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Sobre o estado fundamental de teorias de n-gauge abelianas topológicas / On the ground state of abelian topological higher gauge theoriesEspiro, Javier Ignacio Lorca 11 September 2017 (has links)
O caso finito de teorias topológicas de 1-gauge, quando nenhuma simetria global está presente, é bastante bem compreendido e classificado. Nos últimos anos, as tentativas de generalizar as teorias de 1-gauge através das chamadas teorias de 2-gauge abriram a porta para novos modelos interessantes e novas fases topológicas, as quais não são descritas pelos esquemas de classificação anteriores. Nesta tese, vamos além da construção de 2-gauge, e consideramos uma classe de modelos que vivem em maiores dimensões. Esses modelos estão inseridos em uma estrutura de complexos de cadeia de grupos abelianos, forçando a generalizar o conceito usual de configurações de gauge. A vantagem de tal abordagem é que, a ordem topológica fica manifestamente explcita. Isto é feito em ter- mos de uma cohomologia com coeficientes em um complexo de cadeia finita. Além disso, mostramos que a degenerescência do estado fundamental suporta um conjunto conve- niente de números quânticos que indexam os estados e que, além, foram completamente caracterizados. Consequentemente, nós também mostramos que muitos dos exemplos abelianos de teorias de 1 -gauge 2-gauge são recuperados como casos especiais desta construção. / The finite case of 1-gauge topological theories, when no global symmetries are present, is fairly well understood and classified. In recent years, attempts to generalize the latter situation through the so called 2-gauge theories have opened the door to interesting new models and new topological phases, not described by the previous schemes of classifica- tion. In this paper we go even beyond the 2-gauge construction by considering a class of models that live in arbitrary higher dimensions. These models are embedded in a structure of chain complexes of abelian groups, forcing to generalize the usual notion of gauge configurations. The advantage of such an approach is that, the topological order is explicitly manifest when the ground state space of these models is described. This is done in terms of a cohomology with coefficients in a finite chain complex. Furthermore, we show that the ground state degeneracy underpins a convenient set of quantum num- bers that label the states and that have been completely characterized. We also show that abelian examples of 1-gauge 2-gauge theories are recovered as special cases of this construction.
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Sobre o estado fundamental de teorias de n-gauge abelianas topológicas / On the ground state of abelian topological higher gauge theoriesJavier Ignacio Lorca Espiro 11 September 2017 (has links)
O caso finito de teorias topológicas de 1-gauge, quando nenhuma simetria global está presente, é bastante bem compreendido e classificado. Nos últimos anos, as tentativas de generalizar as teorias de 1-gauge através das chamadas teorias de 2-gauge abriram a porta para novos modelos interessantes e novas fases topológicas, as quais não são descritas pelos esquemas de classificação anteriores. Nesta tese, vamos além da construção de 2-gauge, e consideramos uma classe de modelos que vivem em maiores dimensões. Esses modelos estão inseridos em uma estrutura de complexos de cadeia de grupos abelianos, forçando a generalizar o conceito usual de configurações de gauge. A vantagem de tal abordagem é que, a ordem topológica fica manifestamente explcita. Isto é feito em ter- mos de uma cohomologia com coeficientes em um complexo de cadeia finita. Além disso, mostramos que a degenerescência do estado fundamental suporta um conjunto conve- niente de números quânticos que indexam os estados e que, além, foram completamente caracterizados. Consequentemente, nós também mostramos que muitos dos exemplos abelianos de teorias de 1 -gauge 2-gauge são recuperados como casos especiais desta construção. / The finite case of 1-gauge topological theories, when no global symmetries are present, is fairly well understood and classified. In recent years, attempts to generalize the latter situation through the so called 2-gauge theories have opened the door to interesting new models and new topological phases, not described by the previous schemes of classifica- tion. In this paper we go even beyond the 2-gauge construction by considering a class of models that live in arbitrary higher dimensions. These models are embedded in a structure of chain complexes of abelian groups, forcing to generalize the usual notion of gauge configurations. The advantage of such an approach is that, the topological order is explicitly manifest when the ground state space of these models is described. This is done in terms of a cohomology with coefficients in a finite chain complex. Furthermore, we show that the ground state degeneracy underpins a convenient set of quantum num- bers that label the states and that have been completely characterized. We also show that abelian examples of 1-gauge 2-gauge theories are recovered as special cases of this construction.
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Non-abelian braiding in abelian lattice models from lattice dislocations / Icke-abelsk flätning i abelska gittermodeller genom dislokationerFlygare, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
Topological order is a new field of research involving exotic physics. Among other things it has been suggested as a means for realising fault-tolerant quantum computation. Topological degeneracy, i.e. the ground state degeneracy of a topologically ordered state, is one of the quantities that have been used to characterize such states. Topological order has also been suggested as a possible quantum information storage. We study two-dimensional lattice models defined on a closed manifold, specifically on a torus, and find that these systems exhibit topological degeneracy proportional to the genus of the manifold on which they are defined. We also find that the addition of lattice dislocations increases the ground state degeneracy, a behaviour that can be interpreted as artificially increasing the genus of the manifold. We derive the fusion and braiding rules of the model, which are then used to calculate the braiding properties of the dislocations themselves. These turn out to resemble non-abelian anyons, a property that is important for the possibility to achieve universal quantum computation. One can also emulate lattice dislocations synthetically, by adding an external field. This makes them more realistic for potential experimental realisations. / Topologisk ordning är ett nytt område inom fysik som bland annat verkar lovande som verktyg för förverkligandet av kvantdatorer. En av storheterna som karakteriserar topologiska tillstånd är det totala antalet degenererade grundtillstånd, den topologiska degenerationen. Topologisk ordning har också föreslagits som ett möjligt sätt att lagra kvantdata. Vi undersöker tvådimensionella gittermodeller definierade på en sluten mångfald, specifikt en torus, och finner att dessa system påvisar topologisk degeneration som är proportionerlig mot mångfaldens topologiska genus. När dislokationer introduceras i gittret finner vi att grundtillståndets degeneration ökar, något som kan ses som en artificiell ökning av mångfaldens genus. Vi härleder sammanslagningsregler och flätningsregler för modellen och använder sedan dessa för att räkna ut flätegenskaperna hos själva dislokationerna. Dessa visar sig likna icke-abelska anyoner, en egenskap som är viktiga för möjligheten att kunna utföra universella kvantberäkningar. Det går också att emulera dislokationer i gittret genom att lägga på ett yttre fält. Detta gör dem mer realistiska för eventuella experimentella realisationer.
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