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Produção de estranheza em colisões de íons pesados relativísticos / Strangeness production in relkativistic heavy ion collisionsVasconcelos, Geraldo Magela Severino 30 May 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Jun Takahashi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T10:21:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Vasconcelos_GeraldoMagelaSeverino_M.pdf: 4363414 bytes, checksum: 50c5bd667b62ccab57088d6b77e1ec81 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: As colisões de íons pesados em energias relativísticas permitem estudar o comportamento da matéria nuclear em condições extremas de temperatura e alta densidade de energia. Nessas condições, espera-se uma transição de fase da matéria onde seria formado um estado de quarks e glúons livres, conhecido como Plasma de Quarks e Glúons (QGP). Com o objetivo de estudar a formação deste novo estado e suas características, o experimento STAR, situado no Laboratório Nacional de Brookhaven, Nova Iorque, mede vários canais observáveis das colisões de íons pesados. Uma das marcas da formação do QGP é o aumento da produção de estranheza. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a produção dos bárions multi-estranhos X e W produzidos nas colisões de Cu+Cu com energia de 62,4 GeV=A no referencial do centro de massa (CM), medidos no experimento STAR. Foram obtidos os espectros de momento transverso dessas partículas e a partir deles foi extraída a abundância de produção por unidade de rapidez na região de rapidez central (dN=dy)y=0. A produção desses bárions foi comparada com os resultados de um outro sistema (Au+Au) na mesma energia para estudar a dependência da produção de estranheza em função do tamanho do sistema formado. Os resultados mostraram que a produção de estranheza cresce com o tamanho do sistema, e que este aumento é ligeiramente maior para o sistema de Cu+Cu do que Au+Au. Os resultados deste trabalho são inéditos e complementam um estudo sistemático da produção de estranheza. Também são importantes para a compreensão dos mecanismos de produção de estranheza em diferentes energias / Abstract: Relativistic heavy-ion collisions allow us to study the behavior of nuclear matter at extreme conditions of temperature and energy density. In these conditions, we expect a phase transition of matter where a free state of quarks and gluons would be formed, and that is known as Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). With the aim to study this new state of matter and its features, the STAR experiment was built at BNL (Brookhaven National Laboratory), New York. The STAR experiment measures many observables of heavy-ion collisions and in particular, the strangeness enhancement in QGP is of special interest. The aim of this work was the study of multi-strange baryon production, X and W , at collisions of Cu+Cu in the center of mass energy of 62.4 GeV=A measured at the STAR experiment. Transverse momentum spectra and integrated yields for X and W at mid-rapidity are presented in this work. We also compared Cu+Cu and Au+Au systems in order to study the dependence of strange particle production with the system size. The results showed that strangeness production enhances with the system size, and strange baryons yields in Cu+Cu are slightly larger than Au+Au for the same energy. The new results obtained here complement a systematic study of strangeness production in heavy ion collisions and are important to understand the strangeness particle production mechanism in different energies / Mestrado / Física Nuclear / Mestre em Física
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Estudo dos efeitos de flutuações da condição inicial em colisões nucleares relativísticas / Study of the effects of initial condition fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collisionsSouza, Rafael Derradi de, 1982- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jun Takahashi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T16:49:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Souza_RafaelDerradide_D.pdf: 5902855 bytes, checksum: ef026256d77f665d1d9d346c08ad7ec8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Nas colisões nucleares relativísticas, devido ao comportamento coletivo do sistema, é esperado que a anisotropia espacial inicial da região de uperposição entre os núcleos incidentes seja convertida em uma anisotropia final na distribuição de momento das partículas produzidas. Em particular, o coeficiente de fluxo elíptico, dado pelo segundo harmônico (v2) da decomposição de Fourier da distribuição azimutal das partículas finais produzidas, é um observável sensível à anisotropia geométrica inicial. Neste trabalho, estudamos o comportamento do coeficiente v2 obtido a partir de eventos gerados com o código de evolução hidrodinâmica NeXSPheRIO simulando colisões Au+Au a (SNN)1/2 = 200 GeV. O NeXSPheRIO permite o controle da condição inicial, da evolução hidrodinâmica e gera as partículas finais como em um evento real. Portanto, foi possível aplicar as mesmas técnicas de análise de dados utilizadas experimentalmente. Estudamos os efeitos de flutuações na condição inicial no observável v2 e testamos alguns observáveis experimentais propostos que seriam sensíveis a estas flutuações. Como os observáveis também são sensíveis a outros tipos de correlações, geralmente chamadas de non-flow, e considerando que a maior contribuição pode vir de jatos de partículas gerados nessas colisões, estudamos os efeitos de jatos nesses observáveis. Construímos um modelo simplificado de duas componentes a partir da superposição de eventos NeXSPheRIO, com eventos de colisões p+p produzidos pelo gerador de eventos Pythia. Resultados deste modelo descrevem melhor a dependência de v2 com o momento transversal quando comparados com dados experimentais. Determinamos também que, ao contrário do que se esperava, os observáveis sensíveis à flutuação na condição inicial são pouco afetados pela inclusão dos jatos. Este resultado sugere que os efeitos de non-flow, como considerados aqui, são desprezíveis nas medidas de flutuações de v2, indicando que os resultados obtidos pelos experimentos sejam dominados pelas flutuações da condição inicial / Abstract: Due to the collective behavior of the system created in relativistic nuclear collisions, it is expected that the initial spatial anisotropy of the overlap region between the two incoming nuclei converts into an anisotropy of the momentum distribution of the outgoing particles. In particular, the elliptic flow coefficient, which is given by the second harmonic (v2) of the Fourier decomposition of the final particle azimuthal distribution, is an observable sensitive to the initial geometric anisotropy. In this work, we studied the behavior of the elliptic flow coefficient obtained from events generated using the hydrodynamic-based code NeXSPheRIO for Au+Au collisions at (SNN)1/2= 200 GeV. The NeXSPheRIO code allows the control of the initial condition, the hydrodynamic evolution and produces the outgoing particles just like in a real event. Therefore, it was possible to apply the same data analysis techniques used experimentally. We studied the effects of initial condition fluctuations on flow observables and tested some experimental observables thought to be sensitive to the fluctuations. Since these observables are also sensitive to other types of correlations, usually referred to as non-flow, and considering that the major contribution to them may come from jets of particles generated in the collision, we also studied the effects of jets on these observables. A simplified two-component model was built by superimposing events produced with the NeXSPheRIO code and p+p collision events produced with the Pythia event generator. Results from our model present a better description of the ?2 dependence with transverse momentum when compared to experimental data. Also, opposite to what was expected, the observables sensitive to the fluctuations are not much sensitive to the inclusion of jets. This result may suggest that the contribution of non-flow, as considered here, is negligible in the observed flow fluctuations measurement, which indicates that the values observed in the experiments are mainly dominated by fluctuations from the initial condition / Doutorado / Física / Doutor em Ciências
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La physique des (di)muons dans ALICE au LHC : analyse en collisions pp (√s = 7 TeV) et Pb-Pb (√sNN = 2.76 TeV) des résonances de basses masses (ρ, ω, ф) et étude d’un trajectographe en pixels de Silicium dans l’ouverture du spectromètre / The (di)muon physics in the ALICE experiment at the LHC : light vector meson analysis (ρ, ω, ф) in pp collisions (√s = 7 TeV), Pb-Pb collisions (√sNN = 2.76 TeV) and study of a new silicon tracker in the muon spectrometer acceptanceMassacrier, Laure 26 October 2011 (has links)
L’expérience ALICE au LHC étudie le plasma de quarks gluons (PQG), état de la matière où quarks et gluons existent à l’état déconfinés. Une des sondes utilisée pour explorer cet état est l’étude de plusieurs résonances (ρ, ω, ф, J/ψ et Ƴ) via leur canal de désintégration dimuonique, à l’aide d’un spectromètre à muons couvrant les pseudo-rapidités -4 < η < -2.5. La première partie de la thèse se focalise sur les mésons vecteurs de basses masses (ρ, ω et ф) . Elle concerne l’analyse des données récoltées en 2010 en collisions pp à √s = 7 TeV et Pb-Pb à √sNN = 2.76 TeV. Les mésons vecteurs de basses masses sont des outils intéressants pour sonder le PQG grâce à leurs faibles durées de vie et leur canal de désintégration dimuonique non affecté par les interactions dans l’état final. Les taux de production et fonctions spectrales de ces mésons sont modifiées par le milieu hadronique chaud et le PQG. En collisions pp, les distributions du ф, du (ρ+ω) en fonction de l’impulsion transverse ainsi que les sections efficaces et sections efficaces différentielles de production des différents mésons ont été extraites. L’analyse en collisions Pb-Pb ainsi que ses perspectives sont également présentées. La seconde partie de la thèse concerne le futur de l’expérience ALICE et les plans d’amélioration des détecteurs pour l’horizon 2017. Une étude de faisabilité pour l’ajout d’un trajectographe en pixels de Silicium (MFT) à l’avant de l’absorbeur hadronique dans l’acceptance du spectromètre à muons est présentée. Les performances et améliorations apportées par le MFT dans différents canaux de physique ont été étudiées en simulation / ALICE experiment at LHC studies the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), a particular state of matter where quarks and gluons are deconfined. A probe to explore this state is the study of several resonances (ρ, ω, ф, J/ψ and Ƴ) through their dimuon decay channel, with a muon spectrometer covering pseudo-rapidity -4 < η < -2.5. In the first part of this thesis, the focus is on light vector mesons (ρ, ω and ф) and their analysis in the 2010 data, in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV. Light vector mesons are powerful tools to probe the QGP due to their short lifetime and their dimuon decay channel. Indeed, leptons have negligible final state interactions. Production rates and spectral functions of those mesons are modified by the hot hadronic and QGP medium. In pp collisions, pT distributions, production cross sections and pT-differential cross sections of the different mesons have been extracted. The Pb-Pb analysis and its prospects are also presented. The second part of the thesis concerns ALICE upgrades plans of year 2017. A feasibility study for a Muon Forward Tracker (MFT) in Silicon pixels located upstream of the hadronic absorber, in the spectrometer acceptance, was performed. Performances and improvements brought by the MFT on several physics cases were in simulations
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Study of correlations of heavy quarks in heavy ion collisions and their role in understanding the mechanisms of energy loss in the quark gluon plasma / Etude des corrélations des quarks lourds suppression dans les collisions d'ions lourds et de leur rôle dans la compréhension des mécanismes de perte d'énergie dans le plasma de quarks et de gluonsRohrmoser, Martin 05 April 2017 (has links)
Contexte : La chromodynamique quantique (CDQ), théorie de l’interaction forte, prédit un nouvel état de la matière, le plasma de quarks et de gluons (PQG) dont les degrés de liberté fondamentale, les quarks et les gluons, peuvent bouger quasi-librement. Les hautes températures et densités de particules, qui sont nécessaires, sont supposées être les conditions de l’univers dans ses premiers moments ou dans les étoiles à neutrons. Récemment elles ont été recrées par des collisions de noyaux d’ions lourdes à hautes énergies. Ces expériences étudient le PQG par la détection des particules de hautes énergies qui traversent le milieu, notamment, les quarks lourds. Les mécanismes de leur perte d’énergie dans le PQG ne sont pas compris complètement. Particulièrement, ils sont attribués aux processus soit de radiation induite par le milieu, soit de collisions de particules de type 2 vers 2, ou des combinaisons.Méthodes : Afin de trouver de nouvelles observables pour pouvoir distinguer les mécanismes de la perte d’énergie, on a implémenté un algorithme Monte-Carlo, qui simule la formation des cascades des particules à partir d’une particule initiale. Pour traiter le milieu, on a introduit des interactions PQG-jets, qui correspondent aux processus collisionnels et radiatifs. Les corrélations entre deux particules finales des cascades, dont une représente un quark trigger, ont été examinées comme moyen pour distinguer les modèles.Résultats : La dépendance de l’ouverture angulaire pour des corrélations entre deux particules en fonction des énergies des particules peut servir comme moyen pour séparer les mécanismes collisionnels et radiatifs de la perte d’énergie dans le milieu. / Context: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of the strong interactions, predicts a new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), where its fundamental degrees of freedom, the quarks and gluons, behave quasi-freely. The required high temperatures and/orparticle densities can be expected for the early stages of the universe and in neutron stars, but have lately become accessible by highly energetic collisions of heavy ion cores. Commonly, these experiments study the QGP by the detection of hard probes, i.e. highly energetic particles, most notably heavy quarks, that pass the medium. The mechanisms of their energy-loss in the QGP are not yet completely understood. In particular, they are attributed to processes of either additional, medium induced radiation or 2 to 2 particle scattering, or combinations thereof.Methods: In a theoretical, phenomenological approach to search for new observables that allow discriminating between these collisional and radiative energy-loss mechanisms a Monte-Carlo algorithm that simulates the formation of particle cascades from an initial particle was implemented. For the medium, different types of QGP-jet interactions, corresponding to collisional and/orradiative energy loss, were introduced. Correlations between pairs of final cascade particles, where one represents a heavy trigger quark, were investigated as a means to differentiate between these models.Findings: The dependence of angular opening for two particle correlations as a function of particle energy may provide a means to disentangle collisional and radiative mechanisms of in-medium energy loss.
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KOs and lambda production associated to high-p T charged hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with ALICE : comparison between the hard and "soft" processes related to the production of hadrons / Production de mésons K0 S et de baryons lambda associés à des hadrons chargés de haut pT dans les collisions Pb-Pb du LHC à √sNN = 2.76 TeV avec l'expérience ALICE : comparaison entre les processus durs et "soft" liés à la production de hadronsSanchez Castro, Xitzel 31 March 2015 (has links)
Dans les collisions d'ions lourds ultra-relativistes (A-A), la matière se trouve dans des conditions extrêmes de densité d'énergie; elle forme un plasma de quarks et de gluons déconfinés. Aux énergies du RHIC et du LHC, le rapport baryon sur méson, tel Λ/K0S, prend des valeurs élevées sur une plage d'impulsions transverses intermédiaires pour les collisions centrales A-A. L'objectif de ce travail est de vérifier si la production accrue de baryons est seulement due à des effets collectifs au cœur du système formé ou s'il existe aussi un impact lié à une fragmentation des partons modifiée par le milieu. À l'aide de corrélations angulaires à deux hadrons, les K0S et Λ produits en association avec un hadron de haut pT (processus durs) sont séparés de ceux issus du milieu thermalisé (processus softs). Les rapports Λ/K0S à relier aux mécanismes durs et softs sont établis; les résultats sont obtenus pour les collisions Pb-Pb à √sNN = 2.76 TeV enregistrées en 2011 avec l'expérience ALICE. / In ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, the QCD matter is under extreme conditions of energy density, forming a quark-gluon plasma (QGP), in which quarks and gluons are deconfined. At RHIC and LHC energies, a large baryon-to-meson ratio, like Λ/K0S, was observed within the transverse momentum range 2 < pT < 6 GeV/c for central heavy-ion collisions. The goal of this dissertation is to verify if the baryon-to-meson enhancement is only due to collective effects of the bulk of matter, and if there is also a contribution related to in-medium modifications of parton fragmentation.With two-hadron angular correlations, the K0S and Λ produced in association to an energetic hadron (hard processes) are separated from those originated from the thermalised medium (soft processes). The differential Λ/K0S ratios related to the soft or hard production processes are extracted. The results are obtained for the Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV recorded in 2011 with the ALICE experiment.
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NONEQUILIBRIUM PROBES OF THE QUARK-GLUON PLASMASalehi Kasmaei, Babak 23 July 2021 (has links)
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Azimuthal anisotropy in gold-gold collisions at 4.5 GeV center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair using fixed-target mode at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion ColliderWu, Yang 09 July 2019 (has links)
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Self-organized nanostructures by heavy ion irradiation: defect kinetics and melt pool dynamicsBöttger, Roman 16 January 2014 (has links)
Self-organization is a hot topic as it has the potential to create surface patterns on the nanoscale avoiding cost-intensive top-down approaches. Although chemists have promising results in this area, ion irradiation can create self-organized surface patterns in a more controlled manner. Different regimes of pattern formation under ion irradiation were described so far by 2D models. Here, two new regimes have been studied experimentally, which require modeling in 3D: subsurface point defect kinetics as well as ion impact-induced melt pool formation.
This thesis deals with self-organized pattern formation on Ge and Si surfaces under normal incidence irradiation with heavy monatomic and polyatomic ions of energies up to several tens of keV. Irradiation has been performed using liquid metal ion sources in a focused ion beam facility with mass-separation as well as by conventional broad beam ion implantation. Irradiated samples have been analyzed mainly by scanning electron microscopy. Related to the specific irradiation conditions, investigation and discussion of pattern formation has been divided into two parts: (i) formation of Ge morphologies due to point defect kinetics and (ii) formation of Ge and Si morphologies due to melt pool dynamics.
Point defect kinetics dominates pattern formation on Ge under irradiation with monatomic ions at room temperature. Irradiation of Ge with Bi and Ge ions at fluences up to 10^17 cm^(-2) has been performed. Comprehensive studies show for the first time that morphologies change from flat surfaces over hole to nanoporous, sponge-like patterns with increasing ion energy. This study is consistent with former irradiations of Ge with a few ion energies. Based on my studies, a consistent, qualitative 3D model of morphology evolution has been developed, which attributes the ion energy dependency of the surface morphology to the depth dependency of point defect creation and relaxation. This model has been proven by atomistic computer experiments, which reproduce the patterns found in real irradiation experiments.
At extremely high energy densities deposited by very heavy ions another mechanism dominates pattern formation. The formation of Ge and Si dot patterns by very heavy, monatomic and polyatomic Bi ion irradiation has been studied in detail for the first time. So far, this formation of pronounced dot pattern cannot be explained by any model. Comprehensive, experimental studies have shown that pattern formation on Ge is related to extremely high energy densities deposited by each polyatomic ion locally. The simultaneous impact of several atoms leads to local energy densities sufficient to cause local melting. Heating of Ge substrates under ion irradiation increases the achievable energy density in the collision cascade substantially. This prediction has been confirmed experimentally: it has been found that the threshold for nanomelting can be lowered by substrate heating, which allows pattern formation also under heavy, monatomic ion irradiation. Extensive studies of monatomic Bi irradiation of heated Ge have shown that morphologies change from sponge-like over highly regular dot patterns to smooth surfaces with increasing substrate temperature. The change from sponge-like to dot pattern is correlated to the melting of the ion collision cascade volume, with energy densities sufficient for melt pool formation at the surface. The model of pattern formation on Ge due to extremely high deposited energy densities is not specific to a single element. Therefore, Si has been studied too. Dot patterns have been found for polyatomic Bi ion irradiation of hot Si, which creates sufficiently high energy densities to allow ion impact-induced melt pool formation. This proves that pattern formation by melt pool formation is a novel, general pattern formation mechanism. Using molecular dynamics simulations of project partners, the correlation between dot patterning and ion impact-induced melt pool formation has been proven. The driving force for dot pattern formation due to high deposited energy densities has been identified and approximated in a first continuum description.
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