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Playing against the grain : rhetorics of counterplay in console based first-person shooter videogamesMeades, Alan Frederick January 2013 (has links)
Counterplay is a way of playing digital games that opposes the encoded algorithms that define their appropriate use and interaction. Counterplay is often manifested within the social arena as practices such as the creation of incendiary user generated content, grief-play, cheating, glitching, modding, and hacking. It is deemed damaging to normative play values, to the experience of play, and detrimental to the viability of videogames as mainstream entertainment products. Counterplay is often framed through the rhetoric of transgression as pathogen, as a hostile, infectious, threatening act. Those found conducting it are subject to a range of punishments ranging from expulsion from videogames to criminal conviction. Despite the steps taken to manage counterplay, it occurs frequently within contemporary videogames causing significant disruption to play and necessitating costly remedy. This thesis argues that counterplay should be understood as a practice with its own pleasures and justifying rhetorics that problematise the rhetoric of pathogen and attenuate the threat of penalty. Despite the social and economic significance of counterplay upon contemporary videogames, relatively little is known of the practices conducted by counterplayers, their motivations, or the rhetorics that they deploy to justify and contextualise their actions. Through the use of ethnographic approaches, including interview and participant observation, alongside the identification and application of five popular rhetorics of transgression, this study aims to expose the meanings and complexities of contemporary counterplay. It examines counterplayer testimonies that articulate the practices and rhetorics underpinning the creation of incendiary user generated content, grief play, glitching, modding, and hacking on the Xbox 360 platform in particular. This study represents a contribution to the field of game studies in an area so far underresearched, offering voice to a previously silent demographic, that of counterplayers. In focussing upon their practices, communities and motivations, this study challenges the framing of counterplay as reductively oppositional or hostile. Instead, counterplay is shown to be an act of seduction, a means of articulating identity, status and recognition, as an expression of hacker ideology, and as a re-engagement with the carnivalesque. These meanings, in addition to the rhetoric of pathogen, offer an expanded image of counterplay and the counterplayer that highlights the significance of counterplay within the context of contemporary popular and youth culture.
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Serials: The contested and contextual meanings of seriality.Larocque, Rachelle MJ 11 1900 (has links)
Systems of classifications are socially created and historically contingent. New classifications lead to the creation of new categories, new objects and new kinds of people. Over the last thirty years, some of the most successful categories have emerged from the study of seriality. This thesis examines the emergence of three categories of seriality, including serial murder, serial monogamy and serial arson through a genealogical analysis. This thesis argues that seriality is a complex category that involves a host of important attributes, traits, characteristics, social, legal and medical categories, institutions, expertise and knowledge. Combined, these factors shape our understandings and highlight the complexity of seriality by considering important aspects that are too often taken for granted. The focus on three diverse groups of seriality highlights the interdisciplinary nature of seriality and its growing dominance among both public and private discourse.
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Practical Issues in Quantum CryptographyXu, Feihu 17 August 2012 (has links)
Quantum key distribution (QKD) can provide unconditional security based on the fundamental laws of quantum physics. Unfortunately, real-life implementations of a QKD system may contain overlooked imperfections and thus violate the practical security of QKD. It is vital to explore these imperfections. In this thesis, I study two practical imperfections in QKD: i) Discovering security loophole in a commercial QKD system: I perform a proof-of-principle experiment to demonstrate a technically feasible quantum attack on top of a commercial QKD system. The attack I utilize is called phase-remapping attack. ii) Generating high-speed truly random numbers: I propose and experimentally demonstrate an ultrafast QRNG at a rate over 6 Gb/s, which is based on the quantum phase fluctuations of a laser. Moreover, I consider a potential adversary who has partial knowledge of the raw data and discuss how one can rigorously remove such partial knowledge with post-processing.
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Practical Issues in Quantum CryptographyXu, Feihu 17 August 2012 (has links)
Quantum key distribution (QKD) can provide unconditional security based on the fundamental laws of quantum physics. Unfortunately, real-life implementations of a QKD system may contain overlooked imperfections and thus violate the practical security of QKD. It is vital to explore these imperfections. In this thesis, I study two practical imperfections in QKD: i) Discovering security loophole in a commercial QKD system: I perform a proof-of-principle experiment to demonstrate a technically feasible quantum attack on top of a commercial QKD system. The attack I utilize is called phase-remapping attack. ii) Generating high-speed truly random numbers: I propose and experimentally demonstrate an ultrafast QRNG at a rate over 6 Gb/s, which is based on the quantum phase fluctuations of a laser. Moreover, I consider a potential adversary who has partial knowledge of the raw data and discuss how one can rigorously remove such partial knowledge with post-processing.
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Was leisten Port-Scanner?Müller, Thomas 26 April 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und
Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer
Informatik) der TU Chemnitz.
Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨
Port-Scanner sind Software-Werkzeuge, die benutzt werden,
um Informationen über Rechnersysteme im Internet zu ermitteln.
Häufig werden solche Werkzeuge von Angreifern benutzt, um verwundbare Rechnersysteme zu finden.
Der Vortrag stellt die Leistungsfähigkeit und die verwendeten Techniken von frei verfügbaren Port-Scannern dar.
Weiterhin werden Werkzeuge vorgestellt, mit denen Port-Scan-Vorgänge erkannt werden können.
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Media hackingStanley, Jeffrey Charles 08 August 2011 (has links)
Jeffrey Charles Stanley is an M.F.A. Candidate in Transmedia in the Department of Art and Art History. The Artist, Jeff Stanley, Works as a cultural “hacker” and critical “terrorist” with the aid of video and the internet. The character, Jeff Stanley, plays the role of a 2010 Max Headroom, the popular 80s anti-corporate TV personality/talking head and seller of Pepsi. Media delivers people. A few deliver media. The audience is the product. Media hacking is a technique that allows an artist, or anti-artist, to change the game and fight back.
An artist practice can be open to technology, yet remain powerful, and culturally and socially relevant. Jeff Stanley is a virtual AI, a person, and a corporate entity. With this new holy trinity, the combined efforts as a person, a virtual AI, and a corporation will provide the enhancement an artist needs today. Art and its methods must evolve as the playing field evolves. Technology defines the 21st century artist. / text
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Serials: The contested and contextual meanings of seriality.Larocque, Rachelle MJ Unknown Date
No description available.
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Les contre-mesures par masquage contre les attaques HO-DPA : évaluation et amélioration de la sécurité en utilisant des encodages spécifiques / Masking countermeasures against HO-DPA : security evaluation and enhancement by specific mask encodingsMaghrebi, Houssem 21 December 2012 (has links)
Les circuits électroniques réalisés avec les méthodes de conception assisté par ordinateur usuelles présentent une piètre résistance par rapport aux attaques physiques. Parmi les attaques physiques les plus redoutables figurent les attaques sur les canaux cachés, comme la ``timing attack'' ou la DPA, qui consistent à enregistrer une quantité physique (temps, consommation) fuie par le circuit pendant qu’il calcule. Cette information peut être exploité pour remonter aux secrets utilisés dans des calculs de chiffrement ou de signature. Plusieurs méthodes de durcissement des circuits contre les attaques sur les canaux cachés ont été proposées. On peut en distinguer deux catégories : Les contre-mesures par dissimulation (ou par logique différentielle), visant à rendre la fuite constante, donc statiquement indépendante des secrets. Les contre-mesures par masquage, visant à rendre la fuite aléatoire, donc statistiquement indépendante des secrets. La contre-mesure par masquage est la moins complexe et la plus simple à mettre en oeuvre, car elle peut s’appliquer au niveau algorithmique comme au niveau logique. Idéalement, le concepteur s’affranchit donc d’un placement-routage manuel, comme cela est le cas des contre-mesures statiques. En revanche elle est la cible d’attaques du second ordre, voire d’ordre plus élevé, permettant d’exhiber le secret en attaquant plusieurs variables simultanément. Cette thèse se fixe comme objectifs l'analyse en robustesse et complexité des implémentations de contre-mesures par masquage et la proposition des nouvelles structures de masquage qui permettent de faire face aux attaques d'ordre élevé. / Side channel attacks take advantage of the fact that the power consumption of a cryptographic device depends on the internally used secret key. A very common countermeasure against side channel attacks is masking. It consists in splitting the sensitive variable of cryptographic algorithms into random shares (the masked data and the random mask) so that the knowledge on a subpart of the shares does not give information on the sensitive data itself. However, other attacks, such as higher-order side channel attacks, can defeat masking schemes. These attacks consist in combining the shares in order to cancel (at least partially) the effects of the mask. The overall goal of this thesis is to give a deep analysis of higher-order attacks and to improve the robustness of masking schemes.The first part of this thesis focuses on higher-order attacks. We propose three novel distinguishers. Theoretical and experimental results show the advantages of these attacks when applied to a masking countermeasure. The second part of this thesis is devoted to a formal security evaluation of hardware masking schemes. We propose a new side channel metric to jointly cover the attacks efficiency and the leakage estimation.In the last part, we propose three novel masking schemes remaining more efficient than the state-of-the-art masking. They remove (or at least reduce) the dependency between the leakage and the sensitive variable when the leakage function is known e.g. the Hamming weight or the Hamming distance leakage model). The new solutions have been evaluated within a security framework proving their excellent resistance against higher-order attacks.
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The Rhetoric of Commoditized Vulnerabilities: Ethical Discourses in CybersecurityHoskins, Brittany Noel 15 June 2015 (has links)
The field of cybersecurity is relatively uncharted by rhetoricians and sociologists but nevertheless laden with terminological assumptions, violent metaphors, and ethical conflicts. This study explores the discourse surrounding the morally contentious practice of hackers selling software vulnerabilities to third parties instead of disclosing them to the affected technology companies. Drawing on grounded theory, I utilize a combination of quantitative word-level analysis and qualitative coding to assess how notions of right and wrong on this topic are framed by three groups: 1) the hackers themselves, 2) technology companies, and 3) reporters. The results show that the most commonly constructed argument was based on a "greater good" ethic, in which rhetors argue for reducing risk to "us all" or to innocent computer users. Additionally, the technology companies and hackers assiduously build their ethos to increase their trustworthiness in the public mind. Ultimately, studying this unexplored area of "gray hat hacking" has important implications for policymakers creating new cybersecurity legislation, reporters attempting to accurately frame the debate, and information technology professionals whose livelihoods are affected by evolving social norms. / Master of Arts
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The Tension Between Falsificationism and Realism: a Critical Examination of a Problem in the Philosophy of Karl PopperEarly, Darren T. 08 July 1999 (has links)
Karl Popper's philosophy of science includes both falsificationism and realism. I explore the relationship between these two positions in his philosophy and find a strong tension between them. Drawing upon this tension in Popper's philosophy, I explore the general relationship between falsificationism and realism in an effort to determine whether or not the two positions can be successfully combined. Rather than criticizing falsificationism, I focus instead on the realist side of the tension and seek to resolve the tension through the introduction of an alternative form of scientific realism. I examine three alternatives in detail: Hilary Putnam's internal realism, Richard Boyd's realism, and Ian Hacking's entity realism. Internal realism is shown to be an unsatisfactory solution because of its failure to incorporate a notion of approximate truth. Boyd's version of realism is also shown to be unsatisfactory due to its ascription of absolute approximate truth to scientific theories. Hacking's entity realism, while consistent with falsificationism in many respects, is also shown to be problematic due to its apparent reliance upon induction. Finally, I propose a solution to the problem, which consists in the elaboration of an alternative version of scientific realism based primarily on a reinterpretation of Hacking's entity realism that stresses non-inferential knowledge of causes. I also argue that the reinterpreted form of Hacking's realism can be used to support Boyd's notion of a theoretical tradition, although one of entities and their causal properties rather than one of approximately true theories. / Master of Arts
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