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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Field and laboratory trials in Mali to determine the effects of neem extracts on three millet pests, Heliocheilus albipunctella De Joannis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Coniesta ignefusalis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Kraussaria angulifera Krauss (Orthoptera: Acrididae)

Passerini, Julien January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

Locust and grasshopper outbreaks in Zululand sugarcane, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Bam, Adrian Jock 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the research presented in this dissertation was to investigate localised acridid outbreaks causing damage to sugarcane in Empangeni, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Reports of outbreaks with increasing severity have occurred for the last six or seven years, which prompted this research. In general, little is known about acridid outbreaks in sugarcane due to their sporadic nature, therefore this project set out to identify morphologically and molecularly, all species associated with Empangeni sugarcane and to determine the ecology and population dynamics of the most important species, to provide baseline data for the development of an integrated pest management (IPM) plan against these crop pests. A year-long population survey was conducted on a number of affected farms and adjacent grassland sites to determine the life cycles, population density and composition of this acridid complex on these farms. Surveys showed that this complex comprised five species: Nomadacris septemfasciata, Petamella prosternalis, Ornithacris cyanea, Cyrtacanthacris aeruginosa and Cataloipus zuluensis. Observed damage was recorded throughout the year in order to correlate with species densities. It was found that damage was closely associated with two species, namely Petamella prosternalis and Nomadacris septemfasciata, therefore these two species are of particular concern due to their higher densities and large body size resulting in them being the biggest threat to Empangeni sugarcane. All five species are univoltine but two different life cycle strategies were discovered, 3 species exhibit a winter egg diapause while 2 species exhibit a winter adult reproductive diapause, an important finding considering the knowledge intensive method of control which has been proposed. Population surveys revealed a large difference in species composition among farms (sugarcane sites) and among grassland sites. Nomadacris septemfasciata and Petamella prosternalis showed a significant preference for sugarcane while species such as Cyrtacanthacris aeruginosa, Zonocerus elegans and Orthocta sp. seemed to prefer grassland sites. Feeding potential trials were completed on the two most economically important species, Nomadacris septemfasciata and Petamella prosternalis. The results showed that Petamella prosternalis has a significantly higher feeding potential (% leaf damage) compared to Nomadacris septemfasciata even though in terms of dry weight and length, it is a smaller specimen. Feeding data were used to determine the voracity of these two species under laboratory conditions. Petamella prosternalis eats roughly 1.83 grams of fresh sugarcane per day while Nomadacris septemfasciata eats approximately 1.16 grams per day. These results were then compared to observed field damage data in order to gauge their accuracy and applicability within a field setting, which showed that although sugarcane field damage is significantly correlated with the population fluctuations of both these species, it is more closely associated with Petamella prosternalis resulting in a correlation coefficient of 0.429143 while Nomadacris septemfasciata had a correlation coefficient of 0.250. Phase polyphenism in the red locust Nomadacris septemfasciata was investigated using three methods including traditional morphometrics (Elytra/Femur (E/F) ratio), hopper colouration and eye stripe data. The E/F ratio indicated that the majority of the Empangeni population sampled is in the transiens and gregarious phase with a mean E/F ratio of 2.0063 and that they seem to be becoming more gregarious over time, with populations in 2012 having a mean E/F ratio of 1.9973 and in 2013 a mean E/F ratio of 2.01315. Hopper colouration also indicates that populations are generally showing gregarious tendencies with the majority of hoppers exhibiting gregarious type colouration. Eye stripe data showed that the majority of adult specimens observed had seven eye stripes, an indication of gregarious individuals. Geometric morphometrics, a relatively new, software based technique which has not been used in phase polyphenism studies before was used as a means to accurately measure variations among populations of N. septemfasciata by measuring the variation in forewing shape according to allocated landmarks. The resulting shape variation were compared to traditional morphometrics in an attempt to relate the two techniques so that geometric morphometrics can possibly be used as a tool to study phase polyphenism in locusts in the future. The results indicate that similarities in terms of location and gender exist between the two methods, however the exact same individuals should be used for both methods which will improve the accuracy of comparisons. This study, for the first time identified the acridid complex causing damage to Empangeni sugarcane and provided a broad summary of the potential impact the complex has on the crop as well as what may be causing them to occur in this area such as optimal habitat conditions and sugarcane as a preferable host plant being two factors which are likely to be having an influence. The findings of this study provide the baseline data needed in order to develop a more integrated and sustainable approach to controlling these acridids pests. Understanding the biology of the species enables practitioners to make more effective management decisions which is clearly needed as the current techniques being used have not solved the ‘grasshopper problem’. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die navorsing wat in hierdie verhandeling was om ondersoek in te gelokaliseerde acridid uitbrekings veroorsaak skade aan suikerriet in Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal, Suid-Afrika. Verslae van die uitbreek met toenemende erns plaasgevind het vir die laaste 6-7 jaar, wat gelei het tot hierdie navorsing. In die algemeen, is min bekend oor acridid uitbreek in suikerriet as gevolg van hul sporadiese aard, daarom is hierdie projek uiteengesit morfologies en molekulêre identifiseer, al die spesies wat verband hou met Empangeni suikerriet en die ekologie en bevolkingsdinamika van die belangrikste spesies te bepaal, te voorsien basislyn data vir die ontwikkeling van 'n geïntegreerde plaagbestuur (GPB) plan teen hierdie oes peste. 'N jaar lank bevolking opname is uitgevoer op 'n aantal plase wat geraak is en aangrensende grasveld plekke om die lewensiklus te bepaal, bevolkingsdigtheid en samestelling van hierdie acridid kompleks op die plase . Opnames het getoon dat hierdie komplekse bestaan uit vyf spesies: Nomadacris septemfasciata, Petamella prosternalis, Ornithacris Cyanea, Cyrtacanthacris aeruginosa en Cataloipus zuluensis Waargeneem skade is aangeteken deur die jaar ten einde te ooreenstem met spesie digtheid. Daar is gevind dat die skade was nou verbind met twee spesies, naamlik P. prosternalis en N. septemfasciata, dus is die twee spesies van besondere belang as gevolg van hul hoër digtheid en 'n groot liggaam grootte lei daartoe dat hulle die grootste bedreiging vir die Empangeni suikerriet. Al vyf spesies is univoltine maar twee verskillende lewensiklus strategieë ontdek, 3 spesies toon 'n winter eier diapouse terwyl 2 spesies toon 'n winter volwasse reproduktiewe diapouse, 'n belangrike bevinding oorweging van die kennis intensiewe metode van beheer wat is voorgestel. Bevolking opnames openbaar 'n groot verskil in spesies samestelling onder plase (suikerriet webwerwe) en onder grasveld webwerwe. Nomadacris septemfasciata en Petamella prosternalis het 'n beduidende voorkeur vir suikerriet, terwyl spesies soos Cyrtacanthacris aeruginosa, Zonocerus elegans en Orthocta SP. gelyk grasveld webwerwe te verkies. Voeding potensiaal proewe is op die twee mees ekonomies belangrike spesies voltooi, Nomadacris septemfasciata en Petamella prosternalis Die resultate het getoon dat Petamella prosternalis het 'n aansienlik hoër voeding potensiaal(% blaarskade) in vergelyking met Nomadacris septemfasciata selfs al in terme van droë gewig en lengte, is dit is 'n kleiner model. Voeding data is gebruik om die gulzig van hierdie twee spesies onder laboratorium toestande te bepaal. Petamella prosternalis eet ongeveer 1.83 gram vars suikerriet per dag, terwyl Nomadacris septemfasciata eet ongeveer 1,16 gram per dag. Hierdie resultate is dan in vergelyking met waargeneem veld skade data om die akkuraatheid en toepaslikheid in 'n veld omgewing, wat getoon het dat hoewel suikerriet veld skade beduidend gekorreleer met die bevolking skommelinge van beide hierdie spesies, is nouer dit verband hou met Petamella prosternalis te meet lei tot 'n korrelasie koëffisiënt van 0.429143 terwyl Nomadacris septemfasciata het 'n korrelasie koëffisiënt van 0.250408 Fase polyphenism in die rooisprinkaan Nomadacris septemfasciata is ondersoek met behulp van drie metodes, insluitend tradisionele Morphometricsveld (Elytra/Femur (E/F) verhouding), hopper kleur en oog streep data. Die Elytra te Femur verhouding (E/F -verhouding) het aangedui dat die meerderheid van die bevolking is Empangeni in die transiens en gesellige fase met 'n gemiddelde E/F verhouding van 2,0063 en dat dit lyk asof hulle meer kuddedier met verloop van tyd, met bevolkings in 2012 met 'n gemiddelde E/F verhouding van 1,9973 en in 2013 'n gemiddelde E/F verhouding van 2,01315 . Hopper kleur dui ook aan dat die bevolking in die algemeen toon kuddedier neigings Thye meerderheid van hoppers uitstal gesellige tipe kleur. Oog streep het getoon dat die meerderheid van die volwasse eksemplare waargeneem het sewe oog strepe: 'n aanduiding van die gesellige individue. Geometriese Morphometricsveld, 'n relatief nuwe, sagteware gebaseer tegniek wat nie gebruik is in fase polyphenism studies voor was gebruik as 'n middel tot verskille tussen bevolkings van die rooisprinkaan akkuraat te meet deur die variasie meet in voorvlerk vorm volgens toegeken landmerke Die gevolglike vorm variasie is in vergelyking met die tradisionele Morphometricsveld in 'n poging om die twee tegnieke in verband te bring , sodat meetkundige Morphometricsveld kan moontlik as 'n instrument fase polyphenism om te studeer in sprinkane in die toekoms gebruik kan word. Die resultate dui daarop dat die ooreenkomste in terme van ligging en geslag bestaan tussen die twee metodes is egter presies dieselfde individue moet gebruik word vir beide metodes wat die akkuraatheid van vergelykings verbeter. Hierdie studie, wat vir die eerste keer geïdentifiseer die acridid kompleks om skade aan Empangeni suikerriet en verskaf 'n breë opsomming van die potensiële impak van die kompleks het op die gewas sowel as wat kan veroorsaak word om hulle te kom in hierdie gebied soos optimale habitat toestande en suikerriet as 'n beter gasheer plant. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie verskaf die basislyn data wat nodig is om 'n meer geïntegreerde en volhoubare benadering tot die beheer van hulle as die begrip van die biologie van die spesie in staat stel om praktisyns meer effektiewe bestuur besluite wat duidelik nodig is as 'n die huidige tegnieke gebruik moet maak om te ontwikkel nie opgelos die "sprinkaan probleem".

Biotic indicators of grassland condition in KwaZulu-Natal, with management recommendations.

Kinvig, Richard Grant. January 2005 (has links)
The South African grassland biome is disappearing rapidly through advancing development and change in agricultural land use. One of the most threatened grassland types, Midlands Mistbelt, in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands is an extremely diverse and home to many endemic species across an array of taxa. Three taxa, namely, grasses, grasshoppers and butterflies represent various trophic levels, which are important to the functioning of the grasslands. Ten grasslands were sampled by walking ten fifty metre transects for a twelve-month period. The grasslands were selected as they represented a range of management practices and varying environmental conditions. Using Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) twenty-two species of grasshopper were identified as indicators of environmental variables and management practices. The abundances of the various species indicated the intensity of the management regimes or disturbances. Using the twenty-two grasshopper species abundances and a three hundred point sampling assessment of the grasses creates an assessment tool that can rapidly appraise the management of the grassland, but due to lack of data for other taxa, cannot assess whether management practices for the focal taxa create congruent results for non-focal taxa. Two of the three taxa proved to be good indicators of grassland health, whilst the third, butterflies were ineffectual, due to low abundance and richness. From the results it was concluded that burning was taking place to frequently, and required a reduction to every four years, as this would improve butterfly richness and abundance, and increase abundance of endemic and flightless grasshopper speCies. A rotational grazing system needs to be implemented at sites where continual grazing takes place, wildlife or livestock, impacts on the grassland condition and species diversity. Increasing habitat heterogeneity increases species diversity, and allows later successional species to be included in the grasshopper assemblage. Management of the grasslands in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands needs to be more responsive and adaptive. In addition, small fragment management needs to be intensified to provide a range of habitats and refugia that will suit all species. This study advocates the use of grasshoppers and grasses as suitable biotic indicators of grasslands in the KwaZuluNatal Midlands. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005

Effects of management on biodiversity and productivity of grazed grassland

Jerrentrup, Jana Sabrina 19 November 2013 (has links)
Die Nutzung von Beweidung zur Erhaltung und Förderung von Biodiversität wird allgemein als positiv erachtet, da so strukturell diverse Flächen erhalten werden können. Die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Managementszenarien auf die Artenvielfalt sind zwar weitreichend untersucht, auf Langzeitexperimenten jedoch sehr rar. Mit unserem ersten Experiment wollten wir die Frage beantworten, welche Nutzungsintensität am besten geeignet ist, um Diversität von Insekten zu fördern. Das dafür genutzte Langzeitexperiment wurde 2002 mit zwei Beweidungsintensitäten etabliert und eine dritte Intensitätsstufe 2005 eingeführt. Zwischen 2002 und 2004 sowie 2010 und 2011 wurde der Einfluss der Beweidungsvarianten auf die Insektendiversität im Sinne des Artenreichtums und der Abundanz von Heuschrecken (Orthoptera) und Tagfaltern (Lepidoptera) aufgenommen. Wie erwartet, zeigte sich bei intensivster Beweidung die geringste Diversität. Trotzdem war die extensivste Beweidung nicht vorteilhafter als die mittel intensive Beweidung. Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir eine mittelstarke Beweidung, da diese besonders geeignet ist um eine ausreichende Narbenhöhe und eine strukturell diverse Grasnarbe zu schaffen. Dieses Management zeichnet sich durch vielfältige ökologische Nischen aus, die einer Bandbreite von unterschiedlichen Arten Habitat bieten, wovon besonders weniger mobile Herbivoren wie Heuschrecken profitieren können. Wenn Pflanzendiversität im Vordergrund steht, muss auch die Art des Weidetiers betrachtet werden, da sich die Tierarten in ihren Beweidungseigenschaften unterscheiden und demnach auch Vegetation und Narbenstruktur beeinflusst werden können. In einem zweiten Experiment haben wir deshalb den Einfluss von Rindern und Schafen in Monobeweidung als auch in Mischbeweidung untersucht. Eine Hälfte der Parzellen wurde mit Herbiziden gegen Dikotyle behandelt um den Weidetiereffekt in Abhängigkeit der Narbenzusammensetzung zu analysieren. Das Experiment wurde zwischen 2007 und 2011 beweidet und die Vegetationszusammensetzung jeweils vor jeder Beweidungsperiode und zusätzlich im Jahr 2012 aufgenommen. Die beiden Narbentypen zeigten wie erwartet deutliche Unterschiede in Zusammensetzung und Diversität. Dahingegen unterschieden sich die Weidetier-Varianten nur marginal voneinander. Die Rinderparzellen wiesen zwar eine höhere alpha-(Artenreichtum) als auch beta-Diversität auf, allerdings war dieser Effekt nur in einem Jahr auf jeweils einem Narbentyp zu finden. Zusammenfassend können gewöhnliche Weiden in ihrer Vegetationszusammensetzung und -diversität mithilfe unterschiedlicher Tierarten nur geringfügig gesteuert werden. Es konnte lediglich ein marginaler Vorteil von Rinder- gegenüber Schafbeweidung festgestellt werden Auf demselben Experiment waren wir weiterhin daran interessiert, wie pflanzliche Diversität und agrarische Produktivität miteinander verbunden sind. Unsere Ergebnisse verneinen jedoch einen positiven Zusammenhang. Weiden besitzen wahrscheinlich ein genügend großes Arteninventar auch bei artenarmer, herbizidbehandelter Ausprägung, so dass eine komplementäre Ressourcennutzung bereits ausgeschöpft wird. Im Gegensatz dazu enthielten die artenreicheren Futterproben tatsächlich mehr Rohprotein und weniger ADF, so dass von einer gesteigerten Futterqualität gesprochen werden kann. Diese Ergebnisse könnten jedoch auch durch ein erhöhtes Vorkommen von Leguminosen erklärt werden, da auf dem Versuch aufgrund des Designs eine hohe Korrelation von Artenreichtum mit Kräutern und Leguminosen besteht. Hinsichtlich der unterschiedlichen Weidetiere konnte kein signifikanter Effekt weder auf Primärproduktivität noch auf Futterqualität festgestellt werden. Über alle Jahre hinweg zeigte sich vor allem die Phytodiversität als förderlich für die Lebendmassezunahmen der Lämmer. Zudem konnte die Mischbeweidung zu einer gesteigerten Wachstumsintensität von Lämmern und Mutterkühen beitragen. Zusammenfassend kann Beweidung genutzt werden um die Narbenstruktur zu steuern, was vor allem durch eine Anpassung der Beweidungsintensität erreicht werden kann. Nachfolgend wird sich die Intensität auf die Biodiversität aus, die jedoch durch die Wahl des Weidetieres nur recht geringfügig beeinflusst wird. Auch wenn die Primärproduktivität nicht mit dem Artenreichtum verbunden war, so kann durch das Hinzukommen von Kräutern und Leguminosen doch eine Steigerung der Futterqualität erreicht werden, die sich auch in höheren Lebendmassezunahmen der Lämmer wiederspiegelt. Demnach kann durch ein geeignetes Graslandmanagement Einfluss auf die Biodiversität genommen werden, welche wiederum das Potential besitzt, die tierischen Leistungen zu steigern.

Evaluation of a plant-herbivore system in determining potential efficacy of a candidate biological control agent, cornops aquaticum for water hyacinth, eichhornia crassipes

Bownes, Angela January 2009 (has links)
Water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms-Laubach (Pontederiaceae), a freefloating aquatic macrophyte of Neotropical origin, was introduced into South Africa as an ornamental aquarium plant in the early 1900’s. By the 1970’s it had reached pest proportions in dams and rivers around the country. Due to the sustainability, cost efficiency and low environmental risk associated with biological control, this has been a widely used method in an attempt to reduce infestations to below the threshold where they cause economic and ecological damage. To date, five arthropod and one pathogen biocontrol agents have been introduced for the control of water hyacinth but their impact has been variable. It is believed that their efficacy is hampered by the presence of highly eutrophic systems in South Africa in which plant growth is prolific and the negative effects of herbivory are therefore mitigated. It is for these reasons that new, potentially more damaging biocontrol agents are being considered for release. The water hyacinth grasshopper, Cornops aquaticum Brüner (Orthoptera: Acrididae), which is native to South America and Mexico, was brought into quarantine in Pretoria, South Africa in 1995. Although the grasshopper was identified as one of the most damaging insects associated with water hyacinth in its native range, it has not been considered as a biocontrol agent for water hyacinth anywhere else in the world. After extensive host-range testing which revealed it to be safe for release, a release permit for this candidate agent was issued in 2007. However, host specificity testing is no longer considered to be the only important component of pre-release screening of candidate biocontrol agents. Investigating biological and ecological aspects of the plant-herbivore system that will assist in determination of potential establishment, efficacy and the ability to build up good populations in the recipient environment are some of the important factors. This thesis is a pre-release evaluation of C. aquaticum to determine whether it is sufficiently damaging to water hyacinth to warrant its release. It investigated interactions between the grasshopper and water hyacinth under a range of nutrient conditions found in South African water bodies as well as the impact of the grasshopper on the competitive performance of water hyacinth. Both plant growth rates and the response of water hyacinth to herbivory by the grasshopper were influenced by nutrient availability to the plants. The ability of water hyacinth to compensate for loss of tissue through herbivory was greater under eutrophic nutrient conditions. However, a negative linear relationship was found between grasshopper biomass and water hyacinth performance parameters such as biomass accumulation and leaf production, even under eutrophic conditions. Water hyacinth’s compensatory ability in terms of its potential to mitigate to detrimental effects of insect feeding was dependent on the amount of damage caused by herbivory by the grasshopper. Plant biomass and the competitive ability of water hyacinth in relation to another freefloating aquatic weed species were reduced by C. aquaticum under eutrophic nutrient conditions, in a short space of time. It was also found that grasshopper feeding and characteristics related to their population dynamics such as fecundity and survival were significantly influenced by water nutrient availability and that environmental nutrient availability will influence the control potential of this species should it be released in South Africa. Cornops aquaticum shows promise as a biocontrol agent for water hyacinth but additional factors that were not investigated in this study such as compatibility with the South African climate and the current water hyacinth biocontrol agents need to be combined with these data to make a decision on its release. Possible management options for this species if it is to be introduced into South Africa are discussed.

Systematics of Cyrtacanthacridinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with a focus on the genus <i>Schistocerca</i>Stål 1873: Evolution of locust phase polyphenism and study of insect genitalia

Song, Hojun 21 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Development and testing of mycoinsecticides based on submerged spores and aerial conidia of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) for control of locusts, grasshoppers and storage pests / Mycoinsecticides for pest control / Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung / Mykoinsektiziden für Schädlingsbekämpfung

Kassa, Adane 14 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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