Spelling suggestions: "subject:"guanabara""
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Geology of the footwall formations of the Veta Madre, Guanajuato Mining District, Guanajuato, MexicoCornelius, Kenneth Donald, 1926-, Cornelius, Kenneth Donald, 1926- January 1964 (has links)
No description available.
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Pottery and Tiles of Guanajuato, MexicoFincher, Frances Merle 08 1900 (has links)
This paper is the result of a study made in Guanajuato, Mexico, in the summer of 1945. It is an attempt to set forth the development of the methods used in making pottery and tiles in this region -- to trace the methods, forms, and motifs from the pre-Conquest period through the Colonial and contemporary periods, to find what changes have come about in the art of making pottery and tiles, and to discover the causes of these changes.
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Weaving in the State of Guanajuato, MexicoLeach, Georgia Belle 08 1900 (has links)
A study of the history of weaving in Guanajuato, Mexico.
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Colonial Ironwork in Guanajuato, MexicoChristie, Mildred Virginia 06 1900 (has links)
This study purposes to serve as an introduction to the Colonial ironwork to be found in Guanajuato City.
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Effects of Spatially Distributed Stream Power on Check Dam Function in Small Upland Watersheds: a Case Study of the Upper Laja Watershed, Guanajuato, MexicoHerzfeld, Zachary Andrew 20 January 2017 (has links)
Watershed restoration comes in a variety of forms depending on which set of problems are sought to be remedied. Severe soil erosion, in the form of gullying and/or headcutting, can be mitigated through constructing check dams in well-selected locations. This practice has been used throughout the upland subwatersheds within the Upper Laja River watershed in Guanajuato, México. The present study employed Wolman pebble counts to systematically assess the effectiveness of 21 check dams located near the city of San Miguel de Allende. Particle size distributions taken directly downstream and upstream of each check dam were differentiated, aggregated and compared--with the difference between median particle size of downstream and upstream distributions defined as DsD50-UsD50. Several subwatershed attributes were calculated in a GIS for comparison to DsD50-UsD50 values. Results indicate that, on aggregate, the check dams studied were moderately successful at retaining sediment that becomes entrained in concentrated flow (DsD50-UsD50 = 15.4 mm; p < 0.001). Individually, 18 of the 21 check dams surveyed had statistically significant differences between DsD50 and UsD50 (p < 0.05). The subwatershed variables of local channel slope (r = 0.55), mean subwatershed slope (r = 0.46), subwatershed area (r = 0.59), distance from channel head (r = 0.54), percent canopy cover (r = 0.46), Qmed (r = 0.46), total stream power (r = 0.58), and change in total stream power (r = -0.45) were found to be statistically significant when correlated with DsD50-UsD50 values (p < 0.05). Change in total stream power was used to classify stream reaches as either erosion or deposition-dominated. When compared, the DsD50-UsD50 values from check dams located in erosion and deposition-dominated reaches are statistically different (p < 0.05); higher performing check dams were predominantly found in deposition-dominated reaches. The results of this study suggest that spatially distributed stream power can be used as a variable for making decisions about future check dam locations. In particular, check dams are more likely to be effective if they are located within deposition-dominated areas (negative change in total stream power) and in areas of decreasing change in total stream power. In general, this study's findings also support locating check dams in second order streams.
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El control del crecimiento urbano con la ayuda del catastro y del plan de ordenamiento del territorio : estudio del caso de Guanajuato, MexicoAvila Rangel, José De Jesús 11 April 2018 (has links)
Au Mexique, la gestion du développement de l’espace rural et urbain est une responsabilité des municipalités. Celles-ci doivent exercer un contrôle sur l’utilisation des territoires autant publics que privés. Jusqu’à maintenant, l’expansion de l’occupation urbaine du sol a été caractérisée par son irrégularité et son incohérence, autant en ce qui concerne le respect de la tenure des terres que la prise de décisions étatiques et municipales en matière de développement urbain. Normalement, le processus d’urbanisation est un phénomène immobilier qui est encadré et orienté par la constitution mexicaine (et ses réformes), les normes gouvernementales, les besoins de la population, des contraintes socio-économique, etc. À cause des réformes de la tenure de la terre au Mexique et de certains phénomènes sociaux (exemple : croissance de la population, besoin en logement, demande de prêts hypothécaires), le marché immobilier s’est principalement développé dans la périphérie de la ville de Guanajuato, ce qui occasionne un étalement urbain sur des terres non destinées aux usages urbains. Cette situation se combine à un faible enregistrement cadastral des nouvelles parcelles, ce qui donne ainsi naissance à la propriété informelle. Les plans de développement et d’aménagement urbain sont alors devenus obsolètes. La faible interaction entre le cadastre et les actions d’aménagement territorial est aujourd’hui un des principaux problèmes qui a suscité la croissance urbaine irrégulière de la ville et un faible enregistrement du morcellement. L’invasion anarchique et informelle de terres non affectées au développement urbain provoque une crise dans la façon d’offrir des services de base à la propriété (eau potable, égout, rues, réseau électrique, etc.). Il est donc nécessaire de faire une analyse de la situation de la croissance urbaine de la ville de Guanajuato, afin de comprendre et d’identifier les différentes composantes affectant le développement foncier. À cette fin, une étude de cas a été réalisée dans une zone pilote dans la périphérie sud de la ville pour montrer points critiques de la problématique et clarifier les enjeux futurs de la recherche. / In Mexico, the management of the development of the rural and urban space is under the responsibility of the municipalities. They must exert control of the use of the territories, public and private. Until now, the expansion of the urban use of the land had an irregular and incoherent characteristic, especially with the concerns of the possession of land as the municipality’s decisions in the matter of urban development. Normally, the urbanization process is a real-estate phenomenon that is regulated and oriented by the Mexican constitution (and its reforms), governmental norms, needs of the population and economical restrictions. Because of the reform of the ownership of the land in Mexico and some social phenomenon’s (as the growth of the population, housing necessity, capacity to mortgage), the real estate market has mainly developed in the periphery of the City of Guanajuato, which causes an urban occupation of the land not suited for that purpose. This situation, combined with a weak land registry of the new plots, gives origin to the informal property. The development plans and urban organization have become obsolete. The weak interaction between the land registry and the actions of territorial organization is one of the main problems caused by the irregular urban growth also causing weak land registry of the uses of the land. An informal and chaotic invasion of the lands not affected to urban uses creates a crisis in the way to offer basic services to the property (potable water, used water, streets, and electrical networks). Then it is necessary to analyze the urban growth of Guanajuato, with the purpose of understanding and identifying the different components that are involved in the territorial development. With this aim, a study has been made in a peripheral zone of the city, in order to show critical points of the problem and to clarify future proposals of investigation. / En México, la gestión del desarrollo del espacio rural y urbano es una responsabilidad de los municipios. Éstas deben ejercer un control sobre la utilización de los territorios tanto públicos como privados. Hasta ahora, la expansión de la ocupación urbana del suelo tuvo la característica de ser irregular e incoherente, tanto en lo que concierne al respeto de la tenencia de las tierras como de las decisiones estatales y municipales en materia de desarrollo urbano. Normalmente, el proceso de urbanización es un fenómeno inmobiliario que es encuadrado y orientado por la constitución mexicana (y sus reformas), las normas gubernamentales, las necesidades de la población, las coacciones económicas, etc. A causa de las reformas de la tenencia de la tierra en México y fenómenos sociales (ejemplo: crecimiento de la población, la necesidad de vivienda, solicitud de préstamos hipotecarios), el mercado inmobiliario principalmente, se desarrolló en la periferia de la ciudad de Guanajuato, lo que ocasiona una ocupación urbana sobre tierras no destinadas a los usos urbanos. Esta situación tiene como consecuencia un registro catastral débil de las nuevas parcelas y da origen así a la propiedad informal. Los planes de desarrollo y de organización urbana se han vuelto obsoletos. La interacción débil entre el catastro y las acciones de organización territorial es hoy uno de los principales problemas que suscitó el crecimiento urbano irregular de la ciudad y un débil registro de los fraccionamientos. La invasión anárquica e informal de tierras no destinadas al desarrollo urbano provoca una crisis en el modo de ofrecer servicios de base a la propiedad (agua potable, goteo, calles, red eléctrica, etc.). Es pues necesario, hacer un análisis de la situación del crecimiento urbano de Guanajuato, con el fin de comprender y de identificar los diferentes componentes que destinan el desarrollo territorial. Con este fin, un estudio de caso ha sido realizado en una zona de la periferia de la ciudad, para mostrar puntos críticos de la problemática y clarificar las propuestas futuras de la investigación.
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Machismo : a value system of a Mexican peasant class /Swartzbaugh, Richard Grey January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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Le Porfiriat et l'intégration au marché national dans l'État de Guanajuato / Market integration in the State of Guanajuato during the Porfirian period / Integración al mercado nacional en el estado de Guanajuato durante el PorfiriatoDarsel, Alain 09 November 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est d’analyser l’intégration différentielle des régions du Mexique au marché national pendant la période du Porfiriat (1876-1910). La formation d’un marché national ne s’est pas développée de façon harmonieuse ou équilibrée au Mexique pendant cette période. Les hypothèses d’une croissance démographique et d’une urbanisation, d’une spécialisation croissante de la force de travail, d’une création de richesse significative, d’un développement des structures commerciales et d’un réseau de voies de communication sont confrontées à la réalité des chiffres dans deux zones de l’Etat de Guanajuato ayant connu chacune une forme de prospérité pendant le Porfiriat mais ayant suivi, depuis, des trajectoires totalement différentes. Les conclusions que nous tirons de cette analyse comparative ne sont guère édifiantes et montrent que d’un côté comme de l’autre les conditions d’une participation accrue au marché national n’étaient pas ou seulement partiellement, remplies à la fin du Porfiriat. Si l’évolution démographique constatée dans l’une et l’autre de ces régions constitue une variable potentiellement favorable à l’expansion du marché national, la création de richesses nouvelles timide d’un côté et aléatoire de l’autre ne plaide pas en faveur d’une meilleure intégration au marché intérieur de dimension nationale. La faiblesse constatée d’une part, des structures commerciales et l’absence d’autre part de dynamisme des acteurs du commerce freinent considé-rablement le processus. Enfin l’inefficacité économique et l’incohérence des décisions en matière de voies de communication limitent l’impact que des moyens modernes de transport de marchandises pouvaient avoir sur l’ouverture du marché. / These work deals with the analysis of a differential integration of the regions of Mex-ico to a national market during the Porfirian era. The formation of a national market was not a harmonious and equilibrated process during this period of time. The dis-tinct hypothesis of a population growth and urbanization, of a growing specialization of the work force, and of the wealth production, of the development of commercial structures and at last of an efficient transportation link were confronted to the real figures founded in the archive holdings of two regions of the State of Guanajuato who have, each of them, known a certain form of prosperity during the Porfirian pe-riod but then have followed, distinct paths of development. Our conclusions driven by this comparative study are not what we expected and show that the conditions of a growing participation to a national market were not, partly or even entirely fulfilled. If the demographic changes observed in our two zones are a positive indication of a potential integration to the national market, the uncertain creation of wealth in one zone and the fragile and fleeting growth of the production in the other don’t advocate in favour of a best integration to a domestic market of national dimension. On the other hand, the weakness of the commercial structures and the lack of dynamism of the trading community, were responsible for the slowdown of the process. And finally, the economic inefficiency and the inconsistent decisions in terms of transport infrastructure have slowed the impact that modern means of transport could have had on the opening of the market. / El propósito de este trabajo es de analizar la integración diferencial de las regiones de México al mercado nacional durante el Porfiriato (1876-1910). La formación de un mercado nacional nunca fue harmoniosa o equilibrada en México durante este periodo. Las hipótesis de un crecimiento demografico y de una urbanización, de una especialización creciente de la fuerza de trabajo, de la creación significativa de riquezas, del desarrollo de las estructuras comerciales y de una red de vías de comunicación se enfrentan a la realidad de las cifras recopiladas en dos zonas del estado de Guanajuato que han conocida cada una, a su manera una particular forma de prosperidad durante el Porfiriato para seguir después trayectorias totalmente diferentes. Las conclusiones que hemos sacado de este análisis comparativo no son realmente positivas y muestran que, de un lado como del otro, las condiciones de una participación mayor al mercado nacional no estaban (o lo estaban solamente en parte) reunidas al final del Porfiriato. Si la evolución demográfica verificada en cada una de las dos zonas del estudio constituye una variable potencialmente favorable a la integración, la creación tímida de nuevas riquezas de un lado y aleatoria del otro no participa a una mejor integración à un mercado interior de dimensión na-cional. La ausencia verificada de estructuras comerciales de un lado y la falta de dinamismo de otro lado de los actores del comercio frenan consi-derablemente el proceso. En fin, la ineficacia económica y la incoherencia de las decisiones en materia de vías de comunicación limitan el impacto que los medios modernos de transporte de mercancías podían tener sobre la ampliación del mercado.
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Musealität im städtischen Kontext Untersuchung von Musealitätszuständen und Musealisierungsprozessen am Beispiel dreier spanisch-kolonialer WelterbeortschaftenNelle, Anja B. Unknown Date (has links)
Cottbus, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2007
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Winning SilverMoncada de la Rosa, Jorge Daniel 12 June 2013 (has links)
The search for mineral deposits is a time consuming, risky and very expensive process. Applying new models and methods provides a competitive advantage in the search for mineral deposits because an explorationist can quickly evaluate potential targets and eliminate areas without good potential for mineralization.
This dissertation presents a practical technique for prediction to finding precious metal mineralization at Guanajauato mining district (GMD) base on theoretical and experimental studies of fluids properties, mineral phase equilibrium, physical and chemical mechanisms. Making the technique highly transportable so that it can be applied in the field during an exploration program base on petrographic characteristics of mineral textures produced during boiling events in quartz, calcite and adularia, and fluid inclusions contained in these phases. While this work was conducted in GMD, the results should be applicable in exploration for epithermal deposits worldwide.
The GMD is one of the largest silver producing districts in the world. Ore shoots are localized along three major northwest trending vein systems, the La Luz, Veta Madre and Vetas de la Sierra. More than 1200 samples were collected from surface outcrops, underground mine and historical and recent drill core. Traverses perpendicular to veins in all system were also conducted. Most of the samples (approximately 90%) were also assayed for Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb.
Samples from the GMD show a wide range in silica textures are indicative of rapid precipitation, such as occurs when fluids boil. Other mineral phases, including illite, rhombic adularia and bladed calcite are also indicative of rapid growth in a hydrothermal system and are characteristic of boiling systems. Because boiling is an effective mechanism for precipitating gold and silver from hydrothermal fluids, the presence of mineral textures indicative of boiling is a desirable feature in exploration. In many samples, textural evidence for boiling is supported by coexisting liquid-rich and vapor-rich fluid inclusions, or Fluid Inclusion Assemblages consisting of only vapor-rich inclusions, suggesting "flashing" of the hydrothermal fluids. Textural and fluid inclusion evidence for boiling has been observed in the deepest levels of the GMD, suggesting that additional precious metal resources may occur beneath these levels. / Ph. D.
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