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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Glucocorticoid Receptor beta Increases the Migration of Human Urothelial Carcinoma Cells

McBeth, Lucien Reiter January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The role and symbolism of the dragon in vernacular saints' legends, 1200-1500

Brown, Patricia January 1998 (has links)
This thesis looks at the role and function of the dragon in the saint's encounter with the monster in hagiographic texts, written primarily in the vernacular, between 1200 and 1500. Those connotations accrued by the dragon which are relevant to this thesis are traced from their earliest beginnings. Although by the middle ages the multi-valency of the dragon is reduced to one primary symbolic valency, that of evil and significantly, the evil of paganism, the dragon never loses completely its ancient associations and they help to colour its function within the narrative. The symbolic use of the dragon in vernacular saints' lives is generally consistent, although allowing for different didactic emphases. However, the two legends on which this thesis concentrates are those of St George from Caxton's Golden Legend and St Margaret from the Katherine Group. Each reveals tensions within the text when the dragon's role departs from the familiar hagiographic topos. Firstly, the role of the hagiographic dragon is identified by a comparison with that of the dragon in romance. Allowing for cross-fertilization, this thesis focuses on the significance of the hero's dragon-fight and the saint's dragon encounter to differentiate between the ethos of the romance and hagiographic genres respectively. Tensions are created in the hagiographic text when the romance topos of the dragon-fight is used in conjunction with the hagiographic dragon encounter, as in the legend of St George. Finally, in the legend of St Margaret, the dragon's appearance unbalances and unsettles the perspective of the narrative when its role and function are deployed in the promulgation of virginity.

Soldagem de tubo de aço ASTM A106 Gr.B pelo processo a arco elétrico com arame tubular com atmosfera protegida (FCAW-G )

César Lira da Silva, Mário 31 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T17:36:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo2097_1.pdf: 4723187 bytes, checksum: bcc3c1be474970fe1a53f1da46de7552 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Nas indústrias de processo, os diversos equipamentos formam uma cadeia contínua, através da qual circulam os fluidos, o meio de ligação entre os mesmo se dá atarvés de tubulações que são consideradas como equipamentos de processo. A falta ou paralisação de um único equipamento, sem que tenha sido programa, pode gerar perdas financeiras em grande escala. Neste ambiente, as tubulações são responsáveis pela condução dos fluidos, as quais operam em muitos casos em severas condições de serviço. Na ocasião da montagem, as tubulações passam por processos de soldagem nos seus diversos métodos de ligação, durante o processo de soldagem são geradas zonas de aquecimento localizadas nas juntas onde o material do tubo fica sujeito a variações na sua microestrutura, o que gera mudanças nas suas propriedades. O processo de soldagem mais utilizado na soldagem de tubulações nas montagens industriais é o da soldagem a arco elétrico com eletrodo revestido. Este trabalho apresenta o resultado do estudo das propriedades mecânicas e estruturais de juntas de tubos soldadas com arame tubular. Para tanto, utilizou-se tubos confeccionados em aço ASTM A106 Gr B, recomendado para o transporte de fluidos em alta temperatura, soldado com o processo de soldagem por arco elétrico com Arame Tubular Protegido. As soldas de raiz foram feitas com dois diferentes processos: TIG e Arame Tubular, quando se utilizou arame tubular na raiz, este foi feito com o mesmo material de enchimento e acabamento. As soldas de enchimento e acabamento foram feitas com dois tipos de arame tubular, um rutílico e outro metal cored . Foram realizados ensaios de microdureza e de tração, e análise microestrutural e macroestrutural das juntas soldadas para verificação das suas possíveis variações. Os resultados evidenciaram variações nas propriedades das juntas soldadas quando se realiza a solda nas diferentes amperagens adotadas neste trabalho, porém mostrou-se possível a utilização do processo estudado em pequenas juntas de peças que possam vir a serem fabricadas em canteiros de obra

Die samestelling en evaluering van 'n emosionele en sosiale bevoegdheidsprogram vir gr. 0-leerders / E. Deacon

Deacon, Elmari January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Die samestelling en evaluering van 'n emosionele en sosiale bevoegdheidsprogram vir gr. 0-leerders / E. Deacon

Deacon, Elmari January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Die samestelling en evaluering van 'n emosionele en sosiale bevoegdheidsprogram vir gr. 0-leerders / E. Deacon

Deacon, Elmari January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

A stable cubically convergent GR algorithm and Krylov subspace methods for non-hermitian matrix eigenvalue problems

Ziegler, Markus. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2001--Tübingen.

Cultar agus an comann-sòisealta ann an Ìle, mu 1890 gu 1960

MacAilpein, Tòmas January 2017 (has links)
Tha an tràchdas seo na eachdraidh chultarach air Ìle, eilean ann an ceann an iar-dheas na Gàidhealtachd, le cuideam air 1890 gu 1960. Tha e ag amas air cultar Gàidhlig nan Ìleach a chur na cho-theacs sòisealta, le bhith a’ beachdachadh air an t-suidheachadh anns an nochdadh cuid de na gnèithean cultarach a bu chudromaiche, agus air na daoine a bha an sàs ann a bhith gan cumail suas. Tha e airson an dàimh eadar cultar agus an comann-sòisealta nas fharsainge a sgrùdadh, le a bhith a’ smaoineachadh air cultar mar dhòigh air coimhead air an t-saoghal, agus mar phàirt bhunaiteach den t-saoghal sin. Tha obair a’ Mharxaich Eadailtich, Antonio Gramsci, a’ toirt buaidh mhòr air an rannsachadh, agus ’s ann air ceistean a thaobh cumhachd, clas agus gnè a thathas gu tric a’ cnuasachadh. ’S e prìomh amas na h-obrach atharrachadh taobh a-staigh a’ chultair a thuigsinn anns an àm-sgrùdaidh shònraichte seo, nuair a b’ urrainnear fhathast bruidhinn air ‘coimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig’ ach far an robh a’ Bheurla a’ sìor fhaighinn làmh an uachdair. ’S ann air trì prìomh chuspairean a tha an rannsachadh: beul-aithris, bàrdachd agus creideamh. Tha caibideil air cruinneachadh beul-aithris Eachainn MhicGillEathain agus Iain Òg Ìle (1859-1862) rud beag ron phrìomh àm-sgrùdaidh, agus tha seo a’ coimhead air obair a’ chruinneachaidh fhèin, àite nan seann sgeulachdan ann an Ìle, agus air na sgeulaichean Ìleach. Thathas an uair sin a’ gluasad gu cruinneachadh beul-aithris Elizabeth Kerr a bha stèidhichte ann am Port Sioba, san Roinn Ìlich, eadar mu 1893 agus 1910, agus a’ sireadh fiosrachadh air cuimse eadar-dhealaichte a’ chruinneachaidh seo agus na tha toraidhean na beul-aithris ag innse mun chomann-shòisealta. Anns a’ chaibideil air bàrdachd san 20mh linn, thathas a’ faighinn a-mach mun cheathrar bhàrd mu dheireadh a bha foillsichte, air na bha aca ann an cumantas agus àite romansachais agus impirileis nan cuid obrach. Às dèidh seo, tha caibideil air òrain anns na clàraidhean-fuaim Ìleach a rinn Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba eadar 1953 agus 1969. Thathas a’ beachdachadh air na fiosraichean, air na seòrsaichean òran a bha rim faotainn – agus nach robh – agus làthaireachd òrain nam bàrd Ìleach foillisichte. Bithear cuideachd a’ toirt cunntas air buaidh mhòr a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich anns an eilean. Mu dheireadh, anns a’ chaibideil air creideamh tha ceist oirnn mu dè cho eadar-dhealaichte ’s a bha suidheachadh a’ chreideimh ann an Ìle an taca ri ceàrnaidhean Gàidhealach eile, thathas a’ cleachdadh staitistig airson obrachadh a-mach dè cho cudromach ’s a bha gach buidheann-eaglais, a bharrachd air fianais beul-eachdraidh airson smaoineachadh air àite a’ chreideimh ann am beatha dhaoine.

An exploration of the cultural context and consequences of perceptions of illness and health-seeking behaviour of the Baloch

Dashti, Naseer January 2007 (has links)
Human beliefs about health and illness structure the explanations for health and illness in a society and these explanations rationalise preventive or therapeutic strategies. The purpose of this research was to discover, identify and understand the perceptions of health, illness and health seeking behaviour of the Baloch people in a cultural perspective. More specifically, it was to document their perception regarding the origin and cause of illness and disease as revealed in their system of disease-classification and their etiological categories. It was also to describe the context in which Baloch access the traditional health care system as well as conventional health care. Participant observations and in-depth interviews were the tools for data collection in this ethnographic study. Four districts of Pakistani Balochistan were selected for fieldwork. Traditional or folk healers of different categories, medical professionals, sufferers, family heads, community elders, tribal chiefs and medical doctors were interviewed in depth during fieldwork and many socio-cultural phenomena and ritual healing practices were participated in and observed. It was observed that Baloch beliefs regarding health and illness revolve either on the concept of natural causes that are mainly due to humoral imbalance or supernatural causes: spirit possession, sorcery or evil eye. In contemporary Balochistan, despite the availability of the basic health care system in the majority of Baloch settlements, for all practical purposes, Baloch use their traditional medical practices alongside biomedicine. These medical practices mainly consist of herbal remedies and spiritual healing practices. Folk medical beliefs are inseparable from other elements of Baloch cultural life and in this context health planners and medical practitioners in Balochistan, mutually can do much to balance and integrate biomedicine and folk and traditional medicine. Working together, they can optimise the benefits for their client populations.

Caracterização acústica e morfológica de populações e espécies de Boana do grupo de B. polytaenia (Hylidae, Anura) : implicações taxonômicas e distribucionais / Morphological and acoustic characterization of populations and species assigned to Boana from B. polytaenia group (Hylidae, Anura) : taxonomic implications and distribution

Martins, Rafael Lima 07 December 2018 (has links)
Em anuros o canto de anúncio é um mecanismo primário de isolamento reprodutivo e possui relevância para taxonomia do grupo. O grupo de espécies Boana pulchella possui cerca de 40 espécies e tem seu monofiletismo indicado por evidencia molecular, abriga um subgrupo informal composto pelas formas de perto relacionadas à B. polytaenia, com 12 espécies. Destas, quase todas têm seus cantos de anúncio descritos, porem problemas nesses registros incluem baixo tamanho amostral, falta de variáveis relevantes e limitação e obsolescência das tecnologias de registro e analises. Tendo em vista a importância da vocalização para a taxonomia em anuros, e desta para diversas áreas da biologia em geral, é relevante e necessário uma avaliação/reavaliação acústica da identificação de várias populações e espécies do grupo de B. polytaenia para uma compreensão da sua riqueza e padrões de distribuição. Analisamos e comparamos dados acústicos de populações de B. cipoensis, provenientes de sua localidade tipo (Cipó) e da Serra da Canastra e de B. bandeirantes originárias de três populações. Também avaliamos os espécimes e cantos de populações de Atibaia (SP) e Passos (MG), com potencial de descrição de espécies novas. Os cantos de anúncio foram registrados com gravadores digitais e microfones direcionais; foram analisadas variáveis como duração do canto, pulsos por nota, duração dos pulsos, notas por canto, duração das notas, faixa de frequência dominante (mínima e máxima) e pico de frequência. Para determinações especificas, espécimes foram comparados com topotipos e com a descrição original, a partir de análises morfométricas. Testes estatísticos padrões foram utilizados para avaliar a eventual significância das diferenças nas variáveis acústicas e morfométricas analisadas. Resultados apontam para uma população isolada que possivelmente representa uma espécie nova na Serra da Mantiqueira, bem como caracteriza diversas populações de B. bandeirantes e B. polytaenia; também estende a 9 distribuição de B. beckeri para o Município de Passos (MG) e B. stenocephala para região da Serra da Canastra (MG); e descreve pela primeira vez o repertório acústico de B. cipoensis da Serra do Cipó, localidade tipo / In anurans the advertisement call is a primary mechanism of reproductivity isolation and has relevance for the groups taxonomy. The species group Boana pulchella has around 40 species and have their monophyletism indicate by molecular evidence, covers an informal subgroup composed by species close related to B. polytaenia, with 12 species. From which, almost all have advertisement calls described, although problems in these registers includes small sample size, lack of relevant variables and limitation and obsolesce of the technologies of register and analyses. In view of the importance of vocalization to anuran taxonomy, and that for a variety of areas of biology in general, it is relevant and necessary an evaluation/revaluation acoustic of the identity of many populations and species from the group B. polytaenia to a understanding of its richness and distribution patterns. We analyse and compare acoustic data from populations of B. cipoensis from its type locality (Cipó) and from Canastra Mountain Range and B. bandeirantes from three populations. We also evaluated populations from Atibaia (SP) and Passos (MG), with the potential to describe new species. The advertisement calls were registered with digital recorders and directional mics; variables were analysed such as call duration, pulses per note, pulse duration, notes per call, note duration, dominant frequency range (minimum and maximum) and peak frequency. To specific determinations species were compared with topotypes and with the original descriptions, through morphometric analyses. Standard statistical tests were used to evaluate the eventual significance of the difference on the acoustic and morphometric variables analysed. Results show an isolated population which possibly represents a new species on Mantiqueira Mountain Range, as well as characterizing many populations of B. bandeirantes and B. polytaenia; also extends the distribution of B. beckeri to the municipality of Passos (MG) and B. stenocephala to 11 Canastra Mountain Range region (MG); and describe for the first time the acoustic repertoire of B. cipoensis from Cipó Mountain Range, its type locality

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