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Adventures in Heterotic String PhenomenologyDundee, George Benjamin 07 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Applications of gauged linear sigma modelsChen, Zhuo 17 May 2019 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to a study of applications of gauged linear sigma models. First, by constructing (0,2) analogues of Hori-Vafa mirrors, we have given and checked proposals for (0,2) mirrors to projective spaces, toric del Pezzo and Hirzebruch surfaces with tangent bundle deformations, checking not only correlation functions but also e.g. that mirrors to del Pezzos are related by blowdowns in the fashion one would expect. Also, we applied the recent proposal for mirrors of non-Abelian (2,2) supersymmetric two-dimensional gauge theories to examples of two-dimensional A-twisted gauge theories with exceptional gauge groups G_2 and E_8. We explicitly computed the proposed mirror Landau-Ginzburg orbifold and derived the Coulomb ring relations (the analogue of quantum cohomology ring relations). We also studied pure gauge theories, and provided evidence (at the level of these topologicalfield-theory-type computations) that each pure gauge theory (with simply-connected gauge group) flows in the IR to a free theory of as many twisted chiral multiplets as the rank of the gauge group. Last, we have constructed hybrid Landau-Ginzburg models that RG flow to a new family of non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds, constructed as fiber products of genus g curves and noncompact Kahler threefolds. We only considered curves given as branched double covers of P^1. Our construction utilizes nonperturbative constructions of the genus g curves, and so provides a new set of exotic UV theories that should RG flow to sigma models on Calabi-Yau manifolds, in which the Calabi-Yau is not realized simply as the critical locus of a superpotential. / Doctor of Philosophy / This thesis is devoted to a study of vacua of supersymmetric string theory (superstring theory) by gauged linear sigma models. String theory is best known as the candidate to unify Einstein’s general relativity and quantum field theory. We are interested in theories with a symmetry exchanging bosons and fermions, known as supersymmetry. The study of superstring vacua makes it possible to connect string theory to the real world, and describe the Standard model as a low energy effective theory. Gauged linear sigma models are one of the most successful models to study superstring vacua by, for example, providing insights into the global structure of their moduli spaces. We will use gauged linear sigma models to study mirror symmetry and its heterotic generalization “(0, 2) mirror symmetry.” They are both world-sheet dualities relating different interpretations of the same (internal) superstring vacua. Mirror symmetry is a very powerful duality which exchanges classical and quantum effects. By studying mirror symmetry and (0, 2) mirror symmetry, we gain more knowledge of the properties of superstring vacua. Read more
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Integration testing of heterotic systemsStannett, M., Gheorghe, Marian 15 June 2015 (has links)
Yes / Computational theory and practice generally focus on single-paradigm systems, but relatively little is known about how best to combine components based on radically different approaches (e.g. silicon chips and wetware) into a single coherent system. In particular, while testing strategies for single-technology artefacts are generally well developed, it is unclear at present how to perform integration testing on heterotic systems: can we develop a test-set generation strategy for checking whether specified behaviours emerge (and unwanted behaviours do not) when components based on radically different technologies are combined within a single system? In this paper, we describe an approach to modelling multi-technology heterotic systems using a general-purpose formal specification strategy based on Eilenberg's X-machine model of computation. We show how this approach can be used to represent disparate technologies within a single framework, and propose a strategy for using these formal models for automatic heterotic test-set generation. We illustrate our approach by showing how to derive a test set for a heterotic system combining an X-machine-based device with a cell-based P system (membrane system). Read more
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Compactifications hétérotiques avec flux / Heterotic compactifications with fluxSarkis, Matthieu 16 June 2017 (has links)
Nous étudions différents aspects liés aux compactifications hétérotiques avec torsion. Nous définissons et calculons le genre elliptique vêtu associé aux compactifications Fu-Yau, et exploitons ce résultat pour calculer les corrections de seuil à une boucle de différents couplages BPS-saturés dans l’action effective de supergravité à quatre dimen- sions. Enfin nous nous intéressons à des solutions supersymétriques non-compactes qui généralisent, entre autres, les solutions hétérotiques connues sur le conifold. / We study various aspects of heterotic compactifications with torsion. We de- fine and compute the dressed elliptic genus associated to Fu-Yau compactifications, and use this result to compute one-loop threshold corrections to various BPS-saturated cou- plings in the four-dimensional effective supergravity action. Finally, we study non-compact supersymmetric solutions which generalize, among others, the known heterotic solutions on the conifold.
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Browsing the Web of AmplitudesSöderberg, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
We begin by studying field-theory amplitude relations such as the Kleiss-Kuijf, Bern-Carrasco-Johansson, Kawai-Lewellen-Tye and the double copy construction, which are important ingredients in this thesis. Going beyond the field-theory limit we study how the gauge-sector of the heterotic string relates to type I amplitudes through the single valued projection of multiple zeta values. At low energy and for a U(1) gauge group (a single brane) the type I amplitudes are generated by the Born-Infeld action, whereas the corresponding heterotic amplitudes vanish in this limit. As a simple exercise we study Yang-Mills theory deformed by a $F^4$ operator, which is the first correction induced by the Born-Infeld action. This exercise is then generalized by considering the four- and six-point amplitudes in Tseytlin's proposal for a non-Abelian Born-Infeld action. Comparing these amplitudes with those found in type I and heterotic string theory we attempt to gain more insight about the non-Abelian Born-Infeld action.
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Aspects of branes in (heterotic) M-theoryBrändle, Matthias 04 July 2003 (has links)
Der erste Teil gibt eine kurze Einführung in die Prinzipien und neueren Entwicklungen der String Theorie. Im zweiten Teil leiten wir systematisch die fünf- und vierdimensionalen Wirkungen der heterotischen M-theorie unter Einbeziehung von Fünfbranen her. Zuerst wird die Theorie von Horava und Witten an N einzelne Fünfbranen gekoppelt und auf eine dreidimensionale Calabi-Yau Mannigfaltigkeit kompaktifiziert, wobei beliebig viele Moduli der Kähler Klasse und der komplexen Struktur zugelassen werden. Das führt zu einer fünfdimensionalen geeichten N=1 Supergravitation auf dem Orbifold S^1/Z_2, gekoppelt an vierdimensionale N=1 supersymmetrische Theorien auf N Dreibranen sowie den zwei Grenzflächen, welche an den Orbifoldfixpunkten fixiert sind. Einige Eigenschaften dieser Wirkung werden betrachtet, insbesondere die quaternionische Struktur des von den Hypermultipletskalaren parametrisierten Moduliraums und die Eichung einer Isometrie dieses Raumes. Danach wird eine BPS-Vakuumlösung bestehend aus parallelen Branen konstruiert und die zugehörige vierdimensionale effektive Wirkung hergeleitet. Dazu werden das Kählerpotential aller skalaren Modulifelder sowie die kinetischen Funktionen für die Eichfelder explizit angegeben. Ausserdem werden die vierdimensionalen Superfelder durch die zugehöhrigen fünfdimensionalen Komponentenfelder ausgedrückt. Im nächsten Teil wird die vierdimensionale Wirkung der vorangegangenen Arbeit in einer vereinfachten Form angewandt, wobei nur die geometrisch notwendigen Felder betrachtet werden, und das sind die Metrik, das Dilaton und der T-modulus. Eine einparametrige Schar von vierdimensionalen zeitabhängigen Lösungen wird gefunden und in den fünfdimensionalen Zusammenhang gestellt. Die entsprechenden approximativen fünfdimensionalen Lösungen sind eine Entwicklung zu linearer Ordnung im Kopplungsparameter epsilon, welcher Loopkorrekturen zur vierdimensionalen Theorie angibt. Diese Korrekturen sind durch Anregungen gewisser Felder in der fünften Dimension gegeben und können somit zeitabhängig sein. Es zeigt sich, dass gerade jene zwei Lösungen mit zeitunabhängigen Loopkorrekturen den bekannten exakten fünfdimensionalen separierbaren Lösungen entsprechen. Am Ende wird noch disskutiert was sich durch Einbeziehung einer beweglichen Fünfbrane ändert. Im letzten Teil werden Flopübergänge in der M-theory auf dreidimensionalen Calabi-Yau Mannigfaltigkeiten studiert, inspesondere deren Einfluss auf kosmologische Modelle der fünfdimensionalen N=1 Supergravitation. Das ist eine weitere Anwendung der Wirkung aus dem zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit, nun jedoch im etwas einfacheren Fall der puren M-theorie ohne Grenzflächen oder Fünfbranen, dafür unter Berücksichtigung spezieller Membranenzustände. Insbesondere wird die Wirkung für jene Membranenzustände hergeleitet, welche einem zusätzlichen Hypermultiplet entsprechen, das beim Flopübergang masselos wird. Das Hypermultiplet hat ein Potential mit quadratischen und kubischen Termen, welche von den Kählermoduli abhängen. Die Konstruktion expliziter zeitabhängiger Lösungen zeigt, dass eine Flopübergang dynamisch realisiert werden kann solange das zusätzliche Hypermultiplet nicht mit einbezogen wird. Anregungen dieses Hypermultiplets ändern die Situation und im allgemeinen findet der Flopübergang nicht mehr vollständig statt, statt dessen wird das System in der Übergangsregion stabilisiert. Somit können solche Regionen um Flopübergange im Kähler Moduliraum als dynamisch bevorzugt betrachtet werden. Die Verallgemeinerung dieses Szenarios auf heterotische M-theorie wird kurz disskutiert. / First a short introduction to principles and some recent developments in string theory is given. In a second part the effective action for five- as well as four-dimensional heterotic M-theory in the presence of five-branes is systematically derived from Horava-Witten theory coupled to N separate M5-brane world-volume theories. The five-dimensional theory is obtained by compactification on a Calabi-Yau three-fold, where we allow for an arbitrary number of Kähler and complex structure moduli. This leads to a five-dimensional N=1 gauged supergravity theory on the orbifold S^1/Z_2, coupled to four-dimensional N=1 theories residing on the two orbifold fixed planes and N additional three-branes. We analyze some properties of this action, including the quaternionic structure of the hypermultiplet sector and its relation to the gauged isometry. Further, the multi-domain-wall vacuum solution is given, and the associated four-dimensional effective theory is derived. In particular the Kähler potential and the gauge kinetic functions are determined along with the explicit relations between four-dimensional superfields and five-dimensional component fields. Next, a truncated form of the previously obtained four-dimensional action and its relation to the five-dimensional domain-wall vacuum state are used to study cosmological rolling-radii solutions. The four-dimensional action is reduced to the minimal geometrically necessary field content including gravity, the dilaton and the T-modulus. To this action we find a one-parameter family of time-dependent solutions and relate them to their approximate five-dimensional counterparts. These are new, generally non-separating solutions corresponding to an evolving pair of domain walls. The five-dimensional solutions are computed to leading non-trivial order in the strong coupling expansion parameter which describes loop corrections to the four-dimensional theory. These loop corrections depend on certain field excitations in the fifth dimension and thus generally vary with time. We point out that the two previously discovered exact five-dimensional separable solutions are precisely the special cases for which the loop corrections are time-independent. At the end, changes induced by the presence of a five-brane are discussed. In the last part, we study flop-transitions for pure M-theory on Calabi-Yau three-folds, in particular their influence on cosmology in the context of the effective five-dimensional N=1 supergravity theory. This is a further application of the five-dimensional action obtained earlier, but in the context of pure M-theory without five-branes, and extended to include certain two-brane states. In particular, the two-brane states that correspond to an additional hypermultiplet which becomes massless at the flop-transition is included in the effective action. We find the potential for this hypermultiplet which has quadratic and quartic terms and depends on the Kähler moduli. By constructing explicit cosmological solutions, it is shown that a flop-transition can dynamically happen, as long as the hypermultiplet is set to zero. Taking into account excitations of the hypermultiplet we find that the transition is generally not completed, that is, the system gets stabilized close to the transition region. Regions of the Kähler moduli space close to flop-transitions can therefore be viewed as dynamically preferred. The generalization of the scenario to heterotic M-theory is discussed. Read more
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N=1 Heterotic / F-Theory DualityAndreas, Björn 17 August 1998 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden Aspekte der N = 1 Dualität zwischen dem Heterotischen String (der auf einer komplex dreidimensionalen Calabi-Yau Mannigfaltigkeit mit einem Vektorbündel kompaktifiziert wird) und der F-Theorie (die auf einer komplex vierdimensionalen Calabi-Yau Mannigfaltigkeit kompaktifiziert wird) diskutiert. Zu Beginn wird eine allgemeine Beschreibung der Stringdualitäten gegeben. Die Berech- nungen der notwendigen Calabi-Yau Mannigfaltigkeiten- und Vektorbündeldaten, welche Charakteristische Klassen und Bündelmoduli involvieren, werden im Detail durchgeführt. Die acht- bzw. sechsdimensionale Dualität zwischen dem Heterotis- chen String und der F-Theorie wird diskutiert. Im Anschluß erfolgt ein Vergleich der vierdimensionalen Spektren (dies involviert den Vergleich von N = 1 chiralen Multipletts) und ein Vergleich der Anomaliebedingungen (welche zu konsistenten vierdimensionalen Het/F-Theorie Kompaktifizierungen führen). Weiterhin werden vierdimensionale N = 1 Het/F-Theorie Beispiele konstruiert, insbesondere wird eine Klasse von elliptisch gefaserten Calabi-Yau's über del Pezzoflächen betrachtet. / We discuss aspects of N = 1 duality between the heterotic string compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold with a vector bundle and F-theory on a Calabi-Yau fourfold. After a description of string duality intended for the non-specialist the framework and the constraints for heterotic/F-theory compactifications are presented. The computations of the necessary Calabi-Yau manifold and vector bundle data, involving characteristic classes and bundle moduli, are given in detail. The eight- and six- dimensional dualities are reviewed. The matching of the spectrum of chiral multiplets and of the number of heterotic five-branes respectively F-theory three-branes, needed for anomaly cancellation in four-dimensional vacua, is pointed out. Several examples of four-dimensional dual pairs are constructed where on both sides the geometry of the involved manifolds relies on del Pezzo surfaces. Read more
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