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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Fracture Orientation on the Choice of Grout Fan Geometry - a Statistical Analysis / Inverkan av sprickorientering på valet av skärmgeometri för injektering - en statistisk analys

Osterman, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Water ingress into rock tunnels is a problematic phenomenon – especially in urban areas – as a lowered groundwater table may cause harmful settlements. Furthermore, too much ingress can be an incentive for the environmental court to halt the tunnel process, in order to protect the nature as part of a national interest.Water ingress is normally lowered by injecting a water and cement mixture into boreholes in the rock mass – a process called rock grouting – thus sealing the rock fractures. Very little information and research has been on the subject of how the rock fracture orientation interact with the orientation and geometry of the grouting holes. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether or not it is possible and feasible to select a grout fan geometry that will have the most intersections with the rock fractures, based on fracture information gained in an early pre-investigation stage. The suitability of different grout fan geometries will be determined by analyzing the amount of fracture intersections that each geometry has in a discrete fracture network, generated based on data obtained from rock cores in the Stockholm Bypass project. The assumption is that more fracture intersections means a higher chance of sealing the rock mass. The results show that there is no clear difference in number of intersections between the analyzed grout fan geometries, indicating that focus should not be on analyzing the grout fans as whole units, but rather on the scale of individual grouting holes and fractures. This thesis also highlights the importance of monitoring according to the observational method. / Vatteninläckage i bergtunnlar är ett problem, speciellt inom tätbebyggda områden, eftersom en sänkt grundvattennivå kan orsaka sättningar i jordlagren och följaktligen skada infrastruktur. Dessutom kan ett för högt vatteninläckage vara ett incitament för miljödomstolen att stoppa tunneldrivningen i ett försök att skydda den allmänna miljön i dennas roll som ett nationalintresse.Vatteninträngning i tunnlar minskas normalt genom att injicera en blandning av vatten och mikrocement i borrhål lokaliserade i bergmassan – en process som kallas för sprickinjektering – och genom detta täta bergmassan. Idag finns mycket lite information tillgänglig om hur sprickors och injekteringshålens orienteringar interagerar med varandra.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida det är genomförbart att i ett tidigt förundersökningsskede bestämma en skärmgeometri som kommer ha så många sprickskärningar som möjligt. Olika skärmgeometriers lämplighet bedömdes genom att analysera mängden sprickskärningar som varje geometri hade i ett diskret spricknätverk, baserat på indata från utvalda kärnborrningar från Förbifart Stockholm. Analysen utfördes under antagandet att fler sprickskärningar ger en större chans att täta berget.Resultaten visar att det inte finns en klar skillnad i antalen skärningar olika skärmgeometrier emellan, vilket indikerar att framtida fokus inte bör läggas på att analysera skärmgeometrier som enheter, utan snarare att analysen bör utföras på individuella injekteringshål och sprickor. Denna uppsats markerar också vikten av observationer under utförandet av berguttag och sprickinjektering i enlighet med observationsmetoden.

Development of grout for deep shaft / Utveckling av injekteringsbruk till djupt schakt

Lindberg, Karl, von Krusenstierna, Adam January 2021 (has links)
In tunnel engineering one of the most important factors are the groundwater flow. To solve this problem a method called grouting is commonly used. In this study grout mixes are developed based on specific requirements for a deep shaft located next to a body of water. These circumstances require a grout with extraordinary penetrability and durability. During the excavation of a shaft, different groundwater pressures and fracture structures is going to be present. This creates conditions where different types of grouts are necessary. In order to develop grout, there are several factors that needs to be taken into consideration. Some of these are the cement properties, additive properties and amounts, water cement ratio, mixing regime, external physical impact etc. In this study several experiments were used to determine the properties of the grout mixes in order to fulfil the requirements needed for certain rock conditions. Three different cements and several additives have been used in different combinations in order to find the right mix. The first step of the experimental process is to do screening tests. The screening tests consists of penetrability, flow and density tests. After a grout passes these tests, several other tests are performed to ensure the right properties. In the beginning of the experiments, problems occurred with one of the cements which led us to suspect the quality of the cement. In order to ensure that the sources of error from lab equipment, different production dates, conditions of cements and additives are excluded several tests were performed. The test results of the cement did not improve regardless of the troubleshooting.When another cement type was tested the results immediately improved and passed the screening test. The test results from the new cements and additives led to further testing and development of two approved grout mixes. When another cement type was tested the results immediately improved and passed the screening test. The test results from the new cements and additives led to further testing and development of two approved grout mixes. / Vid tunnelbyggande är en av de största utmaningarna tätning av berget för att undvika vatteninträngning. Detta är viktigt av flera anledningar. Grundvatteninträngning kan resultera i en lokal grundvattensänkning som kan medföra förödande konsekvenser. Det kan leda till sättningar som i sin tur leder till skador på byggnader och även den befintliga växtligheten kan förstöras av en allt för stor grundvattensänkning. Det finns flera tekniska åtgärder till detta problem och ett exempel på detta är tätning med injekteringsbruk.Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla tre olika injekteringsbruk som har de egenskaper som krävs i schaktet vid Stadsgårdskajen. Egenskaperna som hade krav på att uppfyllas var penetrationsförmåga, sättningstid, sträckgräns, skjuvhållfasthet, rinntest, vattenseparation och densitet.Studien är i huvudsak byggd på det egna laborerade arbetet men har kompletterats med vetenskapliga rapporter där den viktigaste källan var Betonghandboken Material. För att få kunskap om de specifika materialen som användes i studien fanns tekniska datablad för respektive produkt.Resultaten visar hur olika cementtyper reagerar med olika kombinationer av tillsatser och vattencementtal. Tester genomfördes på tre olika typer av portlandcement varav två av dessa var sulfatresistenta. Tillsatserna som användes i studien var superplasticerare, accelerator, retarder och viskositetstabiliserare. Resultaten är uppdelade i VCT (vattencementtal) för respektive cementtyp.Några slutsatser av studien är att RHEOCEM 650 SR inte fungerade som förväntat. Detta sannolikt på grund av dålig cementkvalité. MasterRoc MP 650 och Injektering 30 gav betydligt bättre resultat och det är från Injektering 30 som de båda godkända mixarna utvecklades från. Ifall fortsatta studier hade genomförts hade en godkänd mix 1 utvecklats. Det hade även varit intressant att se hur de olika godkända mixarna fungerade i praktiken.

Comportement axial des ancrages passifs scellés au rocher : étude de l’interface barre-scellement et modélisation / Axial behavior of fully grouted rockbolts : study of the bolt-grout interface and modeling

Ho, Duc An 16 January 2017 (has links)
L’installation et la maintenance des ancrages passifs scellés au rocher représentent un coût important dans le budget de fonctionnement des infrastructures de transport sujettes à l’aléa rocheux. Dans ce contexte, clarifier et optimiser les méthodes de dimensionnement actuellement employées représente un enjeu fort. Or le comportement d’un ancrage passif scellé au rocher est très complexe : il fait intervenir non seulement la rupture des matériaux constituants mais également la rupture des interfaces. Par ailleurs, la résistance de l’interface barre-scellement lors de l’arrachement d’un ancrage dépend du caractère dilatant de cette interface, liée à la géométrie de la barre (verrous) et à la plastification du matériau de scellement. Le travail de cette thèse porte sur une meilleure compréhension du comportement en traction d’un ancrage passif scellé au rocher, l’objectif étant d’améliorer la conception et le dimensionnement des ancrages sollicités axialement. Premièrement, le travail a consisté à définir le comportement de l’interface barre-scellement, Pour cela, un modèle numérique a été développé afin de reproduire des essais d’arrachement, sous différentes contraintes de confinement radial, de barres d’acier de haute adhérence (HA) scellées sur une longueur de 15 cm dans un cylindre de coulis de ciment (Moosavi et al. 2005). La géométrie réelle de l’interface acier–scellement a été considérée dans le modèle. Le comportement du coulis de scellement a été représenté par un modèle de type «concrete damage plasticity» (CDP), modèle de Lubliner (1986), implémenté dans Abaqus (2012). La représentation dans une approche continue de la plastification locale et de la fissuration, a nécessité un calage pour tenir compte des effets d’échelle. Le comportement de l’interface barre-scellement a ainsi été identifié comme cohésif dommageable avec frottement, dans une bande de cisaillement de largeur entre 2 et 3 fois la hauteur des verrous. Dans l’objectif de simuler un ancrage sur le terrain, des éléments d’interface représentant le contact acierscellement (sans les verrous) ont été développés.. La performance des éléments a été testée par la modélisation d’essais réalisés par Benmokrane et al. (1995) pour des barres de HA scellées en forage dans un bloc de béton, c’est-à-dire avec des conditions-limites radiales à rigidité constante. En parallèle, afin de tester l’influence de différents paramètres (géométrie, propriétés de matériau, accessoires de mise en oeuvre) sur le comportement de l’ancrage, une campagne insitu de 36 essais d’arrachement de barres d’acier HA scellées dans un massif calcaire résistant a été réalisée. Certaines barres équipées de fibre optique ont permis d’étudier finement la mobilisation de l’interface entre la barre d’acier et le matériau de scellement lors de la sollicitation axiale. Ces observations expérimentales, comparées aux résultats de la simulation numérique des essais, ont permis de valider le modèle numérique développé et en particulier les éléments d’interface. Par ailleurs, dans nos conditions d’essais, il n’est pas noté d’effet de la longueur de scellement ou de la résistance du coulis de scellement sur la résistance de l’ancrage : la résistance est limitée par la résistance en traction de la barre d’acier. Quant à la rigidité de l’ancrage, c’est le rapport diamètre de la barre/diamètre du forage ou un coulis plus résistant qui tend à rigidifier le comportement de l’ancrage. Pour un rocher résistant et homogène, la longueur de scellement efficace est au maximum de 65cm pour les diamètres usuels de barre. Elle tend à augmenter quand le système est plus déformable : coulis de scellement moins résistant ou, pour un diamètre de barre donné, diamètre de forage plus grand. La présence de la canule d’injection ne semble pas perturber le comportement de l’ancrage. Par contre, une attention particulière doit être portée à la mise en oeuvre de la chaussette géotextile. / Fully grouted rockbolts have been used for decades for transport infrastructure exposed to rockfall hazards. However their installation and maintenance are usually costly. Therefore, understanding and optimizing of the current design method for this type of anchorage is a major challenge. This study is not simple because of the complexity of fully grouted rockbolt behavior: its failure involves not only the failure of constituent materials (rockbolt, grout, rock), but also the failure of bolt-grout and grout-rock interfaces. Moreover, the strength of bolt-grout interface depends on the interface dilatancy, which is likely linked to the geometry of ribs and to the plastification of grout material. This thesis which includes two different parts, a numerical modeling and an experimental work, contributes hence to a better understanding of fully grouted rockbolt behavior under an axial tensile load, in order to improve the current design method. Firstly the bolt-grout interface behavior in particular the force transmission between the bolt and the grout, was studied. For this purpose, a numerical model was proposed to simulate the pull-out test of a short length of 15cm of bolt grouted in a cylinder of cement hardened paste, under constant confinement pressure (Moosavi et al., 2005). In this model, the bolt-grout interface was modeled with its real geometry, including ribs. To consider the different types of behavior and failure (tension, compression and shear) of the grout, this one was modeled by the concrete damage plasticity model (CDP model), which was developed by Lubliner et al. (1986) and implemented in Abaqus (2012). Moreover, the localization of plastic strain and the fracture of grout imply different size effects, which were also taken into consideration within the calibration of the parameters of the CDP model. The bolt-grout interface behavior was also identified to be a cohesive-damage friction interface within a 2 or 3 times the height of the ribs wide shear band. From these numerical modeling results, a constitutive model for the bolt-grout interface was developed to replace the real geometry of bolt-grout contact, in order to model in-situ anchors, whose length is much longer than that of anchors in laboratory tests. The interface model was then validated by performing the numerical simulation of the pullout tests of grouted bolt in borehole drilled in concrete block, carried out by Benmokranne et al. (1995), under constant rigidity of confinement instead of constant pressure of confinement. For the second part of this study, a series of 36 pull-out field tests of fully grouted rockbolt in a rigid limestone rock wall was conducted in order to study the influence of different parameters on the behavior of rock anchors (geometry, material characteristics, accessories). Certain of the bolts equipped with optical fiber allowed bolt strains to be measured along their length, and hence, the stress mobilization along the bolt-grout interface to be studied. The comparison between experimental and numerical results permitted us to validate the numerical simulation, in particular the proposed interface model. With our field test conditions, no influence of grouting length or grout resistance on the strength of anchor was noticed and the bolt strength was limited by the tensile strength of the steel rebar. It is the ratio of bolt diameter/borehole diameter or a stronger grout that tends to stiffen anchor. In a resistant and homogeneous rock and for usual rebar diameters, the efficient grouting length is lower than 65cm. This length increases when the system is more deformable, by using a less resistant grout or a higher grout thickness. The instalation of the cannula seem not to affect the anchor’s strength. However, a particular attention must be paid to the use of the geotextile sock.

Estudo da interface bloco/graute em elementos de alvenaria estrutural / Study of the block/grout interface in concrete and clay block masonry structures

Soto Izquierdo, Orieta 08 April 2015 (has links)
A construção de edifícios em alvenaria estrutural tem evoluído de maneira significativa no Brasil. Os edifícios têm se tornado cada vez mais altos, atingindo a marca de 20 pavimentos. Quanto mais altos os edifícios, maiores se tornam os níveis de compressão provenientes dos carregamentos verticais e a sua composição com as ações devidas ao vento e ao desaprumo, obrigando a um maior emprego da alvenaria estrutural armada. A aderência bloco/graute como fator limitante à capacidade do conjunto armadura/graute/bloco na absorção da compressão e tração simples ou da tração oriunda da flexão não é especificada nas normas tanto nacionais como internacionais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal estudar o comportamento da interface bloco/graute, tanto para blocos de concreto como cerâmicos e com a presença ou não de armadura, submetidos a solicitações que provocam tração e compressão. Recursos experimentais e numéricos foram realizados para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Foram feitos ensaios de caracterização dos materiais, dos componentes e da alvenaria, além de ensaios de \"push-out\" (empurramento) para determinar a resistência de aderência na interface graute/bloco e ensaios de \"pull-out\" (arrancamento) considerando-se a presença de barras de armadura para o estudo do comportamento do conjunto graute/bloco/armadura utilizados. Posteriormente foram realizadas modelagens computacionais no programa DIANA, que é baseado no método dos elementos finitos, para prever o comportamento estrutural dos modelos. A partir dos resultados experimentais e numéricos pôde-se concluir que existe uma boa aderência entre as paredes dos blocos de concreto e o graute, suficiente para evitar o escorregamento, sendo possível mobilizar toda a resistência de tração das barras de armadura de diâmetros usuais, desde que devidamente ancoradas. Já com os blocos cerâmicos observa-se uma menor aderência entre as paredes dos blocos e o graute, podendo ocorrer o escorregamento do material de enchimento, antes que a armadura alcance sua tensão de escoamento. O graute de maior resistência à compressão e menor fator água cimento (graute G30) apresentou maior resistência de aderência em relação ao graute mais fraco (graute G14) e de maior fator água/cimento. Quanto aos limites estabelecidos para a tensão de escoamento das armaduras, observa-se que, no caso de blocos de concreto, não deve haver restrição. Em contraposição, quanto aos blocos cerâmicos, o problema é mais complexo, cabendo a realização de mais ensaios para a confirmação de limites, com a variação de blocos e grautes. Os resultados do estudo paramétrico apontam limites que devem ser adotados no caso de diâmetro superior a 10 mm. De maneira simplificada, como ponto para futuras verificações pode-se propor: 75% para Ø 12,5 mm, 50% para Ø 16 mm e 25% para Ø 20 mm. As análises numéricas realizadas nos modelos ensaiados a push-out e pull-out representaram adequadamente o comportamentos observado em laboratório, permitindo a realização da análise paramétrica. / The construction of structural masonry buildings has evolved significantly in Brazil. The buildings have become ever higher, reaching the level of 20 floors. Higher buildings lead to lager compression levels, coming from the vertical loads combined to the horizontal actions due to wind and lack of verticality, obliging a greater use of reinforced structural masonry. The block/grout adherence is not specified in both national and international standards. This work aims to study the behavior of the block/grout interface, for both concrete and clay blocks, with and without reinforcement, submitted to tensile and compressive forces. Experimental and numerical resources were used to development of this study. The experimental program studied the masonry behavior using push-out specimens to determine the bond strength between the grout and the concrete unit, and pull-out specimens to study the behavior of the interface of the grout/block/reinforcement. Computational modelling was carried out using the FEM software Diana, which has a library with constitutive models suitable for civil engineering application, to complete the study and understand the structural behavior of the block/grout interface. The experimental results showed that there is a good bond between the concrete blocks internal faces and the grout, enough to prevent infill-slippage, and that the whole tensile strength of the usual reinforcement rebars is achieved provided they are properly anchored. Nevertheless, for clay blocks there is a low bond between the clay blocks internal faces and the grout, allowing the infill-slippage before the reinforcement bars reach their yield stress. The higher strength grout with lower water/cement ratio (grout G30) presented higher bond strength compared to the lower strength grout and higher water/cement ratio (grout G14). In the case of concrete blocks there should be no restriction limits on the yield stress of reinforcement, in a practical sense and considering other prescribed limits. In contradiction, in the case of clay blocks, additional tests should be carried out for establishing limits, with varying blocks and grouts. The parametric analysis indicates limits that should be adopted for a diameter larger than 10 mm. The authors of this research suggest 75% for Ø 12.5 mm, 50% for Ø 16 mm and 25% for Ø 20 mm as a reference point for future investigations. The numerical analysis showed that the computer models of the push-out and pull-out specimens represented adequately the behavior of the physical models, and thus can be used in parametric analysis.

Verificação da eficácia dos sistemas de vedação e drenagem em fundações de barragens de concreto / Grouting and drainage curtains efficacy verification in concrete dam foundations

Silvia Delattre Levis 27 October 2006 (has links)
A subpressão consiste em um dos maiores problemas no que diz respeito à segurança de obras hidráulicas. A execução de vedações com cortinas de injeção de cimento, associadas à drenagem é de suma importância para coibir as ações da água percolada através de suas fundações. Torna-se, portanto, indispensável conhecer elementos para a verificação do bom funcionamento destes sistemas. Grande parte dos critérios de subpressão utilizados hoje no dimensionamento de barragens é baseada em métodos determinísticos e empíricos, com origem em experiência acumulada sob certas condições específicas. Quando tais critérios são utilizados para lugares específicos, com feições geológicas peculiares, podem não refletir os dados utilizados anteriormente. Tanto projetos sem segurança como antieconômicos podem resultar desta prática. Neste trabalho, procura-se avaliar a eficácia dos sistemas de vedação e drenagem de maneira probabilística, utilizando métodos estatísticos e dados obtidos durante a execução de obras já prontas, de modo a considerar a heterogeneidade dos maciços de fundação. A primeira parte da pesquisa consistiu, portanto, na compilação e ajuste de curvas de distribuição estatística aos valores de absorções de água e calda de cimento das barragens da Usina Hidrelétrica de Salto Caxias e da derivação do Rio Jordão. As duas localizam-se no Estado do Paraná e são de propriedade da COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia. Ambas são fundadas em rochas basálticas, mas possuem diferentes características de permeabilidade. A eficácia de uma cortina de injeção pode ser dividida em duas: na dos trabalhos de injeção, com o controle dos valores de calda de cimento absorvida, e na da cortina em si, através da verificação da diminuição das subpressões e das vazões de percolação. Assim, através da análise da tendência das curvas de distribuição encontradas, foi possível comprovar o bom resultado dos trabalhos de injeção realizados nas duas obras. Na segunda parte da pesquisa, é proposta uma metodologia de análise probabilística da eficácia das cortinas de vedação e de drenagem. Esta metodologia baseia-se nos princípios do método de Monte Carlo, gerando-se cenários aleatórios de acordo com as curvas de distribuição estatísticas obtidas da primeira parte do trabalho. Através de simulações numéricas com elementos finitos, com valores de permeabilidades das fundações obedecendo àquelas distribuições estatísticas, foi possível obter uma distribuição estatística das subpressões. Com isso, pode-se proceder a análises de confiabilidade, e probabilidades de falha podem ser obtidas utilizando leituras de instrumentação ou mesmo critérios de subpressão. / One of the biggest problems for hydraulic works safety is the uplift pressure. The execution of grouting, associated with drainage, is very important to control seepage through concrete dam foundations. Therefore, appropriate means to check the efficiency of those systems are essential for dam safety evaluation. Most of the uplift pressure criteria used nowadays for dam design is based on deterministic and empirical methods, originated from accumulated experience under certain specific conditions. When such criteria are used for a specific site, peculiar geological features may not be reflected in the data basis used as previous experience. Either unsafe or uneconomic designs may result from such practice. In this work, grouting and drainage systems effectiveness are evaluated in a probabilistic way, using statistical methods and data obtained during grouting execution, which provide good assessment for foundation properties variability. The first part of the research consisted, therefore, in the compilation and statistical distribution curves adjustment of data from Salto Caxias and Jordão river Hydroelectric Power Plants water pressure tests and grouting takes. The two dams are located in the state of Paraná, Brazil, and are owned by COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia. They are founded on basaltic rocks, but have different permeability characteristics. Grout curtain effectiveness can be divided in two: in the grouting operation, with the treatment of cement grout take data, and in the curtain, which is measured by uplift and seepage reductions. Thus, by analyzing statistical distribution trends, it was possible to verify treatments effectiveness in the two dams. In the second part of the research, a probabilistic analysis methodology of drainage and grouting curtains effectiveness is proposed. This methodology is based on Monte Carlo method principles, randomly generating scenarios according to statistical distributions obtained in the first part of the work. By means of numerical simulations with finite elements, using foundation permeability coefficients following those statistical distributions, it was also possible to obtain a statistical distribution of uplift forces. Reliability analyses can be performed, and failure probabilities can be obtained using instrumentation readings, or even any uplift pressure criterion.

Verificação da eficácia dos sistemas de vedação e drenagem em fundações de barragens de concreto / Grouting and drainage curtains efficacy verification in concrete dam foundations

Levis, Silvia Delattre 27 October 2006 (has links)
A subpressão consiste em um dos maiores problemas no que diz respeito à segurança de obras hidráulicas. A execução de vedações com cortinas de injeção de cimento, associadas à drenagem é de suma importância para coibir as ações da água percolada através de suas fundações. Torna-se, portanto, indispensável conhecer elementos para a verificação do bom funcionamento destes sistemas. Grande parte dos critérios de subpressão utilizados hoje no dimensionamento de barragens é baseada em métodos determinísticos e empíricos, com origem em experiência acumulada sob certas condições específicas. Quando tais critérios são utilizados para lugares específicos, com feições geológicas peculiares, podem não refletir os dados utilizados anteriormente. Tanto projetos sem segurança como antieconômicos podem resultar desta prática. Neste trabalho, procura-se avaliar a eficácia dos sistemas de vedação e drenagem de maneira probabilística, utilizando métodos estatísticos e dados obtidos durante a execução de obras já prontas, de modo a considerar a heterogeneidade dos maciços de fundação. A primeira parte da pesquisa consistiu, portanto, na compilação e ajuste de curvas de distribuição estatística aos valores de absorções de água e calda de cimento das barragens da Usina Hidrelétrica de Salto Caxias e da derivação do Rio Jordão. As duas localizam-se no Estado do Paraná e são de propriedade da COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia. Ambas são fundadas em rochas basálticas, mas possuem diferentes características de permeabilidade. A eficácia de uma cortina de injeção pode ser dividida em duas: na dos trabalhos de injeção, com o controle dos valores de calda de cimento absorvida, e na da cortina em si, através da verificação da diminuição das subpressões e das vazões de percolação. Assim, através da análise da tendência das curvas de distribuição encontradas, foi possível comprovar o bom resultado dos trabalhos de injeção realizados nas duas obras. Na segunda parte da pesquisa, é proposta uma metodologia de análise probabilística da eficácia das cortinas de vedação e de drenagem. Esta metodologia baseia-se nos princípios do método de Monte Carlo, gerando-se cenários aleatórios de acordo com as curvas de distribuição estatísticas obtidas da primeira parte do trabalho. Através de simulações numéricas com elementos finitos, com valores de permeabilidades das fundações obedecendo àquelas distribuições estatísticas, foi possível obter uma distribuição estatística das subpressões. Com isso, pode-se proceder a análises de confiabilidade, e probabilidades de falha podem ser obtidas utilizando leituras de instrumentação ou mesmo critérios de subpressão. / One of the biggest problems for hydraulic works safety is the uplift pressure. The execution of grouting, associated with drainage, is very important to control seepage through concrete dam foundations. Therefore, appropriate means to check the efficiency of those systems are essential for dam safety evaluation. Most of the uplift pressure criteria used nowadays for dam design is based on deterministic and empirical methods, originated from accumulated experience under certain specific conditions. When such criteria are used for a specific site, peculiar geological features may not be reflected in the data basis used as previous experience. Either unsafe or uneconomic designs may result from such practice. In this work, grouting and drainage systems effectiveness are evaluated in a probabilistic way, using statistical methods and data obtained during grouting execution, which provide good assessment for foundation properties variability. The first part of the research consisted, therefore, in the compilation and statistical distribution curves adjustment of data from Salto Caxias and Jordão river Hydroelectric Power Plants water pressure tests and grouting takes. The two dams are located in the state of Paraná, Brazil, and are owned by COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia. They are founded on basaltic rocks, but have different permeability characteristics. Grout curtain effectiveness can be divided in two: in the grouting operation, with the treatment of cement grout take data, and in the curtain, which is measured by uplift and seepage reductions. Thus, by analyzing statistical distribution trends, it was possible to verify treatments effectiveness in the two dams. In the second part of the research, a probabilistic analysis methodology of drainage and grouting curtains effectiveness is proposed. This methodology is based on Monte Carlo method principles, randomly generating scenarios according to statistical distributions obtained in the first part of the work. By means of numerical simulations with finite elements, using foundation permeability coefficients following those statistical distributions, it was also possible to obtain a statistical distribution of uplift forces. Reliability analyses can be performed, and failure probabilities can be obtained using instrumentation readings, or even any uplift pressure criterion.

Branch Plate-to-circular Hollow Structural Section Connections

Voth, Andrew Peter 17 February 2011 (has links)
Although branch plate connections with circular hollow section (CHS) members are simple to fabricate and cost-effective, they are generally very flexible under low load application resulting in the limit states design resistance being governed by an imposed deformation limit. Restricting the ultimate capacity of a branch plate connection by a deformation limit results in the inherent strength of the CHS member being under-utilized, highlighting the need to develop connection stiffening methods. Two methods to stiffen branch plate-to-CHS connections are examined: a through plate connection and a grout-filled CHS branch plate connection. Further, the current design guidelines of various plate-to-CHS connection types are reexamined including the effect of chord axial stress and chord length on connection behaviour. Finally, the behaviour of connections with non-orthogonal or skew plate orientation, which has not previously been examined, was studied in depth.The behaviour of these uniplanar connection types under quasi-static axial loading was studied through 16 large-scale laboratory experiments and 682 numerical finite element analyses, as well as an extensive review of all previous international experimental and numerical findings. The extensive study formed the basis for a complete set of proposed design guidelines and provided insight into plate-to-CHS connection behaviour. For all plate-to-CHS connection types, the plate thickness is shown to effect connection capacity, though previously this was thought not to have significant impact on connection behaviour. The existing ideology of using the same design recommendations for tension- and compression-loaded connections, which was developed from compression results, under-utilizes an inherent increase in capacity provided by a connection primarily loaded in tension. As such, the recommended design guidelines split the two load senses into separate expressions that reflect the difference in behaviour. Stiffened through plate connection behaviour was determined to be the summation of branch plate behaviour in compression and tension, leading to a significant increase in capacity and identical behaviour regardless of branch load sense. The skewed branch plate connection behaviour was found to relate directly to the established behaviour of longitudinal and transverse plate connections. A design function was developed that interpolates the capacities of intermediate angles by using the proposed design recommendations of the two extreme connection types. Finally, the examination of chord axial stress and chord length for plate-to-CHS connections yielded results similar to previous international studies on CHS-to-CHS connections. The effect of chord length, however, has wide-reaching implications as to how experimental and numerical FE research programs are developed.

Branch Plate-to-circular Hollow Structural Section Connections

Voth, Andrew Peter 17 February 2011 (has links)
Although branch plate connections with circular hollow section (CHS) members are simple to fabricate and cost-effective, they are generally very flexible under low load application resulting in the limit states design resistance being governed by an imposed deformation limit. Restricting the ultimate capacity of a branch plate connection by a deformation limit results in the inherent strength of the CHS member being under-utilized, highlighting the need to develop connection stiffening methods. Two methods to stiffen branch plate-to-CHS connections are examined: a through plate connection and a grout-filled CHS branch plate connection. Further, the current design guidelines of various plate-to-CHS connection types are reexamined including the effect of chord axial stress and chord length on connection behaviour. Finally, the behaviour of connections with non-orthogonal or skew plate orientation, which has not previously been examined, was studied in depth.The behaviour of these uniplanar connection types under quasi-static axial loading was studied through 16 large-scale laboratory experiments and 682 numerical finite element analyses, as well as an extensive review of all previous international experimental and numerical findings. The extensive study formed the basis for a complete set of proposed design guidelines and provided insight into plate-to-CHS connection behaviour. For all plate-to-CHS connection types, the plate thickness is shown to effect connection capacity, though previously this was thought not to have significant impact on connection behaviour. The existing ideology of using the same design recommendations for tension- and compression-loaded connections, which was developed from compression results, under-utilizes an inherent increase in capacity provided by a connection primarily loaded in tension. As such, the recommended design guidelines split the two load senses into separate expressions that reflect the difference in behaviour. Stiffened through plate connection behaviour was determined to be the summation of branch plate behaviour in compression and tension, leading to a significant increase in capacity and identical behaviour regardless of branch load sense. The skewed branch plate connection behaviour was found to relate directly to the established behaviour of longitudinal and transverse plate connections. A design function was developed that interpolates the capacities of intermediate angles by using the proposed design recommendations of the two extreme connection types. Finally, the examination of chord axial stress and chord length for plate-to-CHS connections yielded results similar to previous international studies on CHS-to-CHS connections. The effect of chord length, however, has wide-reaching implications as to how experimental and numerical FE research programs are developed.

Rheology of cement grout  : Ultrasound based in-line measurement technique and grouting design parameters

Rahman, Mashuqur January 2015 (has links)
Grouting is performed in order to decrease the permeability and increase the stiffness of the material, especially soil and rock. For tunnelling and underground constructions, permeation grouting is done where cement based materials are pumped inside drilled boreholes under a constant pressure, higher than the ground water pressure. The aim of permeation grouting is to reduce the water flow into tunnels and caverns and to limit the lowering of the surrounding groundwater table. Cement based materials are commonly used as grout due to their availability and lower costs. To obtain a proper water sealing and reduce the lowering of the ground water table, a desired spread of grout must be achieved and the rheology of the cement grout is the governing factor for estimating the required spread. Rheological properties of cement grout such as viscosity and yield stress are commonly measured off-line using laboratory instruments, and some simple tools are available to make field measurements. Although the rheological properties of the grout that is used play a fundamental role in design and execution, no method has yet been developed to measure these properties in-line in field work. In addition to the real time measurement, there is no standard method for determining the yield stress for grouting applications. Despite the common usage of Bingham model fitting to determine the yield stress, the range of shear rate is often not specified or is neglected.   In this work, an in-line rheometry method combining the Ultrasound Velocity Profiling (UVP) technique with Pressure Difference (PD) measurements, known as “UVP+PD”, was successfully tested for continuous in-line measurements of concentrated micro cement based grouts. A major obstacle of using the ultrasound based methodology was the transducers, which would be capable of emitting sufficient acoustic energy and can be used in field conditions. The transducer technology was developed in a parallel project and the Flow-Viz industrial rheometer was found to be capable of detail measurement of the velocity profiles of cement grout. The shape of the velocity profiles was visualized, and the change in the shape of the profiles with concentration and time was observed. The viscosity and yield stress of the grout were determined using rheological models, e.g. Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley. In addition, rheological properties were determined using the non-model approach (gradient method) and the tube viscometry concept and were compared with results obtained using the rheological models. The UVP+PD method was found to be capable of determining the rheological behavior of cement grout regardless of the rheological model. The yield stress of cement grout was investigated using off-line rheometry techniques and UVP+PD in-line measurements. Tests were performed applying different shear histories and it was found that two ranges of yield stress indeed exist. Therefore, the design value of yield stress should be chosen with respect to the prevailing shear rate at the grout front for the required spread of grout. In addition, an appropriate shear rate range should be used when a Bingham fitting is done to determine the yield stress. In order to estimate the shear rate, plug thickness and velocity for one dimensional and two dimensional geometry, a non- dimensional nomogram was developed. The advantage of using the nomogram is that it does not depend on the applied pressure and the rheological properties of the grout and can therefore, be used as a simple design tool. Analytical approaches were used for the estimation and good agreements were found with numerical calculations and experimental results. In conclusion, in this work, it was found that it is possible to continuously measure the velocity profiles and determine the change of the rheological properties of cement grout using the ultrasound based UVP+PD method under field conditions. The yield stress was also investigated and it was found that two range of yield stress exist depending on the prevailing shear rate of the grout, which should be used for designing the grouting time at different conditions. In order to decide the design value of yield stress for grouting applications, a non-dimensional nomogram was developed that can be used to estimate the plug thickness, shear rate and velocity of the grout. / <p>Funding for the project was provided by the Swedish Rock Engineering Research Foundation (BeFo), The Swedish Research Council (FORMAS) and The Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF), who are gratefully acknowledged. QC 20151112</p>

Estudo da interface bloco/graute em elementos de alvenaria estrutural / Study of the block/grout interface in concrete and clay block masonry structures

Orieta Soto Izquierdo 08 April 2015 (has links)
A construção de edifícios em alvenaria estrutural tem evoluído de maneira significativa no Brasil. Os edifícios têm se tornado cada vez mais altos, atingindo a marca de 20 pavimentos. Quanto mais altos os edifícios, maiores se tornam os níveis de compressão provenientes dos carregamentos verticais e a sua composição com as ações devidas ao vento e ao desaprumo, obrigando a um maior emprego da alvenaria estrutural armada. A aderência bloco/graute como fator limitante à capacidade do conjunto armadura/graute/bloco na absorção da compressão e tração simples ou da tração oriunda da flexão não é especificada nas normas tanto nacionais como internacionais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal estudar o comportamento da interface bloco/graute, tanto para blocos de concreto como cerâmicos e com a presença ou não de armadura, submetidos a solicitações que provocam tração e compressão. Recursos experimentais e numéricos foram realizados para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Foram feitos ensaios de caracterização dos materiais, dos componentes e da alvenaria, além de ensaios de \"push-out\" (empurramento) para determinar a resistência de aderência na interface graute/bloco e ensaios de \"pull-out\" (arrancamento) considerando-se a presença de barras de armadura para o estudo do comportamento do conjunto graute/bloco/armadura utilizados. Posteriormente foram realizadas modelagens computacionais no programa DIANA, que é baseado no método dos elementos finitos, para prever o comportamento estrutural dos modelos. A partir dos resultados experimentais e numéricos pôde-se concluir que existe uma boa aderência entre as paredes dos blocos de concreto e o graute, suficiente para evitar o escorregamento, sendo possível mobilizar toda a resistência de tração das barras de armadura de diâmetros usuais, desde que devidamente ancoradas. Já com os blocos cerâmicos observa-se uma menor aderência entre as paredes dos blocos e o graute, podendo ocorrer o escorregamento do material de enchimento, antes que a armadura alcance sua tensão de escoamento. O graute de maior resistência à compressão e menor fator água cimento (graute G30) apresentou maior resistência de aderência em relação ao graute mais fraco (graute G14) e de maior fator água/cimento. Quanto aos limites estabelecidos para a tensão de escoamento das armaduras, observa-se que, no caso de blocos de concreto, não deve haver restrição. Em contraposição, quanto aos blocos cerâmicos, o problema é mais complexo, cabendo a realização de mais ensaios para a confirmação de limites, com a variação de blocos e grautes. Os resultados do estudo paramétrico apontam limites que devem ser adotados no caso de diâmetro superior a 10 mm. De maneira simplificada, como ponto para futuras verificações pode-se propor: 75% para Ø 12,5 mm, 50% para Ø 16 mm e 25% para Ø 20 mm. As análises numéricas realizadas nos modelos ensaiados a push-out e pull-out representaram adequadamente o comportamentos observado em laboratório, permitindo a realização da análise paramétrica. / The construction of structural masonry buildings has evolved significantly in Brazil. The buildings have become ever higher, reaching the level of 20 floors. Higher buildings lead to lager compression levels, coming from the vertical loads combined to the horizontal actions due to wind and lack of verticality, obliging a greater use of reinforced structural masonry. The block/grout adherence is not specified in both national and international standards. This work aims to study the behavior of the block/grout interface, for both concrete and clay blocks, with and without reinforcement, submitted to tensile and compressive forces. Experimental and numerical resources were used to development of this study. The experimental program studied the masonry behavior using push-out specimens to determine the bond strength between the grout and the concrete unit, and pull-out specimens to study the behavior of the interface of the grout/block/reinforcement. Computational modelling was carried out using the FEM software Diana, which has a library with constitutive models suitable for civil engineering application, to complete the study and understand the structural behavior of the block/grout interface. The experimental results showed that there is a good bond between the concrete blocks internal faces and the grout, enough to prevent infill-slippage, and that the whole tensile strength of the usual reinforcement rebars is achieved provided they are properly anchored. Nevertheless, for clay blocks there is a low bond between the clay blocks internal faces and the grout, allowing the infill-slippage before the reinforcement bars reach their yield stress. The higher strength grout with lower water/cement ratio (grout G30) presented higher bond strength compared to the lower strength grout and higher water/cement ratio (grout G14). In the case of concrete blocks there should be no restriction limits on the yield stress of reinforcement, in a practical sense and considering other prescribed limits. In contradiction, in the case of clay blocks, additional tests should be carried out for establishing limits, with varying blocks and grouts. The parametric analysis indicates limits that should be adopted for a diameter larger than 10 mm. The authors of this research suggest 75% for Ø 12.5 mm, 50% for Ø 16 mm and 25% for Ø 20 mm as a reference point for future investigations. The numerical analysis showed that the computer models of the push-out and pull-out specimens represented adequately the behavior of the physical models, and thus can be used in parametric analysis.

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