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Empirical evidence on growth and business cyclesZagler, Martin 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper empirically investigates the relationship between long-run economic growth and output volatility for the time series experience of 25 OECD countries between the years 1960 and 2013. Given the low number of observations, we reject, based on Monte Carlo simulations, the obvious choice of Garch estimation, and instead propose a pooled OLS estimator between a filtered GDP series that eliminates the cyclicality and the fluctuations around this trend. We find strong empirical evidence for a positive relationship between output variability and economic growth. This relationship seems to confirm theoretical literature which proposes such a positive relation.
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The Effect of Creditor Protection on Business Cycle Volatility and Crisis RecoveryLindberg, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
There exists an extensive literature related to creditor protection and its relation to the financial market, but few if any studies try to asses its net impact on the stability of the economy. In this paper we investigate the effects of creditor protection on the business cycle, and the economy during times of financial distress. More precisely we investigate how creditor protection is related to the recovery from financial crises, and how it affects growth volatility. We find support for our hypothesis that creditor protection is positively related to business cycle volatility and that this effect might work through a destabilising of the credit market.
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Economic growth, volatility, and cross-country spillovers: new evidence for the G7 countriesAntonakakis, Nikolaos, Badinger, Harald 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines the linkages between output growth and output volatility in the G7 countries over the period 1958M2-2013M8. Using the VAR-based spillover index approach by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) we find that: i) output growth and volatility are highly intertwined; ii) spillovers have reached unprecedented levels during the global financial crisis; and iii) the US has been the largest transmitter of growth and volatility shocks. Generalized impulse response analyses suggest moderate growth spillovers and sizable volatility spillovers across countries. Cross-variable effects indicate that volatility shocks lead to lower growth, while growth shocks reduce output volatility.
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Essays on the macroeconomic consequences of remittances in developing countriesEbeke, Christian Hubert Xavier Camille 24 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focused on the consequences of remittance inflows in developing countries. The first partexplored the causal impacts of remittances on some indicators of aggregate welfare while the secondpart examined the effects of remittances on public policy. Several results emerged. First, remittanceinflows help reduce the proportion of individuals selling low wages and this effect is stronger in acontext of low level of financial development, high macroeconomic instability and less unpredictableremittances (Chapter 1). Second, remittances have a robust stabilizing impact on the privateconsumption. However, this effect tends to decrease with the levels of remittance inflows and financialdevelopment. Moreover, remittance-dependent economies seem to be strongly sheltered against thedamaging effects of various types of shocks affecting consumption (Chapter 2). In Chapter 3, theresults highlighted that remittance inflows dampen the positive effect of natural disasters on the outputgrowth volatility. However, this impact was strongly reduced as the level of remittances increased.The second part of the thesis revealed interesting results regarding the effects of remittance inflows onpublic policy. First, remittance inflows reduce the insurance role played by the governmentconsumption in more open economies and this effect is more likely to hold when remittances exhibit acountercyclical behavior (Chapter 4). In Chapter 5, the results showed that the fiscal retrenchmentinduced by remittance inflows, is particularly marked for the public education and health spending incountries characterized by various types of governance problems. Finally, the thesis showed that theeffects of remittances do not only concern the expenditure side but also the revenue side. Remittancesare more likely to increase the fiscal space in receiving economies that rely on the value added taxsystem. In these countries, remittance inflows help increase both the level and the stability of thegovernment tax revenue ratio (Chapter 6).
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Output Volatility, Economic Growth, and Cross-Country Spillovers: New Evidence for the G7 CountriesAntonakakis, Nikolaos, Badinger, Harald 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper considers the linkages between output growth and output volatility for the
sample of G7 countries over the period 1958M2-2011M7, thereby paying particular attention
to spillovers within and between countries. Using the VAR-based spillover index approach by
Diebold and Yilmaz (2012), we identify several empirical regularities: i) output growth and
volatility are highly intertwined, with spillovers taking place into all four directions; ii) the
importance of spillovers has increased after the mid 1980s and reached unprecedented levels
during the recent financial and economic crisis; iii) the US has been the largest transmitter
of output and volatility shocks to other countries. Generalized impulse response analyses
point to moderate growth-growth spillovers and sizable volatility-volatility spillovers across
countries, suggesting that volatility shocks quintuplicate in the long run. The cross-variable
effects turn out negative: volatilty shocks lead to lower economic growth, growth shocks
tend to reduce output volatility. Our findings underline the increased vulnerability of the G7
countries to destabilizing shocks and their detrimental effects on economic growth, which are
sizeably amplified through international spillover effects and the associated repercussions. / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Essays on the macroeconomic consequences of remittances in developing countries / Essais sur les effets macroéconomiques des envois de fonds des migrants dans les pays en développementEbeke, Christian Hubert Xavier Camille 24 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux effets macroéconomiques des envois de fonds des migrants dans les paysen développement. La première partie de la thèse analyse l’effet causal des envois de fonds surplusieurs indicateurs de bien-Être, tandis que la deuxième partie examine l’effet des envois de fondssur la politique publique des pays receveurs. Plusieurs résultats émergent. Premièrement, les envois defonds des migrants réduisent significativement la part des individus travaillant pour moins de 2 dollarset cet effet apparaît renforcé dans un contexte de faible développement financier, forte instabilitémacroéconomique et forte prévisibilité des envois de fonds (Chapitre 1.). Deuxièmement, les envoisde fonds réduisent l’instabilité de la consommation privée et cet effet est d’autant plus important quele niveau de développement financier est faible et que le niveau des envois de fonds est faible. Parailleurs, les envois de fonds absorbent différents types de chocs (Chapitre 2.). Troisièmement, lesenvois de fonds atténuent significativement les effets des catastrophes naturelles sur l’output agrégé,cependant cet effet stabilisateur diminue avec le niveau d’envois de fonds reçus (Chapitre 3.). Ladeuxième partie de la thèse analyse l’impact des envois de fonds des migrants sur la politiquepublique. Premièrement, il apparaît que la contracyclicité des envois fonds contribue à réduire le rôled’assurance joué par la consommation publique dans les pays ouverts sur l’extérieur (Chapitre 4.).Deuxièmement, les envois de fonds réduisent significativement la part des dépenses publiques socialesdans les pays caractérisés par une mal gouvernance (Chapitre 5.). Troisièmement, les envois de fondscontribuent à accroître à la fois le volume et la stabilité du taux de recettes fiscales dans les pays ayantadopté une taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (Chapitre 6.). / This thesis focused on the consequences of remittance inflows in developing countries. The first partexplored the causal impacts of remittances on some indicators of aggregate welfare while the secondpart examined the effects of remittances on public policy. Several results emerged. First, remittanceinflows help reduce the proportion of individuals selling low wages and this effect is stronger in acontext of low level of financial development, high macroeconomic instability and less unpredictableremittances (Chapter 1). Second, remittances have a robust stabilizing impact on the privateconsumption. However, this effect tends to decrease with the levels of remittance inflows and financialdevelopment. Moreover, remittance-Dependent economies seem to be strongly sheltered against thedamaging effects of various types of shocks affecting consumption (Chapter 2). In Chapter 3, theresults highlighted that remittance inflows dampen the positive effect of natural disasters on the outputgrowth volatility. However, this impact was strongly reduced as the level of remittances increased.The second part of the thesis revealed interesting results regarding the effects of remittance inflows onpublic policy. First, remittance inflows reduce the insurance role played by the governmentconsumption in more open economies and this effect is more likely to hold when remittances exhibit acountercyclical behavior (Chapter 4). In Chapter 5, the results showed that the fiscal retrenchmentinduced by remittance inflows, is particularly marked for the public education and health spending incountries characterized by various types of governance problems. Finally, the thesis showed that theeffects of remittances do not only concern the expenditure side but also the revenue side. Remittancesare more likely to increase the fiscal space in receiving economies that rely on the value added taxsystem. In these countries, remittance inflows help increase both the level and the stability of thegovernment tax revenue ratio (Chapter 6).
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