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A Física dos movimentos analisada a partir de vídeos do cotidiano do aluno : uma proposta para a oitava sérieCalloni, Gilberto José January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe introduzir conteúdos de Física, de modo a torná-los atrativos para alunos de 8ª série, através do estudo de situações divertidas, como os movimentos presentes em atividades esportivas e de lazer do seu cotidiano. Os movimentos foram filmados pelos alunos utilizando uma câmera fotográfica digital e, após, foi usado um programa de análise de imagens (Tracker). A escolha dos temas a serem filmados e analisados partiu de sugestões dos próprios alunos em sala de aula, orientados pela professora de Ciências e pelo autor dessa proposta de trabalho. As filmagens foram realizadas pelos alunos no pátio e no salão esportivo da escola; a análise dos movimentos filmados e sua descrição foram realizadas no laboratório de informática. A proposta foi aplicada no Colégio São José, de Caxias do Sul, RS, com cinco turmas de oitava série na disciplina de Ciências, durante os meses de setembro a novembro de 2008, inserindo as atividades paralelamente à apresentação dos conteúdos. Todo material desenvolvido e utilizado nesta proposta foi disponibilizado, gradualmente, no decorrer de sua aplicação na página Web do Colégio. O planejamento e a execução desta proposta foram embasados na teoria interacionista de Lev Vygotsky. Essa escolha se deu, principalmente, pelos objetivos pretendidos neste trabalho que previam que os alunos trabalhassem em grupo com a mediação dos professores, proporcionando e estimulando o gosto por aprender. A avaliação da proposta foi feita pelos alunos no final de sua aplicação através de um questionário de opinião. Segundo as respostas dos alunos, na medida em que atividades e tecnologias do seu cotidiano são utilizadas nas aulas de Física, faz com que essas se tornem mais motivadoras e interessantes. O material instrucional produzido, acompanhado de um guia de informações e orientações será publicado na série “Hipermídias de Apoio ao Professor de Física”, onde serão descritos os objetivos, a justificativa e a metodologia utilizados, com o intuito de que possam ser aplicados por outros professores associados à disciplina de Ciências da 8ª série. / This work proposes an alternative introduction of 8th grade Physics school contents through the study of Kinematics concepts present, e.g., in the students' daily sporting and leisure activities, in order to make these concepts more attractive and motivating to them. The situations have been registered in the schoolyard and gymnasium by the students themselves using a digital camera. The videoclips were then analyzed using an image analysis software (Tracker) in the school's computer laboratory. The subjects on the videoclips were selected among students' suggestions and assisted by the Science class teacher together with the author. The proposal has been carried out in Colégio São José, of Caxias do Sul, RS, with five different groups of 8th graders during Science classes, from September to November of 2008, these activities being alternated with regular classes. All material developed and used in the proposal was made available, during its application, on the School's Webpage. The planning and execution of this proposal are oriented along the social interaction theory of Lev Vygotsky. This choice is mainly motivated by the goal of promoting collaborative students work, intermediated by the teachers, providing and stimulating the taste for learning. The students evaluated the work by its conclusion through an opinion questionnaire. According to the students' answers to the questionnaire, when their daily activities were introduced in the Physics classes making use of available technology through electronic and computer devices, the Physics learning was rendered more interesting and motivating. The instructional material produced during the project application together with an information guide orienting other 8th grade Science teachers on its application will be published in the series “Hipermídias de Apoio ao Professor de Física”, where aims and methodology will also be described.
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Visualisierung und Analyse multivariater Daten in der gartenbaulichen Beratung -Methodik, Einsatz und Vergleich datenanalytischer VerfahrenKrusche, Stefan 16 December 1999 (has links)
Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Suche der gartenbaulichen Beratung nach Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten umfangreicher gartenbaulicher Datensätze, die einerseits zu einer graphischen Zusammenfassung der in den Daten enthaltenen Informationen dienen und die andererseits auf interaktivem Weg Möglichkeiten der graphischen Analyse von Erhebungsdaten liefern. Die weitgehende Freiheit von Modellannahmen, der überwiegend deskriptive Charakter der Untersuchungen, das interaktive, schrittweise Vorgehen in der Auswertung, und die Betonung graphischer Elemente kennzeichnet die Arbeit als Beitrag zur explorativen Datenanalyse. Das ausgewählte Methodenspektrum, das ausführlich besprochen wird, schließt Verfahren der Dimensionserniedrigung (Hauptkomponentenanalyse, Korrespondenzanalyse und mehrdimensionale Skalierung) und darauf aufbauende Biplots, die Analyse gruppierter Daten (Prokrustes-Rotation und Gruppenanalysemodelle in der Hauptkomponentenanalyse), Linienverbände (Liniendiagramme der formalen Begriffsanalyse, Baumdiagramme und graphische Modelle), sowie ergänzende graphische Verfahren, wie zum Beispiel Trellis-Displays, ein. Beispielhaft werden eine betriebsbegleitende Untersuchung mit Cyclamen aus der Beratungspraxis der Landwirtschaftskammer Westfalen-Lippe und die Kennzahlen der Jahre 1992 bis 1994 der Topfpflanzenbetriebe des Arbeitskreises für Betriebswirtschaft im Gartenbau aus Hannover analysiert. Neben einer Vielzahl informativer Einzelergebnisse, zeigt die Arbeit auch auf, daß die qualitativ relativ schlechten Datengrundlagen nur selten eindeutige Schlußfolgerungen zulassen. Sie sensibilisiert also in diesem Bereich für die Problematik, die der explorativen Analyse wenig perfekter Daten innewohnt. Als besonders sinnvolle Hilfsmittel in der graphischen Analyse erweisen sich Biplots, hierarchische Liniendiagramme und Trellis-Displays. Die Segmentierung einer Vielzahl von Objekten in einzelne Gruppen wird durch Klassifikations- und Regressionsbäume vor allem unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Visualisierung gut gelöst, da den entstehenden Baumstrukturen auch die die Segmente bestimmenden Variablen visuell entnommen werden können. Diskrete graphische Modelle bieten schließlich einen guten Ansatzpunkt zur Analyse von multivariaten Beziehungszusammenhängen. Einzelne, nicht in der statistischen Standardsoftware vorhandene Prozeduren sind in eigens erstellten Programmcodes zusammengefaßt und können mit dem Programm Genstat genutzt werden. / In order to interpret large data sets in the context of consultancy and extension in horticulture, this thesis attempts to find ways to visually explore horticultural multivariate data, in order to obtain a concise description and summary of the information available in the data and moreover develop possibilities to interactively analyse survey data. The thesis is part of an exploratory data analysis which analyses data without making specific model assumptions, is predominantly descriptive, analyses data step by step in a highly interactive setting, and makes full use of all kinds of graphical displays. The methods used comprise various dimensionality reduction techniques (principal components analysis, correspondence analysis, multidimensional scaling), biplots, the multivariate analysis of grouped data (procrustes rotation and groupwise principal components), graphical models, CART, and line diagrams of formal concept analysis. In addition, further graphical methods are used, like e.g. trellis displays. Data from an on-site investigation of the production process of Cyclamen in 20 nurseries and from the microeconomics indicators of 297 growers in Germany (so called Kennzahlen) from the years 1992 to 1994 are used to demonstrate the analytical capabilities of the methods used. The data present a perfect example of unperfect data, and therefore represent the majority of the data sets that horticultural consultancy has to work with. Thus, it becomes clear, that despite the variety of results, which helps to enhance the understanding of the data at hand, not only the complexity of the processes observed, but also the low data quality make it fairly difficult to arrive at clear cut conclusions. The most helpful tools in the graphical data analysis are biplots, hierarchical line diagrams and trellis displays. Finding an empirical grouping of objects is best solved by classification and regression trees, which provide both, the data segmentation, and an intuitively appealing visualisation and explanation of the derived groups. In order to understand multivariate relationships better, discrete graphical models are well suited. The procedures to carry out a number of the methods which cannot be found in general statistics packages are provided in the form of Genstat codes.
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