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Test of Essential Academic Skills as a Predictor of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program CompletionSicard, Karen 12 August 2016 (has links)
<p> Current trends in healthcare have impacted every level of nursing education. Challenges to nurse educators to increase the level of education for all nurses have resulted in an increase in the number of students applying to baccalaureate nursing programs. With this increase in the number of applicants, schools of nursing continue to search for admission criteria that allow admission of the students who are most likely to successfully complete the program. The purpose of this study was to determine if the TEAS V, given as part of the admission process to the school of nursing, is predictive of completion of the BSN nursing program. The sample consisted of 93 nursing students (19 – 59 years old) at a private university in the southeastern United States. A correlational, retrospective review of the records was used to collect data for the study. Program completion was investigated to determine if there was a relationship to age, gender, TEAS V composite score, TEAS V subject content scores or pre-nursing GPA. The results of data analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between age and program completion. The older the student, the more likely the student is to complete the BSN program. The TEAS V composite score, TEAS V reading score and the TEAS V science score were also identified to have statistically significant relationships with program completion. The results of the study are limited to the student population at the study school. </p><p> Recommendations include replication of the study with a different student population and a study of the relationship between the TEAS V composite score, reading score and science score with a larger sample size. As nurse educators continue to search for appropriate admission criteria for the BSN program, the TEAS V composite score may be a valid tool to identify students who are most likely to successfully complete the BSN program.</p>
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Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Disease| A curriculum for patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitisBarahona, Megan 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p> Targeted nutrition therapy aimed at reducing inflammation through diet is highly underutilized in the standard treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Therefore, the purpose of this directed project was to develop a nutrition curriculum for patients diagnosed with IBD. Specifically, the curriculum consists of five 30-minute PowerPoint presentations with corresponding lesson plans and topic-specific activities and provides specific nutrition recommendations for reducing inflammation and maintaining remission of IBD. </p><p> An expert panel comprised of two registered dietitians and a patient with IBD reviewed the curriculum using the Formative Evaluation Survey. Overall, average scores from the survey were positive, indicating that the curriculum is appropriate and provides valuable information for the intended audience. For future evaluation of this curriculum’s efficacy, a research project may be conducted that analyzes the effect of the curriculum nutrition recommendations on class participants’ disease status following implementation.</p>
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The influence of transcultural humility simulation development activities on the cultural competence of baccalaureate nursing studentsHamilton, Teresa 06 October 2016 (has links)
<p> One way to mitigate health disparities in the provision of nursing care and impact social justice with vulnerable populations is the development of cultural competence. Although addressed in nursing curricula, gaps in how to best address cultural competence remain. A study was undertaken to determine whether participation in a researcher-designed intervention, entitled Transcultural Humility Simulation development, based on components of Campinha-Bacote’s model with an emphasis on “becoming” culturally competent, improved cultural competence in graduating baccalaureate nursing students. A longitudinal, descriptive, quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest comparison group design using embedded mixed methods was used. A total of 57 student participants from one baccalaureate nursing school in the western US were randomly assigned to the intervention group (<i>n</i> = 22) or the comparison group (<i>n</i> = 35). All participants completed the Inventory for Assessing the Process of Cultural Competence-Student Version before and after the intervention. Intervention participants also completed three written reflection exercises the day of the workshop. A subgroup of participants in the intervention group (<i>n</i> = 12) and the comparison group (<i>n</i> = 8) were interviewed two to three months after graduation. No statistically significant differences were obtained between groups while treating the pretest as a covariate. Participants who identified as more than one race on the demographic survey perceived they were more culturally competent than those who identified as one race, <i>F</i> ratio of <i> F</i>(10, 3) = 15.13, <i>p</i> = .02. Analysis of participant reflections during the intervention indicated they anticipated incorporating cultural competence into their practice by <b>shattering preconceived perceptions, constructing innovative insights, improving effective communication,</b> and <b>emerging personal development.</b> Once in practice, they incorporated cultural competence through <b>cultivating nursing-person relationships, providing quality nursing care, serving the patient and family, establishing extraordinary communication</b> and <b>approaching care with humility. </b> This study suggests that bringing attention to cultural competence through participation in Transcultural Humility Simulation Development could raise awareness and foster developmental growth among student participants through transformative learning, epistemic belief change, and double-loop learning.</p>
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Educação em saúde em unidades sanitárias do município de São Paulo / Health education in health units in São PauloPereira, Isabel Maria Teixeira Bicudo 16 May 1984 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve o desempenho do pessoal profissional e auxiliar no que tange à educação em saúde no programa de Assistência à Criança em Postos de Assistência Médica da Secretaria de Higiene e Saúde da Prefeitura de São Paulo. Foram analisadas, sob o enfoque educativo, as seguintes fases do programa, que deveriam incluir orientação referente à saúde da criança de O a um ano de idade,: consulta médica e pós-consulta de pré-natal e puerpério; pré-consulta, consulta médica e pós-consulta de pediatria e vacinação. Utilizou-se a observação direta não participante como metodo1ogia de trabalho. Concluiu-se que nos Postos observados a educação em saúde é eventual e superficialmente desenvolvida. O desempenho do pessoal de saúde (médico e auxiliar) é insatisfatório quanto ao oferecimento de orientações de saúde e o desenvolvimento do processo educativo. Recomenda-se que o poder decisório da agência de saÚde estudada proporcione oportunidades para debates em todos os níveis sobre a contribuição da educação em saúde para o sucesso dos programas, estimule o pessoal de saúde a integrar o componente educativo aos seus procedimentos rotineiros de trabalho e abra espaço para o desenvolvimento de atividades educativas específicas a nível de suas Unidades. Recomenda-se ainda que a Secretaria de Higiene e Saúde do Município de São Paulo garanta a participação do Educador de Saúde Pública nos órgãos oficiais de treinamento de pessoal e em todos os grupos de trabalho responsáveis pelo estudo, formulação, implementação e avaliação de seus projetos. / This paper describes the professional and auxiliary personnel performance in regard to health education in the child health programme of the City Health Department of health centers of São Paulo. The educational component of the following phases of the programme were analised: medical examinations during pregnancy and after delivery, children\'s medical examination and vaccination. Direct non-participatory observation was the method employed. It was concluded that education is only eventually and superficially implemented in the health centers under study. The performance of health personnel (doctors and auxiliaries) is not satisfactory as far as integration of health education to the regular activities is concerned. It is recommeded that opportunities should be made available so that discussions at all levels might take place concerning the contribution of health education towards the success of programmes and that health personnel should be encouraged to integrate health education components in their routine work procedures, besides developing specific education activities at the centers. It is also recommended that Health Department authorities guarantee the participation of the Public Health Education specialist in official personnel training teams as well as in the groups in charge of the study. formulation, implementation and evaluation of health projects.
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The Impact of Learning Contracts on Eating Habits GroupsJones, Jose 19 January 2019 (has links)
<p> The purpose of the study was for the researcher to explore adult education techniques and tools that could be used to explore eating habits within research study groups. The participants enrolled in the research study groups brought their own way of thinking on eating habit discussions based on their unique experience in life. The researcher explored different techniques that could help improve the participants’ quality of life and other positive solutions to benefit the participants. </p><p> This research study explored the impact of learning contracts on participants with eating habit research-based study groups. The study explored the degree to which learning contracts may be a beneficial tool to positively impact eating habits. Pre and post-surveys were administered within the research groups that participated. The purpose behind the study was to learn the impact learning contracts could have on eating habits. In addition, the study explored differences, positive impacts, benefits, and outcomes for participants utilizing learning contracts on eating habits.</p><p>
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A study to identify the factors of influence on headteachers when considering whether or not to include sex education in the primary curriculumFidge, Roy January 1998 (has links)
The study examines factors which influence primary heads' decisions whether or not to include sex education in the curriculum. This is done using a questionnaire of 83 statements based on factors thought likely to discriminate between heads who support sex education and those who do not. The questionnaire was developed using statements from a small group of primary heads who were asked whether or not they had sex education in their schools and their reasons for this. These statements together with others from the literature were examined and analysed, reduced from a pool of about 170 to the final 83, and presented to a larger group of heads In another area. Influences upon heads' sex education decision-making were identified from the responses to these statements. The study was undertaken in 1990 in The North Kent Area where all 77 heads of all primary schools were invited to contribute. 54 heads did so, (response rate of 70.1%). 26 schools were junior, 28 were Junior mixed and infant. 37 were county schools, 11 Church of England and 6 Roman Catholic. 31 schools included sex education, 21 did not and 2 gave no indi, cation of status. 16 heads were women, 34 were men and 4 remained anonymous. The main hypothesis is that heads are main; y influenced by a few factors from the whole possible range which are said to influence curriculum development, and these will be close to, or within the school, in terms of their strength of influence. These will include factors which are personal to the head, with others relating to the staff and school, parents and families and the head's perception of children's needs and development. Two methods of analysis were applied to the data. The main method was by factor analysis, together with the use of cross-tabulation analysis. These methods combined to identify 33 statements in the questionnaire which discriminated between Sex Education and Ron-Sex Education heads. The main hypothesis was supported, that heads were influenced by factors in or close to the school. Heads regard themselves as occupying a significant position of influence over sex education decisions and expect theirs and the governors' decisions to be the sane. Sex Education Heads were more consistent in responding as anticipated and displayed higher levels of agreement/disagreement with the statements than Non-Sex Education Heads. Non-Sex Education Heads displayed a higher degree of ambivalence and ambiguity in their responses, Sex Education Heads showed greater personal commitment to their position compared with Non-Sex Education Heads. The 33 discriminating statements have been used to form a 'Sex Education Inventory' which could have various applications. It shows that many of the reasons for-against sex education in the literature have little influence on heads' decisions. It identifies those factors which are influential. It informs the sex education debate of the basic factors which need to be addressed to gain heads' support. It provides a means of determining where heads are on the for-against sex education continuum. It gives a sound starting point to those providing training, advice or support for the introduction, implementation and development of primary school sex education. The study provides a conceptual analysis of the factors which influence and shape sex education decisions.
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The Hidden Curriculum and Associate Degree Nursing Instructors| A Basic Qualitative StudyWhitmore, Janeen 15 March 2019 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore the experiences of nursing faculty members who taught in associate degree nursing programs and how they implemented the hidden curriculum. The hidden curriculum is referred to as the subtle messages relayed to students either verbally or nonverbally. In higher education, it is understood that the hidden curriculum is used to socialize students into professional roles, but, the process of how to socialize individuals varies. The sample consisted of 12 nursing faculty members who taught in associate degree programs in the Pacific region of the United States. Research on the hidden curriculum in nursing education has focused on the student’s perspective. Upon reviewing the literature, a gap existed in regards to the experiences of nursing faculty with the hidden curriculum. Information was gathered through semistructured interviews to learn how these faculty members implemented the hidden curriculum. Data analysis revealed four reoccurring themes on how nursing educators implement the hidden curriculum in their practice. The first two themes uncovered how nursing faculty members described themselves as mentors and role models to their students to help students become successful in school and later in the workforce. Another theme revealed how nursing faculty members saw themselves as experts who could demonstrate skills and explain procedures. Lastly, nursing faculty members saw themselves as implementing the hidden curriculum by being advocates who could help students troubleshoot problems, as well as assisting them to navigate the nursing program. After interviewing the nursing faculty members, it became apparent that they used the hidden curriculum to provide a pathway for success for their students. The findings also highlight the need for the hidden curriculum to be included in faculty professional development workshops and seminars, and perhaps, the need to bring the hidden curriculum out from hiding.</p><p>
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Evaluating the Impact of Market Match among Older Adults at Farmers' MarketsTamayo-Hernandez, Evelin 25 April 2019 (has links)
<p> The number of older adults facing food insecurity is on the rise. As an attempt to reduce food insecurity at a policy level, nutrition incentive programs such as Market Match have been available within the community at participating Farmers Markets. An ecological framework was used in this study to assess the impact of Market Match on intrapersonal, interpersonal, community and policy factors that contribute to food insecurity for older adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the overall impact of Market Match among older adults by measuring participants’ Market Match satisfaction through feasibility and accessibility. Findings from this study suggests programs such as Market Match may be beneficial in reducing food insecurity among older adults.</p><p>
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Beliefs about Diet and Colorectal Cancer Prevention in an Urban PopulationZaharek, Marguerite Marie January 2013 (has links)
The American Cancer Society (ACS), American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) advocate regular asymptomatic screening (e.g. colonoscopy) as the best immediate strategy for colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention, but studies also indicate changes in diet can lower risk of developing CRC. Forty-five percent of CRC cases have been estimated preventable through appropriate diet, physical activity and weight management. Despite evidence on the association between diet and CRC risk, few studies have addressed beliefs about diet and CRC prevention. The primary aim of the present cross-sectional study was to explore diet-related beliefs on CRC prevention, and to examine if a relationship exists between beliefs and reported dietary intake. Participants (n=169) were 50 to 75 years of age, asymptomatic for CRC, middle to low income, predominantly female 133 (78.7%) and Black 115 (68%). One hundred and thirty-four (79.3%) were born outside the continental U.S., and 102 (60.4%) were from Caribbean countries. A total of 113 (66.9%) reported they believed diet can prevent CRC, 75 (44.4%) without being probed specifically about diet, and 38 (22.5%) additional when probed. There were no statistically significant differences in believing diet can prevent CRC by age, gender or ethnicity, but there were differences between whites and non-whites (p=.044). Other characteristics associated with belief in diet for CRC prevention included household income greater than $50,000 (p=.005), education greater than high school (p=.001) and normal body mass index (BMI) (p=.001). Among women, believing diet prevents CRC was associated with greater engagement in other preventive health behaviors (p=.009). Reported beliefs reflected national dietary recommendations, and the top most frequently mentioned dietary beliefs were: Increasing dietary fiber, vegetables and fruits, and decreasing red meat, fat and processed meats. Those who believed diet can prevent CRC had healthier intakes for dietary fiber (p=.005), fruit, vegetable, bean (p=.027) vitamin C (p=.039), red meat (p=.032) and cholesterol (p=.045). Beliefs for specific foods to prevent CRC (e.g. more dietary fiber, more fruits/vegetables, less meat, etc.) were suggestive of healthier intake patterns, but none of these findings were statistically significant. When a healthy diet composite score was created based on intake of at least three servings of fruits and vegetables and less than 35% calories from fat, there were statistically significant differences between those who believed diet plays a role in CRC prevention. Sixty-five (74.7%) of those who had a healthy diet believed diet can prevent CRC, in comparison to only 48 (58.5%) of those who did not have a healthy diet (p=.039). This study demonstrated an association between beliefs and food intake in an urban and predominantly immigrant sample of men and women. Findings revealed that most people may already believe dietary factors can prevent CRC, and therefore nutrition education efforts should capitalize on these perspectives to encourage healthy food-related behaviors. The promotion of appropriate food choices through nutrition education messages that address beliefs about CRC prevention can potentially reinforce and further strengthen existing sentiments. However, one third of the participants did not believe dietary intake can prevent CRC, thus indicating a need for nutrition education and strategies to target those who are less likely to embrace the benefits of a healthy dietary pattern.
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Effect of knowledge of learning styles on test score achievement of certified registered nurse anesthetistsCastillo, Jose Delfin D., III 07 January 2017 (has links)
<p> Lifelong learning in professional communities is changing to adapt to professions in the anesthesia field with input from the public and various stakeholders. An extensive review on learning styles identified a gap in literature, specifically evidence on sensory learning styles among adult professionals. Changes in Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) recertification requirements, most importantly the incorporation of an assessment component, prompted the research to address CRNA enhancement methods in learning. The main purpose of the current study was to contribute to the body of literature if a CRNA’s knowledge of sensory learning styles mix influences test score achievement. The posttest-only control-group design was utilized, wherein a Sensory Learning Styles Self-Assessment (SLS-SA) instrument was piloted to establish content validity and internal reliability prior to its application with the treatment group. The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Learn’s Health and Wellness Module 1 provided the 10-hour posttest, which measured the test score achievement among participants. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted and yielded a nonsignificant effect of the current study’s treatment on test score results among CRNAs. Interaction effects of the CRNAs’ gender and years of practice were also examined, which produced the same results (e.g., not significant). No effect was established in the current research, however, several research limitations were identified and specific outcomes on an individual participant level were acknowledged, which were recommended to substantiate further research. </p>
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