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Spectral and Superpotential Effects in Heterotic CompactificationsWang, Juntao 16 July 2021 (has links)
In this dissertation we study several topics related to the geometry and physics of heterotic string compactification. After an introduction to some of the basic ideas of this field, we review the heterotic line bundle standard model construction and a complex structure mod- uli stabilization mechanism associated to certain hidden sector gauge bundles. Once this foundational material has been presented, we move on to the original research of this disser- tation. We present a scan over all known heterotic line bundle standard models to examine the frequency with which the particle spectrum is forced to change, or "jump," by the hidden sector moduli stabilization mechanism just mentioned. We find a significant percentage of forced spectrum jumping in those models where such a change of particle content is possible. This result suggests that one should consider moduli stabilization concurrently with model building, and that failing to do so could lead to misleading results. We also use state of the art techniques to study Yukawa couplings in these models. We find that a large portion of Yukawa couplings which naively would be expected to be non-zero actually vanish due to certain topological selection rules. There is no known symmetry which is responsible for this vanishing. In the final part of this dissertation, we study the Chern-Simons contribution to the superpotential of heterotic theories. This quantity is very important in determining the vacuum stability of these models. By explicitly building real bundle morphisms between vec- tor bundles over Calabi-Yau manifolds, we show that this contribution to the superpotential vanishes in many cases. However, by working with more complicated, and realistic geome- tries, we also present examples where the Chern-Simons contribution to the superpotential is non-zero, and indeed fractional. / Doctor of Philosophy / String theory is a candidate for a unified theory of all of the known interactions of nature. To be consistent, the theory needs to be formulated in 9 spatial dimensions, rather than the 3 of everyday experience. To connect string theory with reality, we need to reproduce the known physics of 3 dimensions from the 9 dimensional theory by hiding, or "compactifying," 6 directions on a compact internal space. The most common choice for such an internal space is called a Calabi-Yau manifold. In this dissertation, we study how the geometry of the Calabi-Yau manifold determines physical quantities seen in 3 dimensions such as the number of particle families, particle interactions and potential energy. The first project in this dissertation studies to what extent the process of making the Calabi-Yau manifold rigid, something which is required observationally, affects the particle spectrum seen in 3 dimensions. By scanning over a large model set, we conclude that computation of the particle spectrum and such "moduli stabilization" issues should be considered in concert, and not in isolation. We also showed that a large portion of the interactions that one would naively expect between the particles in such string models are actually absent. There is no known symmetry of the theory that accounts for this structure, which is linked to the topology of the extra spatial dimensions. In the final part of the dissertation, we show how to calculate previously unknown contributions to the potential energy of these string theory models. By linking to results from the mathematics literature, we show that these contributions vanish in many cases. However, we present examples where it is non-zero, a fact of crucial importance in understanding the vacua of heterotic string theories.
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Generalized compactification in heterotic string theoryMatti, Cyril Antoine January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we consider heterotic string vacua based on a warped product of a four-dimensional domain wall and a six-dimensional internal manifold preserving only two supercharges. Thus, they correspond to half-BPS states of heterotic supergravity. The constraints on the internal manifolds with $SU(3)$ structure are derived. They are found to be a generalization of half-flat manifolds with a particular pattern of torsion classes and they include half-flat manifolds and Strominger's complex non-Kahler manifolds as special cases. We also verify that heterotic compactifications on half-flat mirror manifolds are based on this class of solutions. Furthermore, within this context, we construct specific examples based on six-dimensional nearly-Kahler homogeneous manifolds and non-trivial vector bundles thereon. Our solutions are based on three specific group coset spaces satisfying the half-flat torsion class conditions. It is shown how to construct line bundles over these manifolds, compute their properties and build up vector bundles consistent with supersymmetry and the heterotic anomaly cancellation. It turns out that the most interesting solutions are obtained from SU(3)/U(1)². This space supports a large number of vector bundles leading to consistent heterotic vacua with GUT group and, for some of them, with three chiral families.
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Moduli in general SU(3)-structure heterotic compactificationsSvanes, Eirik Eik January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, we study compactifiations of ten-dimensional heterotic supergravity at O(α'), focusing on the moduli of such compactifications. We begin by studying supersymmetric compactifications to four-dimensional maximally symmetric space, commonly referred to as the Strominger system. The compactifications are of the form M<sub>10</sub> = M<sub>4</sub> x X, where M<sub>4</sub> is four-dimensional Minkowski space, and X is a six-dimensional manifold of what we refer to as heterotic SU(3)-structure. We show that this system can be put in terms of a holomorphic operator D on a bundle Q = T* X ⊕ End(TX) ⊕ End(V ) ⊕ TX, defined by a series of extensions. Here V is the E<sub>8</sub> x E<sub>8</sub> gauge-bundle, and TX is the tangent bundle of the compact space X. We proceed to compute the infinitesimal deformation space of this structure, given by TM = H<sup>(0,1)</sup>(Q), which constitutes the infinitesimal spectrum of the lower energy four-dimensional theory. In doing so, we find an over counting of moduli by H<sup>(0,1)</sup>(End(TX)), which can be reinterpreted as O(α') field redefinitions. In the next part of the thesis, we consider non-maximally symmetric compactifications of the form M<sub>10</sub> = M<sub>3</sub> x Y , where M<sub>3</sub> is three-dimensional Minkowski space, and Y is a seven-dimensional non-compact manifold with a G<sub>2</sub>-structure. We write X → Y → ℝ, where X is a six dimensional compact space of half- at SU(3)-structure, non-trivially fibered over ℝ. These compactifications are known as domain wall compactifications. By focusing on coset compactifications, we show that the compact space X can be endowed with non-trivial torsion, which can be used in a combination with %α'-effects to stabilise all geometric moduli. The domain wall can further be lifted to a maximally symmetric AdS vacuum by inclusion of non-perturbative effects in a heterotic KKLT scenario. Finally, we consider domain wall compactifications where X is a Calabi-Yau. We show that by considering such compactifications, one can evade the usual no-go theorems for flux in Calabi-Yau compactifications, allowing flux to be used as a tool in such compactifications, even when X is Kähler. The ultimate success of these compactifications depends on the possibility of lifting such vacua to maximally symmetric ones by means of e.g. non-perturbative effects.
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A Study on Heterotic Target Space Duality – Bundle Stability/Holomorphy, F-theory and LG SpectraFeng, He 26 August 2019 (has links)
In the context of (0, 2) gauged linear sigma models, we explore chains of perturbatively dual heterotic string compactifications. The notion of target space duality (TSD) originates in non-geometric phases and can be used to generate distinct GLSMs with shared geometric phases leading to apparently identical target space theories. To date, this duality has largely been studied at the level of counting states in the effective theories. We extend this analysis in several ways.
First, we consider the correspondence including the effective potential and loci of enhanced symmetry in dual theories. By engineering vector bundles with non-trivial constraints arising from slope-stability (i.e. D-terms) and holomorphy (i.e. F-terms) the detailed structure of the vacuum space of the dual theories can be explored. Our results give new evidence that GLSM target space duality may provide important hints towards a more complete understanding of (0,2) string dualities. In addition, we consider TSD theories on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds. In this context, each half of the "dual" heterotic theories must in turn have an F-theory dual. Moreover, the apparent relationship between two heterotic compactifications seen in (0,2) heterotic target space dual pairs should, in principle, induce some putative correspondence between the dual F-theory geometries. It has previously been conjectured in the literature that (0,2) target space duality might manifest in F-theory as multiple K3- fibrations of the same elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifold. In this work we investigate this conjecture in the context of both six-dimensional and four-dimensional effective theories and demonstrate that in general, (0,2) target space duality cannot be explained by such a simple phenomenon alone. Finally, we consider Landau-Ginzburg (LG) phases of TSD theories and explore their massless spectrum. In particular, we investigate TSD pairs involving geometric singularities. We study resolutions of these singularities and their relationship to the duality. / Doctor of Philosophy / In string theory, the space-time has “hidden” dimensions beyond the three spatial and one time-like dimensions macroscopically seen in our universe. We want to study how the geometries of this “internal space” can affect observable physics, and which geometries are compatible with our universe. Target space duality is a relationship that connects two or more geometries together. In target space duality, gauged linear sigma models (related to string theories) share a common locus (called a Landau-Ginzburg phase) in their parameter space, but are distinct theories. To date, this duality has largely been studied at the level of counting states in the effective theories. In this dissertation, target space duality is studied in more depth.
First we extend the analysis to the effective potential and loci of enhanced symmetry. By engineering examples with non-trivial constraints, the detailed structure of the vacuum space of the dual theories can be explored. Our results give new evidence that target space duality may provide important hints towards a more complete understanding of string dualities. We also investigate the conjecture that target space duality might manifest in F-theory, a higher dimensional string theory, as multiple fibrations of the same manifold. We demonstrate that in general, target space duality cannot be explained by such a simple phenomenon alone. In our cases, we provide evidence that non-geometric data in F-theory must play at least some role in the induced F-theory correspondence, while leaving the full determination of the putative new F-theory duality to future work. Finally we explore the complete massless spectrum of the Landau-Ginzburg (LG) phase. Specifically, we calculate the full LG spectra for both sides, and compare the theory with the geometric phases. We find examples in which half of the target space dual geometry is singular. We have probed some approaches to resolving the singularity.
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Applications of Numerical Methods in Heterotic Calabi-Yau CompactificationCui, Wei 26 August 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, we apply the methods of numerical differential geometry to several different problems in heterotic Calabi-Yau compactification. We review algorithms for computing both the Ricci-flat metric on Calabi-Yau manifolds and Hermitian Yang-Mills connections on poly-stable holomorphic vector bundles over those spaces. We apply the numerical techniques for obtaining Ricci-flat metrics to study hierarchies of curvature scales over Calabi-Yau manifolds as a function of their complex structure moduli. The work we present successfully finds known large curvature regions on these manifolds, and provides useful information about curvature variation at general points in moduli space. This research is important in determining the validity of the low energy effective theories used in the description of Calabi-Yau compactifications. The numerical techniques for obtaining Hermitian Yang-Mills connections are applied in two different fashions in this thesis. First, we demonstrate that they can be successfully used to numerically determine the stability of vector bundles with qualitatively different features to those that have appeared in the literature to date. Second, we use these methods to further develop some calculations of holomorphic Chern-Simons invariant contributions to the heterotic superpotential that have recently appeared in the literature. A complete understanding of these quantities requires explicit knowledge of the Hermitian Yang-Mills connections involved. This feature makes such investigations prohibitively hard to pursue analytically, and a natural target for numerical techniques. / Doctor of Philosophy / String theory is one of the most promising attempts to unify gravity with the other three fundamental interactions (electromagnetic, weak and strong) of nature. It is believed to give a self-consistent theory of quantum gravity, which, at low energy, could contain all of the physics that we known, from the Standard Model of particle physics to cosmology. String theories are often defined in nine spatial dimensions. To obtain a theory with three spatial dimensions one needs to hide, or ``compactify," six of the dimensions on a compact space which is small enough to have remained unobserved by our experiments. Unfortunately, the geometries of these spaces, called Calabi-Yau manifolds, and additional structures associated to them, called holomorphic vector bundles, turns out to be extremely complex. The equations determining the exact solutions of string theory for these quantities are highly non-linear partial differential equations (PDE's) which are simply impossible to solve analytically with currently known techniques. Nevertheless, knowledge of these solutions is critical in understanding much of the detailed physics that these theories imply. For example, to compute how the particles seen in three dimensions would interact with each other in a string theoretic model, the explicit form of these solutions would be required. Fortunately, numerical methods do exist for finding approximate solutions to the PDE's of interest. In this thesis we implement these algorithmic techniques and use them to study a variety of physical questions associated to the attempt to link string theory to the physics observed in our experiments.
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Extending the Geometric Tools of Heterotic String Compactification and DualitiesKarkheiran, Mohsen 15 June 2020 (has links)
In this work, we extend the well-known spectral cover construction first developed by Friedman, Morgan, and Witten to describe more general vector bundles on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau geometries. In particular, we consider the case in which the Calabi-Yau fibration is not in Weierstrass form but can rather contain fibral divisors or multiple sections (i.e., a higher rank Mordell-Weil group). In these cases, general vector bundles defined over such Calabi-Yau manifolds cannot be described by ordinary spectral data. To accomplish this, we employ well-established tools from the mathematics literature of Fourier-Mukai functors. We also generalize existing tools for explicitly computing Fourier-Mukai transforms of stable bundles on elliptic Calabi-Yau manifolds. As an example of these new tools, we produce novel examples of chirality changing small instanton transitions. Next, we provide a geometric formalism that can substantially increase the understood regimes of heterotic/F-theory duality.
We consider heterotic target space dual (0,2) GLSMs on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds. In this context, each half of the ``dual" heterotic theories must, in turn, have an F-theory dual. Moreover, the apparent relationship between two heterotic compactifications seen in (0,2) heterotic target space dual pairs should, in principle, induce some putative correspondence between the dual F-theory geometries. It has previously been conjectured in the literature that (0,2) target space duality might manifest in F-theory as multiple $K3$-fibrations of the same elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifold. We investigate this conjecture in the context of both 6-dimensional and 4-dimensional effective theories and demonstrate that in general, (0,2) target space duality cannot be explained by such a simple phenomenon alone. In all cases, we provide evidence that non-geometric data in F-theory must play at least some role in the induced F-theory correspondence while leaving the full determination of the putative new F-theory duality to the future work. Finally, we consider F-theory over elliptically fibered manifolds, with a general conic base. Such manifolds are quite standard in F-theory sense, but our goal is to explore the extent of the heterotic/F-theory duality over such manifolds. We consider heterotic target space dual (0,2) GLSMs on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds. In this context, each half of the ``dual" heterotic theories must, in turn, have an F-theory dual. Moreover, the apparent relationship between two heterotic compactifications seen in (0,2) heterotic target space dual pairs should, in principle, induce some putative correspondence between the dual F-theory geometries. It has previously been conjectured in the literature that (0,2) target space duality might manifest in F-theory as multiple $K3$-fibrations of the same elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifold. We investigate this conjecture in the context of both 6-dimensional and 4-dimensional effective theories and demonstrate that in general, (0,2) target space duality cannot be explained by such a simple phenomenon alone. In all cases, we provide evidence that non-geometric data in F-theory must play at least some role in the induced F-theory correspondence while leaving the full determination of the putative new F-theory duality to the future work. Finally, we consider F-theory over elliptically fibered manifolds, with a general conic base. Such manifolds are quite standard in F-theory sense, but our goal is to explore the extent of the heterotic/F-theory duality over such manifolds. / Doctor of Philosophy / String theory is the only physical theory that can lead to self-consistent, effective quantum gravity theories. However, quantum mechanics restricts the dimension of the effective spacetime to ten (and eleven) dimensions. Hence, to study the consequences of string theory in four dimensions, one needs to assume the extra six dimensions are curled into small compact dimensions.
Upon this ``compactification," it has been shown (mainly in the 1990s) that different classes of string theories can have equivalent four-dimensional physics. Such classes are called dual. The advantage of these dualities is that often they can map perturbative and non-perturbative limits of these theories.
The goal of this dissertation is to explore and extend the geometric limitations of the duality between heterotic string theory and F-theory. One of the main tools in this particular duality is the Fourier-Mukai transformation. In particular, we consider Fourier-Mukai transformations over non-standard geometries. As an application, we study the F-theory dual of a heterotic/heterotic duality known as target space duality. As another side application, we derive new types of small instanton transitions in heterotic strings. In the end, we consider F-theory compactified over particular manifolds that if we consider them as a geometry dual to a heterotic string, can lead to unexpected consequences.
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Heterotic string models on smooth Calabi-Yau threefoldsConstantin, Andrei January 2013 (has links)
This thesis contributes with a number of topics to the subject of string compactifications, especially in the instance of the E<sub>8</sub> × E<sub>8</sub> heterotic string theory compactified on smooth Calabi-Yau threefolds. In the first half of the work, I discuss the Hodge plot associated with Calabi-Yau threefolds that are hypersurfaces in toric varieties. The intricate structure of this plot is explained by the existence of certain webs of elliptic-K3 fibrations, whose mirror images are also elliptic-K3 fibrations. Such manifolds arise from reflexive polytopes that can be cut into two parts along slices corresponding to the K3 fiber. Any two half-polytopes over a given slice can be combined into a reflexive polytope. This fact, together with a remarkable relation on the additivity of Hodge numbers, give to the Hodge plot the appearance of a fractal. Moving on, I discuss a different type of web of manifolds, by looking at smooth Z<sub>3</sub>-quotients of Calabi-Yau three-folds realised as complete intersections in products of projective spaces. Non-simply connected Calabi-Yau three-folds provide an essential ingredient in heterotic string compactifications. Such manifolds are rare in the classical constructions, but they can be obtained as quotients of homotopically trivial Calabi-Yau three-folds by free actions of finite groups. Many of these quotients are connected by conifold transitions. In the second half of the work, I explore an algorithmic approach to constructing E<sub>8</sub> × E<sub>8</sub> heterotic compactifications using holomorphic and poly-stable sums of line bundles over complete intersection Calabi-Yau three-folds that admit freely acting discrete symmetries. Such Abelian bundles lead to N = 1 supersymmetric GUT theories with gauge group SU(5) × U(4) and matter fields in the 10, ⁻10, ⁻5, 5 and 1 representations of SU(5). The extra U(1) symmetries are generically Green-Schwarz anomalous and, as such, they survive in the low energy theory only as global symmetries. These, in turn, constrain the low energy theory and in many cases forbid the existence of undesired operators, such as dimension four or five proton decay operators. The line bundle construction allows for a systematic computer search resulting in a plethora of models with the exact matter spectrum of the Minimally Supersymmetric Standard Model, one or more pairs of Higgs doublets and no exotic fields charged under the Standard Model group. In the last part of the thesis I focus on the case study of a Calabi-Yau hypersurface embedded in a product of four CP1 spaces, referred to as the tetraquadric manifold. I address the question of the finiteness of the class of consistent and physically viable line bundle models constructed on this manifold. Line bundle sums are part of a moduli space of non-Abelian bundles and they provide an accessible window into this moduli space. I explore the moduli space of heterotic compactifications on the tetraquadric hypersurface around a locus where the vector bundle splits as a direct sum of line bundles, using the monad construction. The monad construction provides a description of poly-stable S(U(4) × U(1))–bundles leading to GUT models with the correct field content in order to induce standard-like models. These deformations represent a class of consistent non-Abelian models that has co-dimension one in Kähler moduli space.
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Calabi-Yau manifolds, discrete symmetries and string theoryMishra, Challenger January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we explore various aspects of Calabi-Yau (CY) manifolds and com- pactifications of the heterotic string over them. At first we focus on classifying symmetries and computing Hodge numbers of smooth CY quotients. Being non- simply connected, these quotients are an integral part of CY compactifications of the heterotic string, aimed at producing realistic string vacua. Discrete symmetries of such spaces that are generically present in the moduli space, are phenomenologically important since they may appear as symmetries of the associated low energy theory. We classify such symmetries for the class of smooth Complete Intersection CY (CICY) quotients, resulting in a large number of regular and R-symmetry examples. Our results strongly suggest that generic, non-freely acting symmetries for CY quotients arise relatively frequently. A large number of string derived Standard Models (SM) were recently obtained over this class of CY manifolds indicating that our results could be phenomenologically important. We also specialise to certain loci in the moduli space of a quintic quotient to produce highly symmetric CY quotients. Our computations thus far are the first steps towards constructing a sizeable class of highly symmetric smooth CY quotients. Knowledge of the topological properties of the internal space is vital in determining the suitability of the space for realistic string compactifications. Employing the tools of polynomial deformation and counting of invariant Kähler classes, we compute the Hodge numbers of a large number of smooth CICY quotients. These were later verified by independent cohomology computations. We go on to develop the machinery to understand the geometry of CY manifolds embedded as hypersurfaces in a product of del Pezzo surfaces. This led to an interesting account of the quotient space geometry, enabling the computation of Hodge numbers of such CY quotients. Until recently only a handful of CY compactifications were known that yielded low energy theories with desirable MSSM features. The recent construction of rank 5 line bundle sums over smooth CY quotients has led to several SU(5) GUTs with the exact MSSM spectrum. We derive semi-analytic results on the finiteness of the number of such line bundle models, and study the relationship between the volume of the CY and the number of line bundle models over them. We also imply a possible correlation between the observed number of generations and the value of the gauge coupling constants of the corresponding GUTs. String compactifications with underlying SO(10) GUTs are theoretically attractive especially since the discovery that neutrinos have non-zero mass. With this in mind, we construct tens of thousands of rank 4 stable line bundle sums over smooth CY quotients leading to SO(10) GUTs.
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Estratégias de melhoramento em Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell a partir da distância genética /Andrade, Mateus Chagas January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Evandro Vagner Tambarussi / Resumo: Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell é uma das espécies de importante interesse nos programas de melhoramento visando agregar alelos complementares, por meio da hibridação com espécies amplamente cultivadas, como o E. grandis e E. urophylla. Para isto, torna-se necessário o conhecimento da variabilidade genética e identificar possíveis grupos heteróticos de modo a orientar os programas de hibridação com o E. pellita. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa objetivou estimar a variabilidade e a distância genética existente em procedências e progênies de E. pellita, por meio de caracteres quantitativos, a fim de subsidiar possíveis estratégias a serem executadas em um programa de melhoramento da espécie. Foi avaliado um teste de procedências e progênies, com 118 progênies pertencentes a sete procedências, além de um clone comercial como controle. O experimento foi delineado em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições, em parcelas lineares com nove plantas. Foram mensurados os caracteres quantitativos diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP), altura, volume individual e sobrevivência (%) aos sete anos de idade. Os dados foram submetidos a análise REML/BLUP, obtendo-se estimativas das componentes de variância, parâmetros genéticos e valores genéticos preditos (BLUP). Foi estimada a distância genética das procedências e progênies a partir da distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D²), e posterior formação de grupos heteróticos pelo método de agrupamento de Tocher e método da ligação média (UPGMA). Além... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is an important species used in breeding programs to add complementary alleles through hybridization with widely cultivated species, such as Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus urophylla. To guide hybridization programs with E. pellita, information about the genetic variability and the identification of possible heterotic groups of the species is necessary. As such, the present study aimed to estimate the variability and genetic distance among E. pellita provenances and progenies using quantitative traits. The goal was to inform possible strategies to be implemented in a species improvement program. A provenance and progeny test with 118 progenies belonging to seven E. pellita provenances was analyzed, with a commercial clone used as the control. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with five replications in linear plots, and nine plants per plot. The following quantitative traits were measured at seven years of age: diameter at breast height (DBH), height, individual volume, and survival (%). The data were submitted to REML/BLUP analysis to obtain estimates of the variance components, genetic parameters, and predicted genetic values (BLUP). The genetic distance of the provenances and progenies was estimated from the generalized Mahalanobis distance (D²). The formation of heterotic groups was subsequently identified using Tocher’s clustering method and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). In addition, principal c... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Heterotic sigma models via formal geometry and BV quantizationLadouce, James 07 October 2021 (has links)
Nonlinear sigma-models in physics have been a source of interesting and important ideas in geometry, topology, and algebra. One such model is the curved beta gamma system. This purely bosonic model studies maps from a Riemann surface to a target complex manifold X. The solutions to the classical equations of motion are holomorphic maps. An extension of this model - the so-called heterotic model, incorporates fermionic fields valued in a holomorphic vector bundle E on the complex manifold. In this thesis, I study this extended model within the framework of effective field theory and BV quantization developed by Kevin Costello. Building on earlier work of Gorbounov-Gwilliam-Williams in the purely bosonic case, my approach uses tools of Gelfand-Kazhdan formal geometry and derived deformation theory to extract obstructions to quantization (anomalies) and identify these with characteristic classes of the target manifold. Specifically, I show that the obstruction to solving the Quantum Master Equation can be identified with the class ch_2 (TX)-ch_2(E), and the obstruction to the quantizing equivariantly with respect to holomorphic vector fields on the source Riemann surface can be identified with c_1 (TX) - c_1(E). By analyzing the theory where the source is an elliptic curve, an explicit geometric construction of the partition function is given.
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