Spelling suggestions: "subject:"had.""
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Verificação da assimetria bilateral de desenvolvimento por meio de radiografias de mão e punho, baseada na avaliação da idade óssea /Moraes, Mari Eli Leonelli de. January 1995 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Cesar de Moraes / Banca: Marlene Fenyo Soeiro de Matos Pereira / Banca: Edmundo Medici Filho / Resumo: Nesta pesquisa, com uma amostra de 207 indivíduos com idades variando de 4 anos a 12 anos, sendo 99 do sexo masculino e 108 do feminino, verificamos por meio de radiografias carpais, se há simetria ou assimetria bilateral no desenvolvimento entre as mãos direita e esquerda e se essas diferenças, quando presentes, influem no cálculo da idade óssea. Encontramos, quando somados os valores para ambos os sexos, simetria em 44,4% e assimetria em 55,5%, mas as variações de desenvolvimento que caracterizam assimetria, são muito pequenas e, portanto, concluímos que a avaliação da idade óssea pode ser feita por radiografias de qualquer uma das mãos, sem que haja diferença no cálculo da idade óssea / Abstract: The objective of this research was to verify, by means of carpal radiography, the presence of asymmetries between the rigth and the left hands, and if the presence of asymmetry influences the estimation of osseous development. The sample used, comprised 207 individuals, 99 males and 108 females between 4 and 12 years of age. When both sexes were grouped we found symetry in 44,4% and asymmetry in 55,5% of the individuals evaluetad. However, the asymmetries verified were very subtle and were not sufficient to influence the osseous age. It was concluded that the evaluation of osseous age can be made in radiographs of both hands, without any significant difference / Mestre
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Analise das alterações nos padrões de preensão palmar em pianistasFernandes, Luciane Fernanda Rodrigues Martinho 24 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Machado Leite de Barro / Tese doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T04:29:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a análise quantitativa dos padrões de preensão palmar de pianistas durante a realização de tarefas em função do tipo de preensão e da velocidade de execução. Vinte e cinco voluntários (11 pianistas e 14 não pianistas) realizaram 4 tipos de tarefas com a mão direta: Preensão grossa em velocidade rápida (T1); Preensão grossa em velocidade lenta (T2); Preensão em gancho em velocidade rápida (T3) e Preensão em gancho em velocidade lenta (T4). No dorso da mão foram colocados 16 marcadores nas extremidades proximais e distais dos ossos metacarpianos e falanges proximais do 2° ao 5° dedos. Para a captura das imagens foram utilizadas quatro câmeras de vídeo digital, conectadas a quatro microcomputadores. A medição das coordenadas e a reconstrução tridimensional dos marcadores foram realizadas através do sistema ¿Dvideow ¿ Digital Vídeo for Biomechanics¿, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Instrumentação para Biomecânica da Faculdade de Educação Física da UNICAMP. Os ângulos de flexão e extensão das articulações metacarpofalangeanas foram calculados a partir da medida das coordenadas dos marcadores. Foram utilizados diagramas de fase para caracterização do padrão e da regularidade das repetições. A Análise por Componentes Principais foi utilizada para quantificar o padrão e a regularidade dos ciclos de movimento e a correlação entre as curvas dos ângulos das articulações dedos foi utilizada para avaliar sinergia dos dedos durante a tarefa. A partir dos resultados, foram observados que as diferenças mais evidentes entre os grupos controle e pianista foram identificadas na regularidade da curva para tarefa T2, através da Análise por Componentes Principais e para todas as tarefas na análise da correlação entre os ângulos das articulações metacarpofalangeanas. Na comparação entre as tarefas foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as realizadas com a preensão grossa e gancho, em todas as análises. Através da metodologia empregada e das análises foi possível caracterizar os padrões de preensão palmar de pianistas e evidenciar diferenças entre pianistas e não pianistas / Abstract: This work describes an experimental study that aimed to quantitatively analyze the palmer gripping patterns of pianists during the execution of function tasks relating to gripping and speed of execution. Twenty-five subjects (11 pianists and 14 non-pianists) carried out 4 tasks with their right hand: Gross gripping at fast speed (T1); Gross gripping at low speed (T2); Hook gripping at fast speed (T3); Hook gripping at low speed (T4). Sixteen markers were put on the dorsal surface of the hand, on the proximal and distal extremities of the metacarpian bones and proximal phalanges of the 2nd and 5th fingers. Four digital video cameras connected to two microcomputers were used to capture the images. The measurement of the coordinates and the three-dimensional reconstruction of the markers were carried out through the ¿Dvideow ¿Digital Video for Biomechanics¿ system, developed at the Instrumentation Laboratory for Biomechanics at the Physical Training College at UNICAMP. The flexion and extension angles of the metacarpophalangeal articulations were calculated from the measurement of the marker coordinates. The phase diagram movement cycles were used to analyze the alteration in the palmer gripping patterns in pianists. The Principal Components Analysis was used to quantify the movement patterns and the regularity of the the phase diagram movement cycles which were built from the position and angular speed curves; the correlation between the angle curves of finger joints was used to evaluate the finger synergy during the task. With these results as a starting point, it was possible to observe that the most evident differences between the control and pianist groups were identified in the regularity of the curve for the second task (T2) through the Principal Components Analysis, and for all the tasks, in the analysis of the correlation between the angles of the metacarpophalangeal joints. In the comparison between the tasks, a difference was observed among those carried out in gross and hook gripping in all the analysis.Through the methodology employed and the form of analysis, it was possible to estimate the alterations in the palmer gripping patterns of pianists and compare pianists with non-pianists / Doutorado / Biodinamica do Movimento Humano / Doutor em Educação Física
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An investigation into the use of linguistic context in cursive script recognition by computerBrammall, Neil Howard January 1999 (has links)
The automatic recognition of hand-written text has been a goal for over thirty five years. The highly ambiguous nature of cursive writing (with high variability between not only different writers, but even between different samples from the same writer), means that systems based only on visual information are prone to errors. It is suggested that the application of linguistic knowledge to the recognition task may improve recognition accuracy. If a low-level (pattern recognition based) recogniser produces a candidate lattice (i.e. a directed graph giving a number of alternatives at each word position in a sentence), then linguistic knowledge can be used to find the 'best' path through the lattice. There are many forms of linguistic knowledge that may be used to this end. This thesis looks specifically at the use of collocation as a source of linguistic knowledge. Collocation describes the statistical tendency of certain words to co-occur in a language, within a defined range. It is suggested that this tendency may be exploited to aid automatic text recognition. The construction and use of a post-processing system incorporating collocational knowledge is described, as are a number of experiments designed to test the effectiveness of collocation as an aid to text recognition. The results of these experiments suggest that collocational statistics may be a useful form of knowledge for this application and that further research may produce a system of real practical use.
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El problema de la conexidad en el modelo computacional number-in-handLizama Orellana, Antonio Andrés January 2013 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Matemático / La presente memoria se enmarca en el contexto de la computación distribuida. Esta es un área de las ciencias de la computación relativamente reciente, que surge ante la necesidad de un nuevo paradigma de computación, capaz de trabajar con cantidades masivas de datos, como son, por ejemplo, las redes sociales.
En particular, se estudia la complejidad del problema CONEXIDAD de un grafo $G=(V,E)$ en el modelo computacional number-in-hand. Este problema consiste en decidir si un grafo $G$ es o no conexo. Por otro lado, a grandes rasgos, la complejidad que se considera aquí mide el largo de los mensajes (en bits) que los nodos deben comunicar para decidir CONEXIDAD.
En primer lugar, se demuestra que la complejidad, en el caso en que el grafo $G$ es arbitrario, es al menos $f(n)$, donde $f(n) = \log n - (\log \log n +1+ \log n /n)$. Sin embargo, esta fórmula no aporta información alguna cuando el grafo $G$ posee $n<27$ nodos, pues $f(n) \leq 1$ para tales valores. Es decir, indica que la cantidad de bits que se tienen que comunicar es al menos $\leq 1$, lo que es evidente. Por esta razón, se profundiza el estudio analizando grafos pequeños, y se demuestra que 1 bit no es suficiente para decidir el problema en tal caso.
Por otro lado, la cota expuesta se obtiene a partir de una reducción que construye un grafo de grado no acotado. Por lo tanto, $f(n)$ puede ser poco ajustada para la familia de grafos de grado acotado. Así pues, se complementa el trabajo restringiéndose a esta clase de grafos, con el fin de saber si en tal caso existe una mejor cota para la complejidad de CONEXIDAD en el modelo number-in-hand. Usando técnicas de complejidad comunicacional se encuentra una cota inferior de $\Omega(\log n)$. Más aún, se demuestra que esta cota es ajustada para esta clase de grafos.
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Tracking of dynamic hand gestures on a mobile platformPrior, Robert 08 September 2017 (has links)
Hand gesture recognition is an expansive and evolving field. Previous work addresses
methods for tracking hand gestures primarily with specialty gaming/desktop
environments in real time. The method proposed here focuses on enhancing performance
for mobile GPU platforms with restricted resources by limiting memory
use/transfers and by reducing the need for code branches. An encoding scheme has
been designed to allow contour processing typically used for finding fingertips to occur
efficiently on a GPU for non-touch, remote manipulation of on-screen images.
Results show high resolution video frames can be processed in real time on a modern
mobile consumer device, allowing for fine grained hand movements to be detected
and tracked. / Graduate
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The effect of chiropractic spinal adjustive therapy of the cervical and/or upper thoracic spine on eye-hand co-ordinationRoss, Stuart Paul 11 October 2011 (has links)
M.Tech. / The aim of this study was to determine whether Chiropractic cervical spine and/or upper thoracic adjustments had an effect on eye-hand co-ordination in asymptomatic participants presenting with cervical and/or upper thoracic spine dysfunction. Forty eight asymptomatic participants took part in this study. The participants were divided into three groups of sixteen participants each, each group consisting of eight male and eight female participants. Group 1 participants received Chiropractic adjustive therapy to dysfunctional segments in the C0-C3 spinal segments and C5-T1 spinal segments. In Group 2 the participants received Chiropractic spinal adjustive therapy to dysfunctional spinal segments in the C0-C3 region. Group 3 acted as the control group and participants received detuned ultrasound applied to the posterior cervical spine region. Two computer tests were involved in this study, namely the 2HAND test and the B19 test which had to be completed successively. The subjects were allowed to have a trial run each time they were tested to get a “hand’s-on feel” for the equipment. After the trial run the participants were tested, their respective treatment was carried out and the participants were then re-tested. Overall the study was able to show that Chiropractic adjustive therapy had no effect on eye-hand co-ordination in asymptomatic participants. Group 1 did not show any greater improvement in eye-hand co-ordination when compared to Group 2 where Group 1 received upper cervical spine and upper thoracic adjustments and Group 2 received only upper cervical adjustments. Gender was seen to play a significant role in the study, mainly during the B19 test. Overall it can be said that Chiropractic adjustive therapy had no effect on speed (OMD) or accuracy (OPED) during the test. Future research is needed on the possible effects of Chiropractic adjustive therapy on speed and accuracy as the study design showed some potential positive influences but may have been merely due to coincidence because of the small sample sizes. When testing eye-hand co-ordination it was noted that after the participants received Chiropractic adjustive therapy the length of mistakes in percent (LMP) decreased, meaning that the participants were able to correct any mistakes made at a faster rate after receiving Chiropractic adjustive therapy, but only when delivered to the spinal levels C0-C3 and/or C5-T1 (i.e. Group 1) for male participants only. Statistically significant results were noted when testing the number of mistakes made (NM) but only for male participants receiving Chiropractic adjustments to the C0-C3 levels only (i.e. Group 2). Future research needs to be done on the gender discrepancies noted for the different manner that Chiropractic adjustive therapy affected the different genders.
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Hand hygiene practices among health care workers at Nyangabgwe Hospital, Francistown, BotswanaHlabano, Wazha January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / Background: The purpose of the study was to find out if hand hygiene was being done according to World Health Organization hand hygiene Guideline. It was hoped that the study would benefit all health care workers through making recommendations aimed at improving hand hygiene compliance.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess hand hygiene practices among healthcare workers in Nyangabgwe Hospital, Francistown, Botswana
Methods: Quantitative, Cross-sectional study, using a self-administered Questionnaire to collect data on 280 participants. The questionnaire consisted of three (3) sections: socio-demographic profile; attitudes of HCWs and practice of healthcare on hand hygiene. For attitude questions Three (3) point Likert scale was used. The sampled Healthcare workers were stratified. The results were analysed using SPSS version 24.0. The descriptive statistical method was used to analyse frequencies, correlations and means. The chi-squared was used to analyse cross tabulation between variables and association with significance level at (p < = 0.05).
Results: The results shows that 260 participants aged between 20- 60years responded to the questionnaire. The majority of participants had good knowledge of hand hygiene and younger participants practiced hand hygiene more than older ones (p<.05). Barriers to hand hygiene were significant and included lack of time, negative attitude, but not lack of knowledge.
Conclusion: The study highlighted the practices of hand hygiene among health care workers and the status of hand hygiene resources in the hospital which have a negative impact on hand hygiene practices demonstrated that compliance with hand hygiene compliance among health care workers remains unacceptably low, despite
the irrefutable scientific evidence that hands are the most common vehicle for transmission of pathogens
Keywords: Hand hygiene, Health care workers, Hand hygiene practices, Health care associated infection, Resources.
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Langzeitergebnisse operativ versorgter Kahnbeinfrakturen / Long-term outcome of scaphoid fractures after operative treatmentDilger, Mathias Maximilian Josef Ludwig January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurden die Langzeitergebnisse operativ versorgter Kahnbeinfrakturen evaluiert. Hierzu wurden 61 Patient*innen mit insgesamt 62 frakturierten Kahnbeinen mit einer durchschnittlichen Nachuntersuchungsdauer von 9 Jahre und 7 Monate nachuntersucht. Erfasst und ausgewertet wurden neben der radiologischen Kontrolle des knöchernen Durchbaus unter anderem auch subjektive Beschwerden, Griffkraft, Beweglichkeit und weitere Einschränkungen. / This study evaluated the long-term outcome of scaphoid fractures after operative treatment. Therefor 61 patients with a total of 62 scaphoid fractures were assessed and re-examined at a median of nine years and seven month after the operation. Recorded and evaluated were beside the radiological control of union subjective complaints, grip strength, movement and other limitations.
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A Perspective Survey on Hand Hygiene to Protect Healthcare Workers at The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical CenterWang, Wenjun January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Obstacle avoidance in a model of human reaching behavior.Loukopoulos, Loukia D. 01 January 1994 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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