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Reindeer in the archipelago of Holmöarna : Abundance of habitats and how reindeer have utilized them during winter 2015-16 and summer 2016Årdahl, Kerstin January 2017 (has links)
In the winter 2015/2016, about 700 reindeer were winter grazing on the islands of Holmöarna. Since the islands had not been used for reindeer grazing for more than 100 years, this is a unique opportunity to study how reindeer influence the vegetation that has developed in the absence of reindeer. Moreover, it also means that all reindeer faeces depositions and grazing damages originate from the last year. Most of the reindeer grazing occurred on Ängesön and Grossgrunden, at least during winter, due to lichen rich habitats. To investigate which habitats were available for reindeer, the abundance of these habitats and which resources they provide, 239 randomly selected study sites were investigated. To find out reindeer utilization of resources and impact on vegetation, all faecal droppings from reindeer were counted. Also, lichen height, lichen cover, lichen volume, grazing damages of lichens and vegetation, trampling, and digging, were recorded at every study site. Old-grown spruce forest was the most abundant habitat, providing reindeer with ground lichens, bilberries and epiphytic lichens. Pine forest, rich in ground lichens, was the most preferred and used habitat based on lichen cover and lichen volume, lichen damage and trampling. NMSD ordination confirmed a strong relationship between lichen height and lichen cover, i.e. lichens were heavily grazed in every habitat where lichens were recorded. Reindeer depositions of dungs and pellets were found in all habitats, but were most abundant in spruce forest with ground lichens. Strong relationships between lichen damages, digging signs and reindeer pellets confirmed more activities where lichens were abundant. Grazing of bilberry shoots and trampling, both indications of summer activities by reindeer, were also closely associated, indicating that bilberry shoots was an important food resource in summer on these islands. In the light of my result, the islands of Holmöarna have good provision for reindeer, in winter by richness of ground lichens in pine forest and old spruce forest, and summer primarily by bilberries in old grown spruce forest, mixed forest and pine forest with Vaccinium ssp. Although almost all suitable habitats show signs of reindeer activities after only one year, there is still abundant winter and summer food resources available for future grazing. There is thus plenty of resources available for reindeer on the islands of Holmöarna and reindeer are able to utilize them. If they are suitable to use for reindeer grazing in the future is thus more dependent on logistic problems like difficulties in transporting the reindeer from mainland to the islands.
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Viltinventering med hjälp av drönare utrustad med termisk- och RGB kamera. : Identifiering och artbestämning av älg och annat klövvilt / Wildlife inventory with drone equipped with RGB and thermal camera : Identification and species determination of moose and other cloven-hoofed animalsEilert, Annette, Magnusson, Katrin January 2020 (has links)
Betesskador på skog kostar både skogsägare och industri stora summor pengar. Ett sätt att minska betesskador kan vara bättre kontroll över populationsstorleken av klövvilt. I Sverige används flera olika etablerade viltinventeringsmetoder. Svagheten är att de baseras på trender, index och avskjutningar mer än att få fram en siffra på antalet djur. En tillförlitlig inventeringsmetod är av stor vikt som beslutsunderlag till förvaltningsplaner. Drönare är ett obemannat luftfartyg som kan utrustas med olika kameror och sensorer. Tidigare fältstudier har visat att värme från vilt kan plockas upp av en drönare utrustad med termisk kamera. Svårigheten har varit att få tillförlitlighet vid artbestämning av vilt med enbart termiska kamera. I denna studie utfördes en viltinventering av ett 506 ha stort område norr om Ljungby i Kronobergs län under januari 2020. Med hjälp av en drönare utrustad med både termisk och RGB kamera utfördes en totalinventering av området. Resultatet visar att kombinationen av både termisk och RGB kamera ökar tillförlitligheten vid artbestämning av vilt. Metodens svagheter är täta krontak av gran, gällande regelverk från transportstyrelsen samt drönarens begränsande batterikapacitet. Slutsatsen är att vilt säkrare kan identifieras och artbestämmas med kombinationen av termisk- och RGB kamera jämfört med enbart termisk kamera men att metoden behöver vidareutvecklas.
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