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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hfs Plus File System Exposition And Forensics

Ware, Scott 01 January 2012 (has links)
The Macintosh Hierarchical File System Plus, HFS +, or as it is commonly referred to as the Mac Operating System, OS, Extended, was introduced in 1998 with Mac OS X 8.1. HFS+ is an update to HFS, Mac OS Standard format that offers more efficient use of disk space, implements international friendly file names, future support for named forks, and facilitates booting on non-Mac OS operating systems through different partition schemes. The HFS+ file system is efficient, yet, complex. It makes use of B-trees to implement key data structures for maintaining meta-data about folders, files, and data. The implementation of what happens within HFS+ at volume format, or when folders, files, and data are created, moved, or deleted is largely a mystery to those who are not programmers. The vast majority of information on this subject is relegated to documentation in books, papers, and online content that direct the reader to C code, libraries, and include files. If one can’t interpret the complex C or Perl code implementations the opportunity to understand the workflow within HFS+ is less than adequate to develop a basic understanding of the internals and how they work. The basic concepts learned from this research will facilitate a better understanding of the HFS+ file system and journal as changes resulting from the adding and deleting files or folders are applied in a controlled, easy to follow, process. The primary tool used to examine the file system changes is a proprietary command line interface, CLI, tool called fileXray. This tool is actually a custom implementation of the HFS+ file system that has the ability to examine file system, meta-data, and data level information that iv isn’t available in other tools. We will also use Apple’s command line interface tool, Terminal, the WinHex graphical user interface, GUI, editor, The Sleuth Kit command line tools and DiffFork 1.1.9 help to document and illustrate the file system changes. The processes used to document the pristine and changed versions of the file system, with each experiment, are very similar such that the output files are identical with the exception of the actual change. Keeping the processes the same enables baseline comparisons using a diff tool like DiffFork. Side by side and line by line comparisons of the allocation, extents overflow, catalog, and attributes files will help identify where the changes occurred. The target device in this experiment is a two-gigabyte Universal Serial Bus, USB, thumb drive formatted with Global Unit Identifier, GUID, and Partition Table. Where practical, HFS+ special files and data structures will be manually parsed; documented, and illustrated.

Arbete med livsstilsfrågor och livsstilsformulär vid ett hälsofrämjande sjukhus

Eriksson, Lina, Hansson, Rebecca January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka hur läkare och sjuksköterskor arbetar med livsstilsfrågor och livsstilsfor-muläret vid lasarettet i Enköping. Dessutom undersöka vad personalen har för åsikt omlivsstilsformuläret samt om de behöver mer kunskap om livsstilsfrågorna och motiverandesamtal. Metod: En enkät skickades ut till 79 sjuksköterskor och läkare, svarsfrekvens 52 %.Huvudresultat: Alla deltagare tyckte att det var mycket viktigt eller ganska viktigt att frågapatienter om livsstilsfrågor och de områden man frågade mest om var tobak och alkohol.Bland svaren framkom det att de flesta samtalade med en patient som hade ett riskbeteende.De områden deltagarna ville ha mest kunskap i var motiverande samtal och stress. Positivaåsikter som framkom om livsstilsformuläret var att personalen fick en bra överblick av patien-tens levnadsvanor och hade ett bra underlag att samtala om vid mötet med patienten. De nega-tiva aspekterna som framkom var formulärets utformning och svarsalternativ som ansågs varaför komplicerat. Slutsats: Det hälsofrämjande arbetet anses viktigt och det behövs kontin-uerlig utbildning till personalen för att kunna arbeta med dessa frågor med patienterna. Detbehövs även klarare riktlinjer i uppföljningen av patienter med riskbeteende. Livsstilsfor-muläret är ett bra verktyg men det behöver förbättras. / Aim: To study how physicians and nurses work with health promotion at the hospital inEnköping, Sweden. And investigate the staffs’ opinion about the lifestyle questionnaire and ifthey need more education in health promotion or motivational interviewing. Method: Aninquiry was sent to 79 nurses and doctors, with a response rate of 52 %. Primary results:Everyone thought it was important or very important to ask about lifestyle questions werealcohol and tobacco was the most frequently asked questions. Among the answers most ofthem had a conversation with patients who had a risk behavior. The subjects that the staffwanted more knowledge of was motivational interviewing and stress. The positive aspects ofthe questionnaire were that the employees got an overview of the patient ́s health and couldhave a conversation around it. The negative aspect of the questionnaire was the formattingand the complicated answers to choose from. Conclusion: The work with health promotion isimportant and the employees need a continuously updated education to work in a professionalway with the patients. There is also a need to have stricter routines to evaluate the patientswith a risk behavior. The questionnaire is a good tool to work with but it needs improvement.Keywords: Health promoting hospitals (HPH), employees, lifestyle questions, questionnaireof lifestyle.

Vliv selekce příznaků metodou HFS na shlukovou analýzu / Effect of HFS Based Feature Selection on Cluster Analysis

Malásek, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Master´s thesis is focused on cluster analysis. Clustering has its roots in many areas, including data mining, statistics, biology and machine learning. The aim of this thesis is to elaborate a recherche of cluster analysis methods, methods for determining number of clusters and a short survey of feature selection methods for unsupervised learning. The very important part of this thesis is software realization for comparing different cluster analysis methods focused on finding optimal number of clusters and sorting data points into correct classes. The program also consists of feature selection HFS method implementation. Experimental methods validation was processed in Matlab environment. The end of master´s thesis compares success of clustering methods using data with known output classes and assesses contribution of feature selection HFS method for unsupervised learning for quality of cluster analysis.

Justering av farmakokinetiska parametrar i Hollow Fiber Experiment

Rozbahany, Sima January 2022 (has links)
1.   Sammanfattning Introduktion: Det finns idag flera allvarliga infektioner som har utmanande farmakologisk behandling, där tuberkulos är en av dem. Patogenerna som orsakar tuberkulos är svåra att behandla på grund av deras resistensmekanism, vilket gör att antibiotika inte fungerar lika effektivt längre som de gjorde tidigare. Ett sätt att studera nya antibiotika är att använda hollow fiber modellen. Hollow fiber modellen är en metod som utnyttjar en kassett med semipermeabla filter som tillåter att antibiotikumet fluktuerar i systemet, vilket ska efterlikna människokroppens plasmakoncentration. Detta är ett mer anpassat system jämfört med konventionella in vitro studier som undersöker konstanta koncentrationer i plasma, för att hollow fiber modellen visar effekten vid fluktuerande koncentrationer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att hitta tillgänglig information om hollow fiber systemet, vilka studier som har gjorts och hur man kan modifiera systemets egenskaper, som pumphastigheter och antal flaskor, för att efterlikna farmakokinetiken i kroppen på ett optimalt sätt. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt som använt sig av Pubmed och Web of Science Core Collection för att samla in vetenskapliga artiklar. Ett urvalssystem har använts för att samla in artiklar som är relevanta till syftet och sökord som använts var ”hollow fiber”, ”HFS”, ”in vitro” och ”tuberculosis”. Inklusionskriterier var artiklar på engelska och maximalt fem år gamla och exklusionskriterier var studier som inte använde sig av hollow fiber systemet för att studera bakterier som patogener. Förutom insamling av data från vetenskapliga artiklar utfördes en intervju med två experimentalister inom området hollow fiber infektionsmodellen. Resultat och diskussion: Baserat på studierna används hollow fiber modellen för att undersöka 1) läkemedelskombinationer, 2) bakterieresistens och 3) hur PD beror på PK-parametrar. Parametrar som behövs vid studien är Cmax, Cmin, tmax, halveringstid, clearance och AUC (farmakokinetiska), som resulterar i TTP, CFU, MIC, EC50 och Emax (farmakodynamiska). Beroende på typ av läkemedel anpassas de olika farmakokinetiska modellerna till systemet och därför krävs ibland en kombination av pumpar och flödeshastigheter, speciellt om flera läkemedel ska testas eller ifall läkemedlet följer mer komplex farmakokinetisk distribution och elimination än one-compartment kinetik. Systemet kan även modifieras så att den kan efterlikna absorptionsfasen ifall läkemedlet ska konstrueras till en peroral administrering (tablett, kapsel, oral lösning).  Slutsats: Hollow fiber systemet har använts för att undersöka antibiotikas bakteriedödande effekt. Olika farmakokinetiska modeller kan anpassas till systemet för att efterlikna den avdödande effekten i kroppen, genom att ändra antal flaskor, pumpar och flödeshastigheterna i pumpinställningarna.

An Optogenetic Approach to Induce Seizure Suppression

Ladas, Thomas P. 21 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Aspectos clínicos, demográficos e neurocomportamentais em pacientes com espasmo hemifacial / Clinical, demographic and neurobehavioral aspects in patients with hemifacial spasm

Cardoso Júnior, João Alves 06 September 2018 (has links)
O espasmo hemifacial (EHF) é um distúrbio de movimento caracterizado por contrações tônico ou clônicas involuntárias, unilaterais, intermitentes e irregulares dos músculos inervados pelo nervo facial ipsilateral. Apesar de considerado como um transtorno benígno, promove influência significativa na qualidade de vida dos portadores através do comprometimento funcional físico e emocional que promove, englobando, desde o prejuízo na leitura e outras funções visuais, até o constrangimento social e distúrbios psiquiátricos associados, como depressão e ansiedade. Objetivo.: Descrever as características clínicas e demográficas, assim como a frequência de sintomas psiquiátricos de ansiedade generalizada, social e depressão, e a relação destes sintomas com a qualidade de vida nesta amostra de pacientes. Métodos.: 111 pacientes portadores de EHF primário foram avaliados. Foi aplicado questionário geral para coleta de dados demográficos e clínicos associados a evolução e tratamento do distúrbio de movimento com toxina botulínica. Os sintomas psiquiátricos foram avaliados através de escalas validadas para a população brasileira. A avaliação de qualidade de vida foi através de escala específica validada para avaliação funcional nos portadores de EHF. Resultados.: A idade média de início foi de 49±13,1 (intervalo: 12 -77) e tempo de evolução até o diagnóstico de 3±1,5 anos, com predomínio no sexo feminino (2,08:1). O lado esquerdo foi afetado em 61 (54,9%) pacientes e o músculo orbicular dos olhos foi o primeiro acometido na maioria dos casos (85,5%). Grande parte (n=87) referiu início insidioso e evolução gradual. Nervosismo, estresse e ansiedade são importantes contribuintes de piora do espasmo, relatado por mais de 82% (n=92) dos portadores de EHF, e momentos de relaxamento, tranquilidade, descanso e atividades de lazer foram responsáveis por aliviar o espasmo em 57 entrevistados. Mais de 90% (n=96) perceberam melhora importante do espasmo após aplicação de TXB, e 24,5% (n=26) relataram algum efeito adverso em última aplicação, sendo assimetria labial e ressecamento ocular os mais frequentes. Sobre os sintomas psiquiátricos, 41,7% (n=45) apresentavam pontuações que sugerem algum grau de depressão, até 56,4% (n=57) ansiedade generalizada e 34,2% (n=38) ansiedade ou fobia social. A leitura como domínio funcional físico e a vergonha, a tristeza e a preocupação com reação de outras pessoas foram os maiores prejuízos funcionais descritos nesses pacientes. Conclusão.: As características clínicas e demográficas nos pacientes com EHF se assemelham a outras evidências descritas na literatura, assim como uma maior frequência de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade generalizada e fobia social nesta população. Os sintomas psiquiátricos, mais do que a gravidade do espasmo, apresentaram uma maior correlação com a qualidade de vida nesta amostra de pacientes. / Hemifacial spasm (HFS) is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary, unilateral, intermittent, tonic or clonic contractions of muscles innervated by the ipsilateral facial nerve. Although considered as a benign disorder, it promotes a significant influence on the quality of life of the patients through the physical and emotional impairment it promotes, ranging from impairment in reading and other visual functions to social embarrassment, and associated psychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Objective.: To describe the clinical and demographic characteristics, as well as the frequency of psychiatric symptoms of generalized anxiety, social anxiety and depression, and the relation of these symptoms with quality of life in this sample of patients. Methods.: 111 patients with primary HFS were evaluated. A general questionnaire was used to collect demographic and clinical data associated with the evolution and treatment of the movement disorder with botulinum toxin (BTX). The psychiatric symptoms were evaluated through scales validated for the Brazilian population. The quality of life assessment was based on a specific validated scale for functional evaluation in patients with HFS. Results.: The mean age at onset was 49 ± 13.1 (range: 12-77) and time to diagnosis of 3 ± 1.5 years, with a predominance of females (2.08 :1). The left side was affected in 61 (54.9%) patients and the orbicularis oculi muscles were the first affected in the majority of cases (85.5%). A large part (n = 87) reported insidious onset and gradual evolution. Nervousness, stress, and anxiety are important contributors to worsening spasm, reported by more than 82% (n = 92) of HFS patients, and moments of relaxation, tranquility, rest, and leisure activities were responsible for relieving spasm in 57 interviewees. More than 90% (n = 96) reported significant improvement of spasm after BTX application, and 24.5% (n = 26) reported some adverse effects in the last application, with lip asymmetry and ocular dryness being the most frequent. On the psychiatric symptoms, 41,7% (n = 45) presented scores that suggest some degree of depression, up to 56.4% (n = 57) generalized anxiety and 34.2% (n = 38) anxiety or social phobia. Reading as a physical functional domain and shame, sadness and concern for other people\'s reactions were the major functional losses described in these patients

Aspectos clínicos, demográficos e neurocomportamentais em pacientes com espasmo hemifacial / Clinical, demographic and neurobehavioral aspects in patients with hemifacial spasm

João Alves Cardoso Júnior 06 September 2018 (has links)
O espasmo hemifacial (EHF) é um distúrbio de movimento caracterizado por contrações tônico ou clônicas involuntárias, unilaterais, intermitentes e irregulares dos músculos inervados pelo nervo facial ipsilateral. Apesar de considerado como um transtorno benígno, promove influência significativa na qualidade de vida dos portadores através do comprometimento funcional físico e emocional que promove, englobando, desde o prejuízo na leitura e outras funções visuais, até o constrangimento social e distúrbios psiquiátricos associados, como depressão e ansiedade. Objetivo.: Descrever as características clínicas e demográficas, assim como a frequência de sintomas psiquiátricos de ansiedade generalizada, social e depressão, e a relação destes sintomas com a qualidade de vida nesta amostra de pacientes. Métodos.: 111 pacientes portadores de EHF primário foram avaliados. Foi aplicado questionário geral para coleta de dados demográficos e clínicos associados a evolução e tratamento do distúrbio de movimento com toxina botulínica. Os sintomas psiquiátricos foram avaliados através de escalas validadas para a população brasileira. A avaliação de qualidade de vida foi através de escala específica validada para avaliação funcional nos portadores de EHF. Resultados.: A idade média de início foi de 49±13,1 (intervalo: 12 -77) e tempo de evolução até o diagnóstico de 3±1,5 anos, com predomínio no sexo feminino (2,08:1). O lado esquerdo foi afetado em 61 (54,9%) pacientes e o músculo orbicular dos olhos foi o primeiro acometido na maioria dos casos (85,5%). Grande parte (n=87) referiu início insidioso e evolução gradual. Nervosismo, estresse e ansiedade são importantes contribuintes de piora do espasmo, relatado por mais de 82% (n=92) dos portadores de EHF, e momentos de relaxamento, tranquilidade, descanso e atividades de lazer foram responsáveis por aliviar o espasmo em 57 entrevistados. Mais de 90% (n=96) perceberam melhora importante do espasmo após aplicação de TXB, e 24,5% (n=26) relataram algum efeito adverso em última aplicação, sendo assimetria labial e ressecamento ocular os mais frequentes. Sobre os sintomas psiquiátricos, 41,7% (n=45) apresentavam pontuações que sugerem algum grau de depressão, até 56,4% (n=57) ansiedade generalizada e 34,2% (n=38) ansiedade ou fobia social. A leitura como domínio funcional físico e a vergonha, a tristeza e a preocupação com reação de outras pessoas foram os maiores prejuízos funcionais descritos nesses pacientes. Conclusão.: As características clínicas e demográficas nos pacientes com EHF se assemelham a outras evidências descritas na literatura, assim como uma maior frequência de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade generalizada e fobia social nesta população. Os sintomas psiquiátricos, mais do que a gravidade do espasmo, apresentaram uma maior correlação com a qualidade de vida nesta amostra de pacientes. / Hemifacial spasm (HFS) is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary, unilateral, intermittent, tonic or clonic contractions of muscles innervated by the ipsilateral facial nerve. Although considered as a benign disorder, it promotes a significant influence on the quality of life of the patients through the physical and emotional impairment it promotes, ranging from impairment in reading and other visual functions to social embarrassment, and associated psychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Objective.: To describe the clinical and demographic characteristics, as well as the frequency of psychiatric symptoms of generalized anxiety, social anxiety and depression, and the relation of these symptoms with quality of life in this sample of patients. Methods.: 111 patients with primary HFS were evaluated. A general questionnaire was used to collect demographic and clinical data associated with the evolution and treatment of the movement disorder with botulinum toxin (BTX). The psychiatric symptoms were evaluated through scales validated for the Brazilian population. The quality of life assessment was based on a specific validated scale for functional evaluation in patients with HFS. Results.: The mean age at onset was 49 ± 13.1 (range: 12-77) and time to diagnosis of 3 ± 1.5 years, with a predominance of females (2.08 :1). The left side was affected in 61 (54.9%) patients and the orbicularis oculi muscles were the first affected in the majority of cases (85.5%). A large part (n = 87) reported insidious onset and gradual evolution. Nervousness, stress, and anxiety are important contributors to worsening spasm, reported by more than 82% (n = 92) of HFS patients, and moments of relaxation, tranquility, rest, and leisure activities were responsible for relieving spasm in 57 interviewees. More than 90% (n = 96) reported significant improvement of spasm after BTX application, and 24.5% (n = 26) reported some adverse effects in the last application, with lip asymmetry and ocular dryness being the most frequent. On the psychiatric symptoms, 41,7% (n = 45) presented scores that suggest some degree of depression, up to 56.4% (n = 57) generalized anxiety and 34.2% (n = 38) anxiety or social phobia. Reading as a physical functional domain and shame, sadness and concern for other people\'s reactions were the major functional losses described in these patients

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