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Metodologia generalizada para análise em regime permanente de sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica / Generalized methodology for steady state analysis of distribution power systemBarbosa, Tiago de Moraes, 1988- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Walmir de Freitas Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T07:49:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Barbosa_TiagodeMoraes_M.pdf: 5056910 bytes, checksum: e6df43d1508493560aa5e60a3182b1e1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Visando manter a qualidade da energia elétrica entregue aos consumidores e atender os critérios de operação impostos pelos órgãos reguladores dos sistemas elétricos, necessita-se realizar análi-ses técnicas em sistemas de distribuição de energia. Os principais estudos realizados são os de cálculo de fluxo de potência, cálculo de curto-circuito e também análises da distorção harmônica. Um problema encontrado atualmente é que apesar de muitos métodos serem desenvolvidos com o objetivo de auxiliar na realização destes estudos, geralmente cada método é dedicado a um tipo de análise, ou seja, não há uma integração entre as diversas ferramentas de análise de rede, o que acaba dificultando o trabalho do engenheiro da concessionária. Com o objetivo de integrar as principais análises do setor de distribuição em uma única ferramenta, neste trabalho foi imple-mentada uma metodologia generalizada com capacidade para encontrar a solução para problemas de sistemas multifásicos, unificando os cálculos de fluxo de potência na frequência fundamental, fluxo de potência em frequências harmônicas e curto-circuito. Neste contexto, entre as vantagens do programa desenvolvido destacam-se: (a) unificação das principais ferramentas de estudos em sistemas de distribuição ¿ fluxo de potência, curto-circuito e fluxo de potência harmônico; (b) modelagem multifásica ¿ essa modelagem permite representar explicitamente o neutro e diferen-tes características de aterramento (por exemplo, sistemas multiaterrados); (c) robustez ¿ o método de solução utilizado é o Newton-Raphson; (d) flexibilidade ¿ cada componente da rede é mo-delado por ramo, permitindo maior flexibilidade na representação de diferentes conexões dos equipamentos; (e) o algoritmo foi implementado utilizando-se linguagem de programação Python. Este trabalho apresenta detalhes da formulação utilizada e a validação do algoritmo pela comparação dos resultados obtidos com os resultados de programas de análise de sistemas de potência bastante conhecidos / Abstract: Technical analyses applied to distribution systems are needed in order to guarantee the quality in electric energy delivered to the customers and to meet the regulatory requirements. The main studies performed with these purposes are power flow, short-circuit and harmonic power flow analyses. A current problem is that, although many methods have been developed to assist these studies, generally each method is dedicated to one type of study. In other words, there is no inte-gration between the several tools of network analysis, making the work of utility engineer a dif-ficult task. In order to integrate the main distribution system analyses into a single tool, in this work, it was implemented a generalized method with the capability of finding the solution for multiphase system problems, allowing the power flow calculation in fundamental and harmonic frequencies as well as short-circuit analyses. In this context, the main advantages of the devel-oped program are: (a) unification of the main tools applied to distribution systems studies ¿ fun-damental and harmonic frequencies power flow and short-circuit studies; (b) multiphase model-ing ¿ the models allows to represent multiple phases, neutral and different grounding topologies (for instance, multigrounded); (c) robustness ¿ the solution method is Newton-Raphson; (d) flex-ibility ¿ each network component is modeled as a branch, resulting in a higher flexibility in rep-resentation of different equipment connections; (e) the algorithm was implemented using Python programming language. This work presents details of the method formulation and the algorithm validation by the comparison of the obtained results with the results from well-known power system analyses software / Mestrado / Energia Eletrica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Classificação de séries temporais de dados MODIS baseada em redes neuro-fuzzy para o monitoramento sistemático do cultivo da cana-de-açúcar / Classification of time-series MODIS data based neuro-fuzzy networks for the systematic monitoring of sugarcane cultivationAntunes, João Francisco Gonçalves, 1965- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Rubens Augusto Camargo Lamparelli, Luiz Henrique Antunes Rodrigues / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T22:49:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Antunes_JoaoFranciscoGoncalves_D.pdf: 43454007 bytes, checksum: 67ed252d3dc3cb63f6c8b6e62263af20 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O setor agrícola brasileiro está sendo marcado por um novo ciclo de expansão do cultivo da cana-de-açúcar. O Brasil é hoje o maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar do mundo, sendo o Estado de São Paulo o maior produtor nacional, com grandes áreas de plantio. Nesse sentido, a estimativa confiável de área plantada da cana-de-açúcar é de fundamental importância para o agronegócio sucroalcooleiro. As geotecnologias têm sido empregadas nas estimativas de safras agrícolas para diminuir o nível de subjetividade dos métodos tradicionais. As imagens do sensor MODIS fornecem uma ampla cobertura da superfície da Terra com alta periodicidade, que possibilitam o monitoramento agrícola sistemático. Entretanto, a sua moderada resolução espacial faz com que possa ocorrer a mistura espectral de diferentes classes de cobertura do solo dentro de um mesmo pixel, acarretando problemas de acurácia na obtenção de estimativas de área. Nesse contexto, o objetivo principal do trabalho foi desenvolver uma metodologia de classificação automática baseada em redes neuro-fuzzy utilizando séries temporais de índices de vegetação MODIS, para estimar a área plantada de cana-de-açúcar no nível sub-pixel. Considerando as safras 2004/2005 a 2011/2012 analisadas no Estado de São Paulo, os mapeamentos gerados pelo modelo de classificação Fuzzy ARTMAP obtiveram uma alta exatidão e baixa discordância, aliado a uma forte correlação linear com as proporções de cana-de-açúcar de referência. Com isso, foi possível obter a estimativa de área plantada no final de março, com antecedência em relação à colheita, ao contrário dos levantamentos oficiais que se estendem até o final da safra, além de utilizarem dados subjetivos. As estimativas de área plantada de cana-de-açúcar baseadas nas Medidas de Compromisso do classificador Fuzzy ARTMAP mostraram-se fortemente correlacionadas e em concordância com as estimativas de área de referência do Canasat, também bem balizadas com as estimativas oficiais do IBGE, em nível municipal, sendo um indicativo de boa precisão. O nível dos desvios entre as estimativas de área mostrou uma variação média municipal menor em relação aos dados do Canasat do que os dados do IBGE. O desempenho do classificador Fuzzy ARTMAP está intrinsecamente relacionado à caracterização da distribuição geográfica do cultivo da cana-de-açúcar nas mesorregiões do Estado de São Paulo, alcançando melhores ajustes onde o cultivo é mais expressivo. Na consolidação para o nível de mesorregiões, os ajustes alcançaram um desempenho ainda superior, indicado por valores extremamente altos de correlação e concordância. Na comparação da área plantada com os dados do Zoneamento Agroecológico da cana-de-açúcar ao longo das oito safras, observou-se que a expansão do cultivo da cana-de-açúcar predomina essencialmente em regiões aptas, com a tendência recente de incorporar mais áreas para produção agrícola do que pastagens. A metodologia de estimativa de área plantada baseada nas Medidas de Compromisso do classificador Fuzzy ARTMAP foi eficiente para o mapeamento da cana-de-açúcar, demostrando grande potencial para a análise sub-pixel de séries temporais de índices de vegetação MODIS / Abstract: The Brazilian agricultural sector has been marked by a new cycle of expansion of sugarcane cultivation. Currently, Brazil is the largest sugarcane producer and the São Paulo State is the largest national producer, with an extensive cropping area. In this sense, a reliable estimation of sugarcane crop area is essential for the sugar-ethanol agribusiness. Geotechnologies have been employed on agricultural crop estimates to reduce the level of subjectivity of the traditional methodologies. MODIS sensor images provide a wide coverage of the Earth¿s surface with high periodicity, supporting the systematic agricultural monitoring. However, its moderate spatial resolution leads to the spectral mixture of different land cover classes within the same pixel, causing accuracy problems on crop area estimation. In this context, the main objective of the study was to develop an automatic classification methodology based on neuro-fuzzy networks using MODIS vegetation indices time-series to estimate the sugarcane crop areas at sub-pixel level. Considering the analyzed cropping years in the São Paulo State, from 2004/2005 to 2011/2012, the maps generated by the Fuzzy ARTMAP classification model showed high accuracy and low disagreement, in addition to a strong linear correlation with the proportions of the sugarcane reference. Then, it was possible to obtain the crop area estimation at the end of March, prior to the harvest period, unlike the official surveys, which extend until the end of the harvest and use subjective data. The sugarcane crop area estimation based on the Commitment Measures from the Fuzzy ARTMAP classifier showed to be strongly correlated and in agreement with the reference area estimation of Canasat, also well marked out with the official estimation from IBGE, at municipal level, being an indicative of good accuracy. The deviation level between the estimations showed a lower municipal average variation in relation to Canasat data than IBGE data. The performance of the Fuzzy ARTMAP classifier is intrinsically related to the characterization of geographical distribution of the sugarcane cultivation in the mesoregions of the São Paulo State, reaching best adjustments where the cultivation is more expressive. In the data consolidation at the mesoregion level, the adjustments achieved even greater performance, demonstrated by extremely high values of correlation and agreement. Comparing the crop area estimation with the Sugarcane Agroecological Zoning in the eight crop seasons, it was observed that this cultivation predominates mostly in suitable regions, with the recent trend of incorporating more areas for agricultural production than pastures. The methodology for crop area estimation, based on the Commitment Measures of the Fuzzy ARTMAP classifier, was efficient for sugarcane crop area mapping, showing great potential for the sub-pixel analysis of MODIS time-series of vegetation indices / Doutorado / Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola
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Conteúdo harmônico e estimativa da variação de comprimento de arcos elétricos gerados artificialmente em linhas de transmissão = Harmonic content and estimation of length variation of artificially generated electrical arc in transmission lines / Harmonic content and estimation of length variation of artificially generated electrical arc in transmission linesTalaisys, Jonas Lemos 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Cristina Dias Tavares / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T16:31:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Talaisys_JonasLemos_M.pdf: 12385917 bytes, checksum: 5619a3284121ab56d2a0a337ef2456b4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta resultados do estudo do conteúdo harmônico e da variação do comprimento de arcos elétricos longos, com comprimento inicial superior a 4 m. Os resultados decorreram da análise de uma grande quantidade de dados obtidos de 647 ensaios realizados em ambiente não confinado em um trecho experimental de linha de transmissão aérea de 500 kV. Diversos níveis de corrente de arco foram abrangidos, desde 15 Aef até 10.000 Aef. O conteúdo harmônico da tensão e da corrente dos arcos foi analisado através da Trans-formada de Fourier Discreta em Tempo Reduzido. Mediante um tratamento estatístico, este conteúdo harmônico possibilitou a consolidação da assinatura harmônica dos arcos estudados. Uma contribuição importante da pesquisa consiste na verificação de que o conteúdo harmônico do arco pode ser utilizado para identificar o momento a partir do qual o arco elétrico se encontra com suas características elétricas estabilizadas. A partir deste instante os parâmetros elétricos do arco podem ser utilizados para obtenção de um modelo matemático. Utilizando-se do conteúdo harmônico e de registros visuais, a variação de comprimento foi obtida para 69 arcos. Esta análise inicial permite que se tenha uma noção da velocidade de alongamento destes arcos em relação ao seu nível de corrente. Permitiu também a obtenção de um gradiente de tensão mais preciso dos arcos, considerando-se tanto o alongamento quanto a estabilidade destes. Por fim, este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar resultados que forneçam características e informações relevantes à obtenção de um modelo matemático de arco elétrico secundário adequado para o estudo da Manobra de Abertura e Religamento Monopolar. O conteúdo harmônico é identificado como uma ferramenta eficaz para caracterização da estabilidade destes arcos e o alongamento é um dos principais fatores relacionados com a extinção e duração do arco secundário / Abstract: This document presents results related to harmonic content and length variation of long electrical arcs in air, with initial length of 4 m. The results are based in the analysis of a data-base containing 647 experiments in non-confined environment of an experimental aerial 500 kV transmission line. The current range analyzed lies between 15 Arms and 10,000 Arms. The harmonic contents of voltage and current of electrical arcs were analyzed by the Short Time Discrete Fourier Transform. Using a statistic treatment this harmonic content allowed to consolidate the harmonic signature of the arcs in study. Furthermore, in the present work it was proposed that the harmonic content of an electrical arc defines the moment when the electric arc has its electrical characteristics stabilized. This instant is crucial to obtain the correct arc electrical parameters that will used to represent the arc. Using the harmonic content and visual data, the variation in length was obtained for 69 arcs. This initial analysis lead to arc elongation velocity regarding the current level and permit-ted to obtaining a more precise arc voltage gradient, considering both elongation as its stability. Finally, this work aims to supply relevant characteristics and information to obtaining a secondary arc model useful to the Single-Phase Autoreclosing Maneuver study. The harmonic content is an efficient way to characterize these arcs and the arc elongation is one of the main factors related to the duration and self-extinction of the secondary arc / Mestrado / Energia Eletrica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Méthodes d'analyse de Fourier en hydrodynamique : des mascarets aux fluides avec capillarité / Fourier analysis methods in hydrodynamics : from bores to capillary fluidsBurtea, Cosmin 06 July 2017 (has links)
Dans la première partie de cette thèse on étudie les systèmes abcd qui ont été dérivés par J.L. Bona, M. Chen et J.-C. Saut en 2002. Ces systèmes sont des modèles approximant le problème d'ondes hydrodynamiques dans le régime de Boussinesq, à savoir, des vagues de faible amplitude et de grande longueur d'onde. Dans les deux premiers chapitres on considère le problème d'existence en temps long à savoir la construction de solutions pour les systèmes abcd qui ont leur temps d'existence minoré par $1/varepsilon$ où $varepsilon$ est le rapport entre une amplitude typique du vague et la profondeur du canal. Dans un premier temps on considère des données initiales appartenant aux espaces de Sobolev qui sont inclus dans l'espace des fonctions continues qui s'annulent à l'infini. D'un point de vue physique cette situatuion correspond à des vagues sont localisées en espace. Le point clé est la construction d'une fonctionnelle non linéaire d'énergie qui contrôle certaines normes de Sobolev sur un intervalle de temps long. Pour y arriver, on travaille avec des équations localisées en fréquence. Cette approche nous permet d'obtenir des résultats d'existence en temps long en demandant moins de régularité sur les données initiales. Un deuxième avantage de notre méthode est que l'on peut traiter d'une manière unifiée presque tous les cas correspondant aux différentes valeurs des paramètres abcd. Dans le deuxième chapitre on montre des résultats d'existence en temps long pour le cas des données ayant un comportement non trivial à l'infini.Ce type des données est relevant pour l'étude de la propagation des mascarets. L'idée qui est à la base de ces résultats est de considérer un découpage convenable de la donnée initiale en hautes et basses fréquences. Dans le troisième chapitre on emploie des schémas de volumes finis afin de construire des solutions numériques. On utilise ensuite nos schémas pour étudier l'interaction d'ondes progressives.La deuxième partie de ce manuscrit est consacrée à l'étude des problèmes de régularité optimale pour le système de Navier-Stokes qui régi l'évolution d'un fluide incompressible, inhomogène et pour le système Navier-Stokes-Korteweg utilisé pour prendre en compte les effets de capillarité. Plus précisément, on montre que ces systèmes sont bien-posés dans leurs espaces critiques, à savoir, les espaces quiont la même invariance par changement d'échelle que les systèmes eux-mêmes. Pour pouvoir démontrer ce type de résultats on a besoin d'établir de nouvelles estimations pour un problème de type Stokes avec des coefficients variables / The first part of the present thesis deals with the so -called abcd systems which were derived by J.L. Bona, M. Chen and J.-C. Saut back in 2002. These systems are approximation models for the waterwaves problem in the Boussinesq regime, that is, waves of small amplitude and long wavelength. In the first two chapters we address the long time existence problem which consists in constructing solutions for the Cauchy problem associated to the abcd systems and prove that the maximal time of existence is bounded from below by some physically relevant quantity. First, we consider the case of initial data belonging to some Sobolev spaces imbedded in the space of continuous functions which vanish at infinity. Physically, this corresponds to spatially localized waves. The key ingredient is to construct a nonlinear energy functional which controls appropriate Sobolev norms on the desired time scales. This is accomplished by working with spectrally localized equations. The two important features of our method is that we require lower regularity levels in order to develop a long time existence theory and we may treat in an uni ed manner most of the cases corresponding to the di erent values of the parameters. In the second chapter, we prove the long time existence results for the case of data thatdoes not necessarily vanish at in nity. This is especially useful if one has in mind bore propagation. One of the key ideas of the proof is to consider a well-adapted high-low frequency decomposition of the initial data. In the third chapter, we propose infinite volume schemes in order to construct numerical solutions. We use these schemes in order to study traveling waves interaction.The second part of this manuscript, is devoted to the study of optimal regularity issues for the incompressible inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes system and the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system used in order to take in account capillarity effects. More precisely, we prove that these systems are well-posed in their truly critical spaces i.e. the spaces that have the same scale invariance as the system itself. Inorder to achieve this we derive new estimates for a Stoke-like problem with time independent variable coefficients
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Joint Eigenfunctions On The Heisenberg Group And Support Theorems On RnSamanta, Amit 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This work is concerned with two different problems in harmonic analysis, one on the Heisenberg group and other on Rn, as described in the following two paragraphs respectively.
Let Hn be the (2n + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg group, and let K be a compact subgroup of U(n), such that (K, Hn) is a Gelfand pair. Also assume that the K-action on Cn is polar. We prove a Hecke-Bochner identity associated to the Gelfand pair (K, Hn). For the special case K = U(n), this was proved by Geller, giving a formula for the Weyl transform of a function f of the type f = Pg, where g is a radial function, and P a bigraded solid U(n)-harmonic polynomial. Using our general Hecke-Bochner identity we also characterize (under some conditions) joint eigenfunctions of all differential operators on Hn that are invariant under the action of K and the left action of Hn .
We consider convolution equations of the type f * T = g, where f, g ε Lp(Rn) and T is a compactly supported distribution. Under natural assumptions on the zero set of the Fourier transform of T , we show that f is compactly supported, provided g is.
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Non-invasive Estimation of Blood Pressure using Harmonic Components of Oscillometric PulsesAbolarin, David January 2016 (has links)
This research presents a pulse-by-pulse analysis of Oscillometric blood pressure waveform at systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure points.
Using a mathematical optimization technique, pulses are characterized into component harmonic by minimizing the least square error. The results at the important pressure points are analyzed and compared for different subject using different waveform extraction techniques.
Blood pressure is estimated using the harmonic parameters. The approach studies changes in the parameters as oscillometric blood pressure recording is done. 8 harmonic parameters are obtained from the pulse characterization and are used to estimate Systolic arterial Blood Pressure, Mean arterial Blood Pressure, and Diastolic arterial Blood Pressure. The estimates are compared with our reference value to determine which has the best agreement. The proposed method is further compared with Maximum Amplitude Algorithm and Pulse Morphology Algorithm.
The effect of oscillometric waveform extraction methods on the proposed method is observed. The experiment established the fact that the extraction technique can alter the shape of oscillometric pulses. The methods were compared and it was observed that the used extraction methods did not make any significant difference on the accuracy, using this technique.
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Optimalizace skříně převodovky pro elektrická vozidla z ohledem na vyzařovaný hluk / Optimisation of electric vehicles gearbox housing with focus on emitted noiseFürich, Adam January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the vibration and noise of the gearbox for an electric vehicle. The gearbox itself acts as an emitter of unwanted noise caused by vibration excitation of the internal components of the gearbox. It is therefore necessary to deal with a complex unit such as the gearbox at system level as soon as it is being designed. This can be achieved using analytical tools and software. In this thesis, in order to evaluate the validity of the designed gearbox, a procedure is developed using both technical experiment and numerical simulations. The effect of the bolt preload is not overlooked for the following computational modelling dealing with the radiated noise of the gearbox. The results obtained from the performed technical experiments were then evaluated and compared with the results of the computational models. In this way, it is possible to compare the different approaches, their limitations and weaknesses. Furthermore, the thesis deals with design modifications that are analyzed using computational modeling. The thesis is concluded with a brief description of the application of each approach and an evaluation of the gearbox design modifications.
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Určení NVH parametrů skříně převodovky / NVH parameters determination of gearbox housingBelák, Kristián January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with determination of NVH parameters of the gearbox housing. Introductory part is focused on the necessary theoretical knowledge. Subsequently, it contains the modal analysis with the computational and experimental approach, which are being compared to each other. In the case of the computational approach, analysis of the influence of bolt pretension on the modal properties is also involved. The thesis continues with the harmonic analysis with the computational and experimental approach, including their mutual comparison. Based on these analyses, design modifications for improvement of the NVH parameters are designed at the end of the thesis, which are being compared to each other and to the original geometry, using the computational approach.
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NVH převodového ústrojí pro elektromobily / NVH of gearbox housing for electric vehiclesDavid, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with determination of NVH parameters of the gearbox housing for electric vehicle. The introduction part is focused on the theoretical knowledge of this issue. Subsequently, the deviations of geometry on the gearbox were measure by 3D scan method. The next part of thesis is focused on the modal analysis, which is solved by numerical approach and followed by experimental verification. During the numerical calculation solving, the influence of the screw preloading on the modal properties of the structure, was also taken into account. Numerical harmonic analysis was then performed and the results were compared with the experimental approach. The conclusion is devoted to material damping and comparison of the individual results.
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Stanovení dynamických vlastnosti rotoru turbodmychadla / Determination of Turbocharger Rotor Dynamic PropertiesBlaha, Adam January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with dynamic behaviour of a turbocharger rotor. The subject is a stock turbocharger for commercial vehicles. The research will be mentioned in the first part of the thesis as well as methods of processing. The second, practical part is divided into two divisions. They are both experimental and computational. The aim is finding of rotordynamic behaviour by an experiment and its comparing with a computational model in ANSYS software. Modal and harmonic analysis of a free and fixed subject will be used by both experiment and evaluation. The subject will be fixed where bearings are located during harmonic analysis. All the experimental results will be processed with mathematical and physical methods like FFT analysis or Campbel diagram. There will be two main types of computational models to choose among. These models will be analyzed in detail. The goal of the thesis is to reach results from ANSYS as close as possible with the experimental testing. This includes finding correct material and physical properties, right choice of mesh and right boundary conditions. At the same time the CPU time compared to the model complexity and results accuracy will be considered in a comparison with data obtained by the experiment.
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