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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Dying, in other words" : discourses of dis-ease and cure in the last works of Jane Austen and Barbara Pym

Staunton, S. Jane. January 1997 (has links)
The last works of Jane Austen and Barbara Pym, written while each was knowingly dying, both continue and transform a discourse of illness and cure traceable through their canon. Illness figures both literally and metaphorically in their narratives; in Austen as failures in wholeness and in Pym as failures in love. After undergoing the metaphorically medical treatments of purging and vivifying in Austen and inoculating in Pym, their female protagonists achieve conditions of health and wholeness by closure of the narrative. In the dying works, individual metaphorical illnesses become a general societal condition of fragmentation, and cure becomes more elusive. The shared use of a village undergoing profound change reflects each writer's own bodily transformation as certain death approaches, and the restoration of health to the village-as-body becomes one of achieving balance or homeostasis. This is effected in the narrative by the hinted-at curative powers of nature in Sanditon and of restored faith in A Few Green Leaves. On a theoretical level, both texts reflect their narratives of dis-ease and cure. Pym's last text remained unpublished before her death and therefore "ill" because not functioning, but second opinions and faith in her reputation confirmed its public health. Austen's Sanditon as a fragment embodies its own discourse of dis-ease, or failure of wholeness, and requires a curative act on the part of the reader to restore it to some sense of ideal wholeness or health.

"Dying, in other words" : discourses of dis-ease and cure in the last works of Jane Austen and Barbara Pym

Staunton, S. Jane. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Use of nitrogen management products and practices to enhance yield and nitrogen uptake in no-till corn and grain sorghum

Weber, Holly S. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / David B. Mengel / Nitrogen fertilizers play an essential role in agricultural production in Kansas, particularly in row crops such as corn (Zea mays L.) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). A good portion of the corn and grain sorghum grown in Kansas is typically grown using no-till production systems. These systems leave a large amount of surface residue on the soil surface, which can lead to ammonia volatilization losses from surface applied urea-containing fertilizers and immobilization of N fertilizers placed in contact with the residue. Leaching and denitrification can also be a problem on some soils. Current nitrogen prices, as well as concerns over environmental stewardship, are forcing producers to make smarter choices in the fertilizer products used as well as when and how the materials are applied, to optimize their nitrogen use efficiency. A common practice throughout Kansas is to apply N fertilizers prior to planting, sometimes up to 6 month prior to planting. What affect does this practice have on nitrogen availability to the growing crop? Current Kansas State University (KSU) soil test fertilizer recommendations assume 50% nitrogen use efficiency. This means of every pound of nitrogen applied only half will be utilized by the plant and turned into valuable grain. Possible solutions to help increase nitrogen use efficiency are the use of nitrogen additives which are currently on the market and claim to reduce nitrogen loss through denitrification and volatilization as well as the use of timing and application of fertilizers to further increase nitrogen use efficiency. The objective of this study is to evaluate different N fertilizer products, as well as additives and application practices and determine whether specific combinations can improve yield and N use efficiency of no-till corn and grain sorghum. The long-term goal of this study is to quantify some of these relationships to assist farmers in selecting specific combinations that could enhance yield and profitability. In this study five tools for preventing N loss were examined: fertilizer placement, or placing N below the soil surface or in bands on the residue-covered soil surface to reduce immobilization and/or volatilization; use of a urease inhibitor Agrotain (NBPT) that blocks the urease hydrolysis reaction that converts urea to ammonia and potentially could reduce ammonia volatilization; the use of a commercially available additive, Agrotain Plus, that contains both a nitrification inhibitor (DCD) and a urease inhibitor to slow both urea hydrolysis and the rate of ammonium conversion to nitrate and subsequent denitrification or leaching loss; use of a commercial product NutriSphere-N, which claims urease and nitrification inhibition; and the use of a polyurethane plastic-coated urea to delay release of urea fertilizer until the crop can use it. The ultimate goal of using these practices or products is to increase N uptake by the plant and enhance yield. An important measurement that was developed for this research was the use of a greenleaf firing index which used the number of green leaves below the ear at pollination as a key measurement in determining the effectiveness of fertilizer placement, application method, application timing and the use of nitrogen additives. If significant differences in lower leaf nitrogen stress are found, the potential exists to further develop this index and correlate differences observed with key parameters of nitrogen uptake such as ear-leaf nitrogen concentration, total nitrogen uptake and grain yield. Results observed from this research show that the potential to increase nitrogen use efficiency and reduce nitrogen loss do exist with the use of certain nitrogen additives, application methods and application timing. When conditions are conducive for nitrogen loss the use of currently available tools to protect nitrogen from volatilization, immobilization and/or denitrification loss significantly increased yields in the corn experiments. Results from the grain sorghum research indicate that when N losses limit yield, the use of products and practices enhance yield. In locations where nitrogen loss is minimal or low yields limit nitrogen response, the use of these practices was not found to be helpful.

Avaliação da dinâmica da população de microrganismos em plantas de cana-de-açúcar IAC (93-3046) / Assessment of microorganisms dynamics in sugarcane IAC (93-3046) plants

Toledo Filho, Sérgio Gil de 01 October 2010 (has links)
O número das espécies microbianas presentes na forragem no ato da colheita é responsável pelo padrão de fermentação da silagem, sendo que o número de unidades formadoras de colônia (ufc) é alterado ao longo do ciclo da cultura e das condições ambientais, e esse fato, influencia fortemente a eficácia de aditivos utilizados no processo. Neste contexto, três experimentos foram conduzidos a fim de caracterizar a população microbiana em plantas de cana-de-açúcar. No primeiro experimento foi caracterizada a população microbiana em plantas de cana-de-açúcar por meio da técnica de plaqueamento. Os tratamentos impostos foram compostos por duas fontes de adubação (NPK e NPK associado a esteco bovino curtido 120kg de N/ha) da cana-de-açúcar colhidas manualmente com vista à quantificação do número de bactérias ácido láticas, leveduras e mofos, bem como relacionar suas freqüências de ocorrência com efeitos ambientais, fonte de fertilizante e estádio de maturação, com colheitas realizadas aos 10, 12, 14 e 18 meses, correspondendo aos meses de Março, Maio, Julho e Novembro de 2009, respectivamente. No segundo experimento foram avaliadas as variáveis biométricas, morfológicas, dinâmica de acúmulo de MS e dos nutrientes em cana-de-açúcar submetida às fontes de fertilização, descritas anteriormente. No terceiro experimento foi realizada avaliação química e bromatológica de cana-de-açúcar submetida à fontes de adubação. O experimento composto por blocos inteiramente casualizados sendo 6 blocos subdivididos em 2 parcelas. Os dados gerados foram analisados pelo procedimento Proc Mixed e Proc NLIN, do programa SAS. Não se observou efeito do tratamento sobre nunhuma variável avaliada. A produtividade média de massa verde variou entre 162 e 188 tMV/ha, podendo ser considerada elevada. O número de folhas verdes partiu de 9,5 aos 10 meses e atingiu cerca de 10 aos 18, o que é esperado, uma vez que ao passar do tempo há aumento da biomassa das plantas. O mesmo se observo para folhas secas, partindo de cerca de zero folhas por planta até cerca de 3 folhas. O peso das folhas também foi crescente. O peso e comprimento do colmo aumentaram de Março para Maio, mas apartir de Maio e Julho esse crescimento foi estagnado, não aumentando significativamente devido à seca. Porém, apartir de Julho esse crescimento voltou a ocorrer com o aumento das chuvas. A cana-de-açúcar apresentou 10 oBrix aos 10 meses, 17oBrix aos 12 meses e 20obrix aos 20 meses. O índice de maturidade aumentou, saindo de 33,46 aos 10 meses e atingindo 88,5 aos 18 meses. Aos 12 meses a cana-de-açúcar apresentou teor de matéria seca de 24%, e aos 18 meses 28%. Os teores de FDN e FDA da planta inteira dimunuiu ao longo do tempo, dos 10 meses (61% e 38,4% de FDN e FDA, respectivamente) para os 12 meses e permanecendo constante até os 18 meses (55% e 35,6% de FDN e FDA, respctivamente). Foi observado que existe correlação positiva entre DIVMS e do oBrix,e a equação, DIVMS = 41,35 + oBrix ; com R2=0,73 e P<0,01 se estabelecendo como ferramenta importante para se estimar a DIVMS. Ao longo do tempo, a contagem de bactérias ácido láticas e de leveduras foi crescente. De forma geral, todas as frações da planta apresentaram contagem numericamente semelhante, partindo de cerca de 4log ufc/gMV aos 10 meses e atingindo cerca de 5,5 log ufc/gMV aos 18 meses. Aos 10 meses a planta inteira de cana-de-açúcar apresentou contagem de leveduras de 4 log ufc/g MV permanecendo constante até os 18 meses, quando atingiu 5,7 log ufc/g MV. A fonte de adubação, quer seja química ou orgânica, não interfere na população de microrganismos, que entretanto, varia em função do período experimental e das condições climáticas. / The numbe of microbial species in forages during the ensiling is responsible for the silage fermentation, and the numbeof colony forming units (cfu) changes during the crop cycle and environmental conditions. It suggests that the initial microbial profile strongly influences the effectiveness of additives used in the process. In this context, we propose three trials to characterize the microbial population in plants of sugarcane. The first trial evaluated the microbial population in plants of sugarcane by the technique of pour plating. The treatment consisted of two levels of fertilization (NPK and NPK associated with solid manure - 120kg N / ha) applied immediately after sugarcane was harvested by hand. The objective was quantify the number of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and molds, as well as relating their frequencies with environmental effects, fertilization and stage of maturation, with samples taken at 10, 12, 14 and 18 months, corresponding to the months of March, May, July and November 2009. The second trial measured the biometric variables, morphological, the accumulation of dry matter and nutrients in sugarcane subjected the sources of fertilization, as mensioned. The third trial performed chemical assessments of sugarcane subjected to the sources of fertilization. The trials consisted of a completely randomized design with six blocks sub-divided into two plots. Data were analyzed by the procedure Proc Mixed and Proc NLIN of SAS program. There was no effect of treatment in any trial. The fresh yield ranged from 162 to 188tGM/ha which can be considered high. The number of green leaves was increased from 9.5 to 10 to 10 to 18, which is expected, since there is an increase of plant biomass across the time. The same was observed for dead leaves, from about 0 leaves per plant up to 3 leaves. The weight of the leaves was also increased. The weight and length of the stem increased from March to May, and became more intensive from July with increasing rainfall. However, during the dry season (May - July) there was a decreased growing rate.The sugarcane oBrix was 10 at 10 months, 17 oBrix at 12 months and 20oBrix to 20 months. The maturity index increased, from 33.46 to 10 months reaching 88.5 at 18 months. At 12 months the sugarcane showed dry matter content of 24% and 28% at 18 month. The NDF and ADF of the whole plant decreased over time from 10 months (61% and 38.4% NDF and ADF, respectively) for 12 months and remained constant until 18 months (55% and 35 6% NDF and ADF, respectively). A is positive correlation between IVDMD and oBrix was observed, and the equation, IVDMD = 41.35 + oBrix, with R2 = 0.73 and P <0.01 is an important tool to estimate IVDMD. Over time, the counts of lactic acid bacteria were increased. In general, all plant fractions showed similar counts, starting from 4 log cfu/gGM to 10 months and reaching about 5.5 log cfu/gGM to 18 months. At 10 months the whole plant sugarcane had yeast count of 4 log cfu/gGM remaining constant until 18 months, when it reached 5.7 log cfu / g MV. The source of fertilizer, whether chemical or organic, does not interfere in the population of microorganisms, however, varies depending on the experimental period and climatic conditions.

Avaliação da dinâmica da população de microrganismos em plantas de cana-de-açúcar IAC (93-3046) / Assessment of microorganisms dynamics in sugarcane IAC (93-3046) plants

Sérgio Gil de Toledo Filho 01 October 2010 (has links)
O número das espécies microbianas presentes na forragem no ato da colheita é responsável pelo padrão de fermentação da silagem, sendo que o número de unidades formadoras de colônia (ufc) é alterado ao longo do ciclo da cultura e das condições ambientais, e esse fato, influencia fortemente a eficácia de aditivos utilizados no processo. Neste contexto, três experimentos foram conduzidos a fim de caracterizar a população microbiana em plantas de cana-de-açúcar. No primeiro experimento foi caracterizada a população microbiana em plantas de cana-de-açúcar por meio da técnica de plaqueamento. Os tratamentos impostos foram compostos por duas fontes de adubação (NPK e NPK associado a esteco bovino curtido 120kg de N/ha) da cana-de-açúcar colhidas manualmente com vista à quantificação do número de bactérias ácido láticas, leveduras e mofos, bem como relacionar suas freqüências de ocorrência com efeitos ambientais, fonte de fertilizante e estádio de maturação, com colheitas realizadas aos 10, 12, 14 e 18 meses, correspondendo aos meses de Março, Maio, Julho e Novembro de 2009, respectivamente. No segundo experimento foram avaliadas as variáveis biométricas, morfológicas, dinâmica de acúmulo de MS e dos nutrientes em cana-de-açúcar submetida às fontes de fertilização, descritas anteriormente. No terceiro experimento foi realizada avaliação química e bromatológica de cana-de-açúcar submetida à fontes de adubação. O experimento composto por blocos inteiramente casualizados sendo 6 blocos subdivididos em 2 parcelas. Os dados gerados foram analisados pelo procedimento Proc Mixed e Proc NLIN, do programa SAS. Não se observou efeito do tratamento sobre nunhuma variável avaliada. A produtividade média de massa verde variou entre 162 e 188 tMV/ha, podendo ser considerada elevada. O número de folhas verdes partiu de 9,5 aos 10 meses e atingiu cerca de 10 aos 18, o que é esperado, uma vez que ao passar do tempo há aumento da biomassa das plantas. O mesmo se observo para folhas secas, partindo de cerca de zero folhas por planta até cerca de 3 folhas. O peso das folhas também foi crescente. O peso e comprimento do colmo aumentaram de Março para Maio, mas apartir de Maio e Julho esse crescimento foi estagnado, não aumentando significativamente devido à seca. Porém, apartir de Julho esse crescimento voltou a ocorrer com o aumento das chuvas. A cana-de-açúcar apresentou 10 oBrix aos 10 meses, 17oBrix aos 12 meses e 20obrix aos 20 meses. O índice de maturidade aumentou, saindo de 33,46 aos 10 meses e atingindo 88,5 aos 18 meses. Aos 12 meses a cana-de-açúcar apresentou teor de matéria seca de 24%, e aos 18 meses 28%. Os teores de FDN e FDA da planta inteira dimunuiu ao longo do tempo, dos 10 meses (61% e 38,4% de FDN e FDA, respectivamente) para os 12 meses e permanecendo constante até os 18 meses (55% e 35,6% de FDN e FDA, respctivamente). Foi observado que existe correlação positiva entre DIVMS e do oBrix,e a equação, DIVMS = 41,35 + oBrix ; com R2=0,73 e P<0,01 se estabelecendo como ferramenta importante para se estimar a DIVMS. Ao longo do tempo, a contagem de bactérias ácido láticas e de leveduras foi crescente. De forma geral, todas as frações da planta apresentaram contagem numericamente semelhante, partindo de cerca de 4log ufc/gMV aos 10 meses e atingindo cerca de 5,5 log ufc/gMV aos 18 meses. Aos 10 meses a planta inteira de cana-de-açúcar apresentou contagem de leveduras de 4 log ufc/g MV permanecendo constante até os 18 meses, quando atingiu 5,7 log ufc/g MV. A fonte de adubação, quer seja química ou orgânica, não interfere na população de microrganismos, que entretanto, varia em função do período experimental e das condições climáticas. / The numbe of microbial species in forages during the ensiling is responsible for the silage fermentation, and the numbeof colony forming units (cfu) changes during the crop cycle and environmental conditions. It suggests that the initial microbial profile strongly influences the effectiveness of additives used in the process. In this context, we propose three trials to characterize the microbial population in plants of sugarcane. The first trial evaluated the microbial population in plants of sugarcane by the technique of pour plating. The treatment consisted of two levels of fertilization (NPK and NPK associated with solid manure - 120kg N / ha) applied immediately after sugarcane was harvested by hand. The objective was quantify the number of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and molds, as well as relating their frequencies with environmental effects, fertilization and stage of maturation, with samples taken at 10, 12, 14 and 18 months, corresponding to the months of March, May, July and November 2009. The second trial measured the biometric variables, morphological, the accumulation of dry matter and nutrients in sugarcane subjected the sources of fertilization, as mensioned. The third trial performed chemical assessments of sugarcane subjected to the sources of fertilization. The trials consisted of a completely randomized design with six blocks sub-divided into two plots. Data were analyzed by the procedure Proc Mixed and Proc NLIN of SAS program. There was no effect of treatment in any trial. The fresh yield ranged from 162 to 188tGM/ha which can be considered high. The number of green leaves was increased from 9.5 to 10 to 10 to 18, which is expected, since there is an increase of plant biomass across the time. The same was observed for dead leaves, from about 0 leaves per plant up to 3 leaves. The weight of the leaves was also increased. The weight and length of the stem increased from March to May, and became more intensive from July with increasing rainfall. However, during the dry season (May - July) there was a decreased growing rate.The sugarcane oBrix was 10 at 10 months, 17 oBrix at 12 months and 20oBrix to 20 months. The maturity index increased, from 33.46 to 10 months reaching 88.5 at 18 months. At 12 months the sugarcane showed dry matter content of 24% and 28% at 18 month. The NDF and ADF of the whole plant decreased over time from 10 months (61% and 38.4% NDF and ADF, respectively) for 12 months and remained constant until 18 months (55% and 35 6% NDF and ADF, respectively). A is positive correlation between IVDMD and oBrix was observed, and the equation, IVDMD = 41.35 + oBrix, with R2 = 0.73 and P <0.01 is an important tool to estimate IVDMD. Over time, the counts of lactic acid bacteria were increased. In general, all plant fractions showed similar counts, starting from 4 log cfu/gGM to 10 months and reaching about 5.5 log cfu/gGM to 18 months. At 10 months the whole plant sugarcane had yeast count of 4 log cfu/gGM remaining constant until 18 months, when it reached 5.7 log cfu / g MV. The source of fertilizer, whether chemical or organic, does not interfere in the population of microorganisms, however, varies depending on the experimental period and climatic conditions.

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