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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Vibration of 2-D Periodic Cellular Structures

Jeong, Sang Min 19 May 2005 (has links)
The vibration of and wave propagation in periodic cellular structures are analyzed. Cellular structures exhibit a number of desirable multifunctional properties, which make them attractive in a variety of engineering applications. These include ultra-light structures, thermal and acoustic insulators, and impact amelioration systems, among others. Cellular structures with deterministic architecture can be considered as example of periodic structures. Periodic structures feature unique wave propagation characteristics, whereby elastic waves propagate only in specific frequency bands, known as "pass band", while they are attenuated in all other frequency bands, known as "stop bands". Such dynamic properties are here exploited to provide cellular structures with the capability of behaving as directional, pass-band mechanical filters, thus complementing their well documented multifunctional characteristics. This work presents a methodology for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of periodic cellular structures, which allows the evaluation of location and spectral width of propagation and attenuation regions. The filtering characteristics are tested and demonstrated for structures of various geometry and topology, including cylindrical grid-like structures, Kagom and eacute; and tetrhedral truss core lattices. Experimental investigations is done on a 2-D lattice manufactured out of aluminum. The complete wave field of the specimen at various frequencies is measured using a Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer (SLDV). Experimental results show good agreement with the methodology and computational tools developed in this work. The results demonstrate how wave propagation characteristics are defined by cell geometry and configuration. Numerical and experimental results show the potential of periodic cellular structures as mechanical filters and/or isolators of vibrations.

Influence Of Joint Compliance On The Behaviour Of Space Structures

Pradyumna, M 11 1900 (has links)
Space structures are inevitable while covering large spans. Space structures are skeletal structures, which are lighter for the same stiffness when compared with RCC roofs. Till now, space structures, like any other metal structures have been designed assuming the joints as rigid, although there have been several publications about semi rigid joints. Of course, the publications mostly deal with 2D structures and there are very few reports on 3D structures. Space structures, by their nature fall into the latter category. The joints in a space structure are popularly called as "nodes". Generally, nodes, which ensure concentricity of member axes, are either solid or hollow. These are either cast or forged. There are other proprietary types, which do not come under the above classification, and have not been considered in this thesis. Hollow nodes are obviously more economical than solid nodes, but also more flexible. While it is prudent to prefer hollow nodes, it is equally necessary to assess their flexibility, because of its influence on the behaviour of the structure. The hollow spherical node is very popular because of its simplicity and adaptability to various forms of space frames. Double layer grids, which are the most popular forms for roofing applications, are being increasingly implemented. While the hollow spherical node is well suited for double layer grids, an evolutionary development has been what is called as the hollow octahedral node (this node is simply referred to as the 'Octa ' node in this thesis). Chapter 1 introduces space frames and double layer grids in particular, with the advantages of using double-layer grids. Jointing systems available around the world are briefed and the node connector used in the present study is introduced with a brief write-up on its advantages and disadvantages. This chapter also explores the available literature and, the scope and objectives of the thesis are mentioned. Chapter 2 introduces 3D finite element models of the hollow spherical and octahedral nodes. The stiffness matrixes of these nodes have been derived by conducting analyses on the computer for six sizes each of the Octa and spherical nodes. Using the stiffness matrix of the node, a new method of incorporating this into the regular analysis of a space truss has been developed. The new method proposed yields realistic values for the forces in the members and takes into account the elastic deflections in the node under the action of member forces. Implementation of the proposed method has been carried out by writing a custom program using state-of-the-art object oriented programming techniques. A sample problem has been analyzed using this program to demonstrate the effect of including joint flexibility. The effect of flexibility of nodes on the effective length of compression members in double-layer grids has been evaluated. The effect of compliance on the dynamic characteristics of a space frame has also been evaluated for the sample space frame with flexible joints. The analysis program has been modified to evaluate the natural frequencies of the system using rigid or flexible nodes. The study of the Octanode and spherical node under the action of uniaxial compression and tension dominates the contents of Chapter 3. The two types of nodes have been analyzed using commercially available finite element software considering material nonlinearity. The stress patterns from the analyses have been examined thoroughly. Two consistent methods for fixing the load at yield in both uniaxial compression and tension have been proposed using the load-displacement curve. Yield loads for all the nodes have been evaluated using both the methods and the results agree well between the two methods. Three material yield values have been selected for each of the node size for evaluating the yield values viz. 240,320 and 415 MPa. The members of a double layer grid are connected to the nodes by bolts and holes are drilled in the nodes for this purpose. The bolthole patterns differ between two popular types of double-layer grids. Both these bolthole patterns have been modeled separately in the above exercise and the results for these two have been shown to be approximately the same. The effect of varying diameters of the boltholes on the response of the nodes has been examined. Relationships between the yield load, diameter, thickness and material yield have been developed using the method of least squares. The differences in the behaviour of the nodes under uniaxial compression and tension have been discussed. Ramberg Osgood type of relationships have been worked out for all the load-displacement curves obtained from the analyses. The simulation of non-linear behaviour of nodes with cracks with plastic crack closing forces have been carried out with useful insights into the behaviour of the two types of nodes in uniaxial compression and tension. Chapter 4 is devoted largely for studying the two types of nodes under the influence of biaxial load combinations. The combinations studied are dual compression, dual tension and compression-tension. In all cases equal loads are applied along two orthogonal; directions in the horizontal plane. Stress patterns have been examined for each type of load combination and yield values for each case have been obtained using one of the methods proposed in chapter 3. These have been compared with the corresponding uniaxial values in both compression and tension. Some useful inferences have been possible by studying the behaviour of the nodes under the various biaxial load combinations. In each case, relationships between the biaxial yield load, uniaxial yield load, diameter of node, thickness of node and material yield of node have been obtained using the method of least squares. The nodes have been analyzed under some selected Multi-axial loading and combinations of load which cause yield based on the second method proposed in Chapter 3 have been obtained and tabulated. However, a proper and thorough study of the nodes under multi-axial loading proved to be beyond the scope of this thesis. Chapter 5 contains the contributions made towards developing new methods and algorithms for obtaining the several results of chapters 2, 3 and 4, using object oriented programming (OOP) techniques. The contributions have been in Object Pascal, the underlying language of Delphi, a popular RAD tool developed by Borland/Inprise of USA. Several new modules have been developed to reliably handle the large amounts of data generated by the hundreds of analyses detailed in chapters 2,3 and 4. The ease with which new methods were possible to be incorporated into existing software using OOP has been demonstrated, with source code examples. Comparisons with other types of tools available and die advantages of using OOP have also been demonstrated using the experience during the preparation of this thesis. A strong case for OOP as an indispensable tool for the researcher has been made. Chapter 6: Several important conclusions and suggestions for future work have been made. Appendix 1 contains a brief note on the Method of Least Squares. Appendix 2 contains a small write-up on Delphi and OOP. Concepts of OOP have been briefly described and comparisons between three popular OOP languages have been attempted. A brief description of the features in Delphi's Object Pascal has also been provided. Appendix 3 contains the listing of Unit Arrays, which is a general purpose unit developed to make handling of large arrays easy. Several matrix calculations have been implemented which make the unit extremely useful for programmers. Appendix 4 contains the full listing of program FormK, which has been developed for chapter 2 to derive the fall stiffness matrix of a space frame node. The program picks up results from several analyses, forms a few columns of the stiffness matrix and then fills up the rest using the cyclic symmetry present in the space frame node. This program is given in full, with the intention that other researchers may find it useful to use it as-is or use after making small alterations to suit their circumstances. OOP is known for fast, reliable and easy ways of implementing modifications to existing code. Appendix 5 provides the full listing of the Object Pascal program for extracting Eigenvalues of a space truss with rigid joints or flexible joints. The incorporation of flexibility of the joints proposed in chapter 2 has been implemented. Descriptions of the program's implementations have been provided in chapter 5. Bibliography contains the alphabetical list of references.

Political ecology des engrillagements de Sologne - Tentative de défragmentation du paysage écologique, politique et disciplinaire / The Political Ecology of fencing in the Sologne region in France - An attempt to re-unify the ecological, political and disciplinary landscape

Baltzinger, Marie 23 March 2016 (has links)
Quoi de plus naturel qu’une clôture ? Parmi les images d’Epinal qui nous viennent spontanément à l’esprit, le bocage avec ses haies bien ordonnées, évoque une relation apaisée, rationnelle, arcadienne avec une nature nourricière et bienveillante. Pourtant, la prolifération des clôtures en milieu rural depuis un siècle a suscité la curiosité de nombreux chercheurs dans des disciplines variées. Qu’il s’agisse de protéger la nature de dégradations engendrées par les populations humaines - dans le cas d’espaces protégés -, ou à l’inverse de protéger les humains contre des dangers « naturels » - comme dans le cas de la prévention routière, ces clôtures semblent répondre à une nécessité absolue de ségrégation spatiale entre les hommes et la nature : Quoi de moins naturel qu’une clôture ? Vu sous cet angle, le conflit politico-environnemental engendré par la propagation récente des engrillagements forestiers en Sologne reflète assez bien l’ambiguïté de nos perceptions vis-à-vis du caractère naturel ou non de ces clôtures. La Sologne est une région naturelle Française couvrant près de 500 000 hectares délimitée au nord par la vallée de la Loire et au sud par la vallée du Cher. Fruit d’une occupation humaine attestée depuis le XIe siècle, conjuguée à des contraintes écologiques spécifiques, le paysage Solognot est aujourd’hui caractérisé par son couvert boisé important (environ 50% de la surface) et ses populations importantes de grand gibier, qui entretiennent la longue réputation cynégétique de cette région ; la propriété privée y est largement majoritaire (plus de 90% de la surface forestière). En 2012, une agitation médiatique (film, articles de presse, sites internet) cristallisent un conflit environnemental latente, faisant intervenir des éléments écologiques – les effets supposés bénéfiques ou néfastes de ces engrillagements sur la grande faune, mais aussi politiques – la nécessité de réglementer les engrillagements, et culturels - la sauvegarde du « paysage Solognot ». Afin d’analyser ce conflit, une approche interdisciplinaire de type Political Ecology a été menée, mêlant travail d’enquête auprès de la population et étude du fonctionnement écologique des espaces engrillagés. Ces travaux ont montré que les engrillagements modifient la répartition spatiale des cerfs. La recherche d’effets cascades sur les oiseaux forestiers - résultants des surdensités locales de cerfs en espace engrillagé - n’a cependant pas mis en évidence d’effet négatif. A partir des enquêtes, il apparaît que le conflit est pluridimensionnel et que l’aspect écologique – bien réel – ne suffit pas à lui seul pour comprendre l’enjeu de ce débat au sujet des engrillagements. Ces résultats génèrent une réflexion sur la complexité des conflits environnementaux, et la nécessité d’envisager ces conflits sous des angles différents. Cela implique d’utiliser des outils et des approches issues de plusieurs disciplines, mais aussi et surtout de parvenir à mettre en résonance le matériel hétérogène ainsi obtenu, afin de proposer une approche multifacette mais cohérente. Dans ce cas d’étude, les résultats sur les effets cascades se sont par exemple révélés extrêmement marginaux, alors qu’une étude parallèle sur le comportement du sanglier en milieu engrillagé aurait probablement été très pertinente. Cela amène plus largement à réfléchir sur le « cadrage » des problèmes environnementaux, et sur les choix conscients ou non que nous faisons lorsque nous décrivons une situation comme problématique pour « la nature ». Plus généralement, ces résultats incitent à (re)placer le politique au cœur de nos réflexions sur ce qu’est la « nature », y compris dans la façon dont nous écologues posons nos questions de recherches. / What could be more natural than a fence? Among the traditional images in our collective heritage, a pastoral landscape with well maintained hedges evokes a calm, rational, Arcadian relationship between man and a benevolent, sustaining ature. Yet the century-long proliferation of fences in our rural landscapes has attracted the curiosity of numerous researchers from a variety of disciplines. Whether the goal is to protect nature from the degradations caused by human populations - as in the case of natural protected areas, or inversely, to protect humans from “natural” dangers – as in the case of accident prevention and road safety, fences seem to respond to a primordial necessity to segregate man and nature in space: What could be less natural than a fence? With this in mind, the political/environmental conflict over the recent propagation of forest fences in Sologne reflects quite well the ambiguity of how we perceive such fences – or they “natural” or not? The Sologne is an officially designated “natural region” in France. It extends over nearly 500,000 hectares bordered on the North by the Loire valley and on the South by the Cher valley. The Sologne landscape is the fruit of human occupation, certain since the XI century, combined with specific ecological constraints. Today, Sologne is characterized by extensive forest cover (around 50% of the surface area) and by large populations of big game animals, maintaining the region’s a long history of hunting. Furthermore, land ownership in Sologne is mainly private and more than 90% of the forested area is in private holdings. In 2012, some media excitement (film, newspaper articles, internet sites) crystallized an environmental conflict calling on ecological arguments – the supposed beneficial or detrimental effects of the fencing networks on big game, but also on political arguments – the need to regulate these networks, and on cultural arguments – preserving the Sologne landscape. In order to disentangle the structural lines of this conflict, we applied an interdisciplinary, Political Ecology approach; we combined opinion polls among the inhabitants with the study of ecological functions within the fenced zones. We observed that fences induced modifications of deer habitat use. However, our investigations into a possible cascade effect on forest birds resulting from localized deer over-population in fenced areas revealed no evidence of any negative impact. From our opinion polls, we found that the conflict seems to be multi-dimensional and that the ecological aspect – whose existence is indeed supported by fact – is not sufficient alone to understand what is at stake in this fencing dispute. Our results highlight the complexity of environmental conflicts, and the importance of viewing these conflicts from many different angles. Apprehending this complexity implies using tools and approaches from several different disciplines, but also – and above all – making the heterogeneous results obtained resonate together, in order to propose a coherent, multi-facetted approach. In this study for example, the results obtained for potential cascade effects on birds were extremely marginal, whereas a parallel study on wild boar behavior patterns in an environment with a fencing network would probably have been very pertinent. This leads us to the broader question of the “framework” of environmental problems and to the question of the choices we make – whether consciously or not – when we describe a situation as detrimental to “Nature”. More generally, the results from this study encourage us to put politics (back) into the center of our reflections surrounding the question: What is nature? – and to keep this in mind when we as ecologists define our research hypotheses.

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