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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anställningsform och stress : Hur upplever polisaspiranter sin anställningsform i relation till stress?

Alci, Gül, Saliba, Gabriella January 2016 (has links)
This paper discusses and aims to give the reader a greater understanding of how police cadets experiencing stress in relation to their employment status and a gender perspective on male and female cadets experience different demands and expectations. As scientists, we will also study how aspirants handle stress and how they experience the benefit of the work. This is because the one who is rejected by the aspirant will lose all possibilities of becoming a police officer. The essay will primarily highlight the impact of employment status have on stress according to police cadets and how gender can affect the stress. During the research process, the researcher will have worked through qualitative semi-structured interviews with six respondents who work as police cadets. We have analyzed our material by Karasek and Theorell of requirements, control and support model that is about the extent of demand and control individuals have the work-related aspects. We also give examples of how the requirements and control support model works for police cadets in the field with the help of research addressing the topic. The other theoretical starting point is an occupational stress research of Kelloway, Hurrel & Days (2008). Data collection shows, and supported by our theory that the form of employment is creating concerns over future work, and that perceived stress is equal for both men and women. / Polisyrket är ett skiftande arbete som ställer enormt höga krav på varje polis. I jämförelse med andra yrken har polisen en viktig roll i samhället. Polisens huvuduppgift är att göra skillnad i samhället. Att vara polis innebär att samhället förväntar sig att denne ska ingripa i en situation där ingen annan kan eller får ingripa. Situationer som omfattar allt från brottslighet, våld, sorg och kris. Polisen har oftast tillträde till situationer och områden som ingen civilperson har rätt till. Det finns relativt många studier som handlar om olika anställningsformer i relation till stress och osäkerhet, dock upplever vi som forskare att det råder brist på studier som berör polisaspirantens anställningsform. Vi finner därmed ett starkt intresse att forska kring det ämnet.   Nyutbildade poliser sätts på prov under sex månader genom att vara anställd som polisaspirant, detta innebär att man är provanställd. Hur upplever polisaspiranter sin anställningsform i relation till stress? Detta är en fråga som vi forskare kommer att lägga stor vikt på under forskningsprocessen. Polisaspiranten får ingen fastanställning först denne blivit godkänd efter dessa sex månader. Vi har under studiens gång undersökt hur denna form av anställning påverkat polisaspiranten negativt, genom upplevd stress och osäkerhet. Tack vare vårt empiriska material kan vi konstatera att en osäker anställningsform skapar negativ stress som påverkar aspiranten psykiskt då kraven är höga och prövningen lång.

Evaluation of health-related outcomes following a self-management program for older people with heart failure

Shao, Jung-Hua January 2008 (has links)
Background. Heart failure (HF) which is a chronic, disabling disorder is mainly found in older people and is one of the leading causes of hospitalisation and readmission around the world. Unfortunately, the mortality and morbidity rates for HF remain high. HF is a complex combination of symptoms which are related to an inadequate perfusion of the body tissues caused by fluid and sodium retention. Hence, enhancing HF patients’ self-efficacy to change their behaviours to perform fluid & sodium control is one of the most important issues for the management of HF. A self-management program has the potential to raise self-efficacy and self-care which is a method to improve health for those with chronic illness and to decrease patients’ health service utilisation and also to enhance these patients’ health status. Aim. The study aims to examine the effectiveness of a self-management program, based on self-efficacy theory, in older people with heart failure in Taiwan. Methods. An experimental design was used to examine the effectiveness of a self-management program on diet and fluid control among HF patients. A total of 93 subjects from two medical centres in Taiwan were randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups. In order to examine the effectiveness of self-management, data were collected at baseline, week 4, and week 12 using the following instruments: self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, HF self-management behaviour, HF related symptoms, and body weight. Moreover, health service utilisation and patient’s evaluation of care received were collected on all patients for the 12 weeks prior to commencing the study and for the 12 week study period. Demographic and disease information was also collected including age, gender, marital state, education, and New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification. A structured, individualized self-management training program created by the investigator was implemented for the intervention group through home visits and telephone follow-ups. This program emphasized self-monitoring of diet control and body weight for the self-management of heart failure. The purpose was to improve patients’ self-efficacy in their diet control behaviour. The “diet control” in this study focussed on sodium and fluid restriction. Outcome measures were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 version, and the level of significance (á) was set at 0.05 for statistical analysis. Results. There were differences for older Taiwanese HF patients’ self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, self-management behaviour, and HF related symptoms for participants who received a self-management intervention compared to those who did not. However, there were no significant differences between the two groups in weight and health serves utilization (p>.001). Conclusion. The self-management program had a positive impact on the improvement of self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, HF related self-management behaviours and symptoms in older Taiwanese with HF. This program may bridge the gap between theory and practice. Health care providers need to provide older people in Taiwan with HF the appropriate skills for self-managing their condition and thereby promoting their health status. These patients with HF and their caregivers have to receive individualized education that emphasizes self-efficacy in the self-management of their disease, thus improving their quality of life.

Patient reported outcome (PRO) measurement of disability in orthopaedic trauma to the upper extremity

Jayakumar, Prakash January 2017 (has links)
Patient reported outcome (PRO) measurement of disability is integral to a patient-centered approach to health care and gauging the biopsychosocial impact of health conditions from the patient's perspective. This thesis investigates disability after proximal humerus, elbow and distal radius fractures; conditions that constitute a major burden in musculoskeletal health care and a substantial impact on health-related quality of life (HrQoL). Disability is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Classification of Disability, Functioning and Health (ICF) as ‘a multi-dimensional construct involving a dynamic interaction between impairment, activity limitations and participation restrictions, that are influenced by contextual factors'. This international, consensus-based framework acts as a guide for the application of outcome measures in performing scientific research. The WHO ICF also considers other patient perspectives on health and health care systems, including patient experience and patient activation within the contextual factors component. Patient experience encompasses aspects such as satisfaction, expectation management and confidence with care, and is measured using a variety of scales and questionnaires. Patient activation relates to 'the knowledge, skills and confidence a person has in managing their own health and health care'. This concept is quantified using patient activation measures (PAMs). The overarching goal of this thesis is to identify the most influential factors predicting disability after proximal humerus, elbow and distal radius fractures. This work also aimed to define the relationship between disability, experience and activation to inform the development of a patient-centred approach to managing these challenging injuries. The first systematic review highlights the dominance of psychosocial factors in influencing disability associated with a range of upper extremity conditions. Few studies have assessed this relationship in specific trauma populations. The second review underlines the paucity of upper extremity PRO measures incorporating fracture populations in their original development. It also reports the highly variable quality of initial studies introducing these measures. The final review demonstrates the superior measurement properties of computer adaptive tests (CATs), a contemporary form of PRO measurement, over fixed-scale instruments. Few studies apply CATs in trauma and few have been performed outside the U.S. These reviews collectively informed the selection of PRO measures for the experimental studies in this thesis. Firstly, a pilot study establishes a methodology for addressing the key objectives and the feasibility of using a web-based platform for measuring patient outcomes. Strong correlation between PROMIS Physical function CAT, a computer adaptive measure of physical function, and the Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QuickDASH), a region-specific, fixed scale is observed. The core experiment (n=734) expands upon this work and demonstrates correlations between a range of generic and region-specific measures in an upper extremity trauma population. Disability is shown to correlate with satisfaction, and the strength of this correlation increases over time. Applying PRO measures of disability in populations with shoulder, elbow and wrist fractures show that self-efficacy (i.e. coping ability) within 6 weeks of injury was the strongest predictor of medium-term disability at 6-9 months. In proximal humerus and elbow fractures, kinesiophobia (i.e. fear of movement) within a week of injury was also a strong predictor of disability. The final study concludes that greater patient activation is associated with greater health-related and experiential outcomes. However, psychosocial factors including self-efficacy, superseded activation in predicting disability and satisfaction. This thesis contributes evidence for musculoskeletal health care professionals (HCPs) to consider specific psychosocial factors, such as coping abilities, and patient activation early in the recovery process to improve disability following these injuries.

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