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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Royal finances in the period of baronial reform and rebellion, 1255-1270

Collingwood, James Alexander January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

The role of the Midland knights in the period of reform and rebellion 1258-67

Fernandes, Mario Joseph January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

The Anglo-Welsh wars, 1217-1267 : with special reference to English military developments

Walker, Ronald F. January 1954 (has links)
No description available.

England and the Empire, 1216-1272 : Anglo-German relations during the reign of Henry III

Weiler, Björn K. U. January 1999 (has links)
This thesis charts the development of the political and diplomatic relations between England and the Holy Roman, Medieval or German Empire during the reign of Henry III of England, 1216-1272. This will be done before the wider background of contemporary European politics. Therefore, relations between the two realms have been viewed in the context of events and developments such as the papal-imperial conflict, the Mongol invasions, and the crusades. The actions of either Henry III or his Imperial counterpart cannot be understood without this background in mind, and without a comparison to the actions and undertakings of their contemporaries. As a result, it emerges that Henry III's policies towards the Holy Roman Empire did not differ greatly from those of other rulers, such as Louis IX of France or Ferdinand of Castile, and that in his case, as in theirs, the immediate pressing needs of Henry's own kingdom formed and moulded the direction of his relations with the rulers of the Empire. As far as the Emperor was concerned, on the other hand, England was perceived to be a potential source of fiscal and diplomatic support, but was not considered worth any risks. At the same time, the dangers and challenges facing both rulers also forced them over and over again to confront each other's needs and ambitions.

By the Will of the King: Majestic and Political Rhetoric in Ricardian Poetry

Driscoll, William 27 September 2017 (has links)
The stories we tell give meaning and coherence to our political situation; they reproduce, interrogate, and, at times, challenge the discourse of authority. Thus, when the political situation changes so do our narratives. In the thirteenth century, responding to a majestic rhetoric of vis et voluntas (force and will), the barons strengthened the community of the realm by turning it into a powerful collective identity that fostered political alliances with the gentry. By The Will of the King demonstrates how Ricardian poetry was shaped by and responded to the conflict between majestic and political rhetoric that crystallized in the politically turbulent years culminating in the Second Barons’ War (1258-1265). By placing Gower’s Confessio Amantis and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in dialogue with this political tradition, I demonstrate how narrative became a site of conflict between vertical, cosmic descriptions of power and horizontal realities of power, a conflict from which the contours of a civic habit of mind began to emerge. Over the past twenty years, scholars have begun to investigate the evolution of this habit of mind in the late Middle Ages. By looking at the narrative practice of Gower and Chaucer through the lens of thirteenth-century political innovation, I extend and fill in this depiction of a nascent political imaginary. Each poet responds to the new political circumstances in their own way. Gower, placing the political community at the center of Book VII of the Confessio, rigorously reworks the mirror for princes genre into a schematic analysis of political power. For Chaucer, political rhetoric becomes visible at the moment that the traditional majestic rhetoric of kingship collapses. The Canterbury Tales, as such, restages the conflict of the thirteenth century in aesthetic terms—giving form to the crisis of authority. Ultimately, Ricardian poetry exposes and works through an anxiety of sovereignty; it registers the limits of a majestic paradigm of kingship; and reshaping narrative, aesthetic, and hermeneutic practice, it conjures a new political imaginary capable of speaking to and for a community which had emerged during the reign of Henry III.

Od mohučského Ordo po Liber visionum: pojetí panovnické moci za vlády Jindřicha II. a Jindřicha III. v zrcadle vybraných dobových pramenů / From the Ordo of Mainz up to the Liber visionum: the concept of the medieval kingship under the rule of Henry II and Henry III in the mirror of selected historical sources

Navrátil, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to analyse and to compare the reign of two rulers of Francia Orientalis - Henry II and Henry III. The reason for the author's research is that the conception of the legitimization of kingship is nowadays a highly discussed issue and it is one of the most significant tasks the medieval research is facing. Methods used in this study are analysis and comparison. The study is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspect of the legitimization of kingship. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the study. Chapter Two examines relevant specialized discursus. Chapter Three deals with the sources of medieval thinking and consists of three parts. Part One explains the terms of sacrality and legitimacy. Part Two focuses on the roots of sacral kingship. Part Three investigates the history of legitimization of kingship in the Frankish Empire. Chapter Four is subdivided into four parts and it mainly provides an outline of Henry's II reign and examines relevant historical sources. Part One discusses the policy of Henry's predecessor Otto III. Part Two is an analysis of relevant historical sources. Part Three examines Henry's policy. Intermediate conclusions are drawn in Part Four. Chapter Five endeavours to explain and analyse the...

French royal acts printed before 1601

Kim, Lauren J. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is a study of royal acts printed in French before 1601. The kingdom of France is a natural place to begin a study of royal acts. It possessed one of the oldest judicial systems in Europe, which had been established during the reign of St Louis (1226-1270). By the sixteenth century, French kings were able to issue royal acts without any concern as to the distribution of their decrees. In addition, France was one of the leading printing centres in Europe. This research provides the first detailed analysis of this neglected category of texts, and examines the acts’ significance in French legal, political and printing culture. The analysis of royal acts reveals three key historical practices regarding the role of printing in judiciary matters and public affairs. The first is how the French crown communicated to the public. Chapters one and two discuss the royal process of dissemination of edicts and the language of royal acts. The second is how printers and publishers manoeuvred between the large number of royal promulgations and public demand. An overview of the printing industry of royal acts is provided in chapter three and the printers of these official documents are covered in chapter four. The study of royal acts also indicates which edicts were published frequently. The last two chapters examine the content of royal decrees and discuss the most reprinted acts. Chapter five explores the period before 1561 and the final chapter discusses the last forty years of the century. An appendix of all royal acts printed before 1601, which is the basis of my research for this study, is included. It is the first comprehensive catalogue of its kind and contains nearly six thousand entries of surviving royal acts printed before 1601.

Llywelyn ab Iorwerth : the making of a Welsh prince

Cole, Margaret Wrenn January 2012 (has links)
Llywelyn ab Iorwerth (1173-1140) has long been considered one of the leading heroes of Wales. The life and rule of Llywelyn, known as Llywelyn the Great, is explored in detail in this thesis. The grandson of Owain Gwynedd, ruler of North Wales from 1137-1170, Llywelyn grew up during the period of turmoil following Owain’s death. After wresting control of Gwynedd from his rival family members in the latter decade of the 12th century, he proceeded to gain recognition as the foremost representative of Wales on the political stage. Although viewed as a legendary hero in Welsh history, poetry and culture, Llywelyn's route to power is more complex than that. The thesis explores the development of the man from rebel and warlord, to leader and spokesman, to statesman, traces the expansion of his hegemony throughout Wales, and discusses the methods he used to gain and maintain power. Particular attention is paid to his use of family, marriage, allies, rivals and the church to achieve his goals. These insights can be derived from the surviving charters, letters, and other acta of Llywelyn and the Royal Chancery of England, the titles accorded therein, Welsh and English chronicles, as well as, occasionally, Venedotian Poetry. Finally, this thesis seeks to address the limitations on Llywelyn’s successes, in light of succeeding events and concludes with a discussion of Llywelyn’s legendary status in the modern world.

Los primeros Templos Renacentistas en la Ribera Alta del Júcar, S. XVI. El primitivo templo parroquial de San Lorenzo de Alberic

Torres Caballero, Armando 28 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] La Investigación llevada a cabo, la desarrollamos sobre la Iglesia Parroquial de San Lorenzo de Alberic, partiendo de unos restos encontrados en una reforma de los años ochenta del siglo pasado. Hemos utilizado la técnica del levantamiento mediante escáner láser en algunos de los edificios, y en otros el levantamiento manual, mediante medición directa para posteriormente proceder a su estudio. Para poder llevar a cabo la investigación la hemos encuadrado en la época histórica en que se llevó a cabo la construcción del templo cristiano en Alberic, sobre la mezquita existente con anterioridad, añadiendo diferentes hipótesis que refuerzan nuestra propuesta. La época histórica, a la que dedicamos también nuestra investigación, será la comprendida entre el año 1489, fecha en que el Cardenal Pedro González de Mendoza adquiere la baronía de Alberic, junto con la población de Ayora en el Reino de Valencia, y cerraremos el período histórico estudiado en el año 1554, fecha en la que muere Mencía de Mendoza, nieta del Cardenal, y que debido a su falta de descendencia, sus posesiones pasarán a su hermana María de Mendoza, casada con el Duque del Infantado, y a partir de éste momento la baronía de Alberic y Ayora, así como todas las posesiones que poseía el Marqués de Zenete, pasarán a formar parte de esta casa nobiliaria. Como podremos ver a lo largo de la investigación, lo que en principio hemos tratado como un edificio local, veremos que debido a las diferentes personalidades, adquiere relevancia internacional, tanto el Cardenal como su hijo primogénito Rodrigo de Mendoza, y finalmente su nieta, mantendrán relacio-nes a nivel internacional, con diferentes Reyes, Papas y también se vincularán familiarmente con nobles que vendrán junto al Emperador Carlos desde Flandes. En concreto el Conde Enrique III de Nassau, que casará con Mencía, y que durante nuestra investigación hemos podido comprobar que fue el promotor de los templos religiosos de la baronía de Alberic, que comprende en ésa época los núcleos de población de Alcocer, Alàsquer, Gavarda, Benifaraig, y algu-nos más con menor población. Además veremos que dada la importancia de esta familia, serán unos mecenas en las artes, abarcando desde la pintura hasta la arquitectura, y siendo los introductores del Renacimiento en los diferentes reinos de la Peninsula Ibérica, trasladando su influencia hasta los Países Bajos. Junto con el apartado histórico, estudiamos los diferentes templos parroquiales que bajo nuestro criterio pueden estar relacionados, influidos, o levantados en época similar o me-diante los mismos maestros, de manera que mediante la comparación, podamos arrojar luz, sobre ese primer edificio religioso cristiano, levantado sobre la mezquita existente en la población de Alberic, durante el siglo XVI. / [CA] La Investigació portada a terme, la desenvolupem sobre l'Església Parroquial de Sant Llorenç d'Alberic, partint d'unes restes trobades en una reforma dels anys 80 del segle passat. Hem utilitzat la tècnica de l'aixecament, mitjançant escàner làser en alguns dels edificis, i en uns altres l'aixecament manual, mitjançant mesurament directe per a posteriorment procedir al seu estudi. Per a poder dur a terme la investigació l'hem enquadrada en l'època històrica en què es va dur a terme la construcció del temple cristià a Alberic, sobre la mesquita existent amb ante-rioritat, afegint diferents hipòtesis que reforcen la nostra proposta. L'època històrica, a la qual dediquem també la nostra investigació, serà la compresa entre l'any 1489, data en què el Cardenal Pedro González de Mendoza adquireix la baronia d'Al-beric, juntament amb la població d'Aiora en el Regne de València, i tancarem el període històric estudiat l'any 1554, data en la qual mor Mencía de Mendoza, néta del Cardenal, i que a causa de la seua falta de descendència, les seues possessions passaran a la seua germana María de Mendoza, ca-sada amb el Duc del Infantado, i a partir d'aquest moment la baronia d'Alberic i Aiora, així com totes les possessions que posseïa el Marquès de Zenete, passaran a formar part d'a-questa casa nobiliària. Com podrem veure al llarg de la investigació, lo que en principi hem tractat com un edifici local, veurem que a causa de les diferents personalitats, adquireix rellevància internacional, tant el Cardenal com el seu fill primogènit Rodrigo de Mendoza, i finalment la seua néta, mantindran relacions a nivell in-ternacional, amb diferents reis, papes i també es vincularan familiarment amb nobles que vindran al costat de l'Emperador Carles des de Flandes. En concret el Comte Enric III de Nassau, que casarà amb Mencía, i que durant la nostra investigació hem pogut compro-var que va ser el promotor dels temples religiosos de la baro-nia d'Alberic, que comprèn en aquesta època els nuclis de població de Alcosser, Alàsquer, Gavarda, Benifaraig, i alguns més amb menor població. A més veurem que donada la importància d'aquesta família, seran uns mecenes en les arts, abastant des de la pintura fins a l'arquitectura, i sent els introductors del Renaixement en els diferents regnes de la Peninsula Ibèrica, traslladant la seua influència fins als Països Baixos. Juntament amb l'apartat històric, estudiem els diferents tem-ples parroquials que sota el nostre criteri poden estar relacio-nats, influïts, o alçats en època similar o mitjançant els ma-teixos mestres, de manera que mitjançant la comparació, puguem llançar llum, sobre aqueix primer edifici religiós cristià, construït sobre la mesquita existent en la població d'Alberic, durant el Segle XVI. / [EN] The research carried out, we developed from the Parish Church of San Lorenzo de Alberic, starting from a few remains found in a reform of the 80s the last century. We have used the lifting technique by means of laser scanner in some of the buildings, and in others the manual survey, by means of direct measurement to later proceed to its study. In order to carry out the research we have framed it in the historical epoch in which the construction of the Christian temple was carried out in Alberic, on the existing mosque previ-ously, adding different hypotheses that reinforce our proposal. The historical epoch, to which we also dedicate our research, will be that between the year 1489, the date on which Cardinal Pedro González de Mendoza acquired the barony of Alberic, together with the town of Ayora in the Kingdom of Valencia, and we will close the historical period studied in the year 1554, date in which Mencía de Mendoza dies, granddaughter of the Cardinal, and that due to his lack of offspring, his possessions will pass to his sister María de Mendoza, married to the Duque del Infantado, From this moment the barony of Alberic and Ayora, as well as all the possessions that the Mar-quis of Zenete possessed, will become part of this noble house. As we can see throughout the investigation, what we have originally treated as a local building, we will see that due to the different personalities, the Cardinal and his first-born son Rodrigo de Mendoza acquire international relevance, and finally his granddaughter , they will maintain relations at the interna-tional level, with different Kings, and will also be linked famil-iarly with nobles who will come with Emperor Carlos de Flan-des. In particular Count Henry III of Nassau, who will marry Mencía, and during our research we have seen that he was the promoter of the religious temples of the barony of Alberic, which comprises at that time the population centers of Alcocer, Alàsquer, Gavarda, Benifaraig, and some more with smaller popula-tion. In addition we will see that given the importance of this family, they will be patrons in the arts, ranging from painting to architecture, and being the initiators of the Renaissance in the different kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula, transferring their in-fluence to the Netherlands. Along with the historical section, we study the different parochial temples that under our criterion may be related, influenced, or raised in a similar time or by the same teachers, so that by comparison, we can shed light on that first Christian religious edifice, raised on the existing mosque in the town of Alberic, during the sixteenth century. / Torres Caballero, A. (2021). Los primeros Templos Renacentistas en la Ribera Alta del Júcar, S. XVI. El primitivo templo parroquial de San Lorenzo de Alberic [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168449 / TESIS

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