved low and high moment current pulses which enables for both high resolution close to surface and increased depth of investigation. During 2019, further drilling in the area including both lithological, and geophysical logging including natural gamma and normal resistivity were carried out. High natural gamma radiation typically indicates content of clay in the rocks. The geology in the area is well explored since the 1940’s when oil was extracted from alum shale in Kvarntorp, located in the survey area. Rocks of sedimentary origin reaches approximately 80 m down until contact with bedrock. Well preserved layers of limestone, shale, alum shale and sandstone are common throughout the area. Combining SkyTEM data with borehole data increases the confidence and generates a model better reflecting the geology in the area. The AarhusInv inversion code was used to perform the modelling, developed by the HydroGeophysical Group (HGG) at Aarhus University, Denmark. Four different models along one single line were generated by using 3, 4, 6 and 30 layers for the reference model in the inversion. Horizontal constraints were applied to all models. Vertical constraints were only applied to the 30 layer model. The survey flight altitude is considered high and in combination with removal of data points being affected by noise, the maximum number of layers in the final model is limited to three. This suggests that the 3 layer model is the most representative model for this survey. The conductive shale seen in the geophysical log is visible in all models at a depth of roughly 40-60 m which is consistent with the geophysical log. No information is retrieved below the shale which concludes that the contact between the sandstone and crystalline rock is not resolved. The lack of information below a highly conductive structure is expected due to shielding effects. This study recommend to carefully assess the flight altitude at quality-control analysis during survey design.
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Geophysical studies of the upper crust of the central Swedish Caledonides in relation to the COSC scientific drilling projectHedin, Peter January 2015 (has links)
The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) project aims to provide a deeper understanding of mountain belt dynamics through scientific deep drilling in the central parts of the mountain belt of western Sweden. The main targets include a subduction related allochthon, the basal orogenic detachment and the underlying partially subducted Precambrian basement. Research covered by this thesis, focusing primarily on reflection seismic data, was done within the framework of the COSC project. The 55 km long composite COSC Seismic Profile (CSP) images the upper crust in high resolution and established the basis for the selection of the optimum location for the two 2.5 km deep COSC boreholes. Together with potential field and magnetotelluric data, these profiles allowed the construction of a constrained regional interpretation of the major tectonic units. Non-conventional pseudo 3D processing techniques were applied to the 2D data prior to the drilling of the first borehole, COSC-1, to provide predictions about the 3D geometry of subsurface structures and potential zones of interest for the sampling programs. COSC-1 was drilled in 2014 and reached the targeted depth with nearly complete core recovery. A continuous geological section and a wealth of information from on-site and off-site scientific investigations were obtained. A major post-drilling seismic survey was conducted in and around the borehole and included a 3D reflection seismic experiment. The structurally and lithologically complex Lower Seve Nappe proved difficult to image in detail using standard processing techniques, but its basal mylonite zone and underlying structures are well resolved. The 3D data, from the surface down to the total drilled depth, show good correlation with the initial mapping of the COSC-1 core as well as with preliminary results from on-core and downhole logging. Good correlation is also observed between the 2D and 3D reflection seismic datasets. These will provide a strong link between the two boreholes and a means to extrapolate the results from the cores and boreholes into the surrounding rock. Ultimately, they will contribute to the deeper understanding of the tectonic evolution of the region, the Scandinavian Caledonides and the formation of major orogens. / Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides
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Geologia estrutural de detalhe para elaboração de modelo conceitual de circulação de água subterrânea: estudo de caso em Jurubatuba, SP / Detailed structural geology aiming at the elaboration of a conceptual model of ground water flow circulation: a case study in Jurubatuba, SP.Fiume, Bruna 21 March 2014 (has links)
Ao redor do canal de Jurubatuba, no município de São Paulo, a água subterrânea do Aquífero Cristalino apresentou elevadas concentrações de Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis (VOC), levando à proibição do seu uso nessa região. No Brasil, são raros os estudos sobre áreas intensamente contaminadas, principalmente, em meios heterogêneos como os aquíferos fraturados. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de elaborar um modelo conceitual da rede de fraturas, indicando os caminhos preferênciaisda água subterrânea.Uma detalhada investigação da geologia estrutural foi realizada, a partir dos seguintes métodos: 1) análise de lineamentos traçados em escala local e regional; 2) levantamento de fraturas, segundo scanlinese pontos, em afloramentos; 3) aplicação conjunta de diferentes perfilagens geofísicas (cáliper, radiação gama, temperatura, condutividade elétrica, imageamento óptico e acústico - OTV e ATV - e flowmeter) em quatro poços profundos;. Os resultados estruturais obtidos, levaram à caracterização dos principais grupos de fraturas, quanto às suas direções, mergulhos, comprimentos e espaçamentos. Foi verificado que os principais grupos de fraturas identificados nos poços, podem ser correlacionados com os grupos identificados nos afloramentos. Foram eles: (1) NW a NNW, subvertical;(2) E-W a ENE, subvertical; (3) NE, subvertical; (4) E-W a WNW, com mergulho entre 30° e 60°; (5) NNE e NE, com mergulho entre 10° e 40°. As fraturas NW, bastante frequentes nos afloramentos, foram subamostradas nos poços, onde, por sua vez, predominam as fraturas NNW. Outra diferença foi observada com relação ao grupo NNE e NE de baixo ângulo de mergulho, que enquanto nos poços as fraturas estão muitas vezes associado à foliação, nos afloramentos esta associação não ocorre. Os espaçamentos obtidos nos afloramentos para os grupos subverticais e de médio ângulo são mais representativos do que aqueles obtidos através das perfilagens. No entanto, o oposto ocorre para o grupo de baixo ângulo.Os grupos foram ordenados em ordem decrescente de espaçamento daseguinte forma: NNE a NE/ baixo ângulo, E-W a ENE/vertical, NW a NNW/vertical, E-W a WNW/médio e NE/vertical. Os grupos também foram classificados de acordo com a sua importância para o fluxo, sendo que: o grupo E-W a WNW e mergulho médio, apresentou menor importância; os três grupos subverticais (E-W a ENE, NE e NW a NNW) apresentaram importância intermediária, não sendo possível identificar a hierarquia entre eles; e o grupo de direção NNE a NE e baixo ou médio ângulo, com a maior importância. As de baixo ângulo são compatíveis com um dos camposde esforços atuais proposto pela literatura, tendo \'sigma\'1 de direção NE em regime compressivo, ou seja, com \'sigma\'3 vertical. / In the surroundings of the Jurubatuba channel, São Paulo, the ground water of the Crystalline Aquifer has elevated concentrations of VolatileOrganic Compounds (VOC), which led to its prohibition to usage. In Brazil, the studies about highly contaminated areas are scarce, and especially in heterogeneous environments like the fractured aquifers. Therefore, in this context, this work\'s main purpose is to elaborate a conceptual model of the fracture net in the Crystalline Aquifer, indicating the preferential ways of ground water flow and, consequently, of its contaminants. A detailed investigation of the structural geologyof the area was conducted, using the following methods: 1)analysis of lineaments in local and regional scale; 2) measurements of fractures in outcrops utilizing scanlinesand observation points; 3) integrated geophysical logging (calipers, gamma radiation, temperature, electrical conductivity, optical and acoustic imaging - OTV and ATV - and flowmeter) in four deep wells. The results obtained led to the characterization of strike, dip, length and spacing of all fractures and its subsequent division in groups. The main fracture groups identified in the wells can be correlated to the ones observed in the outcrops. The groups are: (1) NW to NNW, subvertical; (2) E-W to ENE, subvertical; (3) NE, subvertical; (4) E-W to WNW, with dips between 30º and 60º; (5) NNE and NE, with dips between 10ºand 40º. The fractures with direction NW, which are very common in outcrops, were subsampled in the wells - dominated by fractures NNW. Another difference observed was related to the low dip NNE and NE fractures; in the wells it is clear thatthey are associated with the rock foliation, but they don\'t occur in outcrops. The spacing obtained for the subvertical and medium angle groups in outcrops are more representative than the ones obtained through logging. However, the opposite is observed for the low angle group. The groups were then ordered following the spacing criteria. They are, in a decrescent order: NNE to NE/low angle, E-W to ENE/vertical, NW to NNW/vertical,E-W to WNW/medium angle and NE/vertical. The groups were also classified according to its importance of flow path, being: group E-W to WNW/medium dip was the least importance; the three subvertical groups had intermediate importance - not being possible to hierarchize between them; the most important group is NNE to NE and low to medium dip angle. This result is in agreement with one of the stress fields proposedin the literature, \'sigma\'1 with NE direction and in a compressive regimen, where the fractures that favor the flow are of low angle.
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A perfilagem geofísica gama-gama em depósitos de ferro do Quadrilátero Ferrífero : uma ferramenta para medições de densidade de rochasAlmeida, Tiago de January 2011 (has links)
Durante a fase de avaliação de jazidas de ferro, é importante determinar a densidade das formações geológicas em suas respectivas profundidades. Como uma alternativa prática para obter esta informação, testou-se a aplicação de perfilagem geofísica gamagama em furos de sondagem nos depósitos de Dois Irmãos e Maquiné, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais – Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar obtenção da densidade in situ do minério de ferro e encaixantes usando a técnica de perfilagem geofísica gama-gama. A utilidade desta técnica cresce quando a recuperação de testemunhos é deficiente ou inexistente, como ocorre em determinadas situações envolvendo minérios de ferro friáveis O equipamento de medida é constituído de uma fonte emissora de radiação gama e sensores de radiação, que são introduzidos em furos de sondagem. A radiação detectada pelos sensores permite estimar a densidade das rochas próximas ao sistema de medida. Comparações feitas entre densidades determinadas por análises de laboratório e densidades estimadas por perfilagem geofísica mostraram diferenças inferiores a 15%, em situações nas quais o diâmetro dos furos de sondagem manteve-se constante. / During the evaluation of iron deposits, it is important to determine the bulk density of geological formations at various depths. To put this issue in a practical way, we present the results of the application of wireline logging in Dois Irmãos and Maquiné deposits, Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais-Brazil. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of recording the in-situ densities of subsurface iron ore bodies and waste rock. The usefulness of this technique grows as the borehole core recovery is deficient or inexistent, as happens in certain situations involving friable iron ore. The measurement system is constituted of a gamma-ray source and three detectors mounted in a sonde which is lowered into a borehole and the gamma-rays are counted. In the following, this gamma-ray counting rate is transformed into density, supposing the calibration curve is a true exponential function and the densities come from core data. By comparing densities determined in laboratory and through the logs we have found differences below 15% supposing the borehole diameters are nearly constant.
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A perfilagem geofísica gama-gama em depósitos de ferro do Quadrilátero Ferrífero : uma ferramenta para medições de densidade de rochasAlmeida, Tiago de January 2011 (has links)
Durante a fase de avaliação de jazidas de ferro, é importante determinar a densidade das formações geológicas em suas respectivas profundidades. Como uma alternativa prática para obter esta informação, testou-se a aplicação de perfilagem geofísica gamagama em furos de sondagem nos depósitos de Dois Irmãos e Maquiné, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais – Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar obtenção da densidade in situ do minério de ferro e encaixantes usando a técnica de perfilagem geofísica gama-gama. A utilidade desta técnica cresce quando a recuperação de testemunhos é deficiente ou inexistente, como ocorre em determinadas situações envolvendo minérios de ferro friáveis O equipamento de medida é constituído de uma fonte emissora de radiação gama e sensores de radiação, que são introduzidos em furos de sondagem. A radiação detectada pelos sensores permite estimar a densidade das rochas próximas ao sistema de medida. Comparações feitas entre densidades determinadas por análises de laboratório e densidades estimadas por perfilagem geofísica mostraram diferenças inferiores a 15%, em situações nas quais o diâmetro dos furos de sondagem manteve-se constante. / During the evaluation of iron deposits, it is important to determine the bulk density of geological formations at various depths. To put this issue in a practical way, we present the results of the application of wireline logging in Dois Irmãos and Maquiné deposits, Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais-Brazil. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of recording the in-situ densities of subsurface iron ore bodies and waste rock. The usefulness of this technique grows as the borehole core recovery is deficient or inexistent, as happens in certain situations involving friable iron ore. The measurement system is constituted of a gamma-ray source and three detectors mounted in a sonde which is lowered into a borehole and the gamma-rays are counted. In the following, this gamma-ray counting rate is transformed into density, supposing the calibration curve is a true exponential function and the densities come from core data. By comparing densities determined in laboratory and through the logs we have found differences below 15% supposing the borehole diameters are nearly constant.
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A perfilagem geofísica gama-gama em depósitos de ferro do Quadrilátero Ferrífero : uma ferramenta para medições de densidade de rochasAlmeida, Tiago de January 2011 (has links)
Durante a fase de avaliação de jazidas de ferro, é importante determinar a densidade das formações geológicas em suas respectivas profundidades. Como uma alternativa prática para obter esta informação, testou-se a aplicação de perfilagem geofísica gamagama em furos de sondagem nos depósitos de Dois Irmãos e Maquiné, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais – Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar obtenção da densidade in situ do minério de ferro e encaixantes usando a técnica de perfilagem geofísica gama-gama. A utilidade desta técnica cresce quando a recuperação de testemunhos é deficiente ou inexistente, como ocorre em determinadas situações envolvendo minérios de ferro friáveis O equipamento de medida é constituído de uma fonte emissora de radiação gama e sensores de radiação, que são introduzidos em furos de sondagem. A radiação detectada pelos sensores permite estimar a densidade das rochas próximas ao sistema de medida. Comparações feitas entre densidades determinadas por análises de laboratório e densidades estimadas por perfilagem geofísica mostraram diferenças inferiores a 15%, em situações nas quais o diâmetro dos furos de sondagem manteve-se constante. / During the evaluation of iron deposits, it is important to determine the bulk density of geological formations at various depths. To put this issue in a practical way, we present the results of the application of wireline logging in Dois Irmãos and Maquiné deposits, Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais-Brazil. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of recording the in-situ densities of subsurface iron ore bodies and waste rock. The usefulness of this technique grows as the borehole core recovery is deficient or inexistent, as happens in certain situations involving friable iron ore. The measurement system is constituted of a gamma-ray source and three detectors mounted in a sonde which is lowered into a borehole and the gamma-rays are counted. In the following, this gamma-ray counting rate is transformed into density, supposing the calibration curve is a true exponential function and the densities come from core data. By comparing densities determined in laboratory and through the logs we have found differences below 15% supposing the borehole diameters are nearly constant.
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Geologia estrutural de detalhe para elaboração de modelo conceitual de circulação de água subterrânea: estudo de caso em Jurubatuba, SP / Detailed structural geology aiming at the elaboration of a conceptual model of ground water flow circulation: a case study in Jurubatuba, SP.Bruna Fiume 21 March 2014 (has links)
Ao redor do canal de Jurubatuba, no município de São Paulo, a água subterrânea do Aquífero Cristalino apresentou elevadas concentrações de Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis (VOC), levando à proibição do seu uso nessa região. No Brasil, são raros os estudos sobre áreas intensamente contaminadas, principalmente, em meios heterogêneos como os aquíferos fraturados. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de elaborar um modelo conceitual da rede de fraturas, indicando os caminhos preferênciaisda água subterrânea.Uma detalhada investigação da geologia estrutural foi realizada, a partir dos seguintes métodos: 1) análise de lineamentos traçados em escala local e regional; 2) levantamento de fraturas, segundo scanlinese pontos, em afloramentos; 3) aplicação conjunta de diferentes perfilagens geofísicas (cáliper, radiação gama, temperatura, condutividade elétrica, imageamento óptico e acústico - OTV e ATV - e flowmeter) em quatro poços profundos;. Os resultados estruturais obtidos, levaram à caracterização dos principais grupos de fraturas, quanto às suas direções, mergulhos, comprimentos e espaçamentos. Foi verificado que os principais grupos de fraturas identificados nos poços, podem ser correlacionados com os grupos identificados nos afloramentos. Foram eles: (1) NW a NNW, subvertical;(2) E-W a ENE, subvertical; (3) NE, subvertical; (4) E-W a WNW, com mergulho entre 30° e 60°; (5) NNE e NE, com mergulho entre 10° e 40°. As fraturas NW, bastante frequentes nos afloramentos, foram subamostradas nos poços, onde, por sua vez, predominam as fraturas NNW. Outra diferença foi observada com relação ao grupo NNE e NE de baixo ângulo de mergulho, que enquanto nos poços as fraturas estão muitas vezes associado à foliação, nos afloramentos esta associação não ocorre. Os espaçamentos obtidos nos afloramentos para os grupos subverticais e de médio ângulo são mais representativos do que aqueles obtidos através das perfilagens. No entanto, o oposto ocorre para o grupo de baixo ângulo.Os grupos foram ordenados em ordem decrescente de espaçamento daseguinte forma: NNE a NE/ baixo ângulo, E-W a ENE/vertical, NW a NNW/vertical, E-W a WNW/médio e NE/vertical. Os grupos também foram classificados de acordo com a sua importância para o fluxo, sendo que: o grupo E-W a WNW e mergulho médio, apresentou menor importância; os três grupos subverticais (E-W a ENE, NE e NW a NNW) apresentaram importância intermediária, não sendo possível identificar a hierarquia entre eles; e o grupo de direção NNE a NE e baixo ou médio ângulo, com a maior importância. As de baixo ângulo são compatíveis com um dos camposde esforços atuais proposto pela literatura, tendo \'sigma\'1 de direção NE em regime compressivo, ou seja, com \'sigma\'3 vertical. / In the surroundings of the Jurubatuba channel, São Paulo, the ground water of the Crystalline Aquifer has elevated concentrations of VolatileOrganic Compounds (VOC), which led to its prohibition to usage. In Brazil, the studies about highly contaminated areas are scarce, and especially in heterogeneous environments like the fractured aquifers. Therefore, in this context, this work\'s main purpose is to elaborate a conceptual model of the fracture net in the Crystalline Aquifer, indicating the preferential ways of ground water flow and, consequently, of its contaminants. A detailed investigation of the structural geologyof the area was conducted, using the following methods: 1)analysis of lineaments in local and regional scale; 2) measurements of fractures in outcrops utilizing scanlinesand observation points; 3) integrated geophysical logging (calipers, gamma radiation, temperature, electrical conductivity, optical and acoustic imaging - OTV and ATV - and flowmeter) in four deep wells. The results obtained led to the characterization of strike, dip, length and spacing of all fractures and its subsequent division in groups. The main fracture groups identified in the wells can be correlated to the ones observed in the outcrops. The groups are: (1) NW to NNW, subvertical; (2) E-W to ENE, subvertical; (3) NE, subvertical; (4) E-W to WNW, with dips between 30º and 60º; (5) NNE and NE, with dips between 10ºand 40º. The fractures with direction NW, which are very common in outcrops, were subsampled in the wells - dominated by fractures NNW. Another difference observed was related to the low dip NNE and NE fractures; in the wells it is clear thatthey are associated with the rock foliation, but they don\'t occur in outcrops. The spacing obtained for the subvertical and medium angle groups in outcrops are more representative than the ones obtained through logging. However, the opposite is observed for the low angle group. The groups were then ordered following the spacing criteria. They are, in a decrescent order: NNE to NE/low angle, E-W to ENE/vertical, NW to NNW/vertical,E-W to WNW/medium angle and NE/vertical. The groups were also classified according to its importance of flow path, being: group E-W to WNW/medium dip was the least importance; the three subvertical groups had intermediate importance - not being possible to hierarchize between them; the most important group is NNE to NE and low to medium dip angle. This result is in agreement with one of the stress fields proposedin the literature, \'sigma\'1 with NE direction and in a compressive regimen, where the fractures that favor the flow are of low angle.
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The practical application of Vectar Processed densities in proving the lateral continuity of coal Zones and Samples in the Ellisras Basin, South Africa in support of effective Mineral Resource adjudicationSullivan, John January 2014 (has links)
The Ellisras Basin, with huge coal resources, is fault-bounded along its southern and northern margins and is a graben-type deposit. The study area is situated in the south-western part of the Limpopo Province of the Republic of South Africa and is geologically located in the Ellisras Basin. In this area the basin is influenced by three major fault zones, the Eenzaamheid Fault delineating its southern limit, the Zoetfontein Fault near its northern limit and the Daarby Fault, with a down-throw of approximately 350 m towards the north-east. Sedimentological facies changes also influence the continuity of the coal zones, with deterioration in coal development.
The exploration project was a collaboration between two of the large role players in the South African coal mining industry Sasol and Exxaro, for the purpose of identifying whether the coal in the Ellisras Basin could be used for gasification purposes in the Sasol process, and that enough resources exist on the farms on which the two companies have the exploration rights.. The prospecting method used at the Project area, situated 50 kilometer west of the town of Lephalale in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, comprises the drilling of cored exploration boreholes on a random spacing of ± 1 000 m x 1 000 m, together with infill percussion drilling.
The use of slimline geophysical methods to log lithologies is a technique which has been used extensively in the mining industry over a number of years. At the Project area the correlation between the measured densities derived from the traditional method of air and water measurement and those derived from Vectar processed derived densities from geophysical logging is better than 95%. As a method of “fingerprinting” the various coal zones and samples it was decided to calculate the distribution of relative densities in the chosen geological intersection. The data was then used to portray geophysically derived relative density cumulative distribution line diagrams (GDCDD) of the various lithotypes on either a sample-by-sample or zone-by-zone basis.
Using the classification method proposed, the various coal seams and zones can be correlated to a high degree and discrepancies easily identified. The lateral correlation between lithologies can be accurately described and substantiated, and this would convince a Competent Person that the method proposed is invaluable in classifying coal resources in the coal basins. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Geology / PhD / Unrestricted
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